Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-27-20-Part 1

Table of Contents: This is a very powerful prayer against Witchcraft…with fasting even more powerful… GOP convention in Florida may have been cancelled because of threat of an INDOOR drone weapon deployment with fentanyl payload from China PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS FROM Hong Kong FROM AN EYEYWITNESS OF WHATS TAKING PLACE THERE AND WHATS HAPPENING ON THE…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-27-20-Part 2

Table of Contents: The Coming Covid-19 Vaccine–“Everyone Should Know This Before It’s Too Late” COVID-19 Has Been Weaponized To Demoralize And Destroy The Global Population As The Elites Are Now Bringing In The New World Order Chicago to churches: Comply with coronavirus mandates or have your facilities bulldozed In Governor Newsom’s California Even In-Home Church…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-27-20-Part 3

Table of Contents: President of Burundi Found Dead After He Called Covid-19 a Hoax and Expelled the WHO China: Two 14-Year Old Boys Died While Wearing Masks in Gym Class More Resources Proving the Masks are Detrimental To Our Health Non-Mask Wearers Are The New Enemy of The Scamdemic Proponents and Have to Be Demonized–Listener…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-27-20-Part 4

Table of Contents: DEMOCRAT SATANIST & GOVERNOR OF MICHIGAN USES EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM TO DICTATE MASK WEARING ‘Business must refuse entry or service to those who do not wear a face covering’ China Now Forcing All Citizens To Activate Health Code On Smart Phones For Restaurant And Store Access, Only A Green Code Will Let…

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Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-25-20

II Timothy 1:7:  “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” Psalm 18:2:  “The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-20-20-Part 1

Table of Contents: PRAYER TO NEUTRALIZE OCCULT RITUALS Listener Comment: Update to Spiritual Warfare Prayers FAA Issues Notice To Airmen Declaring Portland, OR as “BATTLE GROUND Feds Use Unmarked Vans to “Kidnap” Protesters Off Portland Streets St. Louis couple who defended their home had rifle seized, may face indictment – Tucker Carlson NEW YORK CITY…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-20-20-Part 2

Table of Contents: Glean FYI–New Source Confirms In Coming Asteroids More News on Jupiter and the Asteroid Belt July 25th: THE NEXT BLM/NFAC RIOT/FORMATION IN LOUISVILLE, KY!! PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 7-20-20 Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-20-20-Part 3

Table of Contents: The Coming Covid-19 Vaccine Will Change Your DNA Permanently And You Will Be Classified as a Genetically Modified Organism–Warning From Dr Carrie Madej Citizens Will Not Able to Sue for Injury or Death from COVID-19 Vaccines and Other Pandemic Countermeasures Bill Gates And His GAVI Vaccine Alliance Launching AI-Powered ‘Trust Stamp’ Combining A…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-20-20-Part 4

Table of Contents: Trumps Backs Gates Vaccine and More Stunning! Texas Coronavirus Numbers Show COVID-19 Less Lethal than Last Two Flu Seasons UN Calls for Permanent Global Covid-19 Lockdown!! Arizona Authorized Mandatory Vaccination…Has Your State? Nazi USA!!!! Hardin County Kentucky couple on house arrest after not signing positive COVID-19 self-isolation order—In Chilling Sign Of What’s…

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Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-18-20

Col 3:1-4: If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life,…

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Table of Contents: Florida Department of Health saboteurs are RIGGING coronavirus test results, wildly inflating infection numbers to hobble reopening efforts Scamdemic!!!: 333 Florida Testing Labs Showing 100% Covid-19 Positive Tests with No Negative Tests!!!!!! EXTREME WARNING REGARDING COVID-19 TESTING – There is No VALID Medical Treatment and your name + Address Goes into the…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-13-20-Part 1

Table of Contents: 2020 STRATEGIC WARFARE PRAYER! Listener Comment: Result of Spiritual Warfare Prayers Current Event Headlines ‘Black Militia’ Threaten Death to White People in Cars and Demand Reparations/Money Shot Twice in the Head and KILLED for Saying “All Lives Matter” They’re Burning Down Churches, California, Florida, Alabama ….. Three in Just 24 Hours Black…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-13-20-Part 2

Table of Contents: Texas Health Department Trying to Mandate Mask Wearing Inside of the Home The Truth Behind The Mask The Face Masks are the Mark of the Beast in Larval Form World Health Organization (WHO) says there is virtually no spread by asymptomatic Covid-19 carriers–Vaccines and Masks Pointless US Surgeon General Doubles Down: Face…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-13-20-Part 3

Table of Contents: Vaccine Bait & Switch–Either Way, Bill Gates Wins–As Millions Pulled From WHO, Trump Gives Billions To Gates-Founded GAVI Donald Trump Partners Satan/The Gates-Funded Global Vaccine Alliance STUNNING: Fauci’s Remdesivir Costs $9 Per Dose, Will Be Sold at $3,000 per Treatment — China Company Linked to Soros Will Also Mass Produce the Drug…

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Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-11-20

Isa 59:14 & 15: And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment. Utah Governor…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-6-20-Part 1

Table of Contents: Updated Current Event Prayer Points The Disunited States: Heavily armed Black Panthers target Confederate monument as American flags are burned near Trump Tower and in Washington as Fourth of July protests sweep the country Hundreds of Black Americans Take Up Arms at Stone Mountain Georgia – July 4, 2020 The simple message:…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-6-20-Part 2

Table of Contents: Are the Chinese Beta Testing Localized EMP Weapons to Bring Down Several American War Planes In Advance for a Red Dawn Invasion? SQ; MY SOURCES INDICATE CHINA DOES NOT CURRENTLY POSSESS THE EMF WEAPONS THAT RUSSIA HAS! A Genocidal Chinese Invasion Will Soon Follow the Emerging Civil War II Chinese Troop Buildup,…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-6-20-Part 3

Table of Contents: Updated Comments From Others Regarding the Stone Mountain Situation Ex 32° Freemason Jeremy – Biggest Bombshell Ever on What the Elitist Global Agenda In Play Now, Is! PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 7-6-20 Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-6-20-Part 4

Table of Contents: Ghislaine Maxwell Arrested–Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged madam is reportedly set to cooperate with the FBI after her arrest Ghislaine Maxwell: No Mugshot and Her Name is Not on the Inmate Search Website Breaking: States Ordered To Fraudulently Inflate COVID-19 Cases 15 Times Actual Rate!!!!! This is How They are Justifying This Total Fraud…

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Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-1-20

Isa 59:14 & 15: And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter. Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment. ++ This…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-29-20-Part 1

Table of Contents: Bible Verses Proverbs 2:6-15 Scott Johnson’s Report on His Trip to the ‘Luciferian March For a One World Government’ in Raleigh, NC Jerusalem: Luciferians/Satanists get Cold Feet, Cancel Own ‘New World Order’ Event during Solar Eclipse SATANIC MARCHES FIZZLE IN THE WAKE OF PRAYER This is a very powerful prayer against Witchcraft…with…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-29-20-Part 2

Table of Contents: FEMA Activates Clergy Response Teams!! Urgent! Seattle Chaos Update! Over 4000 Calls Police Cannot Respond to in Seattle! Hundreds of Child Sodomy Calls and Male/Female Rapes By Black Lives Matter Drag Queen Enforcers Also Demanding Reparations Bible Verses On the Days of Lot, Sodomites and For These Drag Queen Devils About Face?…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-29-20-Part 3

Table of Contents: EXCLUSIVE: Contact tracing whistleblower warns of door-to-door forced vaccinations and FEMA kidnapping campaigns The unthinkable has happened: DCFS removes child from home because the parent had covid-19 Virginia Government Sets Up Nazi Snitch Line and Urges Residents to Anonymously Report Churches for Congregating Infant vaccination rates plummeted during the lock down, so…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-29-20-Part 4

Table of Contents: The Lying Covid-19 Death and Infection Numbers–The Purge Is Coming and So is the “GREAT RESET” An Attorney Asserts The Covid-19 Mask Wearing is Very Dangerous–Are Mandatory Masks Legal & “OSHA”-Approved? Do Masks Even Work? Can You Be Forced To Wear One? Dr. Kaufman Weighs In Video – Amazing Christian Woman Blasts…

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Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-27-20

Proverbs 2:6-15: For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding. He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous: he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly. He keepeth the paths of judgment, and preserveth the way of his saints. Then shalt thou understand righteousness, and judgment, and equity; yea,…

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Newsletter: Emergency Health Alerts: 6-25-20

Wearing A Covid-19 Mask Is Dangerous! Air Quality Device Proves Masks Unsafe For Work Watch This Video! Watch: Another Air Quality Device Proves Masks Unsafe For Work Oxygen deprivation levels from mask-wearing violates OSHA standards Printable Face Mask Exemptions – Examining The Reality We’ve Been Sold ++ And for an extremely through/legally binding mask exemption…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-15-20-Part 1

Table of Contents: Coordinated Luciferian Marches For One World Government across nation on June 21st Summer solstice high satanic unholy day PRAYER TO NEUTRALIZE OCCULT RITUALS Stunning Revelations About the True Nature of the Organizations That Are Destroying America Tulsa Police Major Says Cops Across Country On Verge Of Quitting’ SQ: UN POLICE FORCE WAITING…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-15-20-Part 2

Table of Contents: Bible Verses About Corrupt Governments COLLAPSE of Democrat-run cities now imminent as TRUCKERS say they will refuse delivering to cities with de-funded police–Truckers Halting Service to Seattle and any other city which defunds police Developing–“Bikers for Trump” To Take Out ANTIFA Commie “Autonomous Zone” Letter from Las Vegas: ANTIFA Coming to the…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-15-20-Part 3

Table of Contents: Health Corner—My ongoing Invive Colloidal Silver Special and Current Immune System Inventory & Gummy Line Updated–Covid-19 Fact Sheet Depopulation globalist Melinda Gates already pushing experimental COVID-19 vaccines on “people of color” as the target group to vaccinate first – Full Disclosure From INSIDE| HR 6666 IS COMING! The WHO just obliterated every…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-8-20-Part 1

Table of Contents: The Trademarks of Witchcraft – Derek Prince How To Pass From Curse to Blessing by Derek Prince Deliverance Prayer-Win Worley Email From A Satanist 2020 STRATEGIC WARFARE PRAYER!!!! PRAYER TO NEUTRALIZE OCCULT RITUALS This is a very powerful prayer against Witchcraft…with fasting even more powerful… Listener Comment Forced Android Covid-19 Tracking Phone…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-8-20-Part 2


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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-8-20-Part 3

Table of Contents: New York Politician Livestreams Call For Rioters to Loot in Communities That Aren’t Their Own Antifa terrorists to be bused to Sparta, Illinois with orders to burn farm houses and kill livestock in rural “white” areas Undercover video shows Antifa teaching how to ‘eye gouge’-‘The whole goal of this, right, it to…

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Newsletter: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-6-20

Psa 33:16-22: There is no king saved by the multitude of an host: a mighty man is not delivered by much strength. An horse is a vain thing for safety: neither shall he deliver any by his great strength. Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope…

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Emergency Health Alerts & Current Events-6-1-20-Part 1

Table of Contents: STAGED RACE WAR! Globalists Inflaming Racial Tensions After Heinous COVID-19 Crimes Exposed Black Crime Facts That The White Liberal Media Daren’t Talk About IT BEGINS: Domestic Terror Groups ANTIFA And Black Lives Matter Have Begun A 20-City Campaign Of Arson, Looting And Bombing Of Businesses The Soros Army Burns Down America FALSE…

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Emergency Health Alerts & Current Events-6-1-20-Part 2

Table of Contents: Vaccines Are Bioweapons That In Many Cases Are Cultured/Made Off Aborted Babies!! Italy Blows the Lid Off Vaccine Scam–Will No Longer Poison Citizens with Globalist Eugenics FLU SHOT BOMBSHELL–New CDC data reveals the COVID death rate at a fraction of what previous models predicted and that by just getting the Flu Shot…

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Emergency Health Alerts & Current Events-6-1-20-Part 3

Table of Contents: Coronavirus Bracelets Flooding the Marketplace Are Ready to Snitch on Workers HT Announcement–BEFORE YOU INSTALL ANY “CONTACT TRACING” OR “COVID-19” APP – PLEASE DELETE ME FROM YOUR PHONE Coronavirus Satanic digital health passport to be supplied to 15 countries including the USA!!! The New Normal–Nazi USA–Maui Police Asked For Public’s Help To…

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Emergency Health Alerts & Current Events-6-1-20-Part 4

Table of Contents: Cash for Murder: Michigan Governor Purposefully Planted Covid-19 in Nursing Homes Quick Kills–Four Governors Under Criminal Investigation for Covid-19 Nursing Home Deaths Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Vows To Bring ‘Criminal’ Anthony Fauci To Justice Shock Video Of Bill Gates Laughing While Saying ‘We Take GMO Organisms & Shoot Them Right Into Little Kids…

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Newsletter: Health/Christian Updates & Red Alerts: 5-31-20

STAGED RACE WAR! Globalists Inflaming Racial Tensions After Heinous COVID-19 Crimes Exposed How the “Conspiracy Theory” meme is being used to cover up OPERATION COVID-19 and advance COVID-1984 Hundreds Of Doctors Call On President Trump to End “Mass Casualty Incident” Lockdowns Nationwide BIG PHARMA steered public money away from pandemic research and into PROFIT-MAKING projects…

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Emergency Health Alerts & Current Events-5-25-20-Part 1

Table of Contents: The COVID-19 Destruction of America Is the Not the End Game & Hosea 4 Listen to: Imprecatory Prayer – Psalm 64 – Gods Judgment on Wickedness – A Christians ‘Door of Hope’ By Dr. Scott Johnson Biblical Keys to Deliverance & Protection-Part 1 & 2–Dr. Scott Johnson | Mandatory vaccines are MEDICAL…

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Emergency Health Alerts & Current Events-5-25-20-Part 2

Table of Contents: Rapist Alan Dershowitz (Who Has Been Both Donald Trumps and Jeffrey Epstein’s Lawyer) & How Teen Runaway Virginia Roberts Became One of Jeffrey Epstein’s Victims Via Trumps Marlago Estate Trump impeachment attorney Alan Dershowitz describes legal strategy New Tape Shows Donald Trump And Jeffrey Epstein At Mar-A-Lago Party In 1992 | TODAY…

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Emergency Health Alerts & Current Events-5-25-20-Part 3

Table of Contents: Facebook blacklists free speech video platform Brighteon.com to silence humanitarian voices of pioneering women like Judy Mikovits – TAKE ACTION BANNED A PANEL OF OVER 160 MEDICAL DOCTORS STREAMED LIVE ON DIGITAL FREEDOM PLATFORM REGARDING COVID-19 Gates Backed Covid-19 Vaccine Reprograms Cells with Synthetic Nanotech Viruses Mega Study: The Satanic Lie of…

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Emergency Health Alerts & Current Events-5-18-20-Part 1

Table of Contents:  TRUMP VOWS MILITARY WILL DISTRIBUTE ‘VACCINE’… Trump to name vaccine czar; a former executive of a Big Pharma drug giant that admitted to FELONY crimes under $3 billion settlement with DOJ After backlash from vaccine skeptics, Trump appears to be distancing himself from vaccines as the “cure-all” for dealing with the coronavirus…

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Emergency Health Alerts & Current Events-5-18-20-Part 2

Table of Contents:  New World Order Acolyte Melinda Gates Appears On TODAY Show Pushing Hard For A Global Vaccine While Wearing An Upside-Down Cross Scott Johnson’s Teaching: The ‘Cross of Christ’ vs. the ‘Accursed Tree’ My Email To Glenn Canady of Before Its News Missing Twilight Zone Discovered – Episode 666 The Truth About The…

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Emergency Health Alerts & Current Events-5-11-20-Part 1

Table of Contents: We are in the fight for our lives–“We” as in the human race HR6666 The Bill Of The Beast–‘Time’s Up! It’s Going To Get Ugly!’ – You Really Cannot Make This Stuff Up: House Proposes HR 6666!!!! And It’s Tyranny Being Unveiled Before America’s Sleeping Eyes HR 6666 for Covid-19 TRACE Act–More…

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Emergency Health Alerts & Current Events-5-11-20-Part 2

Table of Contents: “Your Every Move Will Be Watched”: Post-COVID Offices To Resemble China’s Social Credit System Bottom of Form NETANYAHU SUGGESTS MICROCHIPPING CHILDREN ((To Maintain proper social distancing when schools open)) Medical Researcher on “Verge of Making Very Significant” Coronavirus Breakthrough Shot to Death Plandemic Documentary: The Hidden Agenda Behind Covid-19 Important Information in…

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Emergency Health Alerts & Current Events-5-11-20-Part 3

Table of Contents: +1.4 Million People to Die From Untreated TB Due to Coronavirus Lockdown Current Event Headlines Covid-19: Bill Gates and the UK Vaccine Network Scandal Canada bans ‘assault’ style rifles effective immediately The UN Secretary General Declares the Goal of COVID-19 Is the Deindustrialization of the West and the Introduction of Green Energy…

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Emergency Health Alerts & Current Events-5-4-20-Part 1

Table of Contents: Fighting Tyranny and Preserving Freedom Quotes [IMPORTANT] Great News!! US Surgeon General Announcement About Dumping The Bill Gates, Fauci & WHO Covid-19 Contagion Model!!! “Why Is The Media Not Talking About This?” Dr. Rashid Buttar [URGENT] “Within The NEXT Few Weeks” Dr. Rashid Buttar California Medical Doctors Delivers Chilling (Yet Brilliantly Logical)…

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Emergency Health Alerts & Current Events-5-4-20-Part 2

Table of Contents: Rockefeller Foundation Admits Covid-19 Global Depopulation Weapon NYC ER Doctor: It’s Time to Reopen America VIDEO: Hawaii Becomes China & Bans Protesting Dave Hodges: If Americans Are to Survive, They Must Be Willing to Adopt “Rules for Radicals” Strategies Survey Shows Most Americans Can’t Or Won’t Use Contact-Tracing Phone Apps Beware of…

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Emergency Health Alerts & Current Events-5-4-20-Part 3

Table of Contents: The Gates Foundation Is Behind The Completely WRONG Covid-19 “Death Toll” Numbers Which is the Main Reason We are Still in This Lockdown Bill Gates paralyzed half a million children with polio vaccines – do we really want him vaccinating the world for coronavirus? Did a Military Experimental Vaccine in 1918 Kill…

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