End Time Current Events-3-25-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: Pediatricians now covertly interrogating children to find out if their parents own guns Big Tech Bows Down To Worship Pedophiles As Gods Big Tech Pushes Internet ID In Wake Of New Zealand Massacre New Zealand Shooting Being Used to Not only Totally Censor the Internet but Also to Justify Total Gun Control…

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End Time Current Events-3-25-19-Part 3

Table of Contents: This Pile of “Bodies” Proves the Mosque Shooting Was a Staged False Flag Deception  What are they trying to hide? Out of all the violent videos on the ‘net, possessing the NZ mosque shooting video can now get you 10 years in prison What They Dont Want You to See in The…

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End Time Current Events-3-11-19-Part 1

Table of Contents: URGENT! Senate Meeting on 3/5/19 Discussing the Implementation of Mandatory Vaccinations for All Americans Facebook bans all content on vaccine awareness, including facts about vaccine ingredients, vaccine injury and vaccine industry collusion 6-in-1 vaccine KILLS 36 infants, reveals “confidential” document – do we need more proof that vaccines are harmful? Kids got…

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End Time Current Events-3-11-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: A Listeners Recent Trip to the CDC to Fight Vaccinations Lies Facebook declares no HUMAN opinions allowed on controversial topics VIDEO: Lou Dobbs—The Trump White House loses its way–Trump’s ‘Disastrous Policy Turn’ on Importing Foreign Workers is ‘Heartbreaking’ DHS Secretary: ONE MILLION Illegal Immigrants Expected At Border This Year Illegal Immigration Under…

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End Time Current Events-3-4-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: FDA planning (with law enforcement help) to force every child in America to be vaccinated against their will Vaccine Industry to partner with police, come after home school students in Iowa for mandated quarterly “health and wellness” checks A serious question: When will the first “vaccine enforcers” be shot by parents defending…

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End Time Current Events-3-4-19-Part 3

Table of Contents: Amazon bans “anti-vaccine” movies from Prime; remote book burning of Kindle books coming next Canadian Supreme Court Rules Children To Be Taken From Their Parents & Sterilized Under Satanic Transgender Agenda The Fight is Coming: Civil War & Corrupt Churches PDF: End Time Current Events 3-4-19 Click Here To Play The Part…

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End Time Current Events-2-25-19-Part 1

Table of Contents: 3 Things That Trump Just Did That Are Should Absolutely Enrage His Supporters Trump Lies To Nation While Concealing Budget Bill That Encourages Child Trafficking 11 broken promises by Trump PDF: End Time Current Events 2-25-19 Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

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End Time Current Events-2-25-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: Trump States: “I Want 5G, Or Even 6G, Tech In The US As Soon As Possible” Breaking Developments: Trump Is Destroying the United States Trump cuts Deal with Swamp Deep State Devils Has the New World Order Been Implementation Been Transitioned to the Trump Administration? The 7 major takeaways of this rapidly…

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Health Corner 2-11-19

Table of Contents: Cardiovascular Issues, High Blood Pressure, A-Fib, Chelation, Bone Fracture Info, Immune System & Sore Throat Tips and Supplement Recommendations ++There is no PDF for this teaching but your can email Dr. Johnson at the contact tab at: https://www.contendingfortruth.com Health Corner Audio: 2-11-19

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End Time Current Events-2-4-19-Part 1

Table of Contents: Abortion: The 21st Century Holocaust “Murder after Birth’ Bill in Virginia- This Nurse WILL NOT COMPLY!! American Abortion Scandal!! Dead Babies Will Fund The Democrats In The Next US Election!! Desperate Hillary Clinton Made Urgent Plea For More Dead Babies In New York State-Helped to Pass the NY Late Term Baby Murder Legislation!…

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End Time Current Events-2-4-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: The Biblical Keys To Answered Prayer God’s Judgment on The Wicked & Those That Turn Their Back on Him & His Protection Over His Remnant — Ezekiel 8 & 9 Bible Study Born Alive Abortions: Days After Gov. Cuomo Signs Extreme Baby Killing Bill, Democrats in Virginia and Rhode Island Want to…

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End Time Current Events-2-4-19-Part 3

Table of Contents: Day of Mourning for Abortion Abortion doctor testimony “Warring Angels” May Bring God’s Judgment Like in Ezekiel 9 — “Dire Warning For New York City…” ABORTION TRACT Listener Comment: Experience with a 3-Day Sackcloth and Ashes Water Fast and Questions about It PDF: End Time Current Events 2-4-19 Click Here To Play…

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End Time Current Events-2-4-19-Part 4

Table of Contents: Unreported: 1,500 pedophile arrests made nationally since Trump took office Pedophile Arrests Soar Under Trump: Media Silent President Trump signs anti-human trafficking bill into law ‘Pizzagate’ Far From Being a Washout, Podesta Panics! ANDREW BREITBART: The Man Who Knew Too Much Russ Dizdar – Pennsylvania Has a Secret & It WILL Be…

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End Time Current Events-1-28-19-Part 1

Table of Contents: The signing of the new abortion law!!! OUTRAGE: Gov. Cuomo celebrates abortion-til-birth by lighting One World Trade Center pink The Trump Train Appears To Be Dead on Arrival PRESIDENT PELOSI? House Speaker holds public bill signings — to compete with Trump? Pelosi is holding public bill signings in front of news cameras,…

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End Time Current Events-1-28-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: DHS Employee Lived Through Hell of 5G! Horrifying Testimony 5G Is the New Tobacco on the Worldwide Slave Plantation 20,000 Satellites for 5G to be Launched Sending Focused Beams of Intense Microwave Radiation Over Entire Earth PDF: End Time Current Events 1-28-19 Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

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End Time Current Events-1-21-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: Mueller & the Satanic Deep State Have Made Reporting the News a Crime US Senate Criminalizing 1st Amendment Senate Intelligence Committee Subpoenas Alex Jones/Infowars Emails Media set to spin wild conspiracies about “Russian collusion” Alert to all Americans: Prepare for emergency action in the 3D world… the orchestrated assault on your mind,…

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End Time Current Events-1-21-19-Part 3

Table of Contents: Urgent video that exposes the WHO’s global agenda to criminalize and silence all “non-official” speech about vaccines Vaccine Cannilbalism: You Would Never Drink A Stranger’s Blood to “Boost” Your Immune System, So Why Let Doctors Inject It Into Your Muscle Tissue? Video disclosing the horrific practice of pre-born babies being harvested for…

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End Time Current Events-1-21-19-Part 4

Table of Contents: Illegal migrants bringing a wave of infectious DISEASE into the United States while Democrats cheer and demand mass vaccinations of Americans We Were Warned! Hospital(s) Turning Down Visitors-Pestilence Spreading in USA-TB, Measles Dr. Johnson’s Immune System Flu & Cold Protocol Border Crisis Being Readied to Morph into UN-Controlled Medical Martial Law New…

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End Time Current Events-1-14-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: Pervert Press Promotes The Sexualization Of Your Children Tech Giants Caught Using MK Ultra To Corrupt And Control Children Child Drag Queen Featured With Naked Man In Magazine Pedophilia – Music Artist Exposing It – 28 Years OId — Awesome Future — Supposedly Kills Himself Confirmation From a Long Time Listener About…

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End Time Current Events-1-14-19-Part 3

Table of Contents: 100% Proof of Tunnels ORAL ROBERTS UNIVERSITY Satanic Pedovore Baby Sacrificing Oral Roberts – Billy Graham – Kenneth Copeland Here Comes the Internet Kill Switch China and Twitter and the Total Loss of Freedom Ginsberg (RBG) Fake Funeral Soon, Deep State [Panic] Updates & Questions on the Anointing Oil PDF: End Time…

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End Time Current Events-1-1-19-Part 1

Table of Contents: Paradise CA Directed Energy Weapons Attack ~ The Laughing Mayor of Chico Paradise Fire ‘Conspiring to Kill Indiscriminately’: Paradise Lost 22 – DEW Docs & Full GRAPHIC CONTENT A-Must-Video… Things are very strange! Emergency Alerts! NY Electrical Ark! Internet Outages! PDF: End Time Current Events 1-1-19 Click Here To Play The Part…

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End Time Current Events-1-1-19-Part 2

Table of Contents: Blue Beams Caught On Film: Take out Power Lines in NYC Possible Mile Wide UFO Blew All Transformers in Kenner, Louisiana! Did Kenner, LA Get Hit With An DEW (Directed Energy Weapon)? The Relationship Between Directed Energy Weapons and Your Smart Meter-Virginia Farver MSM Admits Taxpayer-Funded 5G Is Killing Us On Purpose–Cell…

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End Time Current Events-12-12-18-Part 1

Table of Contents: Churches Going Contemplative–‘Christianity For the Rest of Us’ views toward the Cross and the atonement have become outright hostile to those who adhere to the: ‘Blood of the Lamb and who cling to the old rugged Cross’!! “Together 2018” – “A New Jesus Movement” for a Mystical All-Inclusive “Christianity” Kenneth Copeland Carries…

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End Time Current Events-12-12-18-Part 2

Table of Contents: ‘Anger, Vitriol and Venom’ From the Parliament of the World’s Religions Towards Christianity–How interesting that the motto for the 2018 Parliament was ‘The Promise of Inclusion, the Power of Love.’ But that ‘love’ only extends to those who agree with them Listener Comment on the Falling Away of the Church and how…

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End Time Current Events-12-2-18-Part 1

Table of Contents: Former US President & Ultra High Level Luciferian George H.W. Bush Dead at 94– The First High Level Politician to Utter Openly the Phrases: “A New World Order” & “A Thousand Points of Light” Down the Rabbit Hole: A Thousand Points of Light Chateaux Des Armouis: “Mothers of Darkness Castle” A Thousand…

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End Time Current Events-12-2-18-Part 3

Table of Contents: If No Military Tribunals…America Spins-Out-of-Control Deep State Panic–Arrests & Military Tribunals Military Tribunals Coming How You Can Help HILLARY MAY BE ARRESTED Soon–Collapse of the Clinton Foundation ensues Urgent Call to Prayer & Fasting Regarding Taking Down the Satanic Pedovores/Pedophiles & Military Tribunals PDF: End Time Current Events 12-2-18 Click Here To…

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End Time Current Events-11-18-18-Part 1

Table of Contents: The Events Of 2018 Prove The Word ‘Normal’ Is Gone Forever CA DEW Fires Updates–“Everybody Here Is Dead”! Cars With Skeletons Burned in California DEW Attack! Most Harrowing Video Since 911! Man Claims 1000’s of ‘Red Star’ Tanks Staged In Mexico, Russia to Build Many Military Factories Are Mexico and Russia Starting a…

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End Time Current Events-11-18-18-Part 2

Table of Contents: “The human-animal hybrid army of Satan will be released with the fallen angels–Most will be stunned at what they are seeing, yet those who know Me will prevail.” Mayday! Mayday! A Profound Warning for All! They Love Darkness More Than Light SAFE HAVEN MESSAGE // FULFILLED: CA. FIRES & ATTACK ON ISRAEL…

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End Time Current Events-11-11-18-Part 1

Table of Contents: What Are They Hiding In Florida? Journalists Threatened With Arrest, Fake Ballots & Court Rules Election Supervisor Violated Florida Constitution – Florida Democrats Trying To Steal The Elections? Broward County Employee Affidavit Admits Elections Staff Filling-Out Blank Ballots! FIRED FROM JOB NEW MANUFACTURED DEMOCRATIC VOTES: Broward +83,000 Palm Beach +15,000 ELECTION FRAUD…

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End Time Current Events-11-11-18-Part 2

Table of Contents: Plan to Burn up Northern California Disclosed, Fire Season In California Is Now “All Year Long”!! WOW!! Watch CNN Accidentally Air the TRUTH About the #BORDERLINE “Event” While Lying Bizarre Coincidence Or Traitorous Manipulation And ‘In Your Face’ Buffoonery? 50 To 60 Las Vegas Shooting Survivors Were Also At Mass Shooting At…

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End Time Current Events-11-9-18-Part 2

Table of Contents: MSNBC’s Racheal Maddow Organizing Street Marches… House Elections Stolen by Democrats! Revenge of the RINOs Engineered by Deep State Multiple Nefarious ‘Ops’ During The Midterm Election, a Project Veritas Shocker & What Democrats Plan Next THE GATES OF HELL HAVE OPENED–WARNING ON ‘THE DEMONIC CONTROL OF AMERICAN POLITICS’- Former Marine Says Muslims…

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End Time Current Events-10-25-18-Part 1

Table of Contents: Fake Pipe bombs sent to CNN Soros, the Clintons, Barack Obama and others – total staged attack as we predicted How The False Flag Distracted Americans From The Migrant Caravan OCTOBER SURPRISE Declaration of War by Mexico & Guatemala–Trump May Enact “War Powers Act” White House: Art. 4, Sec. 4 Authority to…

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End Time Current Events-10-25-18-Part 2

Table of Contents: Bible Verses Regarding Corrupt Governments The Pre-Positioning of Assets In Advance of Invasion Mob Caravan Exposed AMERICAN TRUCKING COMPANY CAUGHT ON VIDEO CARRYING “MIGRANTS” FOR BORDER INVASION! List of Current Event Prayer Points PDF: End Time Current Events 10-25-18 Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

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End Time Current Events-10-21-18-Part 1

Table of Contents:  Bible Verses The ‘Halloween’ Movie Conjures Up 2nd Best October Debut With $77M Halloween, Human Sacrifice, Stonehenge and the Wicker Man UN Sponsored Illegal Alien Invasion Force Advances Toward US PDF: End Time Current Events 10-21-18 Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

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End Time Current Events-10-14-18-Part 1

Table of Contents: Weather Warfare Obliterates Republican Voter Block FL Panhandle Prior to Midterms! Call To Action! SPECIAL ALERT: Florida Hurricane Relief Effort Call to Action: Need Armed Security Volunteers for Small Town in Florida Panhandle Call Up for HAM Operators for Emergency Comms in Panama City, FL Area PDF: End Time Current Events 10-14-18…

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End Time Current Events-10-14-18-Part 3

Table of Contents: Massive social media PURGE silences pro-America voices right before mid-term elections Hexes and Vexes: Armor Up! October CALL for ACTION Halloween, Human Sacrifice, Stonehenge and the Wicker Man–By Dr. Scott Johnson TRUMP ADMINISTRATION SAYS IT’S ALL IN ON 5G. WANTS IT DEPLOYED AS FAST AS POSSIBLE Flu Shot Designed To Spread Cancer…

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End Time Current Events-9-30-18-Part 1

Table of Contents: FCC’s Unconstitutional Power Grab: 5G Microwave Radiation To Blanket the United States White House schedules 5G meeting for Friday, but details remain vague PDF: End Time Current Events 9-30-18 Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

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