End Time Current Events–5-29-17 – Part 3

Table of Contents: Horror Ramadan Kill-a-thon: Islamic State Murders 19 Civilians in the Philippines as 2,000 People Are Trapped by Muslim Terror Group  “The 70 % of Moderate Muslims, Breed, Raise, Shelter and Support the other 30% of Radical Muslims.”  Former Muslim Sends Dire Warning To Entire World: ‘Islamist’s Only Seek Sharia-Compliant World And Whoever…

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End Time Current Events–5-29-17 – Part 4

Table of Contents: Critics of Islam Censored As World Braces For More Terror–While Katy Perry and Ariana Grande are Silent About the Evil of Islam Routine arrest of arguing Muslims leads Minneapolis police to huge weapons cache and bomb-making devices Mosque Takes Over Pentecostal Church in North Carolina as Pastor Prays to Allah in Opening…

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End Time Current Events-5-14-17-Part 2

Table of Contents: EXCLUSIVE – Congressional Expert: North Korea Prepping EMP Catastrophe Aimed At U.S. Homefront Millions Already Chipped!! RFID 666 Implant Done Without Obamacare!! PDF: End Time Current Events 5-14-17 Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

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End Time Current Events-5-14-17-Part 3

Table of Contents: Want A Job In The Future? Get Ready To Become A Microchipped Cyborg– Companies Begin Implanting Employees With RFID–Tech experts claim that within the next decade, at least half of Americans will be microchipped Children’s Health Adopts Ingestible Microchip Technology ‘Smart pills’ you swallow with chips, cameras and robotic properties, raise legal,…

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End Time Current Events-5-14-17-Part 4

Table of Contents: Epidemic Of TV Sickness Spreads, Billions Brain Damaged Bioethicists Want To Purge Christian Doctors Three-parent babies could risk the future of the human race, warn 55 Italian MPs Using hand sanitizer causes you to absorb 10,000% more emasculation chemicals that feminize men PDF: End Time Current Events 5-14-17 Click Here To Play…

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End Time Current Events-5-2-17-Part 1

Table of Contents: Bible Verses Updates: Structural Concerns, Intense Vibrations, Leak at Oroville Dam: Could Lead to Catastrophic Dam Failure Is the UN Preparing for a Mass Casualty Event On US Soil? BioWeapon Event Coming? Paul Martin Interview PDF: End Time Current Events 5-2-17 Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

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End Time Current Events-5-2-17-Part 2

Table of Contents: The Real Reason for Attacking North Korea “Terrorists Are US” WAKE UP–7 Countries USA planned to destroy including Syria Bush Convicted of War Crimes in Absentia General Wesley Clark reported in 2012 plans to use the 9/11 World Trade Center Attack as a justification to invade seven middle east countries in five…

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End Time Current Events-4-16-17-Part 1

Table of Contents: FACEBOOK KILLER ON RUN –‘I MURDERED 15’–EASTER SUNDAY HORROR Getting Sick Feeling About What Just Happened in the White House: LTC Allen West (US Army Ret.) ‘Kushner Coup’ Inside the Trump White House– Zionist Neocons Completely Take Over Trump Administration PDF: End Time Current Events 4-16-17 Click Here To Play The Part…

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End Time Current Events-4-16-17-Part 2

Table of Contents: #KushnerAtWar: WhiteHouse Regime Change Could Kushner be the Anitchrist? There is Something Very Strange about This Man! JARED KUSHNER, Son-In-Law of Donald Trump, ANTICHRIST QUESTION? PDF: End Time Current Events 4-16-17 Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

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End Time Current Events-4-9-17-Part 1

Table of Contents: Kremlin tells U.S. it’s ‘one step from war’ as Trump warns he will hit Syria AGAIN after his attack on Russia’s ally Assad triggers fears of World War Three Massive Revelation: Syrian Chemical Attack Was Fabricated False Flag. ” It Makes No Sense” Says Ron Paul (Video) Evidence Mounts That Syrian Gas…

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End Time Current Events-4-9-17-Part 2

Table of Contents: You Would Be Crazy to Believe EVERYTHING MSM Tells You About the Syrian Crisis Red Alert – Escalation: US Media Calls For War With Russia–The false flag attack has happened and it is maneuvering us to WW3 – much to the globalists’ delight Trump Making Horrible Choices Is Donald Trump Now Paying…

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End Time Current Events-4-9-17-Part 3

Table of Contents: Russia and Iran pledge to hit back against further Syria strikes as they blast US for ‘crossing red lines’ Wagging the Dog Jared Kushner Style…”Some may ask why I wanted Kushner gone? Simple, his main business partner is George Soros. Need I say more?” Trump’s Son In Law Jared Kushner Owns 666…

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End Time Current Events-4-2-17-Part 1

Table of Contents: Bible Verses GENERAL MATTIS SAYS: NORTH KOREA MUST BE STOPPED North Korea threatens to WIPE OUT the whole of America after hydrogen bomb launch North Korea Paul Martin Interview How North Korea could figure into WW3HOWEVER, when World War 3 DOES break out, there may be NO warnings in the news media–It…

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End Time Current Events-4-2-17-Part 2

Table of Contents: The California drought was artificially created and severe rain storms have been created – weather warfare is escalating–The Oroville Dam in northern California is being targeted by various weather and warfare operations.    Your Cell Phone Is a Death Trap – 5G Is a Killer – Virgina Farver PDF: End Time Current…

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End Time Current Events–3-20-17–Part 1

Table of Contents: Part 1: Illegal Border Crossings Down 40% BUT UN Sponsored, Totally Non-vetted, Diseased Refugees Obtaining SSN’s and Passports Upon Arrival in the US (by Plane, Under the Cover of Night) Coincidence? Obama Makes Surprise Visit to Hawaii 48 Hours Before His Fellow Harvard Graduate & Appointed Judge Blocks Trump Muslim Terrorist Nation…

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End Time Current Events–3-20-17–Part 2

Table of Contents: Part 2: Illegal Border Crossings Down 40% BUT UN Sponsored, Totally Non-vetted, Diseased Refugees Obtaining SSN’s and Passports Upon Arrival in the US (by Plane, Under the Cover of Night) Bezos’ Washington Post Edits Headline to Protect Illegal Aliens on Food Stamps 170 illegal aliens have been charged with 592 child rapes/child…

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End Time Current Events–3-6-17–Part 1

Table of Contents: Eric Holder Admits to Coup Against the American People Led by Obama Sessions Is the Lastest Victim of Coup Against Trump Jeff Sessions Tells Pelosi To Expect Pedophile Investigations to Begin President Trump Meeting with Anti-Human Trafficking experts 2/23/17 Obama Wiretapping Trump “Worse Than Watergate” – Lt Col Tony Shaffer | Fox…

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End Time Current Events–3-6-17–Part 2

Table of Contents: Foreign Troops Taking Over Empty California Buildings BREAKING Obama Funneled Billions From Slush Fund To Liberal Activist Groups *STAGGERING* water data released by Oroville Dam Engineer! | “Unimaginable” Deep State to Launch Paramilitary Operations Against Americans-Paul Martin Interview PDF: End Time Current Events 3-6-17 Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

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End Time Current Events–3-6-17–Part 3

Table of Contents: All H*** Is Breaking Loose: Will We Survive the Soros Led American Spring? THE OCCULT TAKES ON PRESIDENT TRUMP & MORE WITCHCRAFT RITUALS ARE PLANNED…Following in the footsteps of Lady Gaga, Lana Del Rey is attempting to use witchcraft to remove Donald Trump from Presidency Normalizing Pedophilia: Pope Removes Penalties for Priests…

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End Time Current Events–3-6-17–Part 4

Table of Contents: Marine Sgt.’s Facebook Video gets 44 Million Views in a week asking a Simple Question – Steve Gern Minnesota: Mob of Somalis Rage Through Upscale Neighborhood Threatening to “Kidnap” and “Rape” Homeowners Army Colonel, Politicians, and State Employees Arrested in High-Profile Child Sex Sting Mass graves are found in disused sewers at…

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End Time Current Events–2-22-17–Part 1

Table of Contents: Oroville Dam Emergency: This Is Who and Why They Did It– California Chaos: Engineered by the UN Agents of Agenda 21 “Problem–Reaction–Solution” Sacramento Is Being Flooded Even Before Oroville Dam Breaks No Cal Is In Grave Danger- Gov. Brown Fiddles As NO CAL Drowns Oroville Lake Down Some, but 9 Upstream Reservoirs…

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End Time Current Events–2-22-17–Part 2

Table of Contents: America’s Dams Are Crumbling Across the Country Washington Post and the CIA Partnering in a 600 Million Dollar Payoff–Openly Rebellion Against the Truth & Trump!! NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes with Children, Child Exploitation, Pay to Play, Perjury Firing of NSA Michael Flynn: Who and What?…

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End Time Current Events–2-22-17–Part 3

Table of Contents: Is there a conspiracy inside Washington to destroy Trump’s inner circle? Top Traitor Republican claims Flynn was the appetizer – Kellyanne will be next and Trump is ‘the entree’ Flynn Taken Out (In Part) For Stopping Venezuela US Drug Operation! Trump Must Execute the Nuclear Option—There’s No Other Way PIZZAGATE DAUGHTER OF…

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Mega Study IV: Alien Agenda Exposed–1-29-17 – Part 1

Table of Contents: Wikileaks’ Email Leaks Supports Research Into Vatican Cover-Up Regarding “Extraterrestrials”—Role Church Will Play In Coming “Official Disclosure” Commentary on: “Alien Covenant” Movie Secrets Revealed Gap Theory EXPOSED & Warning PDF: Mega Study IV-Alien Agenda Exposed-1-29-17 Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

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Mega Study IV: Alien Agenda Exposed–1-29-17 – Part 2

Table of Contents: The “Ancient Astronaut” Lie: The Shocking Origin of the “Intelligent Design” Theory Why Are World Leaders Visiting Antarctica? The Hovind Theory – Frozen Mammoths – The mammoths among many other animals froze to death because of the great flood that happened Visit to Antarctica Confirms Discovery of Flash Frozen Alien Civilization PDF:…

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Mega Study IV: Alien Agenda Exposed–1-29-17 – Part 4

Table of Contents: C2C: John Lear and Richard Hoagland Disclose Our Secret Space Fleet Remote Viewing Exposed & Jesus Christ’s Existence Proven a Historical and Biblical Fact Phil Schneider’s Alien Firefight At Secret Underground Military Base Reexamined PDF: Mega Study IV-Alien Agenda Exposed-1-29-17 Click Here To Play The Part 4 Audio

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Mega Study IV: Alien Agenda Exposed–1-29-17 – Part 8

Table of Contents: Part 2: Book Review: Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity Katy Perry’s Song “Extraterrestrial” & the Alien Agenda Deception Listener Comment: Nephilim Reptilian Ukraine Sighting Listener Comment: Reptilian Eye Slit Sighting at a Wal-mart        Watch THIS Before Doubting Reptilian Demonic Shapeshifters (Illuminati Exposed) – Shapeshifting Demonic/Reptilian Illuminati Celebrity Devils:…

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End Time Current Events–1-15-17–Part 2

Table of Contents: More Foreign Troops In Colorado: The End Game Is Near- Paul Martin Interview Riot Stand Down: Obama to Fire National Guard Chief During Inauguration Obama’s latest move could trigger mass riots, threats to Trump’s life Anarchists Are Hoping To Turn Donald Trump’s Inauguration On January 20th Into One Of The Biggest Riots…

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End Time Current Events–1-1-17–Part 3

Table of Contents: United Nations Soldier Says: They Will Soon Occupy America: “Going Door-to-Door Taking Guns Or Shooting To Kill” You Won’t Believe What’s Being Stockpiled at Warren AFB-Paul Martin As of the November 4, 2016 Paris Agreement, we are “NOW” Governed by the U.N. THE THINNING – Depopulation Telegraphing — Official Trailer Netflix’s ‘3%’…

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Code Red: End Time Current Events–12-18-16 – Part 2

Table of Contents: Obama Shipping Troops Out of the Country Prior to a Coup Against Trump A Civil War Could Be Coming In 2017 The next American Civil War may begin on January 20 The Biblical Doctrine of Self-Defense PDF: Code Red: End Time Current Events 12-18-16 Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

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Code Red: End Time Current Events–12-18-16 – Part 4

Table of Contents: Deadly Famine Possibly Coming In The Next Year Naval War College Computer Simulations Show a National Split Coming- Paul Martin 5000 Mild Silver Protein (M.S.P.) Suggested Therapeutic Dosing Guidelines In the Event of a Pandemic PDF: Code Red: End Time Current Events 12-18-16 Click Here To Play The Part 4 Audio

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Code Red: End Time Current Events–12-18-16 – Part 5

Table of Contents: Trump Supporters Need to Be On Guard About Losing the Electoral College Vote Romans 13 & Unlimited Subservience to the Government: Where should a Bible Believing Christian Draw the Line? Your Pastor Has Sold You Out- The Clergy Response Team and FEMA Camps ISIS PLOT ‘BLOODY FRIDAY’ FOR TRUMP INAUGURATION… ‘BATTLE READY’…

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Code Red: End Time Current Events–12-18-16 – Part 6

Table of Contents: Methodist Churches Converting to “Virtual Mosques” For Muslim Migrants American Islamist Group Preps for Jihad Against Trump– Muslim immigration to the USA – video – this says it all Islamic Caliphate Alert: Our Kids Are In Serious Danger! Expert Warns of Coming Catastrophes What Is Going on in Mexico? Viral Video Shows…

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End Time Current Events–12-4-16 – Part 1

Table of Contents: Spirit Cooking With The Clintons: #PizzaGate, #SpiritCooking Pizzagate Is Real: Something Is Going On, But What? Bible Verses Regarding God’s Judgment of the Wicked PizzaGate – Satanic Pedophilia Network Exposed PDF: End Time Current Events 12-4-16 Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

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End Time Current Events–12-4-16 – Part 2

Table of Contents: The Pizza-Related Pedophile Ring: #PizzaGate Satanic PizzaGate Is Going Viral Worldwide (Elites Are Terrified) PizzaGate Update The #PizzaGate Body Count Breaking – PizzaGate: 100′s of Children Missing in Virginia PDF: End Time Current Events 12-4-16 Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

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End Time Current Events–12-4-16 – Part 3

Table of Contents: Listener Comments about the Masonic Presence in Washington DC & Virginia Billy Graham Exposed OWNER OF DOJO’S PIZZA CHARGED WITH CHILD PORNOGRAPHY, ALLEGED HUMAN TRAFFICKING #PIZZAGATE: JAMES ALEFANTIS AND THE STATUE OF ANTINOUS Mainstream Media Totally Flips Out! Recklessly Defends Pedophile Comet Ping Pong Owner! More Pedophile Network Updates Left Pushing Pedophile…

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End Time Current Events–12-4-16 – Part 4

Table of Contents: Satanic Pedophilia Network Exposed in Australia–Names are Named!!— It Starts at the TOP, Just Like in the USA and UK 60 Minutes Australia Reports: 15 Years Old Girl Survive Pizzagate Like Satanic Rituals Abuse Government Child Abuse (BANNED Discovery Channel Documentary) | The Franklin Cover-up PDF: End Time Current Events 12-4-16 Click…

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End Time Current Events–11-20-16 — Part 2

Table of Contents: Bible Verses Relating to Raising/Disciplining Children Listener Comment Regarding the Millennial Snowflakes Do Stolen Secret Service Badges And Guns Foreshadow The ‘Final False Flag’? Chain Of Events Could Plunge America Into Period Of Unprecedented Chaos–All Of Obama’s Draconian Executive Orders Are Still Waiting To Be Used Audio: The Collapse Is Most Likely…

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End Time Current Events–11-10-16

Table of Contents: Commentary on the Election with a Bible Study Why A Hillary Clinton Presidency Would of Destroyed The United States Two Consequences If Clinton Had Claimed Commander-in-Chief Top 10 reasons why Hillary Clinton would of DESTROYED America! Breaking: Kremlin: Clinton Victory Would Have Led to World War 3 Between Russia and USA…Vladimir Putin…

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