End Time Current Events: 11-8-15 — Part 2

Table of Contents: • U.N. planning court to judge U.S. for ‘climate justice’– Stealth agenda to issue rulings on debt, finance, tech transfers • GOP: Obama circumventing Senate in Paris climate deal talks PDF: End Time Current Events 11-8-15 Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

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End Time Current Events: 11-8-15 — Part 4

Table of Contents: • Part 2: US Special Forces deployed as ‘human shields’ to protect Islamic terror assets in Syria • RUSSIA BOOSTS TROOPS IN SYRIA AS US SENDS SPECIAL OPS AND F-15 EAGLES • WW3 Update: Was Putin’s Friend’s Death A ‘Proxy War Assassination’ That Will Lead Us Closer To WW3 And Nuclear Annihilation?…

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End Time Current Events: 11-8-15 — Part 5

Table of Contents: • Microsoft Admits Windows 10 Automatic Spying Cannot Be Stopped • Alert! Windows 10 to Automatically Download to Your PC • Top 5 Reasons To Not Upgrade to Windows 10 • How to Stop Windows 7 or 8 from Downloading Windows 10 Automatically • Evil Windows Updates, What to do About Them…

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End Time Current Events: 10-25-15 — Part 1

Table of Contents: • Special Investigative Report – Dead Pets Don’t Lie • Part 1: ‘Zombie Nation’ On Verge Of Exploding – Americans Totally Unprepared For Coming Storm PDF: End Time Current Events 10-25-15 Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

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End Time Current Events: 10-25-15 — Part 2

Table of Contents: • Part 2: ‘Zombie Nation’ On Verge Of Exploding – Americans Totally Unprepared For Coming Storm • Crickets Are the Hot New Protein • “Mind-blowing” die off of seabirds underway from California to Alaska • Bill Gates And Google Founder Working Feverishly To Eliminate Meat • Scott Johnson’s Teaching: Is the Hallelujah…

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End Time Current Events: 10-18-15 — Part 1

Table of Contents: • US Drops Ammo To Muslim ‘Syrian Rebels’ Days Before Russian Embassy In Damascus Hit By Rockets • Obama airdrops 50 tons of ammo to ‘moderate Al Qaeda’ in Syria, Islamic State Seizes U.S. Missiles in Iraq • ISIS’ Toyota Trucks Were Supplied by US State Department • The Humiliation: ISIS Cowards…

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End Time Current Events: 10-18-15 — Part 2

Table of Contents: • Christian Woman Survives After Screaming ‘Jesus’ as Muslim Terrorist Stabbed Her Repeatedly • Obama says: Christians threaten America not Islam • Obama Administration and UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight ‘Extremism’ In U.S. • Scientists Claim They Can Change A Christian’s Belief In God With Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation • The…

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End Time Current Events: 10-18-15 — Part 3

Table of Contents: • The NRA’s Wayne LaPierre statement • Emergency High Alert! Gun Confiscation Agenda Kicked Into High Gear As Call Goes Out For US State Department To Label NRA a Terrorist Organization • Obama to Flood Streets With 50000 Drug Dealers and Gang Bangers • BREAKING: FEDS PREP FOR NUCLEAR ATTACK: BOOST NATION’S…

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End Time Current Events: 10-11-15 — Part 1

Table of Contents: • The Apocalyptic Doomsday Vision Of ISIS Forces All Christians To Become Muslims Or Die & Launches Global Armageddon As Islamic Invasion Of The West Plays Out Before Our Very Eyes • The Final Betrayal – Something Huge Just Happened But Is It Too Late? Say Goodbye To America PDF: End Time…

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End Time Current Events: 10-11-15 — Part 2

Table of Contents: • The United States government has become ‘the world’s most dangerous terrorist organization,’ warns former Reagan official • President of Argentina Accuses Obama of Treason Against The United States • Reports: Threat Level High In OK And Texas As Quiet Invasion Takes Place With 41 New Sanctuary Cities In America In Last…

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End Time Current Events: 9-27-15 — Part 1

Table of Contents: • Devil Pope Addressing the UN says environmental degradation threatens the ‘Very existence of human species’ at risk… • The Pope & the One World Religion for the One World Government • The Pope Pushes Communism Across America PDF: End Time Current Events 9-27-15 Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

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End Time Current Events: 9-27-15 — Part 2

Table of Contents: • The Pope’s Church is the Largest, Richest Corporation in the World! • VATICAN HAS STRICTEST IMMIGRATION POLICY IN WORLD…Women allowed only if married to Swiss Guard or other legal citizen… PDF: End Time Current Events 9-27-15 Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

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End Time Current Events: 9-27-15 — Part 3

Table of Contents: • PHOTOS: Pope’s border wall around Vatican… • RED ALERT : The Forked-Tongued Catholic Pope Say`s Jesus Failed at Cross!! • Pope Francis to Release Pop-Rock Album ‘Wake Up!’ This November-This is not Satire • Listener Comment About Pope Francis In Washington DC • Pope Francis U.S. Visit 2015 Schedule and Dates:…

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End Time Current Events: 9-27-15 — Part 4

Table of Contents: • Pope Francis, Rick Warren, and That 2014 Catholic Interview No One Thought Important? Reminder of Its Revealing Facts About “America’s Pastor” • Is The Rule Of Law Being Done Away With In Order To Prepare The Reign Of The Anti-Christ? Why Is The Illuminati Spending So Much Time And Effort To…

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End Time Current Events: 9-27-15 — Part 5

Table of Contents: • These Muslims Are Not Immigrants, They Are Colonists With Bad Intentions • In Fort Collins, CO, Rocky Mountain High School Principal, Tom Lopez, has his students reciting “In Allah we Trust” when saying the Pledge of Allegiance • The Largest “Christian” College in America: Liberty University Welcomes Socialist Bernie Sanders to…

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Part 1 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

Table of Contents: • Former Satanist: “I Performed Satanic Rituals Inside Abortion Clinics” • Blood Rave to douse Amsterdam dancers in gallons of blood • Vampire Goths and other witches and goths and satanic worshipers of Satan will be in a club in Amsterdam having a “Blood Rave” on Halloween Night PDF: Mega Study Click…

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Part 2 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

Table of Contents: • Halloween, Human Sacrifice, Stonehenge and the Wicker Man • The Black Awakening & Taking the Offensive-Part 1 • Vampires of New York City: BBQ Films and Deacon Frost invite you to an epic blood rave. • Goddess Kali, Hindu God Of Death And Destruction Projected On Empire State Building • Listener…

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Part 3 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

Table of Contents: • Vatican Vault Spilled! Pope to Announce Church Preparations For Alien Contact Former Chief Council For Jesuit Order Shares All • Vatican linked to United Nations video on integrating extraterrestrial life • UNICEF’s extraterrestrial alien diversity propaganda • Full ET disclosure plan involves document dumps & whistleblowers coming forward PDF: Mega Study…

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Part 4 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

Table of Contents: • Imminent E.T. Disclosure & World Government • Vatican Easing Humanity Toward Alien Disclosure? • Black Portal & Alien Cube UFO Over Texas? Witness Breaks Silence! (Video & Photos) • [LOSS FOR WORDS] Alien Ship Caught Sending Scouts Over Florida – Must See! 7/18/2015 • MASS SIGHTING! UFO Fleet Over Columbus Ohio!…

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Part 6 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

Table of Contents: • Secret United Nations Space Program Preparing for Alien Invasion • Global elites offer to begin limited disclosure of extraterrestrial life & technology in Nov 2015 • Secret Space Program Conferences discuss full disclosure & humanity’s future • Bio-technology hybrids open the door to extraterrestrial AI robots replacing humanity • Secret Group…

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Part 9 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

Table of Contents: • Show Cancelled, You Won’t Believe What It Reveals About September and CERN! Creepy Coincidence You Have to See To Believe! • Listener Asteroid Question • Here be dragons: Creature lands at Seattle building site PDF: Mega Study Click Here To Play The Part 9 Audio

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Part 10 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

Table of Contents: • Reptilian Controversy – MILEY CYRUS – KATY PERRY – Niki Minaj – Beyonce – Rihanna – George Herbert Walker Bush –Bush Jr. – Rudolph GHOULiani • ABC Series ‘V’ Exposed • The Movie “They Live” Comments • Area 51 Alarming Radio Call-in on the Art Bell Show PDF: Mega Study Click…

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Part 11 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

Table of Contents: • Listener Comment Nephilim • Breaking Deception! Ascended Masters ‘First Contact’ Update: “We Shall Appear To Millions, Even Billions Of People Around The Planet” • Listener Comment: Dr. Cindy Trimm, Slain in the Spirit and Ashtar • lord Ashtar Exposed • The HEXagram & the Mark of Beast • Astaroth / Astarte…

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End Time Current Events: 8-30-15 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 8-30-15 — Part 1 Table of Contents: • Part 1: Accelerating The Mortality Of Americans – How Many Millions Will Die In The Vamp-a-Ceuticals ‘Final Solution’ For America? PDF: End Time Current Events 8-30-15 Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

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End Time Current Events: 8-30-15 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 8-30-15 — Part 2 Table of Contents: • Part 2: Accelerating The Mortality Of Americans – How Many Millions Will Die In The Vamp-a-Ceuticals ‘Final Solution’ For America? • Audio: Alabama Insurance Commissioner says, “Problem with Obama Care? Call Obama!” • Audio: How Big Pharma is Killing Americans! • Pharmakeia: Sorcery,…

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End Time Current Events: 8-30-15 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 8-30-15 — Part 3 Table of Contents: • Part 2: Battle for humanity nearly lost: The global food supply is deliberately being engineered to end life, not nourish it • White House admits staging fake vaccination operation to gather DNA from the public PDF: End Time Current Events 8-30-15 Click Here…

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End Time Current Events: 8-30-15 — Part 6

End Time Current Events: 8-30-15 — Part 6 Table of Contents: • Memphis city council votes to dig up remains of Confederate Civil War general & his wife • Black Rebel Flag Supporter Dies After Being Ran Off Road After Speaking at the Confederate Flag Rally!! • Police investigate armed dispute over Confederate flag •…

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End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 1 Table of Contents: • Judge Lifts Ban on Planned Parenthood Videos…New Release Shows CEO Joking About WHOLE BABIES… • Thousands protest outside Planned Parenthood clinics around the country • Listener Question about Getting Unsubscribed From the “Contending For Truth” Newsletters Plus Some Money Saving Tips PDF: End…

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End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 2 Table of Contents: • September Doomsday & Apocalypse – Experts Predict Crisis Of Epic Proportions – ‘There Will Be Panic In The Streets From Wall Street To Shanghai’ • BOMBSHELL: China and America already at war: Tianjin explosion carried out by Pentagon space weapon in retaliation for…

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End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 3 Table of Contents: • Potential Money Crash September 2015 & the Shemitah! • This 2 Day Stock Market Crash Was Larger Than Any 1 Day Stock Market Crash In U.S. History • The Global Economy Is Officially Melting Down • Sexual Orientation in the UK: Half of…

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End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 4

End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 4 Table of Contents: • 400,000 children born to illegals each year, given automatic citizenship… • Ten states and District of Columbia issue drivers licenses to illegals… • Armed Black Panthers March in Texas: ‘Oink oink, bang bang!’… • U.S. Intel. Report: ISIS Planning Mass-Casualty Attack Inside the…

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End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 5

End Time Current Events: 8-23-15 — Part 5 Table of Contents: • Muslim Rapist Openly Admits ‘..al-Qur’an Not Only Gives Me the Right to Rape You, It Condones and Encourages It..’ • ‘ISIS Head Repeatedly Raped US Aid Worker Kayla Mueller … • ISIS Publicly Whips 20 Women for Not Veiling Eyes • Rescued Sex…

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End Time Current Events–Mega Study: 8-9-15 — Part 3

End Time Current Events–Mega Study: 8-9-15 — Part 3 Table of Contents: • Wal-Mart Midland Texas: He said that once he entered the building he saw what looked like a lot of ‘Jail Cells’ • NAVY SELS WORD CONCERNING A WORD I RECEIVED THIS MORNING CONCERNING THE HOMELESS AND THE VETERANS • NEW CALIFORNIA: IMMIGRANT…

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End Time Current Events–Mega Study: 8-9-15 — Part 4

End Time Current Events–Mega Study: 8-9-15 — Part 4 Table of Contents: • Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime in “White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignores It.”…

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End Time Current Events–Mega Study: 8-9-15 — Part 5

End Time Current Events–Mega Study: 8-9-15 — Part 5 Table of Contents: • Part 2–Black Listeners Rebuke Of Scott Johnson and Comments: “White men RULE this world” • Federal Statistics Show Blacks are 39 Times More Likely to Commit Violent Crime Against Whites Than Vice Versa • Virginia,US: Black Muslim Firefighter Incites Violence Towards Police…

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End Time Current Events–Mega Study: 8-9-15 — Part 6

End Time Current Events–Mega Study: 8-9-15 — Part 6 Table of Contents: • Third Planned Parenthood Video Released: Whistleblower Reveals “It’s Basically A Huge Trafficking Of Fetal Tissues” • ISIS in Indonesia Calling for ‘..Lone Wolf Attacks on Christians..’ • ‘Another boy!’ Planned Parenthood staff sifts through aborted ‘baby parts’ in new tape • Nurse…

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End Time Current Events–Mega Study: 8-9-15 — Part 7

End Time Current Events–Mega Study: 8-9-15 — Part 7 Table of Contents: • Obama Administration Defends Planned Parenthood: ‘Not a lot of evidence,’ Sting Videos Obtained ‘fraudulently’ • Brainwashed CNN host asks Planned Parenthood video maker if he’s a ‘violent extremist’ • Ice Cream Shop Serves Abortion-inspired Flavor for Planned Parenthood Fundraiser –The “Taste of…

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End Time Current Events–Mega Study: 8-9-15 — Part 8

End Time Current Events–Mega Study: 8-9-15 — Part 8 Table of Contents: • Representative wants public hearing on Planned Parenthood after woman’s death–Where pagan goddess statue is located • Satanic Cult Used Profits From Baphomet Statue Unveiling To Fight Anti-Abortion Efforts • See Scott Johnson’s Teaching: Massacre of Innocence – The Occult Roots of Abortion…

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End Time Current Events–Mega Study: 8-9-15 — Part 9

End Time Current Events–Mega Study: 8-9-15 — Part 9 Table of Contents: • “Which symbol killed 90,000 black babies last year?” an image of the Confederate flag next to the Planned Parenthood logo • Join the National Planned Parenthood Protest • Planned Parenthood is Murdering (and selling) Babies PDF: End Time Current Events 8-9-15 Click…

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End Time Current Events: 7-26-15 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 7-26-15 — Part 2 Table of Contents: • At Anti-Bullying Conference in Iowa, Middle Schoolers Learn About Pure Sodomite Evil • Is JADE HELM Targeting Hoover Dam? • Jade Helm Updates • You cannot begin training for a battle as you march into it, but must made ready before that time…

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