End Time Current Events: 3-29-15 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 3-29-15 — Part 3 Table of Contents: • USA CAVES TO IRAN NUKE DEMANDS • Iran allowed to run nuke centrifuges at underground bunker… • Iranian Defector: ‘U.S. Negotiating Team Mainly There to Speak on Iran’s Behalf’ • BIBI: NUKE DEAL is ‘DANGEROUS FOR ALL HUMANITY’…’Iran maneuvering to take over entire…

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Health Alerts & Updates: 3-20-15 — Part 2

Health Alerts & Updates: 3-20-15 — Part 2 Table of Contents: • Just Say No To Acetaminophen • Listener Questions: • Supplements for Joint Pain, Inflammation and Degeneration? • What is Serrapeptase? • Mild Silver Protein, Sinus Infections & Peripheral Neuropathy Questions PDF: Health Updates & Alerts 3-20-15 Click Here To Play The Part 2…

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Health Alerts & Updates: 3-20-15 — Part 3

Health Alerts & Updates: 3-20-15 — Part 3 Table of Contents: • Allergy Recommendations • Toothache Pain/Infection Question • Dentist wants to pull my four teeth due to bone loss • I can’t find herbal and mineral products that you sell on your website? • Chronic shingles & ongoing Candida Question • Shelf-life of the…

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Health Alerts & Updates: 3-20-15 — Part 4

Health Alerts & Updates: 3-20-15 — Part 4 Table of Contents: • Depression/Anxiety/ADD Supplement Protocol • Upset Stomach, Pregnancy Nausea & Pink Eye • Breast Feeding and Adult Acne PDF: Health Updates & Alerts 3-20-15 Click Here To Play The Part 4 Audio

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End Time Current Events: 3-15-15 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 3-15-15 — Part 1 Table of Contents: • Jury Deadlocks Against Incarcerating Kent Hovind • WHAT WE NEED TO DO NOW! A Message From Eric Hovind • Minister for Satan–Creflo “Give me a Dollar” Dollar asks for $60 million in donations for a new jet!! • FCC Rules Designed to Stifle…

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End Time Current Events: 3-15-15 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 3-15-15 — Part 2 Table of Contents: • Abortions in the Name of God—Devil Dr. Willie Parker joins “faith leaders” to launch statewide campaign to promote Abortion!! PDF: End Time Current Events 3-15-15 Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

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End Time Current Events: 3-15-15 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 3-15-15 — Part 3 Table of Contents: • THE BLOODY TRUTH ABOUT Abortion & WICCA Witchcraft • Massacre of Innocence–Exposing The Occult Roots of Abortion • American Tourists Stunned After Watching Horrific Public Animal Sacrifices & Satanic Black Mass in Mexico—Participants dedicate & pledge their souls to Satan!! PDF: End Time…

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End Time Current Events: 3-8-15 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 3-8-15 — Part 1 Table of Contents: • BREAKDOWN ON WHY PROSECUTORS WANT TO CENSOR KENT HOVIND IN HIS CURRENT TRIAL – USA vs Kent Hovind • 20 shocking attacks on Kent that North Korea would welcome–URGENT! • Please Attend the Trial of Pastor Kent Hovind Monday March 9, 2015 •…

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End Time Current Events: 3-8-15 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 3-8-15 — Part 2 Table of Contents: • Scriptures Regarding Apostate Pastors & False Prophets • Red Alert! You Know Something’s Up When Government Gives “ToolKits” To Churches! Thousands Have Accepted! Is Your Church Involved? • Church Asks Followers to Submit to Government, Call 911 on Suspicious Neighbors • PASTORS TO…

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End Time Current Events: 3-8-15 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 3-8-15 — Part 3 Table of Contents: • Clergy Response Teams Explained by Pastor David J. Smith: Part 3 • Scott Johnson’s Audio Teachings on the Dangers 501c3 Corporate Church & Romans 13 • Breaking free from the 501c3 church trap • Tracking Bracelets, Forced Vaccination, Chemtrails & Vehicle Choke-Points-September 20th,…

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End Time Current Events: 2-22-15 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 2-22-15 — Part 1 Table of Contents: • Bible Study: The Golden Rule – Enduring to the End – Biblical Qualifications for being an Overcomer – Overcoming through the Lord Jesus Christ PDF: End Time Current Events 2-22-15 Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

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End Time Current Events: 2-22-15 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 2-22-15 — Part 2 Table of Contents: • ISIS Leader Admits: We Are Being Funded By The Obama Administration • Obama State Dept Says: We Can’t Stop Islamic State by Killing Them – They Need Jobs! • Saudis Send Violent Prison Criminals to Fill Ranks of ISIS Sand Pirates in Syria…

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End Time Current Events: 2-22-15 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 2-22-15 — Part 3 Table of Contents: • BATFE To Ban Common AR-15 Ammo: The decision continues Obama’s use of his executive authority to impose gun control restrictions and bypass Congress…Obama Admin makes massive push to ban M855 .223 ammunition commonly used in AR-15s + Proactive Measures • Pre-Emptive Strike: Obama’s…

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End Time Current Events: 2-22-15 — Part 4

End Time Current Events: 2-22-15 — Part 4 Table of Contents: • Important Information–We’re Heading Towards Full Scale Medical Tyranny • Congress Moves to Step Up Vaccine Enforcement–Action Alert! • BREAKING: FORCED ADULT VACCINATION Plan – Healthy People 2020–National Adult Immunization Plan… Federal Register and the PLAN–This is PURE EVIL–They are now coming after US……

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End Time Current Events: 2-15-15 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 2-15-15 — Part 1 Table of Contents: • REAL ID to Launch in 2016: TSA Will Force Airline Passengers to Show National ID Before Flying • Airlines Consider Requiring Proof Of Vaccination For Domestic Air Travel • U.S. SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS MANDATORY VACCINATIONS IN NY PDF: End Time Current Events 2-15-15…

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End Time Current Events: 2-15-15 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 2-15-15 — Part 2 Table of Contents: • Nazi’s On the Loose: Jail ‘anti-vax’ parents: Column • Their lies just keep getting bigger and bigger–Here are the facts regarding the Measles (MMR & ProQuad) vaccines • GRAPHICAL EVIDENCE SHOWS VACCINES DIDN`T SAVE US • McDonald’s Gives Free Vaccines With Happy Meals…

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End Time Current Events: 2-15-15 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 2-15-15 — Part 3 Table of Contents: • FOX TV HOST ON MANDATORY VACCINES: “SOME THINGS REQUIRE BIG BROTHER” • Doctors have stopped seeing patients who refuse vaccinations… • Declare War on Vaccine Pushers PDF: End Time Current Events 2-15-15 Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio

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End Time Current Events: 2-15-15 — Part 4

End Time Current Events: 2-15-15 — Part 4 Table of Contents: • The End of Medical Ethics: “Informed Consent” is in Critical Condition • Bill Gates Insane Quest To Sterilize And Depopulate The World Revealed • Anti-Vaccine Professionals, Doctors and Nurses– The International Medical Council on Vaccination PDF: End Time Current Events 2-15-15 Click Here…

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End Time Current Events: 2-15-15 — Part 5

End Time Current Events: 2-15-15 — Part 5 Table of Contents: • VACCINE APOCALYPSE NOW: This is a war, started centuries ago and continues today because most Americans have no education in the history of vaccines or the nature of medical tyranny • ALERT: Feb. 10, 2015 CONGRESSIONAL CHILDHOOD VACCINE HEARING (PRO VACCINE PROPAGANDA) LIES,…

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End Time Current Events: 2-8-15 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 2-8-15 — Part 1 Table of Contents: • MMR ( Measles Mumps Rubella ) vaccine clinical trial results FAKED by Big Pharma – shocking U.S. court documents reveal all • Evidence emerges that measles outbreaks are deliberately encouraged by Big Pharma to ignite vaccine hysteria • Measles outbreaks confirmed among children…

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End Time Current Events: 2-8-15 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 2-8-15 — Part 2 Table of Contents: • Measles Vaccine Kills More People Than The Disease–Media buries statistics and studies pointing to vaccine dangers. • Aborted Baby Tissue Used in Producing MMR II & Proquad MMR Vaccines & 18 other Vaccines PDF: End Time Current Events 2-8-15 Click Here to Play…

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End Time Current Events: 2-8-15 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 2-8-15 — Part 3 Table of Contents: • List of Current Vaccines developed from Aborted Baby Tissues • The controversial MMR II vaccine also is reportedly the only vaccine that contains a genetically-engineered (GMO) human protein known as Recombumin • Insane Vaccine Ingredients and Manufacturer Information • Half of All Children…

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End Time Current Events: 2-8-15 — Part 4

End Time Current Events: 2-8-15 — Part 4 Table of Contents: • Scott Johnson’s Teachings: Transhumanism, Vaccinations, Cloning DNA, Injectable Nanorobots and Corrupting the Seed of Mankind • What to do for: Twin Autistic boys (age 3) caused by the MMR shot & Leaky Gut Syndrome • Liver Detox Question & How to Raise your…

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End Time Current Events: 2-1-15 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 2-1-15 — Part 1 Table of Contents: • Feds to Unleash Hyper-Orwellian Police State at Super Bowl XLIX • Katy Perry: 2015 Super Bowl Illuminati Half-Time Ritual Pr-Show EXPOSED! PDF: End Time Current Events 2-1-15 Click Here to Play the Part 1 Audio

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End Time Current Events: 2-1-15 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 2-1-15 — Part 2 Table of Contents: • Katy Perry: Illuminati Goddess of the 2015 Super Bowl Halftime Show • Scott Johnson’s Teachings on the Alien, UFO, Nephilim Agenda: • Maitreya Deception PDF: End Time Current Events 2-1-15 Click Here to Play the Part 2 Audio

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End Time Current Events: 2-1-15 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 2-1-15 — Part 3 Table of Contents: • Maitreya first appeared in Nairobi, Kenya in June of 1988 the same time Barack Obama was there for 5 weeks! • Barack Obama’s astonishing accomplishment timeline AFTER his Nairobi, Kenya visit in June of 1988 • Audio–Mind Control – Wires in the Brain…Deborah…

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End Time Current Events: 1-20-15 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 1-20-15 — Part 1 Table of Contents: • Obama to Host Global “Extremism” Summit; Tyranny on the Menu • Source: Terror Cells Activated in France • 3,000 “Moderate Rebels” Defect to ISIS – US Preparing 5,000 More PDF: End Time Current Events 1-20-15 Click Here to Play the Part 1 Audio

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End Time Current Events: 1-20-15 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 1-20-15 — Part 2 Table of Contents: • German Reporter: ISIS Plans On Killing ‘Hundreds of Millions’ in ‘Religious Cleansing’ • Americans (& the world) should understand that Islam is at war with us • Report: Obama’s Islamic Terror Cells In The U.S. PDF: End Time Current Events 1-20-15 Click Here…

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End Time Current Events: 1-20-15 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 1-20-15 — Part 3 Table of Contents: • The Coming Attack Upon Our Water Supplies • An American Intifada – Communists and Radical Islamists Join Forces • Jimmy Carter blames Israel for Paris terrorist attacks • ISIS cell members caught beheading animals to practice decapitating people ahead of an attack in…

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End Time Current Events: 1-20-15 — Part 4

End Time Current Events: 1-20-15 — Part 4 Table of Contents: • Contrast Barack Obama’s Quotes About Islam With His Quotes About Christianity! • Colorado public school children forced to bow to Islam • Group of Muslim Men Gang-Rape a 3-Year-old Girl and a 12-Year-old Girl in Afghanistan • The World Wars Of Albert Pike…

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End Time Current Events: 1-4-15 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 1-4-15 — Part 1 Table of Contents: • Will Our Scofflaw President Try to Enforce an Unratified Arms Trade Treaty? • Nations have ONE year to crack down regarding the UN small arms treaty and must report to the UN by 12/24/15 their initial reports! • I am a buyer of…

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End Time Current Events: 1-4-15 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 1-4-15 — Part 2 Table of Contents: • Fox Network Blasphemes Jesus Christ in Family Guy Episode ‘The 2,000 Year Old Virgin’ • ‘Hip’ Elevation Megachurch Pastor Steven Furtick gives Biblical Christians new label: ‘Hater’ • Bible Verses Regarding False Ministers PDF: End Time Current Events 1-4-15 Click Here to Play…

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End Time Current Events: 12-21-14 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 12-21-14 — Part 1 Table of Contents: • Muslim Convert NYPD Cop Killer Inspired by ISIS—Ismaaiyl Brinsley posted extreme passages from Koran • NYPD’s Cop Union: ‘We Have Become a Wartime Police Department’ after Two Officers Slain’ : THIS HAS BEEN THE PLAN, TO PIT A MILITARIZED POLICE FORCE AGAINST ITS…

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End Time Current Events: 12-21-14 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 12-21-14 — Part 2 Table of Contents: • Bible Verses Dealing With God’s Wrath on the Wicked • ISIS Muslim Militants Behead 4 Christian Children for Refusing to Convert to Islam • ISIS Muslim Terrorists in Iraq Torturing Christians in Churches and Flogging Them for Taking Communion • Iraqi Christians are…

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End Time Current Events: 12-21-14 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 12-21-14 — Part 3 Table of Contents: • Scott Johnson’s Reply to a Listener Question About Vitamin D2 & D3 • Amazing Information Regarding Vitamin D-3 • If Taking a Vitamin D Supplement, Remember Vitamin K, Vitamin F Factors, Vitamin A and Magnesium Too • The Amazing Chlorophyll Complex by Standard…

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End Time Current Events: 12-21-14 — Part 4

End Time Current Events: 12-21-14 — Part 4 Table of Contents: • The Keys to Healthy Youthful Skin/The Truth About Sunscreens • Innate Response Formulas D-3 Product & Invive Mild Silver Protein Offer • The Dangers of Synthetic Vitamin D–Vitamin D Utilization Depends on Vitamins A, K & Magnesium • Listener Question About Chiropractic and…

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End Time Current Events: 12-14-14 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 12-14-14 — Part 1 Table of Contents: • A winter festival of unrestrained U.S. Government spending–GOVT GOODIES FOR ALL! • BoehnerObama Deals Have Increased U.S. Debt $3.8 TRILLION… • Should a Christian Celebrate X-mas? • Kirk Cameron Exposed- REBEL WITHIN A “CLAUS” PDF: End Time Current Events 12-14-14 Click Here to…

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End Time Current Events: 12-14-14 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 12-14-14 — Part 2 Table of Contents: • Pagan Origins of Christmas • Check out Santa/Satan Unmasked: movie trailer • The Christmas Tree’s Pagan Origen • New “No Gender” Movement Wants Little Boys & Girls Confused This Christmas—Give Dollies To Boys And Masculine Things To Girls, They Say • Better Yet,…

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End Time Current Events: 12-7-14 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 12-7-14 — Part 1 Table of Contents: • Obamacare offers firms $3,000 incentive to hire illegals over legal native-born workers • OBAMA PLANS ILLEGAL ALIEN PROCESSING FACILITY WITH 1,000 NEW AGENTS IN VA… • WASH POST: President’s unilateral action to legalize the nearly 4 million illegal aliens has no precedent… •…

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End Time Current Events: 12-7-14 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 12-7-14 — Part 2 Table of Contents: • Bankster Lobbyists Try to Sneak Derivatives Bailout in Budget Legislation • AMERCA’S BIRTH RATE AT ALL-TIME LOW… • On January 1st, 2015 Facebook Will Drop a “Bombshell” That Will Straight-Up Infuriate You!! • UPDATE: Satanic Temple Approved For FL Capitol Holiday Display… •…

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End Time Current Events: 11-30-14 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 11-30-14 — Part 1 Table of Contents: • Let us be thankful and bless the Lord with Thanksgiving! • Did We Just Witness The Last Great Black Friday Celebration Of American Materialism? • THE MONEY IN YOUR BANK ACCOUNT WAS STOLEN • Precious Metal Recommendations PDF: End Time Current Events 11-30-14…

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End Time Current Events: 11-30-14 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 11-30-14 — Part 2 Table of Contents: • Harper Collins and the Duck Commander NKJV version of the Bible / Duck Dynasty Warning • PUBLISHER OF N.I.V. ALSO PUBLISHES “SATANIC BIBLE • NKJV and Lucis Trust: Ready For One World Church • Lucis Trust, Alice Bailey, World Goodwill and the False…

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End Time Current Events: 11-16-14 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 11-16-14 — Part 1 Table of Contents: • Working for ICE ‘is h*** right now,’ as Obama plans amnesty for illegals • Report: 42 percent of new Medicaid signups are illegal alien criminals & their children • Video: ObamaCare’s Architect Confesses to Fraud • GRUBER & THE OBAMACARE DECEPTION • Melissa…

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