End Time Current Events: 6-21-14 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 6-21-14 — Part 1 Table of Contents: • Poisonings from E-Cigarettes and Synthetic Pot Are Surging Among the Youth • AVOID Synthetic Marijuana—It Can Be Deadly! AKA: Spice, Black Mamba, K2, MOJO, White Widow PDF: End Time Current Events 6-21-14 Click Here to Play Part 1

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End Time Current Events: 6-21-14 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 6-21-14 — Part 2 Table of Contents: • Are Genetically Modified Measle Virus Vaccines the Next Cure for Cancer? • ‘I Am Legend’ and the Depopulation Agenda • Has a plague already arrived? 205 Americans die each day after acquiring superbug hospital infections • The Days Ahead-What to Expect and How…

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End Time Current Events: 6-14-14 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 6-14-14 — Part 1 Table of Contents: • Shooters at Las Vegas Walmart Kill Three, Proclaim ‘The Revolution Has Begun’ Scott Johnson’s Teaching: The Black Awakening & Taking the Offensive • Bizarre Batman Connection Shows Up in Another Mass Shooting–Has Batman replaced The Catcher in the Rye as a trigger for…

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End Time Current Events: 6-14-14 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 6-14-14 — Part 2 Table of Contents: • Feinstein and Boxer Introduce Bill to Rat Out a Family Member with a Firearm Exploiting Isla Vista shooting in new bid to confiscate firearms from American citizens • Nearly every mass & isolated shooting over last 20 years has one thing in common……

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End Time Current Events: 6-10-14 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 6-10-14  — Part 1 Table of Contents: • ILLEGALS POUR INTO USA • FEDS DROP PLANELOADS OF ILLEGALS IN EL PASO… • HUNDREDS MORE SHIPPED TO AZ…Growing concern of diseases…No end in sight for ‘dumping’ policy… • White House Launches Program to Provide Lawyers for Illegal Aleins.., • Cantor: Time to…

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End Time Current Events: 6-10-14 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 6-10-14  — Part 2 Table of Contents: • 3 Days to Create a Killer Via Prozac– PSYCH DRUGS ARE THE CAUSE OF SCHOOL SHOOTINGS AND MILITARY SUICIDES, NOT GUNS! • Video–Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging PDF: End Time Current Events 6-10-14 Click Here to Listen to Part…

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End Time Current Events: 6-1-14 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 6-1-14 — Part 1 Table of Contents: Propaganda conditioning to force people to accept the ‘Mark of the Beast’ continues in our Daily News–These very important innovators and inventors are actively planning to microchip everyone in the world — soon. While Labeling Liberty Lovers as Terrorists, DHS Lets Actual Terrorists Into…

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End Time Current Events: 6-1-14 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 6-1-14 — Part 2 Table of Contents: MARTIAL LAW ALERT: Obama CONFISCATES ALL APACHE ATTACK HELICOPTERS From The Governors of ALL 50 STATES ATF to monitor Gun Owners with Drones: Attorney General confirms ATF to buy Fleet of Domestic Drones Devil Michael Bloomberg says: ‘I Have Earned My Place in Heaven’…

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End Time Current Events: 5-25-14 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 5-25-14 — Part 1 Table of Contents: Satanists Call For Christians’ Blood: Video HERE’S THE FIRST LOOK AT THE NEW SATANIC MONUMENT BEING BUILT FOR OKLAHOMA’S STATEHOUSE–Satanists Refuse to Bow–Want Believers to Sit in Lap of Lucifer Conan O’Brien “Welcome to the Satanic Cult Awards” at MTV Movie Awards Illuminati Witches…

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End Time Current Events: 5-25-14 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 5-25-14 — Part 2 Table of Contents: $weet Daddy’s Club: The United House of Prayer & Bishop C. M. Bailey If the American economy is really improving, then why has nearly half the unemployed given up looking for a job? PDF: End Time Current Events 5-25-14 Click Here to Play the…

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End Time Current Events: 5-11-14 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 5-11-14 — Part 1 Table of Contents: What is that he-she creature is invoking??? Austrian Transvestite “Bearded Lady” Drag Queen act Conchita Wurst–Sporting high-heels, butterfly eyelashes and a full beard has been crowned the winner of the 59th annual Eurovision Song Contest held in Denmark’s capital, Copenhagen Conchita Wurst’s Eurovision win…

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End Time Current Events: 5-11-14 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 5-11-14 — Part 2 Table of Contents: WATCH: Ugandan President Leads 5-Hour Parade Celebrating ‘Jail the Gays’ Law Ugandan Police Detain US AIDS Research Project Staffer Suspected Of Promoting Homosexuality Scientific studies confirm a strong pedophilic predisposition among homosexuals–While only making up less than 2% of the population—Very Conservative Estimates Reports…

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End Time Current Events: 5-11-14 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 5-11-14 — Part 3 Table of Contents: Why Is The Media Silent About The Crucifixion Of Christians By Radical Islamic Jihadists? Suicide terrorist who killed 21 & wounded 50 Israelis receives “highest honor” from Palestine Committee of Arab Lawyers Union—Just one of thousands of similar awards commonly presented to Muslim mass…

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End Time Current Events: 4-27-14 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 4-27-14 — Part 1 Table of Contents: Bible Verses Repost: Easter/Ishtar–Paganism Repackaged Popes Blasphemous Idolatrous Route to Catholic Sainthood Cliven Bundy’s Pro-Black, Pro-Mexican, Anti-Government Statements Completely Discredits New York Times Black Soldiers: Cliven Bundy Is Not Racist HOAX EXPOSED: Full Clip Of Cliven Bundy’s Non-Racist, Pro-Black, Pro-Mexican, Anti-Government Remarks Vs. NYTimes’…

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End Time Current Events: 4-27-14 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 4-27-14 — Part 2 Table of Contents: BLM Selling Out America Bundy Ranch, 20 State Reps Form The Coalition For Western States, Oathkeepers Call 50 Militia To Stay At Ranch 90+ Days 50 Political Leaders from 9 states gather in Utah to discuss ways to take back control of federal lands…

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End Time Current Events: 4-6-14 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 4-6-14 — Part 1 Table of Contents: EPIDEMIC: At Least 22 Veterans Commit Suicide Each Day… Army Admits Fort Hood Shooter Was on Psychiatric Drugs FORT HOOD AND ALL THE OTHER MASS SHOOTINGS ARE MIND CONTROLLED SHOOTERS The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave Beyond Treason-The Horrific…

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End Time Current Events: 4-6-14 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 4-6-14 — Part 2 Table of Contents: GET OUT OF THE MILITARY, DON’T ENLIST–By: Devvy Kidd Soviet Sweden? Model Nation Sliding to Third World Muslim Brotherhood in America: The Overview CRAZY! Pope Francis to Be Seen Worldwide In 3D on April 27th! PDF: End Time Current Events 4-6-14 Click Here to…

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End Time Current Events: 4-6-14 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 4-6-14 — Part 3 Table of Contents: The Noah Movie Deception Exposed Listener Question: Why would God let someone be born that he knows will end up in hell? Wouldn’t it be better for the person to never be born at all? Listener Comment & My Response on: “Faith & Works”…

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End Time Current Events: 4-6-14 — Part 4

End Time Current Events: 4-6-14 — Part 4 Table of Contents: A terrifying fight against the deadliest virus on Earth: Medic reveals true horror of Ebola outbreak as incurable disease liquefies victims from the inside The Ebola Outbreak Is Spreading: Pray to God It Doesn’t Hitch A Ride To The West Angry mob attacks Ebola…

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End Time Current Events: 3-30-14

End Time Current Events: 3-30-14 Table of Contents: How to Biblically spot deception When to debate and when not to debate www.testimonyofthetwowitnesses.com Exposed!! PDF: Obama/Pope/Antichrist Questions Click Here to Play the Audio

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End Time Current Events: 3-23-14 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 3-23-14 — Part 1 Table of Contents: Scientific America says: GMO Golden Rice Frankenfood Opponents Should Be “Held Accountable” for Health Problems Linked to Vitamin A Deficiency Groundbreaking investigation reveals Monsanto teaming up with US military to target GMO activists UK GMO Science Update Slammed as ‘Unadulterated Propaganda’ 150 Global Scientists…

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End Time Current Events: 3-23-14 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 3-23-14 — Part 2 Table of Contents: Global Pedophile Rings & Clinton’s Pedophile Pal Iraqi Muslim Cabinet OKs Law Allowing Child Marriage, Marital Rape Christians’ throats slit in Islamic pagan slaughterhouse–Video footage reveals systematic execution of victims Persecution & Murder of Christians by Muslims a Growing Problem Gov’t helpless to stop…

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End Time Current Events: 3-23-14 — Part 4

End Time Current Events: 3-23-14 — Part 4 Table of Contents: Pastor John Hagee is shockingly telling Jewish audiences that Jesus Christ was not their Messiah! Four Blood Moons DEBUNKED – John Hagee and Mark Biltz Book Review 4 Blood Moon Tetrad Frenzy PDF: End Time Current Events 3-23-14 Click Here to Play the Part 4…

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End Time Current Events: 3-2-14 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 3-2-14 — Part 1 Table of Contents: ‘INCREDIBLE ACT OF AGGRESSION’–Kerry condemns Russia intervention in the Ukraine “This is a red alert–This is not a threat–This is actually a declaration of war to my country,” The Ukrainian interim Prime Minister said US Official Claims 6,000 Russian Troops In Complete Control Of…

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End Time Current Events: 3-2-14 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 3-2-14 — Part 2 Table of Contents: Islamist Terror Enclave Discovered in Texas Texas Congressman: Terror Enclave Discovery ‘Appalling’ U.S. LIFTS Ban on Immigrants With Links to Terrorism U.S. Military Hires Chaplains Endorsed by Brotherhood Entity New World Order Promoting Crislam–and the List of Churches Involved! (Video and Shocking List) Iran Hangs…

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End Time Current Events: 2-23-14 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 2-23-14 — Part 1 Table of Contents: THE FCC’S BIG BROTHER PLAN TO POLICE NEWSROOMS FCC backs off Newsroom Study Jimmy Fallon–Obama’s Democrat Political Asset New Obama SAFE ZONE ON NEW ‘TONIGHT SHOW’ After Leno is Shown the Door Click Here for the Part 1 Audio PDF: End Time Current Events…

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End Time Current Events: 2-23-14 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 2-23-14 — Part 3 Table of Contents: Dead Banksters ‘Harbinger To The Economic Collapse’ – “V” The Guerrilla Economist (Audio) China Drops Bombshell On US – Bankers Deaths, Bank Runs, Financial Bigwigs Running Scared – It Is All Connected! (Audio) Obama’s Regime is Preparing For War on Non-Compliant Americans (Audio) Click…

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End Time Current Events: 2-9-14

End Time Current Events: 2-9-14 Table of Contents: Bruno Mars, The Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Super Bowl and Satan by Good Fight Ministries – Updated Link: http://www.goodfight.org/video/bruno_mars/a_m_bruno_mars.html They Sold Their Souls: The Eagles – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJhqCGtPkyk I Sold My Soul to the Devil – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGG5q25ezqI Click Here to Listen to the Audio There is no…

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End Time Current Events: 2-2-14 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 2-2-14 — Part 1 Table of Contents: The Many High Level, Occult, Witchcraft Spells of the 2014 Grammys The Superbowl, The Broncos, The Denver Airport, Metlife Stadium, The Seahawks, Candlemas, Imbolg, Groundhog’s Day & Punxsutawney Phil Click Here to the Part 1 Audio PDF: End Time Current Events 2-2-14

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End Time Current Events: 2-2-14 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 2-2-14 — Part 2 Table of Contents: Katy Perry: Illuminati Priestess Conducts Witchcraft Ceremony In Front Of The Entire World Grammys Telecast Forces Audience To Watch Live Gay Marriages Grammys: Macklemore and Madonna Perform Gay Anthem ‘Same Love’ As 33 Mostly Gay Couples Wed Live on Air Click Here to Listen to…

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End Time Current Events: 2-2-14 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 2-2-14 — Part 3 Table of Contents: Listener Comment: Evil Pentecostal Charismatic Mega Church Pastor Kenneth Copeland Officially Yokes up with the Pope and the Catholic Death Cult The Official Blog of Kenneth Copeland Ministries Announces this: “Historic Change!” Click Here to Listen to the Part 3 Audio PDF: End Time…

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End Time Current Events: 1-19-14 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 1-19-14 — Part 1 Table of Contents:  Obama Announces Plan to Rule by Executive Order NSA Official Says: ‘We Are Now a Police State’.. Regarding this NSA Spying scandal Obama recently said to: CALM DOWN… as the NSA Spies Are ‘Our Neighbors and Friends’… & the WHITE HOUSE or Obama didn’t…

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End Time Current Events: 1-19-14 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 1-19-14 — Part 2 Table of Contents:  Why Are Dozens Of High Ranking Officers Being Purged From The U.S. Military? ANSWER- SO THE EXECUTIVE BRANCH CAN CONTROL ALL NUCLEAR ASSETS AND PRESENT THE U.S. FOR SURRENDER! The Sides Are Forming for the Coming Civil War The Imminent Invasion of the US…

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End Time Current Events: 1-19-14 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 1-19-14 — Part 3 Table of Contents:  Update: Grave Warnings Listener Comment: 501c3 Clergy Response Team Preparations? FEMA Seeking Contractors Who Can Supply Biohazard Disposal Facilities, Tarps and Housing Units With 24-48 Hours Notice First North American death from H5N1 bird flu–Question Colloidal Silver Testimonial For Lung Issues MMS Question &…

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End Time Current Events: 1-12-14

End Time Current Events: 1-12-14 Table of Contents: MASSIVE In-Home Restrictions and FORCED Appliance Change Outs – Eliminating Gas by the C.A.P.by Deborah Tavares —Climate Action Plan Alert–Joyce Riley Power Hour–12/11/2013 Guest Deborah Tavares http://www.stopthecrime.net Green 8 Radiation Protection Devices Protection Against Cell Phone, WiFi, Laptop, Desktop, Appliances & Cell Tower Radiation Click Here to…

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End Time Current Events: 12-29-13 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 12-29-13 — Part 1 Table of Contents: Atheists, Work With Us for Peace, Pope Says on X-mas The Vatican’s Billions Part 1: Eastern Exodus–Some Protestant leaders are leaving their evangelical roots for Catholic and Orthodox churches Click Here to Play the Part 1 Audio PDF: End Time Current Events 12-29-13

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End Time Current Events: 12-29-13 — Part 3

End Time Current Events: 12-29-13 — Part 3 Table of Contents: A Devastating False Flag Attack Event Is Coming Our Way – The New Madrid Fault – Earthquakes – Gatlinburg TN – The Gulf Oil Disaster – The Salt Domes of Louisiana – HAARP Listener Question: Have you found your topics to be dangerous or…

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End Time Current Events: 12-29-13 — Part 4

End Time Current Events: 12-29-13 — Part 4 Table of Contents: Cost Effective, Powerful Detoxification Regimes 24 Pages of Cost Effective Powerful “Do it Yourself” Detoxification Protocols The Liver and Gallbladder Flush Oil Pulling For Health, Even if You Aren’t a Texas Oil Tycoon The MORGELLONS – CHEMTRAILS: WINE / PEROXIDE TEST / Detox FOOD…

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End Time Current Events: 12-15-13 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 12-15-13 — Part 1 Table of Contents: One church is requiring all home bible study groups leaders to register with LifeScan registry – a database maintained by the FBI The True Meaning of the word Christmas / Christ-Mass Islamic Jihad—It’s NOT Coming- IT IS HERE! Oslo Police: “We Have Lost The…

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End Time Current Events: 12-15-13 — Part 2

End Time Current Events: 12-15-13 — Part 2 Table of Contents: CDC’s Obamacare Secret Security Force, Not Very Secret, But Definitely Scary ALERT H7N9 Detected In Europe; Family Under Medical Observation H7N9 ALERT! EXPLOSIVE Situation In Hong Kong Emergency H7N9 Hospital Spread Being Hidden In China H7N9: CDC Emergency Medical Stockpile Deliveries To The Pacific…

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End Time Current Events: 11-24-13 – Part 1

End Time Current Events: 11-24-13 – Part 1 Table of Contents: Christians ‘face extinction’ amid sectarian terror & violence against Christian minorities which is now a ‘global crisis’ as worshippers are driven out of their ancient homelands by militants, a senior minister warns REVEALED! Rick Warren’s “Purpose Driven” Plan To Destroy Your Church Rick Warren’s…

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End Time Current Events: 11-24-13 – Part 2

End Time Current Events: 11-24-13 – Part 2 Table of Contents: Listener’s heresy filled experience at a recent church service The Sunday Assembly Atheist Mega-Churches Take Root In America A Black Listener Shares Her Viewpoint Black mob violence and the media silence–BIG LIST of racial attacks, assaults and threats “Prevenient Grace” Question Lord’s Supper Question…

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End Time Current Events: 11-24-13 – Part 3

End Time Current Events: 11-24-13 – Part 3 Table of Contents: Gummy Bears, Pharmaceutical Drugs And Vaccines Made Out Of People U.S. Aborted Fetal Products–Updated June 2013–Children of God for Life Binaural Beats Warning–Teens Now Getting High Off “DigitalDrugs” Buzzing in my head a symptom of silent weapons? & The Ultimate God-based Defense Alex Jones…

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End Time Current Events: 11-10-13

End Time Current Events: 11-10-13 Table of Contents: Listener Question About: BREAKING! Whistleblower EXPOSES GOV’T SHUTDOWN And FEMA – 10/20/2013 – UFO Coverup – ISON Retired Army Captain Takes To Facebook Warning DHS Preparing For War! HAVE 501C3 CHURCHES BECOME AGENTS OF THE STATE? Click Here to Play the Audio PDF: End Time Current Events…

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End Time Current Events: 10-27-13 — Part 1

End Time Current Events: 10-27-13 — Part 1 Table of Contents: America: DHS preparing for possible Riots / Martial Law on Nov 1st over Food Stamps–FOX video News Updates Fort Hood Soldiers Told That Christians, ProLifers & Tea Partiers are a Radical Terror Threat Leaked Video: FEMA Preparing Military Police For Gun Confiscations and Martial…

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