End Time Current Events: 5-26-13–Part 2

End Time Current Events: 5-26-13–Part 2 Table of Contents: GLBT Diversity & the Divinization of Humanity saves Humanity (Not Jesus Christ) says Presiding Female Episcopal Bishop The Radical Homosexuals infiltrating the United States Congress have a plan: Indoctrinate an entire generation of American children with pro-homosexual propaganda and eliminate traditional values from American society Click…

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End Time Current Events: 5-26-13–Part 3

End Time Current Events: 5-26-13–Part 3 Table of Contents: Boy Scouts Of America Vote To Go Gay The Boy Scouts, Freemasonry and the Mormons The Boy Scouts Secret Sex Abuse Cover-up History Click Here to Listen to the Part 3 Audio PDF: End Time Current Events 5-26-13

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End Time Current Events: 5-26-13–Part 4

End Time Current Events: 5-26-13–Part 4 Table of Contents: Dr. Johnson’s Health Corner: Listener Q & A Non-GMO Resources and Guidelines Is it true that ORGANIC FOODS are all or most of them FREE of GMO’s? What about if the Label says “All Natural”? Monsanto Exposed! Pink Eye Protocol Adult Acne Remedies Liver and Gallbladder…

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End Time Current Events: 5-26-13–Part 6

End Time Current Events: 5-26-13–Part 6 Table of Contents: New SARS Virus Spreading in Several Countries Does your mild silver protein protect against SARS? Invive Mild Silver Protein Acts as a Secondary Immune System in Your Body New SARS-Like Coronavirus Suspected at New York Hospital WHO reports first patient-to-nurse spread of new SARS-like virus SARS…

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End Time Current Events: 5-19-13 Part 1

End Time Current Events: 5-19-13 Part 1 Table of Contents: Pope a global spiritual leader: Proclaims UN Leader Ban The U.N.’s Millennium Development Goals Is Pope Francis Laying The Groundwork For A One World Religion? Pope canonizes 800 Italians beheaded by Muslims for refusing conversion or submission to Islam Muslims Believe Jesus Will Soon Join Mahdi To…

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End Time Current Events: 5-19-13 Part 2

End Time Current Events: 5-19-13 Part 2 Table of Contents: Demonic Cannibalism Savage Online Videos Fuel Syria’s Descent Into Madness– Muslim Rebels shout ‘Allah Akabar’ Cutting Out Organs and Eating the Hearts of Assad’s troops WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO Jihadists Call For Murder Of US Pastor, Critics of Radical Islam & US Heads Of State Iranians Celebrate…

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End Time Current Events: 5-19-13 Part 3

End Time Current Events: 5-19-13 Part 3 Table of Contents: Muslim Brotherhood Inside American Colleges CAIR Books Radicals for Fundraising Banquets Federal agency brings Muslim propaganda to 800 libraries across U.S. It’s coming to this – “One Nation Under Allah” Joel Hunter-mega church senior pastor of 15,000 evangelical Christians partners with Islamist to oppose anti-Sharia bill…

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Imminent E.T. Disclosure & World Government

Imminent E.T. Disclosure & World Government Table of Contents: Bible Study on Wisdom Paul Hellyer, Former Minister of National Defense of Canada says 2 Living ETs Working with US Government ETs Are Here and the White House Knows it, Says Actual Former US Senator UFOs Disabling Nuclear Missiles: Former Senator Says Veterans’ Testimony is the…

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End Time Current Events: 5-5-13–Part 1

End Time Current Events: 5-5-13–Part 1 Table of Contents: Bible Verses Regarding Truth Martial Law Temporarily Implemented in: Boston, Massachusetts–Valley Springs, California–Fredericksburg, Virginia–Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Multiple Polls: Americans Are More Afraid of the GOVERNMENT than TERRORISTS A new million dollar program is aimed at “violence prevention” & is encouraging Floridians to report their neighbors for making hateful…

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End Time Current Events: 5-5-13–Part 2

End Time Current Events: 5-5-13–Part 2 Table of Contents: Pentagon Taps Anti-Christian Extremist for Religious Tolerance Policy Rear Admiral Says Faith is Under Threat in Military: He warned the audience that a religious storm was fast approaching the armed forces Breaking: Pentagon Confirms It May Court Martial Soldiers Who Share Christian Faith Congress Calls Upon…

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End Time Current Events: 5-5-13–Part 3

End Time Current Events: 5-5-13–Part 3 Table of Contents: CNN–When Christians become a ‘hated minority Officials Disqualify High School Runner for Thanking God 16-Year-Old Girl Arrested and Charged With a Felony For Science Project Mistake No one was hurt. Nothing was damaged Obama administration openly pushing food stamps to illegals; no citizenship required, no income…

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End Time Current Events: 5-5-13–Part 4

End Time Current Events: 5-5-13–Part 4 Table of Contents: Percentage of Self-Employed Americans at Record Low—All by Design!… SC House Approves Bill Criminalizing Enforcement Of Obamacare… Warning about Magazines Being Microchipped FDA APPROVES “MORNING AFTER” ABORTION MURDER PILL FOR SALE OVER-THE-COUNTER–Obama OK with morning-after pill sales at the age of 15 Inhuman: Undercover in America’s…

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End Time Current Events: 4-28-13–Part 1

End Time Current Events: 4-28-13–Part 1 Table of Contents: Bible Study Regarding Evil and the Wicked OBAMA says to Planned parenthood: ABORTION FOES WANT TO RETURN YOU TO  THE 1950’S Obama to Planned Parenthood: ‘You’re making me blush’…  Obama to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz: “God Bless You” Obama Ignores Kermit Gosnell Murder Trial in Planned…

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End Time Current Events: 4-28-13–Part 2

End Time Current Events: 4-28-13–Part 2 Table of Contents: Michigan abortionist: ‘It’s too late for me, I’m possessed’ Planned Parenthood Threatens Nigerian UN Ambassador Over Abortion Congressman Files Bill to Ban Abortions Based on Fetal Pain Science Religious Groups Celebrate Day To Thank Abortion Doctors The Hippocratic Oath Exposed Click Here to Play the Part…

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End Time Current Events: 4-21-13–Part 1

End Time Current Events: 4-21-13–Part 1 Table of Contents: Boston Bomber Controlled by FBI FBI Casting Set Stage for Boston Marathon Bombing, Shootout, Charade Father Of Boston Suspects: US Security Services Set Up My Sons “Contractors” at Boston Marathon Stood Near Bomb, Left Before Detonation Proof That Craft or Blackwater Agents were involved with the…

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End Time Current Events: 4-21-13–Part 2

End Time Current Events: 4-21-13–Part 2 Table of Contents: Emergency Treatment for Ricin Exposure and Other Chemical Agents Chemical, Biological and Radiological Warfare Agents Survival Handbook April 19th-a Special Occult Day Leading up to Walpurgis Night & May 1st Beltane In an incredible display of spiritual disobedience/ignorance, hundreds of “Christians” faced the largest obelisk in…

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End Time Current Events: 4-7-13–Part 1

End Time Current Events: 4-7-13–Part 1 Table of Contents: Global Elite Preparing New Korean War to Coincide with Economic Implosion? U.N. OVERWHELMINGLY APPROVES GLOBAL ARMS TRADE TREATY Conn. reaches draconian deal on tough gun laws after Newtown CA lawmakers consider regulating, taxing ammo… Dems propose $10,000 fine for insuranceless gun owners… Sen. Grassley and Republicans…

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End Time Current Events: 4-7-13–Part 2

End Time Current Events: 4-7-13–Part 2 Table of Contents STATE GRANTS SECRET SERVICE VAST NEW POWERS Soon will be able to enforce Obama gun laws without sheriffs’ help UTAH SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION TO OBAMA: FROM OUR COLD DEAD HANDS Federal Framework Being Set Up To Arrest Sheriffs Gun Stores Resorting To Bullet “Rationing” Gun Control can…

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End Time Current Events: 4-7-13–Part 3

End Time Current Events: 4-7-13–Part 3 Table of Contents: Bug Out Time is Short Where Should I Go? Atlas Survival Shelters Survival Retreat Consulting Listener Comment on Boron, Arthritis and Pain Ibuprofen Kills More Than Pain, So What Is The Alternative? Bird Flu Strain Appears to Have Mutated to Infect Mammals Bird flu: Deaths cause…

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End Time Current Events: 4-7-13–Part 4

End Time Current Events: 4-7-13–Part 4 Table of Contents: Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Information and Mild Silver Protein Testimony Pandemrix swine flu shot causing European children to develop narcolepsy FDA approves first GMO flu vaccine containing a reprogrammed insect virus For the first time in American history, the Federal Government has acted to prevent anyone…

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End Time Current Events: 3-31-13–Part 2

End Time Current Events: 3-31-13–Part 2 Table of Contents: National Catholic Review Says: Repeal The Second Amendment Franklin Graham (president of Samaritan’s Purse), Dr. Richard Land (of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission) have agreed to back universal background check legislation for firearms which would lead to gun confiscation Click Here to Listen…

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End Time Current Events: 3-24-13–Part 1

End Time Current Events: 3-24-13–Part 1 Table of Contents:  1 Peter 1 Bible Study Cyprus bank insolvency crisis quickly escalating; may set off EU bankageddon Saber rattling intensifies: North Korea warns war is coming Retired Army Captain Warns DHS Acquisitions are ‘bold threat of war’ Against the American People–Says Americans may have to prepare to…

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End Time Current Events: 3-24-13–Part 2

End Time Current Events: 3-24-13–Part 2 Table of Contents: Obama Now Global Head of Al-Qaeda Breaking: US unblocks $500M for Islamic Palestinians Breaking: Israel fires into Syria after Golan attack on troops Pope Francis Now Urges All Religions To Unite, And He Spake As A Dragon Vatican calls for world government and a New World…

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End Time Current Events: 3-24-13–Part 3

End Time Current Events: 3-24-13–Part 3 Table of Contents: “Burkas for babies”: Saudi cleric’s new fatwa causes controversy Celebrity Saudi preacher who ‘raped’ and tortured his five-year-old daughter to death-Escapes with light sentence: Campaign to give women and children better protection gaining momentum Staggering Numbers of Women Converting to Islam Female Genital Mutilation on Rise…

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End Time Current Events: 3-17-13–Part 1

End Time Current Events: 3-17-13–Part 1 Table of Contents: Psalm 5 Study The new Pope was elected on 3/13/2013 at 7:06PM Rome time, which just so happens to be 66 minutes past the 6th hour (666) – Both the date and the time obviously contain strong “Occult Signatures”! This new Pope is also the First…

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End Time Current Events: 3-17-13–Part 2

End Time Current Events: 3-17-13–Part 2 Table of Contents: New Pope Tied to Argentina’s Dirty War Accused Criminal becomes first Jesuit Pope – Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, tainted with Dirty War allegations & “baby trafficking”, new Pontiff of Rome Vatican Department Shares Rome Palazzo With Largest Gay Sauna North Korea has thrust the Korean Peninsula…

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End Time Current Events: 3-17-13–Part 3

End Time Current Events: 3-17-13–Part 3 Table of Contents: ‘La Santa Muerte’ “Angel of Death” Cult Spreading Across US An act of terror which could plunge the entire Middle East into all-out war has occurred on the most sensitive of all areas — the Temple Mount. Ahmadinejad Elevates Chavez to Messiah-Status: He Is Returning to…

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End Time Current Events: 2-24-13–Part 1

End Time Current Events: 2-24-13–Part 1 Table of Contents: Dept. of Justice Memo: Outlaw and Confiscate All Guns FEDS BUYING ENOUGH BULLETS FOR ’24-YEAR WAR’ Radio host warns: DHS preparing for prolonged riots in U.S. Gun dealers report shortages of ammunition Government is buying up ammo that they had no use for, such as the…

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End Time Current Events: 2-24-13–Part 2

End Time Current Events: 2-24-13–Part 2 Table of Contents: Sun Myung Moon, The LaHayes, Chuck Missler, The Antichrist’s World Peace This is Islam!! Muslim Beheads Coptic Christians on America Soil in NJ– Mainstream Media Silent (Video) Proof that Devil Maitreya’s “Share International” Magazine/Website was Always Yoked up with the United Nations No exams on Wiccan,…

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End Time Current Events: 2-17-13–Part 1

End Time Current Events: 2-17-13–Part 1 Table of Contents: Pope Resigns & the Malachy Prophecy Tom Horn, Cris Putnam & Raiders News Network are at it again: Promoting the Catholic Death Cult and its “Prophets” as an “End Time” Source of Truth Click Here to Play the Part 1 Audio PDF: End Time Current Events…

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End Time Current Events: 2-17-13–Part 2

End Time Current Events: 2-17-13–Part 2 Table of Contents: Cardinal Peter Turkson Has Emerged As The Oddsmakers 3-to-1 Favorite to become the Next Pope A Sign From Above? Lightning Strikes Vatican On Pope’s Shock Resignation Anglicans seeking full communion with Rome: We Are In a Particular Way Spiritual Children of Benedict XVI Pope accused of…

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End Time Current Events: 2-10-13–Part 1

End Time Current Events: 2-10-13–Part 1 Table of Contents: DRONE STRIKES ON AMERICANS ‘LEGAL’ WHITE HOUSE says Drone Strikes on Americans are ‘ETHICAL,’ ‘WISE’… Right on Cue: Christopher Dorner Becomes First Official Human Target For Drones on Domestic Soil White House: No more information about drone killings will be released to public Charlottesville, Va Becomes…

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End Time Current Events: 2-10-13–Part 2

End Time Current Events: 2-10-13–Part 2 Table of Contents: Rockefeller Brother Fund: We’re Buying Off Evangelicals, Mayors, Governors… For The Earth ANOTHER STEP TOWARD ROME: “Catholic, Protestant Churches Sign Historic Baptism Agreement” – Recognizing Each Others Baptisms Pastor, Please Help Us! See Scott Johnson’s Teachings on the 501c3 Corporate Church of America Will Christian Leaders Compromise…

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End Time Current Events: 2-3-13–Part 1

End Time Current Events: 2-3-13–Part 1 Table of Contents: Israel Syria Conflict Gun Control Updates More Current Events Part 1–Mercedes Benz’ Satanic Super Bowl Ad – Selling Your Soul To The Devil Click Here to Play the Part 1 Audio PDF: End Time Current Events 2-3-13

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End Time Current Events: 1-27-13–Part 1

End Time Current Events: 1-27-13–Part 1 Table of Contents: Holder begins gun-control push DEMS MOVE TO BAN HANDGUNS, RIFLES Number of Sheriffs Refusing to Enforce New Laws Snowballs… GUN OWNERS THRONG ‘HIGH NOON’ RALLIES…Swarm state capitols… Million Man Armed March For The 2nd Amendment On State Capitals Planned For February Mayor of Gloversville NY Predicts…

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End Time Current Events: 1-27-13–Part 2

End Time Current Events: 1-27-13–Part 2 Table of Contents: Obama To Wage War On Americans: Amazing Interview With Jim Garrow That EVERY American Needs To See Obama’s Gun Control Proposals Gets Support Of Vatican Feinstein Opens press conferences with “Clergy” prayer… Horrific Preplanned Border Security In America PART 1: THE FIRST HYBRIDS–FIRST CAME THE VANGUARD…NEXT…

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End Time Current Events: 1-27-13–Part 3

End Time Current Events: 1-27-13–Part 3 Table of Contents: PART 2: THE FIRST HYBRIDS–FIRST CAME THE VANGUARD…NEXT COMES THE…Detailed Study on the Nephilim, Giants, Fallen Angels, The Book of Enoch, Jasher, DNA, Hybrids, Chimeras, Walk-ins, Soul Scalped, Demon Possession, UFO’s, The Ascended Masters, Maitreya, Aliens, E.T’s, the Grays, the Watchers and many historical writings pertaining…

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End Time Current Events: 1-27-13–Part 4

End Time Current Events: 1-27-13–Part 4 Table of Contents: PART 3: THE FIRST HYBRIDS–FIRST CAME THE VANGUARD…NEXT COMES THE…Detailed Study on the Nephilim, Giants, Fallen Angels, The Book of Enoch, Jasher, DNA, Hybrids, Chimeras, Walk-ins, Soul Scalped, Demon Possession, UFO’s, The Ascended Masters, Maitreya, Aliens, E.T’s, the Grays, the Watchers and many historical writings pertaining…

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Transhumanism, DNA, Vaccinations, the Flu Epidemic and Proactive Health Measures:1-13-13–Part 1

Transhumanism, DNA, Vaccinations, the Flu Epidemic and Proactive Health Measures:1-13-13–Part 1 Table of Contents: The U.S. National Intelligence Council Now Says Humans Will Become Superhuman Cyborgs Over Next Two Decades, Function Wirelessly Via Machine Integration And Biometric Hand Scanning Android phone application that facilitates you performing necromancy from your smart phone Watch “Verizon Commercial –…

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Transhumanism, DNA, Vaccinations, the Flu Epidemic and Proactive Health Measures: 1-13-13–Part 2

Transhumanism, DNA, Vaccinations, the Flu Epidemic and Proactive Health Measures:1-13-13–Part 2 Table of Contents: Study Reveals: Vaccinated children five times more prone to disease than unvaccinated children Self-Administering Micro Flu Vaccine Patch Sent Via Mail! Neurotoxic Tamiflu Flu Drug Approved for Use on Infants Police Take Newborn After Mother Refuses Hep B Vaccination; Lawsuit and…

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Transhumanism, DNA, Vaccinations, the Flu Epidemic and Proactive Health Measures:1-13-13–Part 3

Transhumanism, DNA, Vaccinations, the Flu Epidemic and Proactive Health Measures:1-13-13–Part 3 Table of Contents: Coming Futuristic Diagnostic Devices to Keep you Chained to the Medical/Pharma Cartel Can Vaccination Replace Natural Immunity? Flu epidemic strikes millions of Americans already vaccinated against the flu Real solutions to the flu: Foodstate Vitamin C, Mild Silver Protein, Foodstate Vitamin…

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Transhumanism, DNA, Vaccinations, the Flu Epidemic and Proactive Health Measures:1-13-13–Part 4

Transhumanism, DNA, Vaccinations, the Flu Epidemic and Proactive Health Measures:1-13-13–Part 4 Table of Contents: Multi-Vitamin/Mineral Products & More by Innate Response Formulas Offered by Dr. Johnson Synthetic vs. Natural–What Kind of Nutritional Supplements are People Taking? Click Here to Play the Part 4 Audio PDF: Transhumanism-DNA-Vaccination-DNA-Health Supplements

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End Time Current Events: 1-6-13–Part 1

End Time Current Events: 1-6-13–Part 1 Table of Contents: Bible Study White House weighs broad gun-control agenda in wake of Newtown shootings Red Alert: Senator Dianne Feinstein Plans Outright Gun Confiscation ALERT: Legislation Details: Senate to Ban Hundreds of Semiautomatic Rifles, Handguns, Shotguns, Magazines; Includes Fingerprint Registration Requirements Obama appears on “Meet the Press” to…

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