Witchcraft: The Emerging One World Religion-Part 2

Witchcraft: The Emerging One World Religion-Part 2 9/14/2008 & 9/21/2008 A new report claims more than 50,000 women a year have deserted their congregations in the UK over the past two decades because they feel the church is not relevant to their lives. It says that instead young women are becoming attracted to the pagan…

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Witchcraft: The Emerging One World Religion-Part 3

Witchcraft: The Emerging One World Religion-Part 3 9/14/2008 & 9/21/2008 A new report claims more than 50,000 women a year have deserted their congregations in the UK over the past two decades because they feel the church is not relevant to their lives. It says that instead young women are becoming attracted to the pagan…

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Witchcraft: The Emerging One World Religion-Part 4

Witchcraft: The Emerging One World Religion-Part 4 9/14/2008 & 9/21/2008 A new report claims more than 50,000 women a year have deserted their congregations in the UK over the past two decades because they feel the church is not relevant to their lives. It says that instead young women are becoming attracted to the pagan…

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Yoga Exposed-Part 1

Yoga Exposed (2 Parts)8/31/2008 Yoga is from the Sankrit word Yug, meaning ‘union’ (with the Divine, your higher ‘SELF’). Yoga is supposedly a path for transcending the ordinary mind (who you think you are) in order to merge with your ‘higher SELF’ or …

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Yoga Exposed-Part 2

Yoga Exposed-Part 2 8/31/2008 Yoga is from the Sankrit word Yug, meaning ‘union’ (with the Divine, your higher ‘SELF’). Yoga is supposedly a path for transcending the ordinary mind (who you think you are) in order to merge with your ‘higher SELF’ or ‘God SELF.’ Yoga means ‘to yoke’ — to yoke with Brahman (i.e.,…

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The Martial Arts Exposed-Part 1

The Martial Arts Exposed (2 Parts)8/24/2008The Martial Arts have a unique, unusual & unfortunately occult history. Karate was handed down centuries ago from Zen Master to Buddhist monk by word of mouth, and always in strict secrecy. Even today, everyth…

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The Martial Arts Exposed-Part 2

The Martial Arts Exposed-Part 2 8/24/2008 The Martial Arts have a unique, unusual & unfortunately occult history. Karate was handed down centuries ago from Zen Master to Buddhist monk by word of mouth, and always in strict secrecy. Even today, everything done in karate can be tracked back to some principle of Zen Buddhism. An…

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Beware of Altered King James Bibles

Beware of Altered King James Bibles8/24/2008 http://av1611.com/forums/showthread.php?t=104King James Bible believers are faced with an array of problems to day. Of course we all know that the multiplicity of all the new modern versions are a big proble…

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The KJV Defended as God’s Preserved Word-Part 4

The KJV Defended as God’s Preserved Word-Part 4 8/17/2008–In this teaching we will start by examining a shocking article entitled: Apostate ‘Bible Scholar Loses Voice on the John Ankerberg TV Show’. We will also be reading relavent excerpts from: Fighting Back!–A Handy Reference For King James Bible Believers/Reasons for Accepting the KJV as God’s Preserved…

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The KJV Defended as God’s Preserved Word-Part 2

The KJV Defended as God’s Preserved Word-Part 2 8/10/2008–In this teaching we will start by examining a shocking article entitled: ‘Apostate Bible Scholar Loses Voice on the John Ankerberg TV Show’. We will also be reading relevant excerpts from: Fighting Back!–A Handy Reference For King James Bible Believers/Reasons for Accepting the KJV as God’s Preserved…

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Todd Bentley’s False Revival Shutdown

Breaking Current Events8/3/2008In this teaching we will be discussing the following topics: 1) Our report from our recent 7/30/08 road trip up to Todd Bentley’s Blasphemous Lakeland Tent Revival 2) Will This Pope Make Mary Co-Redeemer?: Most false reli…

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The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 4

The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness (Part 4-5)6/22/2008 Bad Biblical theology inevitably leads to bad behavior. This premise reveals why the Church is either complicit with the dominant evils that are destroying America & the world. Unfortunately, much of …

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The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 5

The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 5 6/22/2008 Bad Biblical theology inevitably leads to bad behavior. This premise reveals why the Church is either complicit with the dominant evils that are destroying America & the world. Unfortunately, much of the Church seems blissfully & willfully ignorant of this proposition. As bad theology corrupts the Church, it not…

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The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 1

The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness (3 Parts)6/15/2008 external link: http://www.elijahmin.comBad Biblical theology inevitably leads to bad behavior. This premise reveals why the Church is either complicit with the dominant evils that are destroying Ameri…

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The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 2

The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 2 6/15/2008 external link: http://www.elijahmin.com Bad Biblical theology inevitably leads to bad behavior. This premise reveals why the Church is either complicit with the dominant evils that are destroying America & the world. Unfortunately, much of the Church seems blissfully & willfully ignorant of this proposition. As bad theology corrupts the…

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The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 3

The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 3 6/15/2008 external link: http://www.elijahmin.com Bad Biblical theology inevitably leads to bad behavior. This premise reveals why the Church is either complicit with the dominant evils that are destroying America & the world. Unfortunately, much of the Church seems blissfully & willfully ignorant of this proposition. As bad theology corrupts the…

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God TV, Lakeland, Todd Bentley & Satanism-Part 2

God TV, Lakeland, Todd Bentley & Satanism-Part 2 6/8/2008 In this teachings we will be looking at the overwhelming body evidence existing; that indicates that individuals like ‘faith healer’ Todd Bentley are not just deceived, they are actually propositioned high level Satanists/Luciferians. Todd Bentley says the ‘Holy Spirit’ told him to ‘Kick Her In The…

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Dominionism/Kingdom Now/Reconstructionism/Theonomy Exposed-Part 2

Dominionism/Kingdom Now/Reconstructionism/Theonomy Exposed-Part 2 6/1/2008 & 6/8/2008 http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/Psychology/cor/ Currently there is a movement about that is known as Reconstructionism, Kingdom Now theology, Theonomy, and/or Dominion theology, and it is a curious blend of Reformed/Calvinist theology and Charismatic influence (See my ‘Lakeland Revival’ Teachings). ‘That movement has been called by three different names: Reconstructionism (because it…

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Dominionism/Kingdom Now/Reconstructionism/Theonomy Exposed-Part 3

Dominionism/Kingdom Now/Reconstructionism/Theonomy Exposed-Part 3 6/1/2008 & 6/8/2008 http://www.rapidnet.com/~jbeard/bdm/Psychology/cor/ Currently there is a movement about that is known as Reconstructionism, Kingdom Now theology, Theonomy, and/or Dominion theology, and it is a curious blend of Reformed/Calvinist theology and Charismatic influence (See my ‘Lakeland Revival’ Teachings). ‘That movement has been called by three different names: Reconstructionism (because it…

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Vatican Easing Humanity Toward Alien Disclosure?-Part 2

Vatican Easing Humanity Toward Alien Disclosure?-Part 2 5/25/2008–Vatican chief astronomer Father Jose Gabriel Funes in a long interview with the L’Osservatore Romano newspaper this week made news by saying ‘Just as we consider earthly creatures as ‘a brother,’ and ‘sister,’ why should we not talk about an ‘extraterrestrial brother’?’. The statements by Funes are the…

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Vatican Easing Humanity Toward Alien Disclosure?-Part 3

Vatican Easing Humanity Toward Alien Disclosure?-Part 3 5/25/2008–Vatican chief astronomer Father Jose Gabriel Funes in a long interview with the L’Osservatore Romano newspaper this week made news by saying ‘Just as we consider earthly creatures as ‘a brother,’ and ‘sister,’ why should we not talk about an ‘extraterrestrial brother’?’. The statements by Funes are the…

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