Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-18-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: The HEXagram, the Mark of the Beast & the Hebrew Roots Connection-Part 1 & 2–By Scott Johnson SATANIC SYMBOLS ARE EVERYWHERE WITH DEVASTATING CONSEQUENCES—The Hexagram is just one of them—The Hexagram also relates heavily to X-mas / Saturnalia Remember God is Greater!!: The Sentient World Simulation – Supposedly 7 Billion People Have…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-11-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 2 Report: CIA Routinely Obtains UFO Wreckage & Intact Vehicles, Transfers Ownership To Private Parties More than 10,000 illegal aliens are crossing the U.S. southern border every day, according to reports. This is why they’re INVADING America, it all makes sense now—Replacement Invasion–Senator Dick…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-11-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: New Zealand ARRESTS Government Database Administrator for Revealing 24% DEATH RATE for certain COVID Vaccine Batches New Zealand government desperate to cover up proof of VACCINE GENOCIDE NZ Government Doubles Down on Vaccine Democide SHOCKER: FOIA Request Reveals 11,000 Politicians Received DEATHVAX Exemption The same government that told you that you have…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-27-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: STRATEGIC WARFARE PRAYER Anti-Christ New Age Establishment BRAINWASHING Pope Francis Signs Official Vatican Document Affirming Transsexuals Can Be ‘Baptized In The Catholic Religion’ In Major Embrace Of LGBTQ+ Listener Comment: From a school board meeting in your state, what a wonderful woman of God! Listener Question: I’ve been hearing about this Pastor…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-27-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Scott Johnson’s Teachings Exposing Pentecostalism & NAR New Apostolic Reformation Listener Question & Scott Johnson’s Response: I have this one friend on Facebook who’s clearly not a Christian and by his own words too, claims to be a spiritual medium and he posts picture after picture and video after video of his…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-20-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 1 Among the thousands The Strong Delusion Is Coming—The Pied Piper of the Coming Deception, Michael Salla Asks: “World War III or ET Disclosure – What Path Will Humanity Take?” The Post-Human Apocalypse–Timothy Alberino discussing the coming transhuman / posthuman apocalypse–reconciling the “alien agenda”…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-20-23-Part 2

Table of Contents:  The UN, Bill Gates And Rockefeller Foundation Launch The 50 In 5 Agenda No MORE Cash in Europe! The Digital Wallet is Almost Here SEVERE SUPPLY CHAIN SHORTAGES WILL EMERGE OVER THE DESTABLIZATION OF PANAMA (CANAL) BY THE UN, WEF, BLACKROCK Is The Panama Government About to Collapse and What Would That…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-20-23-Part 3

Table of Contents:  MODERNA ADMITS VAX CAUSES CANCER! Huge Development As Millions Die From Covid Injections The Incentivized Mass Murder of Children Brazil warns parents they won’t receive welfare benefits, be fined or may have their children taken away if they don’t get their kids vaccinated with the COVID-19 devil shot! WHOA! New U.S. Army…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-6-23

Table of Contents: PRAYER TO NEUTRALIZE OCCULT RITUALS Islamic Demonic Jihad Set To Ignite In America Domestic Terror Attacks Imminent As ‘Millions Of Terrorists’ Wait For Signal To Launch Assault, US Intel Analyst Warns Top WW3 Middle East Headlines False Flag Red Alert! US Government Ops Preparing To Carry Out Acts Of Terrorism Upon America…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-23-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 2 Top Headlines—WW3 Appears Close Six steps that could see the Gaza crisis spiral into WW3 Islam Has Massacred Over 669+ Million Non-Muslims Since 622AD–In fact, no ideology has been as genocidal as Islam… Exclusive Report Of Hamas Video On How They (And Really…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-23-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Karen Kingston Breaks Silence: Government Using Hidden Tech To Terrorize People This Happens In The Unseen World When You Sleep With Someone How To Pass From Curse to Blessing & Self Deliverance A Biblical Look at Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage–Excellent Biblically Based Books!!!–Dr. Scott Johnson The RISE of Anti-Christ | Bethel —…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-16-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: STRATEGIC WARFARE PRAYER The Antichrist’s Arrival via World War 3 and the Stage Being Set for End Times – What to do to prepare & encouragement!! — JAMIE WALDEN Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings Volume 1: The New Atlantis | Volume 2: Riddles in Stone | Volume 3: Eye of the Phoenix…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-16-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Demon Possessed Muslims Preparing For Jihad Against the non-Muslims–Warning THIS IS HAPPENING NOW ON OUR SOIL ++Note this is not updated to reflect what Hamas did in Israel recently–List of Killings in the Name of Islam: Just the Last 30 Days–This is part of the list of killings in the name of…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-9-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 1 Top Headlines Read: ISRAEL WAR! FIRST IN 50 YEARS 600+ KILLED; 2,000+ WOUNDED ‘MIGHTY VENGEANCE’ HAMAS ROCKETS BREACH DOME WORLD DIVIDED Unprecedented raids by land, sea, air… Bodies Paraded Through Streets, Militants Flying Paragliders… Over 5,000 rockets fired… Tanks captured…’We are being slaughtered’……

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-9-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: New Pictures of Madonna Before and After an Adrenochrome Feeding & Why Is It That the Most Satanic People From the Entertainment World/Music Industry Have No Problem Wearing/Covering Themselves With “Christian” Crosses? The ‘Cross of Christ’ vs. the ‘Accursed Tree’-Parts 1-3 By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 17, 2008–Plus Bible Verses Recommended…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-2-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: PRAYER TO NEUTRALIZE OCCULT RITUALS InfoWars Now Openly Promoting Witchcraft With New Video: Multiple Remote Viewers Warn of World Changing Event at Year’s End Remote Viewing Exposed & Jesus Christ’s Existence Proven a Historical and Biblical Fact By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 10, 2012 Globalist Planned ‘World Changing Event’ Seen By…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-2-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Biblical Fasting–The Kinds of Fasts and How to Fast Plus Bible Verses on Fasting 3 day/72-hour Fasting Benefits | Why Should You Do A 72-Hour Water Fast AMAZING & SHOCKING 3 Day Water Fasting Results! Vaccine Injury Treatment – Fasting for 48-72 hours creates autophagy – the body’s detox process that kills…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 10-2-23-Part 3

Table of Contents: THIS IS ONLY A TEST w/ Deborah Tavares: The upcoming national test of the Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alerts (that will take over devices on October 4th) is the most intrusive yet leaving us to consider what’s really going on and where it goes from here Listener Question: OK, where…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-18-23

Table of Contents: Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 2 Laying up Treasure In Heaven Totally Insane: DEMONS in the Music Industry | Doja Cat Demons | Kevin Gates Fallen Angel | Demonic Encounters Doja Cat Speaks On SELLING HER SOUL To Hollywood Elites CCP Satellites Over Maui At Time of Fires–Mounting evidence…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-11-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: STRATEGIC WARFARE PRAYER Things the Bible Says God Hates ‘Completely Inappropriate’: Oklahoma Elementary School Hires a Drag Queen (who has faced child pornography charges in the past) as Principal! Insane Current Event Headlines Heads Up Regarding September 23rd 2023–Predictive Programming? More Horrors In Maui Hawaii: The Latest On What We Haven’t Been…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-11-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: RED ALERT: Bioweaponized mosquitos DROPPED on migrant invasion camps in Panama as DISEASE VECTOR DELIVERY SYSTEM targeting USA SMOKING GUN: GOVERNMENT ADMITS THE COVID VAX IS A SCHEDULE 4 POISON! Growing Number of Leprosy Cases Reported After the COVID-19 Devil Jab ‘Vaccine’ Crime Evidence Provided to Texas Prosecutors and Law Enforcement National…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-4-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 1 Maui Fires and & More Irrefutable Proof of Directed Energy Weapons More Maui Premeditated Holocaust Headlines Maui–This woman calls Oprah out Contaminating the Crime Scene and Tampering With The Evidence of the Maui Mass Murder Event– EPA To FORCIBLY Spray Soil Tackifier Pink…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-4-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Extent Of De-Banking Revealed: Nearly One Million UK Accounts Shut In Past Four Years The Coming 2024 Climate lockdowns in the UK 15-minute cities Defense Dept to Crack Down on ‘Disinformation’ (ANY COUNTER TO LIES) on Social Media with the Help of AI–This comes despite court order by federal judge barring government…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-28-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: PRAYER TO NEUTRALIZE OCCULT RITUALS OPERATION INCINERATE LAHAINA: Secret Details of the “Shock and Awe” Execution Plan– A Gladio-style, DARPA-Directed, NATO-Overseen, U.S. Military Executed, Advanced AI-Driven, Full Spectrum Attack Against Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii With Multiple Goals & Objectives As Reported Last Week: Maui Residents Burned To Death In Their Cars Because Of Barricades Blocking…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-28-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Witnesses Expose Something Super Strange During US and Canadian Wildfires- In this case they are showing the actual jet they used (with the flight logs) & mounted lasers (DEWs)!! It’s a small private jet too, not big military jet Listener Audio: DEW Electromagnetic Warfare Against The Population, Gangstalking and Targeted Individuals Listener…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-21-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 2 MAUI MASSACRE: HARD PROOF OF GLADIO-STYLE, PREMEDITATED FALSE FLAG DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS PYROTERRORISM Hundreds If Not Thousands of Dead! Burned Alive! Survivor Tells What She Saw In Maui!! Evidence keeps mounting that the #Lahaina fires were DELIBERATELY shaped: ACTUAL FOOTAGE OF A DIRECTED…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-21-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Lying propaganda From The History Channel–Ancient Aliens: STAR PORTAL DISCOVERED IN HAWAII King Charles called on to ‘release the truth’ on UFOs, prepare religious for impact of ET life—Fox News Bible Verses On The Two Foundations Jesus Talks About Major UFO Disclosures are coming in the US and Worldwide in closing months…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-21-23-Part 3

Table of Contents: The History Channel Covers the Giants and UFO’s of Guadalcanal / Solomon Islands The History Channel Plays a Huge Part in Undermining The Word of God and Asks a Question: “Was Noah (of the Bible) an Alien?” No explanation for ‘mystery liquid’ falling from sky over neighborhood OK! What is this in…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-7-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: STRATEGIC WARFARE PRAYER The Hum – The Strange Sound Heard All Over the World 2023: STRANGE SOUNDS WORLDWIDE! Listener Comment: Incredible Video | The Hum noise–Now these videos are showing up in my YouTube feed Listener Comment: Strange Chaotic Events Changing Everything Listener Comment: Something major is up and I can confirm…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-7-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Sasha Stone acknowledges the Atman god-but who is Atman? Scott Johnson’s Teachings: Yoga Exposed-Part 1 & 2 | August 31, 2008 Listener Comment: Mantis-Looking Aliens Being Seen Virtually all the prominent Covid ‘truther’ doctors are connected to the Occult “Seven Rays” – “The Academy of Divine Knowledge” & New Ager Sasha Stone…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-31-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 1 Disclosure Alert–UFO Whistleblower: US Recovered Non-Human Biological Pilots from Crashed Crafts (VIDEO) US Air Force Major David Grusch on Wednesday testified before a House Oversight and Accountability subcommittee hearing on UFOs UAP Witness: UFO I Encountered ‘Far Beyond Actually Our Material Science That…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-31-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Heads Up Preppers! Biden Wants to Outlaw Almost All Portable Gas Generators, Only 6 Months to Comply “Prepare Generators”: Power Grid Emergency Alert Level 1 Issued Through Friday, Across 13 States FedNow Launches, “Big-Brother” Will Put Every Transaction That Occurs On “Record” Banking Insider Warns CBDCs Will Be Implanted Chips ‘Crazy Lines…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-24-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: PRAYER TO NEUTRALIZE OCCULT RITUALS Wicked & Blasphemous Things Are Happening in Many Churches Now Listener Comment: Famous ACTORS and ACTRESSES admit to CHANNELING EVIL SPIRITS FOR THEIR ROLES!!!! PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 7-24-23 Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-24-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Listener Comment: Jim Caviezel says “JESUS” was essentially possessing him as he “PLAYING THE SCENE” on the cross in the Passion of the Christ movie Scott Johnson’s Reply: Jim Caviezel saying he was literally possessed by Jesus and that Jesus and him were on the cross together and Jesus was speaking to…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-17-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 2 Wisdom From the Book of Amos Regarding Cremation Scott Johnson’s Brief Teaching on Cremation UNBIBLICAL CREMATION GAINING IN FAVOR “Cremation: What Does God Think” lists 10 biblical reasons to reject cremation Sound Of Freedom Movies Gigantic Controversy–Bombshell Revelations Hit Movie ‘Sound Of Freedom’…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-17-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Scott Johnson’s Teachings: John Walsh of America’s Most Wanted Presenting Biden’s Son “Beau” an Award that Has Pedophile GirlLover logo (which is a heart inside a heart indicating that the child molester prefers young girls) (Just like Joe and Hunter Biden prefer) and this award was presented at the National Center for…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-10-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: STRATEGIC WARFARE PRAYER Listener Comment: THE HIDDEN AGENDA BEHIND THE CANADIAN WILDFIRES Air Cleaner Recommendations: The Globalists SICK, TWISTED Plot To Murder You With Chemical Pollution Polluted FOOD, polluted WORLD – What’s the solution? New All-In-One Detox Product Dr. Johnson’s Now Carries–Biotics Research Bio-Detox Packs—These are a Liver, Kidney, Candida/Yeast, Lymphatic, Blood,…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-10-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Disney Green Lights New Show About A Girl Falling In Love With The Devil And Being Impregnated With The Seed Of Satan – ROSEMARY’S BABY 2023 REDUX!!  More Updates and Listener Comments on Catholicism – Jim Caviezel – Mel Gibson – The Sound of Silence and Passion of Christ Movie Scott Johnson’s…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-10-23-Part 3

Table of Contents: Jesus Christ Hating Freak David Icke Talks God, Demons and the End of the World on the Alex Jones Show David Icke Lies Totally Debunked (Full Movie) The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Church Recites Blasphemous ‘Sparkle Creed’ + ‘I believe in the non-binary God whose pronouns are plural’ This LGBTQ Church…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-3-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 1 US Senate: “You have 6 months to show your Alien UFO evidence, or else” – Is the U.S. Government about to show its cards and offer full disclosure about UFOs? The Coming Big Lie!! Will this be the Backbone of the Strong Delusion…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-3-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: +2+ LGTBQIA+ Advocates In New York Cheer ‘We’re Here, We’re Queer, ‘We’re Coming For Your Children!’ FYI: Pictures of the The Child Molester Flag, the Transgender Flag & the “PROGRESS” PRIDE FLAG Listener Comment: Angel Studios / Sound of Freedom & The Chosen Movie Warnings—Scott Johnson: Warning–This is a Real Mixed Bag…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-19-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: Important Tests Christians Need To Pass To Step Into Their Calling Listener Question: Have you ever seen this report? Billy Graham accused of Satanic pedophilia – CEO of Samaritan’s Purse Franklin Graham poses at Voodoo Donuts & Billy Graham and Pat Robertson Have Heavy Freemason Ties & Scott Johnson’s Response & His Teaching…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-19-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Biden proclaims LGBT SATANIC CONTROL over the dominion of Earth—The UN and WHO are instructing the governmental school systems everywhere that every child (even toddlers) need to have sexual partners as a human right & they must have sexual intercourse by the age of 9 and use pornography as well!! Exposing the…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-12-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: The Drums of War are Beating—What to Do to Biblically Prepare Physically and Spiritually All Of South Quebec Simultaneously Erupted In Flames Arson Driven Wildfires Being Used As Catalyst For Canadian FEMA CANADIAN FIRE FALSE FLAG! – They’re Prepping Us For CLIMATE LOCKDOWNS! Prepare for Wildfire Risk to Explode to “Above Normal”…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-12-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: A Christian Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Him Stunned! Military whistleblower says US has recovered dead alien pilots from craft of non-human origin WHISTLEBLOWER: Alien Spacecraft In US Military Possession TWELVE Alien Craft In US Possession Per Multiple Whistleblowers Las Vegas Police Capture Live UFO…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-5-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: Prophetic Anticipation Builds – Unblemished Red Heifers for Jerusalem Temple Ceremony Soon to Come of Age Biden increases the persecution of Christians and Conservatives THE GREAT AWAKENING: Official Trailer<<But Jesus Christ is Never Mentioned In Regard to This So Called ‘Great Awakening’ & It is Comingled With A High Amount of New…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-5-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: Attorney Todd Callender reveals Biden officials are IMPOSTORS who swore no oaths to America Why Is Bill Gates Now Putting Permanent Toxic Chemicals On Our Fruit? It’s called: Apeel They’re Irradiating Some Foods! Buyers BEWARE 99% OF PEOPLE HAVE NO IDEA THIS IS HAPPENING TO THEIR FOOD 501c3 US Corporate Churches Bribed…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-29-23-Part 1

Table of Contents: Bible Verses: Overcoming, Protection, Answered Prayer, Comfort, Faith, Justification & Fear of the Lord HEADS UP!! Pre-Mark of the Beast Digital Currency Could be Coming In June Is a Digital Dollar Coming? Financial Experts Warn It Will be an Instrument of Government Control Trying to Withdraw Cash? Big Banks Like Chase Wants…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-29-23-Part 2

Table of Contents: The SHOCKING Way Target Is Turning Against Christians Target Stores Are Openly and Proudly Promote Transgender Satanism and the Literal Murder of Christians and Conservatives!! See Garbage They Are Selling–If you give them your money you are funding evil! Satanic and cultish murder promoting clothing and accessories are being marketed to young…

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-22-23-Part 1

Table of Contents:  Who Was The Mysterious ‘Grim Reaper’ Figure Spotted During The Coronation Ceremony Of King Charles III–And Is There A Mystical Pagan Connection? Listener Comment: So according to the comments, Westminster Abbey confirms that the “grim reaper” like figure is a verger A coven of British witches and pagans pledge their allegiance to King…

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