Mega Study IV: Alien Agenda Exposed–1-29-17 – Part 4

Table of Contents: C2C: John Lear and Richard Hoagland Disclose Our Secret Space Fleet Remote Viewing Exposed & Jesus Christ’s Existence Proven a Historical and Biblical Fact Phil Schneider’s Alien Firefight At Secret Underground Military Base Reexamined PDF: Mega Study IV-Alien Agenda Exposed-1-29-17 Click Here To Play The Part 4 Audio

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Mega Study IV: Alien Agenda Exposed–1-29-17 – Part 8

Table of Contents: Part 2: Book Review: Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity Katy Perry’s Song “Extraterrestrial” & the Alien Agenda Deception Listener Comment: Nephilim Reptilian Ukraine Sighting Listener Comment: Reptilian Eye Slit Sighting at a Wal-mart        Watch THIS Before Doubting Reptilian Demonic Shapeshifters (Illuminati Exposed) – Shapeshifting Demonic/Reptilian Illuminati Celebrity Devils:…

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E.T. Disclosure Agenda Exposed–9-5-16–Part 1

Table of Contents: The Independence Day Resurgence Movie — Aliens — U.S. Army Recruiting For Earth Space Defense! Obama Report to Congress Supports Whistleblower Claims of Secret Space War General Mark Milley, U.S. Army Chief of Staff Talks About “Hybrid Armies” and “Little Green Men” the Military Will Face European Commission President Says he Spoke…

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E.T. Disclosure Agenda Exposed–9-5-16–Part 3

Table of Contents: L.A. Marzulli’s Shocking Find! Photos, X-Rays Included! What Is That? Could This Bizarre Winged Creature Be A Fairy, An Alien Or A Locust From The Book Of Revelation? Real HUMAN FAIRY HYBRID: “Fairy” with “Human Skeleton” X-ray Analysis, Mexico Fairy PDF: ET Disclosure Agenda Exposed 9-5-16 Click Here To Play The Part…

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Mega Study III-Alien Disclosure Agenda-5-8-16-Part 1

Table of Contents: Independence Day Resurgence Depicts Elements of Alien Disclosure President Ronald Reagan mentions Alien Threat at Fallston UN & National Strategy Forum The History of the Book Of Enoch PDF: Mega Study III-Alien Disclosure Agenda-5-8-16 Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

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Mega Study III-Alien Disclosure Agenda-5-8-16-Part 2

Table of Contents: As Great Deception Nears And “Aliens” Prepare Their Arrival, Ridley Scott’s New Movie ‘ALIEN: COVENANT’ Shows ET’s Destroying Militant’s Arm Patch Depicting Aliens Possessing The Ark Of The Covenant The original Prometheus introduced us to the Engineers, an alien race, who created humans and later decided to destroy humans Scott Johnson’s Teachings…

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Mega Study III-Alien Disclosure Agenda-5-8-16-Part 3

Table of Contents: Part 2–Giants, Super Soldiers, and the Days of Noah – Steve Quayle & Tim Alberino DISCOVER MAGAZINE Upcoming Issue Dedicated To Great Deception Scenario Where, In The Near Future, Earth Is Invaded By Aliens And Questions Surrounding “God And Religion” Become The Top Issue Dividing Earth’s Faiths PDF: Mega Study III-Alien Disclosure…

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Mega Study III-Alien Disclosure Agenda-5-8-16-Part 4

Table of Contents: Clinton Campaign Chair: ‘The American People Can Handle The Truth’ On UFOs Inner Earth Beings Take First Step to Openly Reveal Themselves to Humanity Rock Star Receives Official Support for UFO Full Disclosure Scott Johnson’s Teaching: Exposing The Strong Delusion: E.T.’s, Aliens, UFO’s, Nephilim, Greada Treaty PDF: Mega Study III-Alien Disclosure Agenda-5-8-16…

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Mega Study III-Alien Disclosure Agenda-5-8-16-Part 5

Table of Contents: Listener Comment: New Nephilim Experience Listener Comment: More Encounters–When it rains it pours Listener Comment: Another strange encounter Origin of the Sethite View of Genesis 6 Scott Johnson’s Teaching: Nephilim, Sons of God, Fallen Angels, Demons, Evil Spirits, Tartaros, Sons of Seth, Daughters of Cain, Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin,…

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Red Alert: Baal Arches In NYC & London To Be Unveiled On 4-19-16 – The Same Day “The Blood Sacrifice To The Beast” Period Begins–Part 3

Table of Contents: On That Temple To NIMROD-BAAL To Be Erected In Times Square In New York City—Are We Preparing The Grand Entry For Antichrist? The 1000 UN Baal Temples Are Connected to Child Sacrifice, Altar of Satan, Islam, Radical Environmentalism China Sees US And London Prepping To Build Temples To Baal, Wants In On…

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Trump, Civil War & The Evil Global Agenda – Part 1

Table of Contents: Signs Emerge The Globalists Are Preparing To ‘Lock Down’ America – Message To Americans From One Who Cares: ‘Don’t Back Down, Double Down’ The complete history of Monsanto; the world’s most EVIL corporation staffed by society’s most hate-filled people Ted Cruz goes all-in for Monsanto; insults tens of millions of health-conscious Americans…

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Trump, Civil War & The Evil Global Agenda – Part 2

Table of Contents: ROGER STONE: HOW GOP ELITE PLAN TO ROB TRUMP… Political Official Blatantly Admits The Truth – Parties ‘Select’ Nominee, Voters Do Not ‘Elect’ Them Listener Comment Regarding Trump and the Republican Establishment The Planned Assassination of Donald Trump–The elite want him dead, and they’re fomenting the discord to ensure it happens Secret…

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Trump, Civil War & The Evil Global Agenda – Part 3

Table of Contents: Radical Leftists Unleash Anti-Trump Riots Starting On March 19th Anti-Trump Protesters Tyrannize Americans As Soros And The New World Order Begin Activating ‘Terror Cells’ In America In Preparation Of Launching Race War Sheriff Clarke: Pro-Immigration Protesters Against Trump Are ‘A Conglomeration of Misfits’ Albert Pike, the highest ranking Freemason of the 1800’s…

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Trump, Civil War & The Evil Global Agenda – Part 4

Table of Contents: Anti-Trump MOB FOR HIRE Ad In Chicago Craigslist Days Before Violent Protest – Man Who Attacked Trump Made Short Film Calling For Killings Of Whites And Is An ‘Actor’ With An IMDb Page Dating Back To 2004 Black Crime Facts That The White Liberal Media Daren’t Talk About A Black Man Says:…

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Trump, Civil War & The Evil Global Agenda – Part 5

Table of Contents: ++ Chicago Cop: Anti-Trump Mob More Aggressive and Destructive than Reported Bill Clinton Admits Hillary-Soros Connection After Trump Protest Breaking: Anti-Trump Protest Funded and Directed by Hillary HILLARY SUPPORTERS Caught Infiltrating Trump Rallies with NAZI ARMBANDS! Anti-Trump Activists Violating Candidate’s Constitutionally Protected Right to Speech and Assembly Foreign Troops Arrive In Texas…

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Mega Study: The Satanic Lie of the Alien Disclosure Agenda — Part 3 — 2-28-16

Table of Contents: • Scott Johnson’s Teaching: The “Ancient Astronaut” Lie: The Shocking Origin of the “Intelligent Design” Theory • CIA UFO Files Released – Why? • Thousands of Documents Disclosing Aliens-UFOs soon to be released by US Navy Whistleblower • Will Government Document Dumps Reveal Secret Space Programs & Aliens in 2016? • Stargate…

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Health Corner: 1-29-16 — Part 1

Table of Contents: • The virus vs. humanity: ZIKA on the loose! • Bill Gates GM mosquitoes spreading birth defect in Brazil–The Zika Virus only started propagate after he released his genetically modified mosquitoes in Brazil • ZIKA COULD BECOME ‘PANDEMIC’… • Brazil sends 200,000 soldiers to stop spread of Zika…’House to house’ inspection… •…

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Health Corner: 1-29-16 — Part 2

Table of Contents: • Question–How do you take vitamins when you cannot swallow tablets or capsules? Children & Adult Whole Food Organic Gummy line and intraMAX: The Only 415 Ingredient, Liquid, Organic, ALL-IN-ONE Health Supplement • Colitis-Ulcerative Colitis-Irritable Bowel Syndrome-Diverticulitis-Leaky Gut Syndrome-Celiac Disease, Crohn’s Disease & Ulcers(Stomach or Intestinal)–Descriptions and Reviews: Okra Pepsin E3 –…

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Health Corner: 12-24-15 — Part 1

Table of Contents: • Implant Agenda–Populace Being RFID Microchipped Without Their Knowledge or Consent!! Vaccines and Surgeries are the main ways this is happening!! • Renowned technology investor and internet pioneer Marc Andreessen says in 20 years, every physical item will have chip implanted… • Holistic Doctors/ND’s & Cancer Researchers Still Being Assassinated • Chipotle…

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Health Corner: 12-24-15 — Part 2

Table of Contents: • Study: Coconut Oil Improves Cognitive Functioning in Alzheimer’s Patients • Dr. Johnson’s Comment: Essential Oils I just brought into my product line • Listener Question Cyruta Plus & cleaning out the arteries naturally • Listener Comment: Bill Gates GM mosquitoes are spreading birth defects in Brazil & they are planned to…

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End Time Current Events–12-20-15 — Part 1

Table of Contents: • Historians Shows Link Between Christmas & the Ancient Pagan Romans • Semiramis, Tammuz, Christmas & Human Sacrifice • “Demon Revels”: Pagans Exchange Male Infant Body Parts as Gifts on Christmas Eve/December 24th PDF: End Time Current Events 12-20-15 Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

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Part 1 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

Table of Contents: • Former Satanist: “I Performed Satanic Rituals Inside Abortion Clinics” • Blood Rave to douse Amsterdam dancers in gallons of blood • Vampire Goths and other witches and goths and satanic worshipers of Satan will be in a club in Amsterdam having a “Blood Rave” on Halloween Night PDF: Mega Study Click…

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Part 2 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

Table of Contents: • Halloween, Human Sacrifice, Stonehenge and the Wicker Man • The Black Awakening & Taking the Offensive-Part 1 • Vampires of New York City: BBQ Films and Deacon Frost invite you to an epic blood rave. • Goddess Kali, Hindu God Of Death And Destruction Projected On Empire State Building • Listener…

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Part 3 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

Table of Contents: • Vatican Vault Spilled! Pope to Announce Church Preparations For Alien Contact Former Chief Council For Jesuit Order Shares All • Vatican linked to United Nations video on integrating extraterrestrial life • UNICEF’s extraterrestrial alien diversity propaganda • Full ET disclosure plan involves document dumps & whistleblowers coming forward PDF: Mega Study…

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Part 4 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

Table of Contents: • Imminent E.T. Disclosure & World Government • Vatican Easing Humanity Toward Alien Disclosure? • Black Portal & Alien Cube UFO Over Texas? Witness Breaks Silence! (Video & Photos) • [LOSS FOR WORDS] Alien Ship Caught Sending Scouts Over Florida – Must See! 7/18/2015 • MASS SIGHTING! UFO Fleet Over Columbus Ohio!…

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Part 6 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

Table of Contents: • Secret United Nations Space Program Preparing for Alien Invasion • Global elites offer to begin limited disclosure of extraterrestrial life & technology in Nov 2015 • Secret Space Program Conferences discuss full disclosure & humanity’s future • Bio-technology hybrids open the door to extraterrestrial AI robots replacing humanity • Secret Group…

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Part 9 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

Table of Contents: • Show Cancelled, You Won’t Believe What It Reveals About September and CERN! Creepy Coincidence You Have to See To Believe! • Listener Asteroid Question • Here be dragons: Creature lands at Seattle building site PDF: Mega Study Click Here To Play The Part 9 Audio

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Part 10 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

Table of Contents: • Reptilian Controversy – MILEY CYRUS – KATY PERRY – Niki Minaj – Beyonce – Rihanna – George Herbert Walker Bush –Bush Jr. – Rudolph GHOULiani • ABC Series ‘V’ Exposed • The Movie “They Live” Comments • Area 51 Alarming Radio Call-in on the Art Bell Show PDF: Mega Study Click…

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Part 11 – Mega Study – Strong Delusion – Wickedness Increasing – Alien UFO Disclosure Agenda – Evil Giants Waking – CERN – Nephilim – Ascended Masters

Table of Contents: • Listener Comment Nephilim • Breaking Deception! Ascended Masters ‘First Contact’ Update: “We Shall Appear To Millions, Even Billions Of People Around The Planet” • Listener Comment: Dr. Cindy Trimm, Slain in the Spirit and Ashtar • lord Ashtar Exposed • The HEXagram & the Mark of Beast • Astaroth / Astarte…

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Health Alerts & Updates: 3-20-15 — Part 2

Health Alerts & Updates: 3-20-15 — Part 2 Table of Contents: • Just Say No To Acetaminophen • Listener Questions: • Supplements for Joint Pain, Inflammation and Degeneration? • What is Serrapeptase? • Mild Silver Protein, Sinus Infections & Peripheral Neuropathy Questions PDF: Health Updates & Alerts 3-20-15 Click Here To Play The Part 2…

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