The Cross of Christ & The Crucified Life-Part 2

The Cross of Christ & The Crucified Life-Part 2 Matthew 16:24-25 02/07/2010 Part of the Bible Study series, preached at a Sunday Morning service Matthew 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. Matthew 16:25 For whosoever will…

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The Cross of Christ & The Crucified Life-Part 3

The Cross of Christ & The Crucified Life-Part 3 Matthew 16:24-25 02/07/2010 Part of the Bible Study series, preached at a Sunday Morning service Matthew 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. Matthew 16:25 For whosoever will…

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The Cross of Christ & The Crucified Life-Part 4

The Cross of Christ & The Crucified Life-Part 4 Matthew 16:24-25 02/07/2010 Part of the Bible Study series, preached at a Sunday Morning service Matthew 16:24 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. Matthew 16:25 For whosoever will…

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Listener Questions & Answers-Part 4

Listener Questions & Answers (Parts 4 & 5)02/28/2010In this teaching I will be fielding various questions related to Biblical issues. Some of the subjects we will be covering are Biblically responding to evil threats, should a Christian own snakes, the…

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Listener Questions & Answers-Part 5

Listener Questions & Answers-Part 5 02/28/2010 In this teaching I will be fielding various questions related to Biblical issues. Some of the subjects we will be covering are Biblically responding to evil threats, should a Christian own snakes, the husbands responsibility to his wife and family, the ‘Serpent Seed’ heresy, the Noah and Ham controversy, Disney’s…

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Ed Watson Warning–Separating Truth From Lies-Part 2

Ed Watson Warning–Separating Truth From Lies-Part 2 1/13/2010 Teaching Overview: Pastor Sam Adam’s and my response to Ed Watson’s most recent (and past) allegations, but more importantly this teaching is to give many other eyewitnesses a voice to present their personal testimony/case. See: Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2 PDF: Ed Watson…

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The “Sacred Name” & Hebrew Roots Movement Exposed-Part 2

The “Sacred Name” Movement Exposed-Part 2 01/03/2010 Teaching Overview: Have you found eternal salvation through the Holy name of our Lord Jesus Christ? Have you found true deliverance from your old sinful past, the world and it’s pleasures, in this most precious name? What about the reality of the peace of God, and the assurance…

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The “Sacred Name” & Hebrew Roots Movement Exposed-Part 3

The “Sacred Name” Movement Exposed-Part 3 01/03/2010 Teaching Overview: Have you found eternal salvation through the Holy name of our Lord Jesus Christ? Have you found true deliverance from your old sinful past, the world and it’s pleasures, in this most precious name? What about the reality of the peace of God, and the assurance…

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The “Sacred Name” & Hebrew Roots Movement Exposed-Part 4

The “Sacred Name” Movement Exposed-Part 4 01/03/2010 Teaching Overview: Have you found eternal salvation through the Holy name of our Lord Jesus Christ? Have you found true deliverance from your old sinful past, the world and it’s pleasures, in this most precious name? What about the reality of the peace of God, and the assurance…

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Listener Questions & Answers-Part 1

Listener Questions & Answers12/20/2009Teaching Overview: In this teaching I will be fielding various questions related to Biblical issues. Some of the subjects we will be covering are cremation, holy water, the Lord’s supper, the human spirit, Satan’s …

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Listener Questions & Answers-Part 2

Listener Questions & Answers-Part 2 12/20/2009 Teaching Overview: In this teaching I will be fielding various questions related to Biblical issues. Some of the subjects we will be covering are cremation, holy water, the Lord’s supper, the human spirit, Satan’s devices, the Goth movement, abortion as a blood sacrifice, God slaying the wicked, Francis Bacon…

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Listener Questions & Answers-Part 3

Listener Questions & Answers-Part 3 12/20/2009 Teaching Overview: In this teaching I will be fielding various questions related to Biblical issues. Some of the subjects we will be covering are cremation, holy water, the Lord’s supper, the human spirit, Satan’s devices, the Goth movement, abortion as a blood sacrifice, God slaying the wicked, Francis Bacon…

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Freemasonry Exposed

Freemasonry Exposed – 3 parts12/13/2009Teaching Overview: In his book titled: “Freemasons: Inside the World’s Oldest Secret Society”, H. Paul Jeffers refers to the United States as a Masonic project. His findings revealed that many of the founding fath…

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The Black Awakening & Taking the Offensive-Part 2

The Black Awakening & Taking the Offensive-Part 2 10/4/2009 In this teaching we will be listening to select audio clips from a recent Steve Quayle/Russ Dizdar interview regarding the coming “Black Awakening” of demonically possessed, mind controlled “Satanic Super Soldiers”/”Chosen Ones” who are highly adept in the black arts/witchcraft and take their religion very, very…

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Tracking Bracelets, Forced Vacc., Chemtrails & Vehicle Choke-Points-Part 2

Tracking Bracelets, Forced Vacc., Chemtrails & Vehicle Choke-Points-Part 2 9/20/2009 ‘The Boston Globe’ reported on 9/16/09 that Boston disease trackers are implementing a draconian experiment aimed at eventually creating a citywide registry of everyone who has had a flu vaccination. When people arrive for their shots, they will get an ID bracelet with a barcode.…

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Tracking Bracelets, Forced Vacc., Chemtrails & Vehicle Choke-Points-Part 3

Tracking Bracelets, Forced Vacc., Chemtrails & Vehicle Choke-Points-Part 3 9/20/2009 ‘The Boston Globe’ reported on 9/16/09 that Boston disease trackers are implementing a draconian experiment aimed at eventually creating a citywide registry of everyone who has had a flu vaccination. When people arrive for their shots, they will get an ID bracelet with a barcode.…

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My Testimony and Supernatural Experiences-Part 2

My Testimony and Supernatural Experiences-Part 2 09/13/2009 In this teaching we will be discussing my testimony and many of the supernatural experiences I have had since being saved, and the power of the name of Jesus Christ & His Word has over the forces of evil. We will be discussing how to deal with witchcraft…

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The UFO Phenomenon: The Next Great Challenge for the Church?-Part 2

The UFO Phenomenon: The Next Great Challenge for the Church?-Part 2 8/23/2009 Evolutionists believe that life must have evolved elsewhere in their massive (and old) universe, and that Christians are arrogant to presume that Earth is the only place in the entire universe that contains life. The interest in the search for extraterrestrial life is…

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The UFO Phenomenon: The Next Great Challenge for the Church?-Part 3

The UFO Phenomenon: The Next Great Challenge for the Church?-Part 3 8/23/2009 Evolutionists believe that life must have evolved elsewhere in their massive (and old) universe, and that Christians are arrogant to presume that Earth is the only place in the entire universe that contains life. The interest in the search for extraterrestrial life is…

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The Bohemian Grove Exposed-Part 1

The Bohemian Grove Exposed – 3 parts8/9/2009 Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre campground located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, belonging to a private San Francisco-based men’s club known as the Bohemian Club. In mid-July each year, …

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The Bohemian Grove Exposed-Part 2

The Bohemian Grove Exposed-Part 2 8/9/2009 Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre campground located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, belonging to a private San Francisco-based men’s club known as the Bohemian Club. In mid-July each year, Bohemian Grove hosts a 2-3 week encampment of some of the most powerful men in the world.…

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The Bohemian Grove Exposed-Part 3

The Bohemian Grove Exposed-Part 3 8/9/2009 Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre campground located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, belonging to a private San Francisco-based men’s club known as the Bohemian Club. In mid-July each year, Bohemian Grove hosts a 2-3 week encampment of some of the most powerful men in the world.…

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The Sabbath – Hebrew Roots/Christian Zionism series-Part 14

The Sabbath – Hebrew Roots/Christian Zionism series-Part 14 7/19/2009 In this study we will be looking a specific Bible verses that prove the significance of the first day of the week (Sunday) for Christians. Also we will be looking at some other aspects of this subject including some notable quotes from early Christians like the…

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The Law & the Sabbath Hebrew Roots/Christian Zionism Warning-Part 11

The Law & the Sabbath Hebrew Roots/Christian Zionism Warning-Part 11 7/12/2009 There is a growing movement within Christianity, which contends that Christians need ‘to return to their Hebrew Roots (HR).’ The leaders of this movement purport to be teaching believers the ‘Hebrew Roots of Christianity’ through the study of Jewish teachings. So in these studies…

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The Law & the Sabbath Hebrew Roots/Christian Zionism Warning-Part 12

The Law & the Sabbath Hebrew Roots/Christian Zionism Warning-Part 12 7/12/2009 There is a growing movement within Christianity, which contends that Christians need ‘to return to their Hebrew Roots (HR).’ The leaders of this movement purport to be teaching believers the ‘Hebrew Roots of Christianity’ through the study of Jewish teachings. So in these studies…

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Hebrew Roots/Messianic Christian Zionism Warning-Part 8

Hebrew Roots/Messianic Christian Zionism Warning-Part 8 7/5/2009 There is a growing movement within Christianity, which contends that Christians need “to return to their Hebrew Roots (HR).” The leaders of this movement purport to be teaching believers the “Hebrew Roots of Christianity” through the study of Jewish teachings. So in these studies we will be taking…

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Hebrew Roots/Messianic Christian Zionism Warning-Part 9

Hebrew Roots/Messianic Christian Zionism Warning-Part 9 7/5/2009 There is a growing movement within Christianity, which contends that Christians need “to return to their Hebrew Roots (HR).” The leaders of this movement purport to be teaching believers the “Hebrew Roots of Christianity” through the study of Jewish teachings. So in these studies we will be taking…

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