"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-1-24-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 1, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 1
  • The U.N. has ‘plan of action’ to curtail free speech in every nation of the world–U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says the quiet part out loud: All speech contrary to established narratives must be reined in.
  • HAARP can be used for mind control–They are located all over the Earth–Many HAARP stations are also hidden
  • Even though this was a right vs left paradigm theater “Debate”–As predicted last week: “Biden will be REPLACED on 2024 ballot!” Congresswoman Luna confirms–So right on cue, after the “Debate” tonight the top headlines on Drudge already read: OPERATION: REPLACE BIDEN–DEMS SCRAMBLE WITH 130 DAYS TO GO!–DEBATE CATASTROPHE
  • Drudge Headlines 6-30-24: POLL: 72% WANT HIM OUT!
  • Michael Yon on Vaccines, Biden and Trump and the new president of Panama
  • Russia Warns US to Brace for Retaliation
  • FALSE FLAG ALERT! Russian MOD Warns USA Set To Release H5N1 Avian Bird Flu Bioweapon Ahead Of 2024 Election, Blame New Pandemic On Putin
  • Nightmare Bombshell: Democrats Officially Prepare Internment Camps For White American Conservatives
  • Hundreds of Thousands of Americans Are Going “Off Grid” In Anticipation of What Is Coming
  • BREAKING: DHS Whistleblower Exposes Biden’s Construction Of Internment Camps For Americans And Massive Child Sex Trafficking Rings
  • Idaho farmers being fined $300 PER ACRE for watering their own crops & there is no water shortage! Engineered FAMINE now under way

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 7-1-24

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-1-24-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 1, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Unbelievable! A witch knows this about her Baptist 33rd degree Freemason husband, but Christians don’t, why?
  • Ex-Witch Revealed what happens when Christian Believers Pray!
  • 84-year-Old Witch Doctor Turns To Christ
  • Did you hear about this video that was just banned on TikTok? I didn’t believe it until I saw it– Why is it only trans men wanting to participate in women’s sports? Why don’t women throw a fit about not playing in men’s sports? Well, because they know that there is a considerable difference in their capabilities to do so!
  • Right out in the Open–Gay Pride Chant: We’re Coming for Your CHILDREN
  • In Celebration Of Pride Month 2024, The Episcopal Church Unveils New LGBTQIA2SL++ Battle Flag Shield Preparing Their Followers For Antichrist
  • NBC affiliate employee fired after 22 years for posting about being straight on social media!
  • Beyond Disgusting— Phil 3:19:“…They Glory in Their Shame”–“An officer who will roll over on the oath to his wife, will roll over on his oath to the constitution”–It’s appalling what we celebrate and applaud. To think this is something to be proud of shows where we are—A Navy Admiral Coming Out of the Closet!–The highest echelon of our military is celebrating this man leaving his wife and family to be “his true self”!
  • Prayer Request—Going to a Mega Church In July
  • Scott Johnson’s Firsthand Account – Todd Bentely’s False Revival Shutdown<<Our report from our 7/30/08 road trip up to Todd Bentley’s Blasphemous Lakeland Tent Revival, subsequently (after Doug and I prayed for 4 hours there during one of the “revival” meetings) the following documented events happened…
  • Lakeland Revival, Conv. Child Molester-Todd Bentley, Lying Signs & Wonders-Parts 1-3 May 18th, 2008
  • “God TV”, Lakeland, Todd Bentley & Satanism-Part 1 & 2 June 6th, 2008

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 7-1-24

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-24-24-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 24, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Tennessee Governor Bill Lee has signed a bill calling for 30 days of prayer and fasting beginning July 1 in the Volunteer State–The resolution asks the people of the state ‘to seek God’s hand of mercy healing on Tennessee’
  • Just wanted to share this video I put together for a call to prayer and fasting that the Lord would intervene and shut down the Columbus murder Mill in Columbus Georgia
  • The Top Headline for 6-23-24 the Drudge Report Reads: Why it’s too late to stop World War 3
  • Top WW3 Headlines
  • Putin just made an OMINOUS nuclear warning
  • Ukraine has a DARK secret and Ukrainian families are DEMANDING answers
  • Why Conscription/The Mandatory Draft Is Coming Back and What You Can Do About It
  • “INSANE”: Senate Dems Blasted for Adding Women to Military Draft!
  • BREAKING: 2025 NDAA authorizes mandatory military draft of men & WOMEN 18-26 y/o across America…
  • Pentagon Funds Lab-Grown Meat Initiative for US Troops!—This will fund research for novel cell culture methods and military rations
  • Somebody is Planning Something – BIG – in New York City; Police Uniforms, Police Car Decals, and Police Radios all . . . MISSING
  • City of Seattle Now Actively Recruiting Illegal Immigrants to Join Its Police Force
  • It’s HAPPENING! Liberal sanctuary cities COLLAPSING because of this
  • The Idaho Farmland Water Shutoff “Coincidences” Keep Coming–I’ve posted showing evidence the real reason may be a land grab for cobalt mining
  • Idaho government destroys farming! Idaho water curtailment
  • Wall Street to List America’s Protected Public Lands, Including National Parks & Wildlife Refuges on NYSE Starting November 17

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 6-24-24

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-24-24-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 24, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • European Country To Begin Offering H5N1 Bird Flu ‘Vaccines’
  • US & EU to order, you guessed it…BIRD FLU VACCINES!–The U.S. & EU are set to order #birdflu vaccines from CSL Seqirus, a company backed by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation–But what do we truly understand about these bird flu #vaccines?
  • Get Ready: H5N1 Bird Flu is the Coming Disease X According to This MD
  • Scott Johnson’s Video Presentation From 2006 Where He Predicted the Current Coming H5N1 Bird Flu Scenario
  • Recommended Products Dr. Johnson Carries to Combat H5N1 Bird Flu & Build up the Immune System: Invive Mild Silver Protein ++ Note: Selenium, Vitamin C, Zinc, Calcium & Vitamin D-3 can easily become depleted from aggressive viruses–Recommended Products Dr. Johnson Carries
  • NEVER FORGET: Your government tried to murder you and has been very successful murdering millions so far
  • Scientific Research has Indicated that 73.9% of Examined Deaths are Now Being Linked to COVID-19 Vaccinations!–A Systematic Review of Autopsy Findings
  • Michael Yon: A striking message from a friend from my Army days–She sent this message today about a family member who took Covid jabs and went insane–Her story is one of many I hear from others
  • WHO Director Tedros: ‘It’s Time to be More Aggressive in Pushing Back on Anti-Vaxxers’
  • This needs to go viral–FDA Executive Officer says “Biden Wants to Inoculate as many People as Possible” & so much more…
  • Self-replicating mRNA “vaccine” depopulation bioweapons be deployed this October
  • Michael Yon–Very important update from Japan on the Replicon mRNA shots that will threaten a biological tsunami on the entire world
  • How To “Unfold” The Spike Protein of COVID-19 (and the VAX) Making it Go Away!
  • Bromelain — N-Acetylcysteine NAC — Nattokinase – Methylene Blue — Vitamin C — Breaks down the rubbery clots affecting the covid vaxxed and even the covid unvaxxed) — Destroy the Covid Bioweapon Spike Protein With Many Other Benefits–Supplements Dr. Johnson Carries
  • Methylene Blue Effects Against Micro Robots and Rubbery Clot Development – A Possible Hopeful Adjunct Solution?
  • Without God’s Intervention the Covid JAB Recipients are the WALKING DEAD: Vax ATTACKS Heart/Immune System Leaving Body COMPROMISED! The Unvaccinated Are Being Infected By the Covid Vaxxed & Their Blood (When Looked at Under a Microscope) Proves This & They Are Aging Rapidly– EDTA Chelation Is Essential To Combat This –EDTA is an Antidote For Hydrogel – Heavy Metals – Graphene Oxide Liquid Interface–HUMANS HAVE NOW BEEN IMPLANTED THROUGH NANOTECH + Bible Verses On What We Are Up Against

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 6-24-24

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-24-24-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 24, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Verses: What did Jesus and the Bible say to be on the lookout for regarding the days and times we are living in?
  • Cloning, DNA Manipulation & Corrupting The Seed & the Book of Enoch-Parts 1 & 2 By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 4, 2008 |
  • Further Darkfield Microscopy On Fluorescent Filaments Coming Out Of C19 Unvaccinated Individuals And The Orange Glowing Facial Spots – Its All Self Assembly Nanotechnology
  • Julian Assange’s Last Message—Talks About Evil Smart Dust
  • Scott Johnson’s Comment: I ordered one of those 365NM lights (they are using in the report above) & regarding the nano tech, mentioned in the report I just cited…
  • Florescent nanoparticles found in Coca Cola and Pepsi–DePopulation Agenda + MRNA added to drinks?

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 6-24-24

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-17-24-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 17, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Verses Regarding Watchmen & Their Calling and Christians Being Watchful–Exposing Darkness–Contending for the Faith–Ezekiel 33:6: “But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.”
  • New Testament Bible Verses on Spiritual Warfare & Biblically Why It is Essential
  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 2
  • What Did Jesus Say About What to Expect in the End Times Prior to & Going Into the Tribulation—Mark 13 and Matthew 24 Will Give Us Insight
  • Congress Amends National Defense Bill to AUTOMATICALLY Register all males, 18-26, for Selective Service DRAFT –to send your SONS to a War with Russia that THEY are creating!
  • WW3 Imminent? The 4th Turning–These Warning Signs Paint a CHILLING Picture
  • “Something HUGE is about to happen” and U.S. dominance is on the line 
  • Russian naval forces conduct drills 100 miles off coast of Florida in show of force
  • Former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter Dire Warning: “Russian Nuclear Sub Exercise in Caribbean – A Fatal Threat to U.S. Cities!”
  • DRONES to be introduced into Denver police to help respond to 911 calls after city defunded the force by millions because of all the Illegal Aliens Being Brought In
  • Denver, Colorado just did the UNTHINKABLE–which American city is the shining standard for how to bring in tens of thousands of illegal aliens? Well, that city would be Denver Colorado
  • The Biden border crisis is quickly becoming the Biden terrorism crisis
  • Man COLLECTS PROOF From Illegal Border Crossers!!! #illegalimmigrants #border
  • Biden’s “executive order”? Revealed Border Patrol memo tells agents to continue to release illegals into the country
  • The sleeper cells are here: ALERT: Chilling Attack Plot Against NYC JUST EXPOSED & STOPPED

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 6-17-24

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-17-24-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 17, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Treason–“America is BUILDING these secret detention facilities in all 50 states” WHY?!? Take a Guess
  • Testimonial–Warning! H5N1 Bird Flu Police–We Got A KNOCK On The DOOR…..DO NOT COMPLY!!
  • Insanity on full display: IDAHO SHUTS DOWN FARMERS “We’re all going to fail”—For Zero Valid Reasons Idaho shuts down 500,000 acres of farm land with water curtailment!!!
  • Possible Outcome–Prepare for the Great Taking! Upcoming Event Will Rock 401Ks, Freeze Cash Withdraws, Usher In CBDC

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 6-17-24

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-17-24-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 17, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Update: Scott Johnson’s Comment–Thanks to your prayers (some even fasted) God intervened and after 25+ years of searching for Tracy, I finally found her and talked to her. This all started happening only 2 days after I originally posted this teaching on 6-3-24. The power of prayer in action. Out of respect for Tracy, her husband and her children, I took down the pictures of her & I (that I mentioned in audio I released 2 weeks ago about this subject); so this is an abbreviated update on what transpired. Thank you for all your kind wonderful comments and prayers!

++There is no PDF for this part 3 teaching

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-3-24-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 4, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Are the Globalists Making Their Big Move to Shut Down Alternative Media? Plus Alex Jones Goes Totally Off the Rails + Bible Verses
  • Listener Comment: Alex Jones – confusion in the enemy’s camp
  • Mike Adams Warning
  • Biden administration trying to enact legislation in for the coming draft
  • Get Ready! Invaders Are Approaching US Bases, Taking Pictures of Special Forces Colonel’s Home
  • Deputies Warning Residents to Check Their Property for Hidden Cameras, Potential Dry Runs On Bases

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 6-3-24

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-3-24-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 4, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • The Supreme Importance and Difference Between Secular Dating vs Biblical Courting + The Importance of Being Raised Biblically & What happens When You’re Not + Testimony & Pictures
  • Update: Scott Johnson’s Comment–Thanks to your prayers (some even fasted) God intervened and after 25 years of searching for Tracy, I finally found her and talked to her. This all started happening only 2 days after I originally posted this teaching on 6-3-24. The power of prayer in action. Out of respect for Tracy, her husband and her children, I took down the pictures of her & I (that I mentioned in this audio) and I will be posting a respectful update on what transpired in a future audio I post. Thank you for all your kind wonderful comments and prayers!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 6-3-24

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio