"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-3-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 4, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • +2+ LGTBQIA+ Advocates In New York Cheer ‘We’re Here, We’re Queer, ‘We’re Coming For Your Children!’
  • FYI: Pictures of the The Child Molester Flag, the Transgender Flag & the “PROGRESS” PRIDE FLAG
  • Listener Comment: Angel Studios / Sound of Freedom & The Chosen Movie Warnings—Scott Johnson: Warning–This is a Real Mixed Bag
  • Tim Ballard One-On-One–New movie “The Sound of Freedom” Child Sex Trafficking Exposed
  • Actor Jim Caviezel & the New Movie ‘The Sound Of Freedom’: A Spotlight on the Global Movement to End the Trafficking of Minors
  • Jim Caviezel is a devout Catholic with a special devotion to the Demonic “Virgin Mary”.
  • The QUEEN OF HEAVEN & Jim Caviezel: The Closing Moments Of The RNC Issued A Call For Help To The ‘Blessed Virgin Mary’ In The ‘Most Catholic Moment’ In American History
  • Messages From Heaven? – “Virgin Mary” or Deception? Full documentary
  • Proof The Catholics Church Has Removed the 2nd Commandment!
  • FACTS: US Military aiding the illegal invasion of the US!
  • Rising Number of “High-Value” Target Chinese, Russian Nationals At US Southern Border Raise Alarm
  • WARNING (100,000’s NOW) Russia & China SECRET INVASION!?
  • Heavily Armed ATF & IRS Agents Hit Montana Gun Store With “Soviet-Style Intimidation Raid”

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 7-3-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-19-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 19, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Important Tests Christians Need To Pass To Step Into Their Calling
  • Listener Question: Have you ever seen this report? Billy Graham accused of Satanic pedophilia – CEO of Samaritan’s Purse Franklin Graham poses at Voodoo Donuts & Billy Graham and Pat Robertson Have Heavy Freemason Ties & Scott Johnson’s Response & His Teaching On These Subjects
  • LILITH Exposed! How KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) is Promoting Satanism with Diablo IV game
  • How To Pass From Curse to Blessing & Self Deliverance
  • Scott Johnson’s Teaching: The Bohemian Grove Exposed
  • Listener Comment About a Lady on the NYC Subway With Black Eyes
  • Listener Comment About Black Eyed Beings

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 6-19-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-19-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 19, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Biden proclaims LGBT SATANIC CONTROL over the dominion of Earth—The UN and WHO are instructing the governmental school systems everywhere that every child (even toddlers) need to have sexual partners as a human right & they must have sexual intercourse by the age of 9 and use pornography as well!! Exposing the global cabal child trafficking and WHO pushing genital mutilations & the truth about the Vatican being deeply involved in child exploitation and abuse
  • A Child Molester Admits: Protective Dads are the Main Threat to Them
  • An American Apostate Church (that has been there since 1863) MOCKS God During June/Gay Pride Month & then gets DESTROYED by a lightening strike…
  • Demon Possessed/Unhinged Hellywood Actress Megan Fox Threatens Conservative Influencer With Witchcraft Ritual For Exposing Her Children’s ‘Trans’ Upbringing—She Raised All 3 of Her Sons As Transgender Girls!!!
  • Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC–US Representative NY-14 (BX & Queens) is Pure Evil

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 6-19-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-12-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 13, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • The Drums of War are Beating—What to Do to Biblically Prepare Physically and Spiritually
  • All Of South Quebec Simultaneously Erupted In Flames
  • Arson Driven Wildfires Being Used As Catalyst For Canadian FEMA
  • Prepare for Wildfire Risk to Explode to “Above Normal” In Upper Midwest and Northeast US States
  • Corrupt foreign entities are buying up massive “carbon-capture” pipeline project in Midwest to fight “global warming”
  • Green tyranny takes aim at our farms: South Dakota farmers face land seizures by terraforming company planning to install massive “carbon capture” infrastructure across landscape
  • SUMMER OF CHAOS: Eco-terrorists plan massive CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE campaign, complete with highway blockages and disruptions at federal properties
  • ‘Your tax dollars hard at work!’ NYC unveils $11,000 ‘safe drug-use’ vending machine in Brooklyn that gives out crack pipes, Narcan and fentanyl test strips for FREE – and the next one will also have syringes! The machine’s contents are free for residents who punch in the right zip code 

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 6-12-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-12-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 13, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • A Christian Asked AI about the Second Coming of Jesus, and its Response Left Him Stunned!
  • Military whistleblower says US has recovered dead alien pilots from craft of non-human origin
  • WHISTLEBLOWER: Alien Spacecraft In US Military Possession
  • TWELVE Alien Craft In US Possession Per Multiple Whistleblowers
  • Las Vegas Police Capture Live UFO Sighting On Bodycam With Locals Claiming They Saw ‘8ft-10ft High Aliens’ Walking About Freely Through Their Backyard
  • ‘100% they’re not human,’ Witness details alleged alien encounter in Las Vegas
  • Witch publishes WaPo piece claiming ‘dangerous’ Christians are harassing wiccan festivals—The Witch Starr Ravenhawk claims that Christians see themselves ‘at war’ with her fellow witchesAccording to 1 John 3:8 “For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 6-12-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-5-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 5, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Prophetic Anticipation Builds – Unblemished Red Heifers for Jerusalem Temple Ceremony Soon to Come of Age
  • Biden increases the persecution of Christians and Conservatives
  • THE GREAT AWAKENING: Official Trailer<<But Jesus Christ is Never Mentioned In Regard to This So Called ‘Great Awakening’ & It is Comingled With A High Amount of New Agers and Heresy!
  • The Aquarian LUCIFERIAN Agenda / New Age Doctor Network
  • Dr. Carrie Madaj Exposed Again: Video Series: The Phoenix, DNA & the Jab
  • Virtually all the prominent Covid ‘truther’ doctors are connected to the Occult “Seven Rays” – “The Academy of Divine Knowledge” & New Ager Sasha Stone who is united with the UN & so much more! Members Include: Christ Hating Godless David Icke – Del Big Tree – Dr. Judy Mikovits – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Carrie Madej – Sherri Tenpenny, MICHAEL JACO – DR. LARRY PALEVSKY – DR. CHRISTIANE NORTHRUP – SEAN STONE – Dr David Martin – Dr Andrew Wakefield & many More– All placed by the UN to make our transition to the NEW NORMAL / New World Order more comfortable?
  • US Climate Czar Announces War Like Effort To Shut Down American Food Supply
  • Panama is Key Terrain–Darien Hotspot
  • Invasion Buses Headed to US–Unvetted Chinese, Russians, Afghans and more
  • Democrat-run metro cities overrun with ZOMBIE DRUG “TRANQ” that’s cooked down into powder form and mixed with heroin and fentanyl – eats human flesh
  • OreGONE–Lady works for the Governor and her husband drives a truck throughout Oregon gives us a sad description of what the state has come to under the Leftists rule
  • Current Event Headlines and Proactive Action Alerts

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 6-5-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-5-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 5, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Attorney Todd Callender reveals Biden officials are IMPOSTORS who swore no oaths to America
  • Why Is Bill Gates Now Putting Permanent Toxic Chemicals On Our Fruit? It’s called: Apeel
  • They’re Irradiating Some Foods! Buyers BEWARE
  • 501c3 US Corporate Churches Bribed with $13 Billion to Push Covid Death Shot on Pregnant Women & Their Members
  • U.S. Postal Carrier: “19 People Have Died on my Mail Route in Last 4 Months”– Vax Jabbed!
  • Dr. Rashid Buttar DIES SUDDENLY: Anti-Vaxx Doctor Who Exposed the Covid Kill Shot Claims POISONING Days Before Mysterious DEATH right After His CNN Interview Where He Was Defamed
  • CNN? More like assaCNNation! Dr. Buttar Dies after a suspicious and hostile interview!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 6-5-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-29-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 29, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Verses: Overcoming, Protection, Answered Prayer, Comfort, Faith, Justification & Fear of the Lord
  • HEADS UP!! Pre-Mark of the Beast Digital Currency Could be Coming In June
  • Is a Digital Dollar Coming? Financial Experts Warn It Will be an Instrument of Government Control
  • Trying to Withdraw Cash? Big Banks Like Chase Wants To Know Why, And NatWest Wants to See Proof!
  • Get Ready! Senators Given Satellite Phones for “Disruptive Event” That Will Take Out Communications
  • 30-Ton Shipment of Explosive Chemical Disappears from Train Between California and Wyoming
  • China Refuses All Communication with U.S. – For THREE Weeks Now!
  • Critical Comms Compromised! US Navy Warns Chinese Hackers Have Infiltrated Naval Infrastructure
  • Heads Up! Chinese Migrants Are Landing On Florida’s Beaches, 23K Migrant Encounters In March Alone
  • They are proposing an illegal alien adoptive family program targeting empty nesters!!!!!!
  • Santa Muerte–The Saint of Death and Underworld on the US Border—The Illegal Invaders Are Also Bringing Their False Satanic Religions!
  • Proposed Global WHO Treaty Supersedes Nation’s Constitution, Establishing Global Governance!
  • Listener Info: Tytler Cycle of Democracy–Introduced to this back in 1984 by a College Professor

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 5-29-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-29-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 29, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • The SHOCKING Way Target Is Turning Against Christians
  • Target Stores Are Openly and Proudly Promote Transgender Satanism and the Literal Murder of Christians and Conservatives!! See Garbage They Are Selling–If you give them your money you are funding evil! Satanic and cultish murder promoting clothing and accessories are being marketed to young kids at Target stores nationwide! Target PANICS Over Conservative Boycott–Too late Target! Look at the murderous satanic filth they are peddling–They are selling merchandise advocating murdering Christians & anyone not in lockstep with their brand of evil! Former Child Star Speaks Out About Satanic Ritual Sacrifice–Ricky Schroder just uploaded a video sharing a childhood story about Satanic human sacrifice in Hollywood!
  • Bud Light 2.0? #Target is now rolling out an LGBT Pride collection, including “tuck friendly” swimsuits for kids
  • They are now selling, among other things in their children’s “pride” section, “tuck-friendly” and “binding” swimsuits for kids
  • Hollywood Actress Speaks Out Against The Horrors Of The Child Porn Industry
  • Target Store Partners With Literal Satanists For “Pride” Collection As Adidas And Sports Illustrated Use Trans Male Models Pretending To Be Women
  • Utah Target Evacuated After Trans Extremists Threaten to Bomb Multiple Store Locations for Removing LGBT Satan Merchandise “We will continue to bomb your Targets until you stop cowering and bring back your LBGT merchandise. We will not be erased, we won’t go quietly,” email warns!
  • The North Face Unveils Ad Featuring Mustachioed Drag Queen Encouraging Children to ‘Come Out’
  • Calvin Klein Faces Backlash After Unveiling Obese Black Trans ‘Model’ Wearing Sports Bra
  • LA Dodgers Slammed Over Pride Night Invitation to LGBT Group that Performed Stripper Pole Blasphemous Christ Crucifixion Routine
  • Bio-Terror: Trans Antifa Activists Douse Themselves the Whole Area In Urine Outside UK ‘Equality’ Building
  • Australia PROMOTING Child Molestation: Australian Government Hosts DRAG QUEEN Story Hour Inside PARLIAMENT—The Ultimate Stated Goal of This Agenda is Sexually Molesting your Children & Making it Legal to do so!!!
  • What Does the Bible Say About These Sick, Perverted, Wicked, Demon Possessed Trans/LGBTQ Abominations? Sodom & Gomorrah Tells Us Of Their Coming Judgement!

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-22-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 22, 2023

Table of Contents: 

  • Who Was The Mysterious ‘Grim Reaper’ Figure Spotted During The Coronation Ceremony Of King Charles III–And Is There A Mystical Pagan Connection?
  • Listener Comment: So according to the comments, Westminster Abbey confirms that the “grim reaper” like figure is a verger
  • A coven of British witches and pagans pledge their allegiance to King Charles, claiming he is ‘very pagan’ and ‘supportive’ of their beliefs–His invitation featured the Green Man and lots of other Pagan symbolism.’ 
  • The Roman Empire Never Went Away
  • LGBTQ Current Headlines From Just One Day Alone
  • Brace Yourself…Dr. Umar spitting Facts Gays and Child Molesters
  • “Christian” Pastors Defend Killing Babies in Abortions: They Say God Wants Us to Have “Freedom To Make Our Own Decisions”<< Meaning Killing Your Unborn Baby
  • So What Does Jesus Say About Children & What Does He say About Harming and/or Murdering Children and Babies?
  • County abolishes office of DEI (Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion)
  • Why “Mercy Killing” is such a Satanic Slippery Slope

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 5-22-23

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