"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events: 2-1-15 — Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 2, 2015

End Time Current Events: 2-1-15 — Part 1

Table of Contents:

• Feds to Unleash Hyper-Orwellian Police State at Super Bowl XLIX
• Katy Perry: 2015 Super Bowl Illuminati Half-Time Ritual Pr-Show EXPOSED!

PDF: End Time Current Events 2-1-15

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End Time Current Events: 2-1-15 — Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 2, 2015

End Time Current Events: 2-1-15 — Part 2

Table of Contents:

• Katy Perry: Illuminati Goddess of the 2015 Super Bowl Halftime Show
• Scott Johnson’s Teachings on the Alien, UFO, Nephilim Agenda:
• Maitreya Deception

PDF: End Time Current Events 2-1-15

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End Time Current Events: 2-1-15 — Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 2, 2015

End Time Current Events: 2-1-15 — Part 3

Table of Contents:

• Maitreya first appeared in Nairobi, Kenya in June of 1988 the same time Barack Obama was there for 5 weeks!
• Barack Obama’s astonishing accomplishment timeline AFTER his Nairobi, Kenya visit in June of 1988
• Audio–Mind Control – Wires in the Brain…Deborah Tavares 01-07-2015

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End Time Current Events: 1-20-15 — Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 21, 2015

End Time Current Events: 1-20-15 — Part 1

Table of Contents:

• Obama to Host Global “Extremism” Summit; Tyranny on the Menu
• Source: Terror Cells Activated in France
• 3,000 “Moderate Rebels” Defect to ISIS – US Preparing 5,000 More

PDF: End Time Current Events 1-20-15

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End Time Current Events: 1-20-15 — Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 21, 2015

End Time Current Events: 1-20-15 — Part 2

Table of Contents:

• German Reporter: ISIS Plans On Killing ‘Hundreds of Millions’ in ‘Religious Cleansing’
• Americans (& the world) should understand that Islam is at war with us
• Report: Obama’s Islamic Terror Cells In The U.S.

PDF: End Time Current Events 1-20-15

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End Time Current Events: 1-20-15 — Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 21, 2015

End Time Current Events: 1-20-15 — Part 3

Table of Contents:

• The Coming Attack Upon Our Water Supplies
• An American Intifada – Communists and Radical Islamists Join Forces
• Jimmy Carter blames Israel for Paris terrorist attacks
• ISIS cell members caught beheading animals to practice decapitating people ahead of an attack in Israel
• 2,000 feared killed in Boko Haram attack
• Devil Muslims (Boko Haram) Strap Bomb to 10 Year Girl & Remotely Detonate Device at Market, killing 20 and injuring 18
• Boko Haram Islamic Terrorists Murder a Woman During Labor – Baby Boy Was Half-Way Delivered
• Muslim Inbreeding: The Impacts on Intelligence, Sanity, Health and Society

PDF: End Time Current Events 1-20-15

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End Time Current Events: 1-20-15 — Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 21, 2015

End Time Current Events: 1-20-15 — Part 4

Table of Contents:

• Contrast Barack Obama’s Quotes About Islam With His Quotes About Christianity!
• Colorado public school children forced to bow to Islam
• Group of Muslim Men Gang-Rape a 3-Year-old Girl and a 12-Year-old Girl in Afghanistan
• The World Wars Of Albert Pike
• Select Quotes from Morals and Dogma By Albert Pike 1871
• Freemasonry Exposed by Scott Johnson

PDF: End Time Current Events 1-20-15

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End Time Current Events: 1-4-15 — Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 5, 2015

End Time Current Events: 1-4-15 — Part 1

Table of Contents:

• Will Our Scofflaw President Try to Enforce an Unratified Arms Trade Treaty?
• Nations have ONE year to crack down regarding the UN small arms treaty and must report to the UN by 12/24/15 their initial reports!
• I am a buyer of Military Surplus for some time now and I am beginning to see something quite extraordinary in the market. A HUGE amount of inventory being sold for pennies on the dollar
• The US Donald Cook Guided Missile Cruiser incident should be a wake-up call to everyone
• The US Is Unprepared For War With Russia: Russian Aircraft Buzzes American Aegis Equipped Destroyer And Turns OFF Ship’s Defenses!

PDF: End Time Current Events 1-4-15

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End Time Current Events: 1-4-15 — Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 5, 2015

End Time Current Events: 1-4-15 — Part 2

Table of Contents:

• Fox Network Blasphemes Jesus Christ in Family Guy Episode ‘The 2,000 Year Old Virgin’
• ‘Hip’ Elevation Megachurch Pastor Steven Furtick gives Biblical Christians new label: ‘Hater’
• Bible Verses Regarding False Ministers

PDF: End Time Current Events 1-4-15

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End Time Current Events: 1-4-15 — Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 5, 2015

End Time Current Events: 1-4-15 — Part 3

Table of Contents:

• “Church of Wells” Critically Biblically Examined — Part 1

PDF: End Time Current Events 1-4-15

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