"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-22-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 22, 2023

Table of Contents: 

  • This Could Set The World Up For The Antichrist — END OF MAY is the deadline—We need House Resolution 79 to pass—The Biden administration is planning to yoke up the US with the World Health Organization, the United Nations and China
  • In about 40 days EVERYTHING changes for the U.S. Dollar: The collapse of the U.S. dollar is going exactly as planned while the most prominent banks consolidate power–If the U.S. dollar becomes digital it will mean total control and surveillance over every financial transaction 
  • The end of FREE SPEECH on Twitter…Yes, Elon Musk is another WEF puppet…
  • Sex Trafficking At Border Rampant Border Towns Become 3rd World Hellholes As Illegals Invade Nation
  • Illegal Alien Invasion Updates & Headlines
  • Mexican, While Being Arrested for Catalytic Converter Theft, Tells Cops “The Russians and Chinese are coming for you soon”
  • Homeless Encampments Are Exploding In Size All Over America As Rents Soar And Evictions Surge
  • Two-Mile-Long Vehicle Encampment In California, American Homeless Encampments Are Exploding In Size
  • Meanwhile the government is bringing in the illegal disease-ridden invaders by the millions! While legal American citizens in RV’s & vehicles are subjected to homeless raids which involve police officers forcing homeless individuals living in RVs and other vehicles to vacate their current location typically with zero alternatives
  • Ranchers Report Biggest Cattle Supply Drop In 40 Years As Shortages Hit Grocery Stores: Tens of thousands of ranchers are reporting the largest beef supply drop since 1962 as herds continue to shrink all across the country. 
  • How To Detox Metals & “Unfold” The Spike Protein of COVID-19 (and the VAX) Making it Go Away!
  • Bromelain — N-Acetylcysteine NAC — Nattokinase – Fulvic Acid — Destroy the Covid Bioweapon Spike Protein, Detoxes Metals, With Many Other Benefits
  • Chelsea Clinton: ‘It’s Time To Force-Jab Every Unvaccinated Child in America’—”The Big Catch-up” is Here!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 5-22-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-8-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 9, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • A Proud Hate-Filled Luciferian Emails Scott Johnson + His Response & What does the Bible say?
  • Bible Verses–Hey All You Proud, Boasting, Satanists, Luciferians, Pagans, LGBTQ Child Molester/Groomers! Your Destination in Hellfire Draws Nigh
  • World on the verge of a new religion created by AI, historian claims: Speaking at a science conference, he said AI had crossed a new frontier by ‘gaining mastery’ of our language and was now capable of using it to shape human culture 
  • Christians looking at up to 34 years in federal prison by Biden regime–Our latest 3-minute video from Pastor Matt Trewhella
  • US “Ambassador” Rahm Emanuel to Japan is Pushing Public Sex in Japan!
  • Child Molester Protection Bill—If passed Minnesota should be KICKED OUT of the U.S.A. for this insane move
  • Banking Crises Spreads to Big Banks As US Bancorp Tumbles, PacWest Craters 60%
  • Three more banks see stock trading HALTED, financial sector collapse contagion accelerates as migrant INVASION staged for US southern border
  • As end of Title 42 looms, 90,000 illegals rush to America’s southern border over 10-day period
  • Border Crisis Is So Bad Even CNN Is Panicking Ahead Of Title 42 Ending

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 5-8-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-8-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 9, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • @Michael_Yon–Make The Pandemic Great Again! I am in Darien Gap, Panama. Surrounded by malaria, dengue, tuberculosis — being imported to United States and Canada EVERY DAY
  • @Michael_YonAmericans Constantly Ask who is paying for the rape and murder invasion–Answer: YOU PAY
  • @Michael_YonIncoming Disease — Serious Diseases…Weaponized Scabies Are here in America–A friend with significant international medical experience sends this alert
  • SCABIES Invive Silver Remedy Protocol
  • Invive Mild Silver Protein: The Ultimate Immune System Product For Colds, Flu’s and Infections—Go to: dr-johnson.com
  • From Michael Yon: Lice are frequently popping up around USA and here in Panama–Lice spreads the epidemic typhus
  • How to get rid of lice naturally
  • Thermographic Imaging Shows Massive Blood Clots in the Asymptomatic Vaxxed
  • mRNA Shots Are Electromagnetic Devices? Nanoparticles In Vaxx KILL CELLS Via ELECTROMAGNETISM?
  • Report: Nanotech Found In Dental Anesthetics: Nanotech Found In Vaxx Also Observed In Dental Drugs
  • Dentists Say Unexplained Pain & Tooth Loss May Be Linked to Covid Vaccine
  • Dental experts seeing an “exponential increase in patients with head and facial neurovascular and myofascial pain, including headaches & toothaches NOT caused by the tooth, osteonecrosis of the jaw, sleep issues, tinnitus, and oral and facial autoimmune conditions.”
  • Were you aware that the vast majority of organic grassfed beef IS vaccinated unless you can find a farmer who does not vaccinate, but I could not find one online–What does organic beef mean? The U.S. Department of Agriculture says there are no mRNA vaccines approved for cows for this month, supposedly none planned for this year + Bible Verses
  • Update: The “Heaven’s Harvest” long term storable food (That the Stew Peters Network Sells) is a real mixed bag…Details…

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 5-8-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-1-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 1, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • The Largest-Ever Gathering Of Satanists Will Meet This Weekend For Sold Out ‘SatanCon 2023’ In Boston
  • Transgender He-Woman Call to Arms!!! They are Preparing for War! #MenDoNotBelongInWomensRestrooms
  • Transgender Abomination Headlines
  • GOP SELLS OUT To LGBTQ Agenda: TPUSA & Mainstream Republicans EMBRACE Gay Rights
  • Ron DeSantis Flies To Israel To Destroy Free Speech In Florida
  • NC Black pastor denounces North Carolina Wake County schools for attacking Christian students while at the same time promoting perversion and the LGBTQ agenda
  • Enraged Christian Screams We are Sacrificing our Sons and Our Daughters to Demons!
  • Bible Verses Leviticus 26:13-33—A Warning for the God’s People!
  • PROOF Disney is above the law… Reaction from a Christian perspective

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 5-1-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-1-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 1, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • God Should Be Exposing Everyone Planted By The Devil in Your Life
  • Bible Verses on Separation From Unbelievers and the World
  • Free Download Provided For–The Soloman Islands Mysteries (about the Giants and Cryptozoological Creatures) This was briefly selling on Amazon for $2694.99–One copy left—Read it for yourself for free
  • The “Christian” TRUTH SHOCK TV On YouTube Exposed—Defrauding Another Christian—This is NOT how Christian’s are Supposed to Treat One Another—What Does the Bible Say About all this?
  • German MEP Christine Anderson Explains Why Globalists Need You Trapped in 15-Minute Cities
  • Big Brother Draconian Headlines
  • EVIL & IDIOCY: New York City to Track Residents FOOD Carbon Footprint! Demand Cut in Food Consumption but Mostly Meat!!!
  • Spiritual Warfare and Eating Meat–Important–Listener Question Regarding Getting Enough Protein/Meat, Praising the Lord and Spiritual Warfare
  • EXPOSED: Globalists want everyone eating crickets because their exoskeletons contain CHITIN that parasites and pathogens use for protection when infecting humans and animals Eating locusts, crickets, ants, beetles, worms, bees, wasps, caterpillars, grubs and slugs could fuel the next death wave of humans – which is just what the globalists want!
  • Sacred Cows and the Dangers of Eating Bugs
  • Beware of REVERSE ATMs that take your cash, demand your identity, then dispense a debit card you can use to shop – these are SPYING machines that a conditioning you to stop using cash and go completely digital!!!
  • Darien Gap — Pathogen Highway to American
  • Michael Yon Apr 26, 2023 at 4:47pm–We are being invaded! We are at war! Many Chinese Fighting Age Men Coming Across Our Border! Many are Sick–Diseases such as multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis are spreading into communities around America!
  • Tuberculosis Invive Silver Protocol
  • Shocking Chinese video shows how to INVADE the United States through UN-funded migrant camps
  • NOW: Massive Invasion into United States

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 5-1-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-24-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 25, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • FRANKINCENSE, MYRRH AND AN ENCOUNTER WITH A BLACK-EYED WOMAN–They Walk Among Us & The Battle is Real–Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!!!
  • Flashback: Jasmin the Black Eyed Witch & Her Coven Death Threats Scott Johnson If He Doesn’t Shut Down ContendingForTruth.com
  • Taylor Finally Gives Her Testimony About Her Experiences With These Entities!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 4-24-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-24-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 25, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Don’t be scared for your children…This is God’s Appointed Time
  • The Blasphemous Fake holy Spirit Ouija Board–Now Being Sold!
  • Due to extreme amounts of LGBT propaganda we are now seeing a 15,000% rise in castration, sterilization, and mutilation clinics for children–THE WORLD SEES THE US AS PROFANE, INSANE AND DISGUSTING-WE ARE THE ‘MUTILATION NATION’!!!
  • Washington State Senate Bill 5599 Insanity! Stuff of Parents’ Nightmares: Washington State Bill Hides Runaway Kids From Transgender ‘Unsupportive’ Parents
  • Washington state Democrats commit unconstitutional act by approving legislation outlawing semi-auto rifles sales
  • CENTRAL BANK DIGITAL CURRENCY: Governments Willing to STARVE People into using it!
  • The RESTRICT Act is the Final TYRANNY Nail in the Coffin of the Crumbling Republic
  • The Lord’s Protection & the Biblical Remedy for Fear
  • Wonder Where All These Illegal Invaders Are Going To Live? Your Spare Bedroom Apparently
  • BIPARTISAN TREASON: Obama, Clinton, and Bush partner with American Express to fly illegal aliens into American communities
  • There is NO “Man-Made Climate Change”
  • No More Conspiracy Theory; They ADMIT Using Chemtrails!
  • American Farmers To Begin Injecting Livestock With mRNA Shots This Month
  • POISONING OF **OUR FOOD** BEGINS THIS MONTH – mRNA Going into Cows and Pigs–How to Stop MRNA Vaccines From Going Into Pigs and Cattle in Your State
  • Are You Eating Pork Injected With Merck’s mRNA Livestock Vaccine?
  • LETHAL INJECTIONS: 18% of cattle DIE immediately following mRNA “vaccination”
  • Attn: Alex Jones, Dave Hodges, Brannon House and so many more in alternative media are selling the garbage/rebranded ‘My Patriot Supply’ long term food, now known as the rebranded “Ready Hour” long term food, as they had to rebrand it as so many people were catching on what garbage it is!!!! In Alex Jones case he further rebranded this garbage as “Infowars Life Select”. Also note, the “Heaven’s Harvest” long term food (That the Stew Peters Network Sells) is also total garbage with aluminum being in every entrée I saw, among other horrible ingredients. Don’t waste your money on this poison garbage. How can self-professed Christian’s do this to one another with zero conscience!!!??? See: Mark 10:19 Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother. 1 Co 6:8 Nay, ye do wrong, and defraud, and that your brethren. Matthew 7:12: (The Golden Rule)  “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
  • Storable food FRAUD taking place nationwide as promoters falsely claim “non-GMO” status for GMO-derived foods
  • Warning!! The Big Boy on the Block (And the One the Majority of People in Alternative Media are Promoting) for Survival Food “My Patriot Supply”–GMO Goodness–Reviews from Customers

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-17-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 17, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • The Nephilim GIANTS of Patagonia | Biblical Giants
  • Giant Encounters in the Old Americas
  • Neanderthals Debunked: Evidence for Evolution or Just Human?
  • Full Alien/Devil Disclosure Plan To Begin Soon with Rediscovery of Ancient Technologies—The Satanic Carrot To Woo the Masses
  • New Lie Filled David Wilcock & Mike Adams Interview—Preparing You To Accept the Antichrist While Trying to Convince You They Are One of “Good Guys”
  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Who is running For US President Now) is nothing more than controlled opposition and is in lockstep with so many of the ‘freedom doctors’ who are yoked up with the new age and represent the supposed ‘good guys’, but they will be on the spear tip of leading us into the New World Order and embracing the Antichrist
  • The Aquarian LUCIFERIAN Agenda / New Age Doctor Network — Virtually all the prominent Covid ‘truther’ doctors are connected to the Occult “Seven Rays” – “The Academy of Divine Knowledge” & New Ager Sasha Stone who is united with the UN & so much more! Members Include: Christ Hating Godless David Icke – Del Big Tree – Dr. Judy Mikovits – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – Carrie Madej – Sherri Tenpenny, MICHAEL JACO – DR. LARRY PALEVSKY – DR. CHRISTIANE NORTHRUP – SEAN STONE – Dr David Martin – Dr Andrew Wakefield & many More– All placed by the UN to make our transition to the NEW NORMAL / New World Order more comfortable?
  • Another Former Associate with Jeffrey Epstein (Donald Trump Being the First) Files to Run for U.S. President in 2024 & Is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Really “Anti-Vaccine”? Answer–No He Is Not & We Will Prove It

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 4-17-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-17-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 17, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • There is HOPE at the County Level–Latest 3-minute video–There is a firestorm in Ottawa County, Michigan, where Christian men and women have been elected to seats on their county commission
  • Exposing The AI ChatGPT Extreme Bais Against Christianity
  • Joe Rogan Issues Warning After FAKE, AI-Generated Version Of His Podcast Surfaces!
  • Russia Calls for NWO! Moscow Says Any Ukraine Peace Talks Should be About A ‘New World Order’
  • How The Banks Work And Why They Are Collapsing
  • Project Icebreaker: The Beginning of A One World Digital Currency BEAST SYSTEM– In a cashless society most people would be dependent on digital products for exchanging goods and labor, and this would of course mean the end of all privacy in trade. Everything you buy or sell or work for in your life would be recorded, and this lack of anonymity could be used to stifle your freedoms in the future–With CBDCs in place and no physical cash in existence, your savings will never be truly yours and you’ll never be able to hold your purchasing power in your hands. The means of exchange would be bottle-necked by the banks, and governments would have the option to freeze your ability to transact
  • It’s Begun! The Dollar Is Dying, BRICS “New Currency” Accelerates Global De-Dollarization
  • People Keep Asking “What’s the big deal about de-Dollarization?” Maybe THIS can explain it to them . . .THIS is here in the USA:  $29 for a Ham and Cheese Sandwich!
  • Survivor of recent Tornados talks about his “Preps” and what went wrong
  • America’s POWER GRID Infrastructure WEAK: Grid Down, Power Up Film Shows BLACKOUT CALAMITY Could Be Imminent
  • EXCLUSIVE shocking footage of USA & UN-funded mass illegal alien invasion/migration camp in Panama—from war correspondent Michael Yon
  • @Michael_Yon–Invasion camps in Darien, Panama—These new trailers hold about 120 per trailer. The camps are being expanded by US Democrats and others.
  • We’ve seen 22 Chinese walking up the dark Highway 1 tonight so far in Darien Gap–Two are women, twenty are military-aged males–Very unfriendly and clearly on a mission–People need to remember that CCP does not let their people just leave whenever they want–They are here on a mission and more are coming--One group from last night
  • Your invasion tax money at work in Darien, Panama
  • Darien Gap, Panama — millions without a dime in their pockets are streaming into America’s broken economy–There will be war–Panama is being forced to participate as traitors within the “US Government” intentionally destroy United States
  • See for Yourself: Rape kit for women and children paid for by American tax money–The kits help people get raped more safely–Condoms, birth control, and abortion pills. No weapons: but they do have whistles
  • Map Showing Illegal Alien Train Transportation From Central America Through Mexico to Texas or California!
  • Car for Taylor

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 4-17-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-3-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 3, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Global Elites Goading Americans Into Violence Against Transsexuals—While Transsexuals’ (& Their Satanic Handlers) Wage War on Conservatives Christians–THE COVENANT SCHOOL SHOOTING PSYOP! CRISIS ACTORS, ACTIVE DRILLS
  • EXCLUSIVE: When Unhinged, Demon Possessed, Antifa, Transgender Devils Attack On #InternationalDayOfTransVisibilty!!! & the Police do Nothing!
  • Biological Man is Women of the Year; Call to Arms – Former Chicago Mayor Lori/Leroy Lightfoot Over Nashville Shooting

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 4-3-23

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