"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events: 3-23-14 — Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 24, 2014

End Time Current Events: 3-23-14 — Part 4

Table of Contents:

  • Pastor John Hagee is shockingly telling Jewish audiences that Jesus Christ was not their Messiah!
  • Four Blood Moons DEBUNKED – John Hagee and Mark Biltz Book Review
  • 4 Blood Moon Tetrad Frenzy

PDF: End Time Current Events 3-23-14

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End Time Current Events: 3-2-14 — Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 3, 2014

End Time Current Events: 3-2-14 — Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • ‘INCREDIBLE ACT OF AGGRESSION’–Kerry condemns Russia intervention in the Ukraine
  • “This is a red alert–This is not a threat–This is actually a declaration of war to my country,” The Ukrainian interim Prime Minister said
  • US Official Claims 6,000 Russian Troops In Complete Control Of Crimea
  • Paul Craig Roberts – World Is Now On The Edge Of Nuclear War
  • Putin Has Occupied Crimea, Is Ukraine & World War III Next?
  • Ukraine Mobilizes Troops After Putin’s ‘Declaration Of War’ Leaves Obama Dazed And Confused
  • WW3 To Cover Up Dollar Collapse! X22Report
  • US Government Caught Funding The Coup In Ukraine
  • The World Is Now Standing On The Edge Of A Precipice
  • LaRouche – Obama’s Nuclear War Plan With Russia Exposed
  • WW3 On Our Doorstep? Russia Spy Ship In Cuba As Tensions Rise Between US And Russia
  • Russia Spy Ship Discovered In Havana Cuba, While Russia Re-Installs Nuclear Missiles In Cuba
  • UPDATE: Russia Seeks Access to Bases in 8 Countries for Its Ships, Bombers…Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua…
  • Russian parliament demands recall of ambassador to USA…
  • Flashpoint! America Under Seige! The Hagmann & Hagmann Report
  • Pollster Warns ‘It’s Coming’ To America
  • Multiple veterans report being reconned/survelled by covert undercover operatives

PDF: End Time Current Events 3-2-14

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End Time Current Events: 3-2-14 — Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 3, 2014

End Time Current Events: 3-2-14 — Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Islamist Terror Enclave Discovered in Texas
  • Texas Congressman: Terror Enclave Discovery ‘Appalling’
  • U.S. LIFTS Ban on Immigrants With Links to Terrorism
  • U.S. Military Hires Chaplains Endorsed by Brotherhood Entity
  • New World Order Promoting Crislam–and the List of Churches Involved! (Video and Shocking List)
  • Iran Hangs Well-Loved Human Rights Activist, Poet
  • Urgent New Age Luciferian Message On The Coming Events

PDF: End Time Current Events 3-2-14

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End Time Current Events: 2-23-14 — Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 23, 2014

End Time Current Events: 2-23-14 — Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • FCC backs off Newsroom Study
  • Jimmy Fallon–Obama’s Democrat Political Asset
  • New Obama SAFE ZONE ON NEW ‘TONIGHT SHOW’ After Leno is Shown the Door

Click Here for the Part 1 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 2-23-14

End Time Current Events: 2-23-14 — Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 23, 2014

End Time Current Events: 2-23-14 — Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Anti-NWO Americans Have Been Targeted for Internment & Resettlement
  • U.S. Military Trains for War on 2nd Amendment

Click Here for the Part 2 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 2-23-14

End Time Current Events: 2-23-14 — Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 23, 2014

End Time Current Events: 2-23-14 — Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • Dead Banksters ‘Harbinger To The Economic Collapse’ – “V” The Guerrilla Economist (Audio)
  • China Drops Bombshell On US – Bankers Deaths, Bank Runs, Financial Bigwigs Running Scared – It Is All Connected! (Audio)
  • Obama’s Regime is Preparing For War on Non-Compliant Americans (Audio)

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PDF: End Time Current Events 2-23-14

End Time Current Events: 2-9-14

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 9, 2014

End Time Current Events: 2-9-14

Table of Contents:

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End Time Current Events: 2-2-14 — Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 4, 2014

End Time Current Events: 2-2-14 — Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • The Many High Level, Occult, Witchcraft Spells of the 2014 Grammys
  • The Superbowl, The Broncos, The Denver Airport, Metlife Stadium, The Seahawks, Candlemas, Imbolg, Groundhog’s Day & Punxsutawney Phil

Click Here to the Part 1 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 2-2-14

End Time Current Events: 2-2-14 — Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 3, 2014

End Time Current Events: 2-2-14 — Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Katy Perry: Illuminati Priestess Conducts Witchcraft Ceremony In Front Of The Entire World
  • Grammys Telecast Forces Audience To Watch Live Gay Marriages
  • Grammys: Macklemore and Madonna Perform Gay Anthem ‘Same Love’ As 33 Mostly Gay Couples Wed Live on Air

Click Here to Listen to the Part 2 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 2-2-14   

End Time Current Events: 2-2-14 — Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 3, 2014

End Time Current Events: 2-2-14 — Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • Listener Comment: Evil Pentecostal Charismatic Mega Church Pastor Kenneth Copeland Officially Yokes up with the Pope and the Catholic Death Cult
  • The Official Blog of Kenneth Copeland Ministries Announces this: “Historic Change!”

Click Here to Listen to the Part 3 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 2-2-14