"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events: 5-19-13 Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 19, 2013

End Time Current Events: 5-19-13 Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Demonic Cannibalism Savage Online Videos Fuel Syria’s Descent Into Madness– Muslim Rebels shout ‘Allah Akabar’ Cutting Out Organs and Eating the Hearts of Assad’s troops WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO
  • Jihadists Call For Murder Of US Pastor, Critics of Radical Islam & US Heads Of State
  • Iranians Celebrate Revolution Day Chanting ‘Death to America’–‘WE ARE ABOVE THE LAW OF THE LAND’-Muslim leader’s stunning claim at Texas rally for Islam
  • REPORT TELLS RADICALS HOW TO BURN AMERICA ‘There are more houses built in the countryside than in the cities’
  • Horrifying al-Qaeda Terrorist Book For The United States “Lone Wolf” (video)
  • TERRORIST SUPER-AXIS TO STRIKE WITHIN U.S. Imminent attacks planned by al-Qaida, Quds Forces, Hezbollah
  • Terror Plot Against One Of Countries Largest Drinking Water Supplies? Middle Easterners Caught Trespassing At Reservoir
  • U.S. Warned: Al-Qaida Hit-Squads Coming
  • Look who’s in High U.S. Government! 
  • Air Force Recruits Chaplains From Muslim Brotherhood Front Group
  • SHOCK, BEYOND OUTRAGE: Obama Secretly Brought In Muslim Cleric To Curse Bodies Of Slain SEAL Team 6 Members
  • C.I.A. delivers ‘tens of millions of dollars’ to Afghan druglords, Taliban

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PDF: End Time Current Events 5-19-13

End Time Current Events: 5-19-13 Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 19, 2013

End Time Current Events: 5-19-13 Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • Muslim Brotherhood Inside American Colleges
  • CAIR Books Radicals for Fundraising Banquets
  • Federal agency brings Muslim propaganda to 800 libraries across U.S.
  • It’s coming to this – “One Nation Under Allah”
  • Joel Hunter-mega church senior pastor of 15,000 evangelical Christians partners with Islamist to oppose anti-Sharia bill in Florida Legislature
  • ‘Mosque buster’ claims he can stop ‘tide of Islam’ by giving free advice on how to block building plans for new places of worship
  • Jewish baby stoned by Arabs near Haifa, Israel
  • “Peace-Loving” 92 Year Old Muslim Woman says: Palestinians Should Massacre Jews Like We Massacred Them in Hebron

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PDF: End Time Current Events 5-19-13

End Time Current Events: 5-5-13–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 6, 2013

End Time Current Events: 5-5-13–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Verses Regarding Truth
  • Martial Law Temporarily Implemented in: Boston, Massachusetts–Valley Springs, California–Fredericksburg, Virginia–Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 
  • Multiple Polls: Americans Are More Afraid of the GOVERNMENT than TERRORISTS
  • A new million dollar program is aimed at “violence prevention” & is encouraging Floridians to report their neighbors for making hateful comments about the government
  • California OKs bill to take guns from ‘dangerous’ owners…
  • Red Alert! Eric Holder says Feds Will Ignore State Laws and Enforce Gun Grab!
  • In a response to the Governor of Kansas, Attorney General Eric Holder Has stated the Feds WILL ENFORCE GUN GRAB!
  • After Student is Suspended and Arrested for Wearing NRA “Protect Your Rights” Shirt, 100 STUDENTS WEAR SHIRT TO SCHOOL!
  • UNPRECEDENTED Shortages Of Ammo, Physical Gold And Physical Silver
  • Backlog on Gun Orders Hits 2 Million: America is weaponizing itself at an unheard of pace
  • Gun Control: The Tale of Two Cities

Click Here to Listen to the Part 1 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-5-13

End Time Current Events: 5-5-13–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 6, 2013

End Time Current Events: 5-5-13–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Pentagon Taps Anti-Christian Extremist for Religious Tolerance Policy
  • Rear Admiral Says Faith is Under Threat in Military: He warned the audience that a religious storm was fast approaching the armed forces
  • Breaking: Pentagon Confirms It May Court Martial Soldiers Who Share Christian Faith
  • Congress Calls Upon Army to Rescind Briefing Classifying Christianity as “Religious Extremism”

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PDF: End Time Current Events 5-5-13

End Time Current Events: 5-5-13–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 6, 2013

End Time Current Events: 5-5-13–Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • CNN–When Christians become a ‘hated minority
  • Officials Disqualify High School Runner for Thanking God
  • 16-Year-Old Girl Arrested and Charged With a Felony For Science Project Mistake No one was hurt. Nothing was damaged
  • Obama administration openly pushing food stamps to illegals; no citizenship required, no income status checked

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PDF: End Time Current Events 5-5-13

End Time Current Events: 5-5-13–Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 6, 2013

End Time Current Events: 5-5-13–Part 4

Table of Contents:

  • Percentage of Self-Employed Americans at Record Low—All by Design!…
  • SC House Approves Bill Criminalizing Enforcement Of Obamacare…
  • Warning about Magazines Being Microchipped
  • FDA APPROVES “MORNING AFTER” ABORTION MURDER PILL FOR SALE OVER-THE-COUNTER–Obama OK with morning-after pill sales at the age of 15
  • Inhuman: Undercover in America’s Late-Term Abortion Industry – NEW YORK
  • Demon Possessed Clergy Sponsor 40 Days of  Specific Prayers to Bless Planned Parenthood
  • Fellow Degenerate Bi/Homosexual Obama: “Couldn’t be prouder” of NBA’s First Openly Gay Collins
  • Micah’s Rule, Gay, Lesbian Transgender Band, Breaks Barriers In “Christian” Music
  • Another Wonderful Item You Can Pick up at Your Local “Christian” Bookstore Literally “Hailing Satan”

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PDF: End Time Current Events 5-5-13

End Time Current Events: 4-28-13–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 28, 2013

End Time Current Events: 4-28-13–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Study Regarding Evil and the Wicked
  • OBAMA says to Planned parenthood: ABORTION FOES WANT TO RETURN YOU TO  THE 1950’S
  • Obama to Planned Parenthood: ‘You’re making me blush’… 
  • Obama to Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz: “God Bless You”
  • Obama Ignores Kermit Gosnell Murder Trial in Planned Parenthood Speech
  • The Six Evil Degrees of Kermit Gosnell: Links to Planned Parenthood & Obama
  • Gosnell’s House of Horrors the Logical Result of Legalized Abortion–Dr. Kermit Gosnell’s Satanic fruit
  • Abortion Clinic Suggests “Flushing” Baby Down Toilet if Born Alive
  • Massacre of Innocence – The Occult Roots of Abortion

Click Here to Play the Part 1 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 4-28-13

End Time Current Events: 4-28-13–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 28, 2013

End Time Current Events: 4-28-13–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Michigan abortionist: ‘It’s too late for me, I’m possessed’
  • Planned Parenthood Threatens Nigerian UN Ambassador Over Abortion
  • Congressman Files Bill to Ban Abortions Based on Fetal Pain Science
  • Religious Groups Celebrate Day To Thank Abortion Doctors
  • The Hippocratic Oath Exposed

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PDF: End Time Current Events 4-28-13

End Time Current Events: 4-21-13–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 21, 2013

End Time Current Events: 4-21-13–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Boston Bomber Controlled by FBI
  • FBI Casting Set Stage for Boston Marathon Bombing, Shootout, Charade
  • Father Of Boston Suspects: US Security Services Set Up My Sons
  • “Contractors” at Boston Marathon Stood Near Bomb, Left Before Detonation
  • Proof That Craft or Blackwater Agents were involved with the Boston Marathon Bombing–In this video i show you how 2nd suspect that is still alive and captured, left the event WITH HIS BACKPACK still on! 
  • Official: Boston 2nd bombing suspect suffers throat injury, may not be able to talk
  • Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I.
  • FBI organizes almost all terror plots in the US
  • Full Extent of FBI Role in Boston Bombing Will Never Be Known
  • Why Government Should Be The First Suspect In Any Terror Attack
  • The FBI Needs To Explain Why It Failed To Monitor Boston Bombing Suspect Despite A Clear Warning
  • Was the FBI Monitoring Boston Bombing Suspects for Years?
  • Bombshell Obama News on Monday?
  • John McAfee Predicts Ricin Attacks–Ricin Sent To Senator Who Ended Gun Control Filibuster–Second Letter Sent To Obama

Click Here to Play the Part 1 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 4-21-13

End Time Current Events: 4-21-13–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 21, 2013

End Time Current Events: 4-21-13–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Emergency Treatment for Ricin Exposure and Other Chemical Agents
  • Chemical, Biological and Radiological Warfare Agents Survival Handbook
  • April 19th-a Special Occult Day Leading up to Walpurgis Night & May 1st Beltane
  • In an incredible display of spiritual disobedience/ignorance, hundreds of “Christians” faced the largest obelisk in the world (Washington Monument) for Sunrise Easter/Ishtar service! Mimicking dedicated Sun god Worshippers

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PDF: End Time Current Events 4-21-13