"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events: 2-10-13–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 11, 2013

End Time Current Events: 2-10-13–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • WHITE HOUSE says Drone Strikes on Americans are ‘ETHICAL,’ ‘WISE’…
  • Right on Cue: Christopher Dorner Becomes First Official Human Target For Drones on Domestic Soil
  • White House: No more information about drone killings will be released to public
  • Charlottesville, Va Becomes First US City To Ban Government Spy Drones
  • Cops arrest 10-year-old for bringing toy gun to school…
  • Arizona Student Suspended For Having Gun Screen Saver
  • DHS Raids Gun Collector – Confiscates Nearly 1,500 Guns – No Charges Filed
  • Rev. Jesse Jackson Says Gun Supporters Are Domestic Terrorists
  • ACTION:  Contact your U.S. Senators  Ask them to oppose Joe Manchin’s veterans gun ban and national gun registry. 
  • The Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear – Concord N.H State House Rally 1-31-13
  • Conn Bill Would Require Homeschooler Teens to Get Behavior Assessment!
  • Bible Study
  • Another Alex Jones Heresy Warning–On Alex Jones website we read: Yet more evidence emerges that our universe is a grand computer simulation

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PDF: End Time Current Events 2-10-13

End Time Current Events: 2-10-13–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 11, 2013

End Time Current Events: 2-10-13–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Rockefeller Brother Fund: We’re Buying Off Evangelicals, Mayors, Governors… For The Earth
  • ANOTHER STEP TOWARD ROME: “Catholic, Protestant Churches Sign Historic Baptism Agreement” – Recognizing Each Others Baptisms
  • Pastor, Please Help Us!
  • See Scott Johnson’s Teachings on the 501c3 Corporate Church of America
  • Will Christian Leaders Compromise on ObamaCare?

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PDF: End Time Current Events 2-10-13

End Time Current Events: 2-3-13–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 4, 2013

End Time Current Events: 2-3-13–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Israel Syria Conflict
  • Gun Control Updates
  • More Current Events
  • Part 1–Mercedes Benz’ Satanic Super Bowl Ad – Selling Your Soul To The Devil

Click Here to Play the Part 1 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 2-3-13

End Time Current Events: 2-3-13–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 4, 2013

End Time Current Events: 2-3-13–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Part 2–Mercedes Benz’ Satanic Super Bowl Ad – Selling Your Soul To The Devil

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PDF: End Time Current Events 2-3-13

End Time Current Events: 1-27-13–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 28, 2013

End Time Current Events: 1-27-13–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Holder begins gun-control push
  • Number of Sheriffs Refusing to Enforce New Laws Snowballs…
  • GUN OWNERS THRONG ‘HIGH NOON’ RALLIES…Swarm state capitols…
  • Million Man Armed March For The 2nd Amendment On State Capitals Planned For February
  • Mayor of Gloversville NY Predicts “Waco-Style Standoff” In Response to Obama Gun Confiscation
  • Gun Permit Forms Question Possible Affiliation With “Anti-Government” Organizations
  • Mississippi Governor Vows To Block Obama Gun Orders
  • Gun Owners Refuse to Register Under New York Law
  • Obama’s 23 executive orders: Doctors become snitches, gun ownership is a ‘disease’ and more
  • Obama Goes Nuts and Offers Anti-gunners Wish List–Obama is attempting to illegally enact gun control through unlawful and unconstitutional “executive actions.” + Proactive Measures  
  • Communists Cheer On Obama’s Gun Grab
  • OBAMA WILL KILL MORE SCHOOL KIDS TO GET YOUR GUNS says Nevada Governor Constitutional Party Candidate for 2014–David Lory VanDerBeek
  • Here’s Newsweek’s Latest Blasphemous Messianic Themed Obama Cover-Obama Billed as the “Second Coming”
  • Feinstein Gun Control Bill Would Exempt Government Officials…
  • The New U.S Government Killing American Citizens (proof)

Click Here to Play the Part 1 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events: 1-27-13

End Time Current Events: 1-27-13–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 28, 2013

End Time Current Events: 1-27-13–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Obama To Wage War On Americans: Amazing Interview With Jim Garrow That EVERY American Needs To See
  • Obama’s Gun Control Proposals Gets Support Of Vatican
  • Feinstein Opens press conferences with “Clergy” prayer…
  • Horrific Preplanned Border Security In America
  • PART 1: THE FIRST HYBRIDS–FIRST CAME THE VANGUARD…NEXT COMES THE…Detailed Study on the Nephilim, Giants, Fallen Angels, The Book of Enoch, Jasher, DNA, Hybrids, Chimeras, Walk-ins, Soul Scalped, Demon Possession, UFO’s, The Ascended Masters, Maitreya, Aliens, E.T’s, the Grays, the Watchers and many historical writings pertaining to these subjects

Click Here to Play the Part 2 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events: 1-27-13

End Time Current Events: 1-27-13–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 28, 2013

End Time Current Events: 1-27-13–Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • PART 2: THE FIRST HYBRIDS–FIRST CAME THE VANGUARD…NEXT COMES THE…Detailed Study on the Nephilim, Giants, Fallen Angels, The Book of Enoch, Jasher, DNA, Hybrids, Chimeras, Walk-ins, Soul Scalped, Demon Possession, UFO’s, The Ascended Masters, Maitreya, Aliens, E.T’s, the Grays, the Watchers and many historical writings pertaining to these subjects

Click Here to Play the Part 3 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events: 1-27-13

End Time Current Events: 1-27-13–Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 28, 2013

End Time Current Events: 1-27-13–Part 4

Table of Contents:

  • PART 3: THE FIRST HYBRIDS–FIRST CAME THE VANGUARD…NEXT COMES THE…Detailed Study on the Nephilim, Giants, Fallen Angels, The Book of Enoch, Jasher, DNA, Hybrids, Chimeras, Walk-ins, Soul Scalped, Demon Possession, UFO’s, The Ascended Masters, Maitreya, Aliens, E.T’s, the Grays, the Watchers and many historical writings pertaining to these subjects
  • Recommended Book of Enoch with KJV Cross References

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PDF: End Time Current Events: 1-27-13

End Time Current Events: 1-6-13–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 6, 2013

End Time Current Events: 1-6-13–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Study
  • White House weighs broad gun-control agenda in wake of Newtown shootings
  • Red Alert: Senator Dianne Feinstein Plans Outright Gun Confiscation
  • ALERT: Legislation Details: Senate to Ban Hundreds of Semiautomatic Rifles, Handguns, Shotguns, Magazines; Includes Fingerprint Registration Requirements
  • Obama appears on “Meet the Press” to Announce he is Putting his “Full Weight” Behind the Feinstein Gun Confiscation Plan
  • Obama President For Life? H.J. Res 15 Would Remove Presidential Term Limits If Passed
  • Democrats Introduce 10 Anti-Gun Bills On First Day Of 113th Congress…
  • Facebook Purges Pro-Gun Accounts Massive act of censorship sees alternative media pages disappeared
  • Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites are an elaborate CIA spying scheme
  • Video: Facebook’s CIA connection
  • Big Sis To Monitor Twitter For Signs Of Social Unrest
  • Google Exposed
  • Top Ten Events that Prove Obama Planned Gun Control Long Before Newtown Tragedy
  • DHS Insider Gun Confiscation, Assassination, Timeline & End Of The Constitution–30-50 Million Americans At Risk For Their Lives
  • New York Gov. Cuomo Says New York may Soon Start Confiscating Guns or Impose a Mandatory Buy Back Program
  • Vanity Fair: “Let’s Repeal the Second Amendment”
  • WATCH: Hollywood Actors Hypocrites Want to Ban Your Guns, While They Make Millions Promoting Gun Violence
  • Good News: CNN’s Piers Morgan threatens to self-deport himself if we don’t change out gun laws…
  • Piers Morgan says: Time for an ‘Amendment to the Bible’
  • Urgent: Several Police officers and Military Personal call in and say gun confiscation is real and could be coming very soon!
  • N.C. Police Lieutenant warns of Martial Law in Early 2013
  • Police departments nation-wide preparing for gun confiscation
  • Foreign Troops To Enforce Gun Ban? Midnight Raids On Firearms Owners Homes To Enforce Gun Ban May Soon Be Coming!
  • Feinstein’s Gun Control Bill Will Trigger The Next American Revolution
  • Illinois Democrats Lose Bid to Pass Firearms Confiscation Bill
  • Pennsylvania Police Chief Proposes ’2nd Amendment Preservation’ Ordinance
  • FBI Background Checks Set New Record As 2nd Amendment Under Attack Like Never Before
  • Standing Room Only Crowds Attend Record Breaking Gun Shows Across America in Response to Fed Gun Grab Plan

Click Here to Listen to the Part 1 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 1-6-13

End Time Current Events: 1-6-13–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 6, 2013

End Time Current Events: 1-6-13–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Gun stores inundated: ‘Bare walls and lines’
  • The results are in: More guns sold mean fewer guns deaths, injuries
  • Firearm Training Recommendations
  • 5 Guns to buy before a potential ban
  • Harry Reid Prepares to Annihilate Second Amendment-Plus Proactive Measures
  • The FBI – Drowning In Counter-Terrorism Money, Power and Other Resources – Will Apply The Term “Terrorism” To Any Group It Dislikes And Wants To Control And Suppress
  • The Middle Class In America Is Being Wiped Out – Here Are 60 Facts That Prove It
  • Complexity Theorists Predict Food Crisis, Riots and Civil Unrest In U.S. By April 2013
  • Scandal Alert: Congress Is Quietly Abandoning the 5th Amendment: Meet the prominent legislators who think it’s okay to throw Americans in jail forever without charges or trial! 
  • The Federal Reserve Act passed in 1913 & Leviticus 19:13
  • Senators Received the 154-Page ‘Fiscal Cliff’ Bill Just 3 Minutes Before Voting on It
  • These 11 “Death Spiral” States now have More People on Welfare than they do Employed! 
  • Obama Can And Will Try to Force Christians To Act Against Their Faith: Obama Administration Drops A Bombshell!
  • Police: Man threatens to burn down St. Charles church, kill pastor and fill the seas with Christian blood- is in custody at the county jail, facing a felony charge
  • Guilty of Ritual Sex AbuseMorris, S. “Cornish ‘white witches’ guilty of ritual sex abuse on girls.”
  • Encounters With Black-Eyed Kids
  • New Nephilim Movie Promoting them as Humanity’s Saviors!–The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones
  • Discovery’s ‘Zombie Apocalypse’ plays what-if with end times with the new special “Zombie Apocalypse,” show that promotes taking all steps to prepare for the onslaught.
  • Gay Marine Proposes to Boyfriend at White House
  • Blasphemous Church Billboard Claiming Baby Jesus is Gay
  • Blasphemous “Queen James” Gay-centric “bible”
  • New ‘Queen James’ Bible offers gay-friendly Scripture
  • Defended: King James (The VI of Scotland & The I of England)–Unjustly Accused

Click Here to Listen to the Part 2 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 1-6-13