"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events: 12-24-12–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 25, 2012

End Time Current Events: 12-24-12–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • New Faked Rigged CNN Poll: 52% of Americans favor major restrictions on guns or making all guns illegal, according to a CNN/ORC poll. 
  • “To Conquer a Nation, first Disarm its Citizens.” Adolf Hitler 1933
  • Why there are no shootings in Israeli schools
  • Gallup Poll: 64 Percent of Americans Want School Officials Armed to Protect Children
  • Another Perspective: Arm the Teachers and School Staff
  • Media Blackout: Oregon Mall Shooter Was Stopped By An Armed Citizen
  • Mass Killings Stopped by Armed Citizens
  • Numerous school massacres stopped by gun owners who wielded their weapons in defense of children
  • Man Attempts To Open Fire On Crowd At Movie Theater, Armed Off-duty Sheriff’s Deputy Drops Him With One Bullet
  • Audio: Newtown Massacre – Obama’s Hypocrisy
  • Americans in denial about school violence and the obvious solution: Arm school personnel
  • From a Listener: Why I carry a gun……
  • Let’s let facts guide the gun control debate for a change
  • Solution to School Mass Murders–Free Concealed Handgun License Class to Teachers/ Administrators
  • Watch the video: How to stop a massacre
  • HOUSE DEM: ‘Turn in your guns’…
  • Stampeding Gun Control Through Crisis: Never let a crisis go to waste – especially when it is an opportunity to abridge our Constitutional rights
  • Obama seems poised to declare military dictatorship in America over Sandy Hook Elementary shooting
  • Senator Jay Rockefeller Calls for Gun Control and More Psychoactive Drugs
  • ‘This Is Not Some Washington Commission’…Obama taps Biden to lead gun grab…

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PDF: End Time Current Events 12-24-12

End Time Current Events: 12-24-12–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 25, 2012

End Time Current Events: 12-24-12–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Eric Holder, Obama Propose To Use Executive Orders To Impose New Gun Control Laws
  • Reuters Calls for Obama to Act as Dictator to Ban Guns
  • China Calls for ‘No Delay’ on Gun Controls in U.S.
  • Bloomberg Organizes Celebrities To Push For Huge Gun Grab
  • Obama Targets Gun Shows
  • US lobby issues point-blank ‘no’ on gun control
  • Gun enthusiasts pack shows to buy weapons
  • Firearms Supplier Sells More Than Three Years Worth Of Gun Magazines In Just Three Days
  • GOA Defending Your Rights on the Firing Line
  • Obama Vows Fast Action in New Push for Gun Control
  • Meanwhile 501c3 Corporate Whore Religious Leaders Push Congregants for Gun Control, Sensing a Watershed Moment

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PDF: End Time Current Events 12-24-12

End Time Current Events: 12-24-12–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 25, 2012

End Time Current Events: 12-24-12–Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • Brooklyn churches seeing more gun buybacks
  • Large turnout for Camden churches gun buyback
  • NYPD Sponsors Gun Buyback Program At Evergreen Baptist Church In Brooklyn
  • Baltimore church gun buyback takes in 461 guns in wake of Conn. Shooting
  • At St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Laurel more than 150 guns were turned in at gun buyback event
  • Oakland’s Saint Benedict’s church gun buyback nets 300 guns
  • Christ Temple Missionary Baptist Church in Evanston hosts gun buyback
  • See Scott Johnson’s Teachings on the 501c3 Corporate Church of America: Feds Train 501c3 Clergy To ‘Quell Dissent’ During Martial Law (3 Parts)
  • Top Online Gun Retailer Suspends Sales of Firearms: “Effective Immediately”
  • First Amendment Rights Gone: Connecticut Police Spokesman: Newtown Will Prosecute Independant Journalist Whistleblowers (Video)  
  • Facebook now threatening to shut down accounts of users who question official narrative on Sandy Hook shooting
  • Warning–Language by bloodthirsty, demon possessed liberals: Liberals Call For Murder Of NRA President, Members & Repeal Of Second Amendment: Liberals are ticked off over a shooting that took innocent lives and they turn right around and want to murder innocent people that have done them absolutely no harm!
  • Watch & Listen to LIVE Police Audio & Television Footage proving there was more than one shooter @ Sandy Hook Elementary School
  • Footage Of Police Arresting Second Man In Woods Right After The Sandy Hook Shooting
  • Newtown: Two Shadows Running Past Gym while police are heard saying “THEY are coming toward us.” & “We got THEM”
  • I am the devil: Former classmate reveals school gunman had ‘online devil worshiping page’ as childhood barber recounts how he never spoke and just stared at floors
  • Beyond Evil “Kindergarten Killer” Video Game–NRA Says Games Like This Responsible For Mass Shooters
  • Listener Comment REGARDING the AUDIO of THE Sandy Hook SHOOTING & SSRI Medication Side Effects
  • Newtown Murders: Astonishing Hunger Games Coincidence, and killers mother now a Doomsday Prepper??
  • Sandy Hook Reference Coincidence In Batman: Dark Knight Rises Movie
  • SANDY HOOK & AURORA In The “BATMAN: Dark Knight Rises” Movie!!
  • Proof of Satanic Sacrifice? Sandy Hook Mapped In Dark Knight Movie & On Satanic Ley-Line

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PDF: End Time Current Events 12-24-12

End Time Current Events: 12-16-12

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 16, 2012

End Time Current Events: 12-16-12

Table of Contents:

  • Newtown Conn. school shooting story already being changed by the media to eliminate eyewitness reports of a second shooter
  • To stop school shootings we should let the criminals have all the guns; argue gun control advocates
  • ABC, NY Times reporters go full-on vulture tweeting the friends and family of the Connecticut massacre targets
  • Gun control? We need medication control! Newton elementary school shooter Adam Lanza likely on meds; labeled as having ‘personality disorder’
  • Lanza most likely had a form of Autism: Let’s look at the facts regarding Autism as Autism was virtually unknown before the modern day advent of vaccinations  
  • See Scott Johnson’s Teaching: Pharmakeia: Sorcery, Pharmaceuticals & the Roots of Modern Day Drug Industry
  • Gun control petition to White House gets large and immediate support online
  • The Documented Human “Death Toll” Cost of “Gun Control”
  • Crime & Murder Rates Plummet After a Law Required Firearms for Residents in Kennesaw, GA 
  • Dr. Johnson’s recommendations for natural alternatives to mind altering meds
  • Warning Gun Control Advocates are at a Fever Pitch to Ban Firearms

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PDF: End Time Current Events 12-16-12

End Time Current Events: 12-2-12–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 3, 2012

End Time Current Events: 12-2-12–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Blasphemy Calling Obama “Our Lord and Savior”–Controversy Over Obama Depicted as “The Christ”
  • Federal Land Seizure Act Resuscitating Itself from the Dead
  • URGENT: Senate UN Treaty Vote Set – Call Now!
  • WW3 IMMINENT? BREAKING! Canada cuts all ties with Iran, closes embassy, orders diplomats home within 5 days
  • Shock Video: Syrian Rebel Massacres 10 Unarmed Prisoners 
  • Hamas: Killing Jews is worship of Allah “Repeat in the name of your Jihad: Death to Israel!”
  • Obama punts to Congress over repercussions for UN Palestine vote
  • Abbas ‘Victory Speech’: Jerusalem ‘Eternal Capital of Palestine’
  • 15 Seconds in Israel

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PDF: End Time Current Events 12-2-12

End Time Current Events: 12-2-12–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 3, 2012

End Time Current Events: 12-2-12–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Properly Defining the Terms: Zionism & Zionist
  • So from a Biblical Standpoint is Zionism Predicted?

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PDF: End Time Current Events 12-2-12

End Time Current Events: 12-2-12–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 3, 2012

End Time Current Events: 12-2-12–Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • Alex Jones Cancels Speaking Tour 3 Days After Exposure As Possible STRATFOR Double Agent
  • Alex Jones Hires CIA / Stratfor agent as Publishing Editor in Chief

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PDF: End Time Current Events 12-2-12

End Time Current Events: 12-2-12–Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 3, 2012

End Time Current Events: 12-2-12–Part 4

Table of Contents:

  • Mayan Shaman Elder’s Prediction for Dec. 21st 2012: Not the End of the World but the Return of the “Ancestors and Men of Wisdom”
  • Another Mayan Shaman Elder Confirms Dec. 21st 2012 is not the End of the Earth:
  • Another Mayan Shaman explanation of what will happen on 21st December 2012
  • Planetary Alignment with the Giza Pyramids on Dec 3, 2012
  • Massive Sinkhole Still Growing – Ohio: 4 Football Fields Long, 30′ Deep Shuts Down 8 Mile Stretch Of Road + LA Sinkhole Situation Getting Worse
  • Is The New Madrid Sleeping Giant Awakening?
  • The Little Known New Madrid Pipeline Bomb
  • Mississippi River could become impassable in two weeks
  • Worlds Waters Turn Blood-Red

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PDF: End Time Current Events 12-2-12

End Time Current Events: 11-25-12–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 26, 2012

End Time Current Events: 11-25-12–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Listener Comment Condemning Israel and Supporting Hamas
  • Blasphemous KidsWithoutGod.org Ad Campaign

Click Here to Listen to the Part 1 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-25-12

End Time Current Events: 11-25-12–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 26, 2012

End Time Current Events: 11-25-12–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Big Brother New World Order government is in full view in Ireland, where voters have granted their government sweeping powers to seize children from their parents–United Nations mandates are being implemented
  • Norway is now officially “Judenrein” — free of Jews–The Nazi Wolf is back — supported by waves of Islamic immigrants
  • Listener Questions Regarding the Satanic Agenda of Ghosts, Hauntings, Mediums, Shamans and Catholic Exorcisms

Click Here to Listen to the Part 2 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-25-12