"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events: 11-25-12–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 26, 2012

End Time Current Events: 11-25-12–Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • 501c3 Corporate Church of America Warning & My Teachings on This Subject

Click Here to Play the Part 3 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-25-12

End Time Current Events: 11-18-12–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 18, 2012

End Time Current Events: 11-18-12–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Israel is now in an all-out war with Hamas in the Gaza Strip–Israel is currently surrounded by hostile armies: Hamas and Egypt to the south; Lebanon and Syria to the north; Jordan to the East.
  • IDF Spokesperson: 11/17 update: 740 terrorist rockets have been fired from Palestinian terrorists into Israel since start of operation.
  • Hamas to Israelis: “We’ve missed the suicide attacks, expect us soon at bus stations and in cafés”
  • Militant Muslims Cutting Out Tongues
  • This list of the almost 20,000 terrorist attacks committed by Muslims since 9/11/01 (a rate of about five a day)
  • Some Documented Terrorist Attacks in Just the Last Few Days–Islam’s Latest Contributions to Peace & Love
  • Islamic Pedophile Muhammad Married a Little Girl Named Aisha at the Age of 6, so Islamic Pedophile Dr. Salih bin Fawzan (a cleric in Saudi Arabia’s highest religious council) decides to top that by issuing a fatwa asserting that there is no minimum age for marriage, and that girls can be married “even if they are in the cradle.” He says the only criteria for raping the child is whether the child is literally physically capable of “bearing the weight” of her new husband/molester!!!
  • Israeli Channel 2 reporting 75,000 army reservists now being drafted
  • Muslim Brotherhood now targeting Jordan–“King Abdullah is hanging by a thread,” “He has 20 percent approval in the country. The Muslim Brotherhood sees this as their opportunity to rise up after what they saw happen in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and now Syria.”
  • Hamas uses its own civilians as human shields
  • Fraud: CNN Uses Video Footage Of Faked Palestinian ‘Injuries’

Click Here to Play the Part 1 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-18-12

End Time Current Events: 11-18-12–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 18, 2012

End Time Current Events: 11-18-12–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Full On War In Israel, 2nd Great Depression Looms, Inflation Fears Are Growing, A Bank Run Is Imminent, Secession Movement Explodes, And Obama Is Building His Own Massive Civilian National Security Force! GET PREPARED!!!
  • Jill Kelley Helped Muslim Nations, Hezbollah Infiltrate Central Command, MacDill Base; “Go To Girl” For Muslim Parties w/ Generals
  • Jill Kelley, woman at heart of David Petraeus scandal, had tour of White House just days before CIA head’s resignation.
  • Petraeus ‘Knew Almost Immediately’ Al Qaeda-Linked Group Responsible for Benghazi
  • Intel officials unable to say who changed CIA talking points on Libya, lawmaker says
  • 2nd Great Depression looms Morici: Tax Hikes on Rich Won’t Solve Fiscal Woes, Depression Possible
  • No Fiscal Cliff Worries!! Legendary Billionaire Warren Buffet assures us the American economy is resilient enough to withstand this kind of hit, even if Congress and the President do nothing!
  • ‘We have no future!’ EU anger unites millions in protest
  • US Bank Run Dead Ahead? FDIC Expanded Deposit Insurance Ends Dec 31st
  • Succession Movement Gains Momentum
  • Obama Supporters Call For Secessionists to be Deported
  • HE’S NOT JOKING: Obama Is Building His Own Massive Civilian National Security Force!
  • America’s Brownshirts – Homeland Security graduates first Corps of Homeland Youth
  • Biblical Preparation Regarding the End-times
  • Massive Voter Fraud: Obama Wins 99+% of Vote in 100′s of Precincts, GOP Inspectors Forced Out, Provisional Ballots Ignored
  • 2012 Election Fraud: Zero votes for Romney in 68 precincts in Philadelphia and Cleveland
  • Can you believe that Mitt Romney received not one vote in 59 precincts in Philadelphia? World Net Daily has been alleging Democrat voter fraud ever since the election

Click Here to Play the Part 2 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-18-12

End Time Current Events: 11-11-12–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 12, 2012

End Time Current Events: 11-11-12–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Answers for Today
  • Barack Obama’s “Conquest” of America is being featured on the latest cover of Newsweek wearing a uniform like Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Election 2012: Dead And Still Voting
  • Voter Fraud: People Go to Vote, Ballots Already Cast in their Names; Others Vote More than Once
  • Fox News Glitch? Website Shows Millions of Votes by Mistake Before Polls Close
  • 2012 Election Results (LEAKED) Already in – Obama Won! – aired Oct 19, 2012
  • Hacking Voting Machines: Easier Than Ever Imagined
  • Vote in Key Battleground State of Ohio Already Challenged in Court
  • Election 2012: Evidence of Voting Problems, Fraud Flood In
  • Bev Harris: Get Ready for Massive Voting Fraud!
  • Chris Matthews Hails Hurricane Sandy For Aiding Obama Re-Election
  • 16 Million Missing White Votes! Where Did They Go?
  • America: What to expect next

Click Here to Play the Part 1 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-11-12

End Time Current Events: 11-11-12–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 12, 2012

End Time Current Events: 11-11-12–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • 10 dire consequences of Obama’s re-election victory
  • Proof: Obama Is Coming for Your Guns

Click Here to Play the Part 2 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-11-12

End Time Current Events: 11-11-12–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 12, 2012

End Time Current Events: 11-11-12–Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • Court Upholds Law That Could Imprison Pastors For Preaching Biblical Doctrines
  • Arizona man sent to jail for holding Bible studies in his home
  • Family Faces Fines for Hosting Bible Study
  • Pastor Sentenced To 2 Years In Prison For Teaching That Parents Should Spank Their Children

++Comment: Meanwhile the 501c3 Corporate Church of America is hard at work fighting the aforementioned tyranny, literally willing to lay down their lives to fight this evil and the following reports are solid proof of this fact:

  • Life Church Presents Pagan Week: Live Bands/Beer Tent/Biker Fest/Tattoos Rally/Reggie Fest/Psychic Fair/Pirate Fest/Renaissance Fair/Poker Run Gambling & much more debauchery
  • The “Ultimate Christian Music Vacation”–Come Celebrate “Illuminati Style” at Walt Disney World with your Favorite Christian Rock Banks like Casting Crowns, Mandisa, Building 429 & many more!!!!
  • Casting Crowns is working alongside their ministry partner Global Youth Ministries to provide the following resources for youth leaders–Currently they are promoting “Alien Night” & “Area 51” Night
  • Casting Crowns: Hidden Luciferians?
  • The “Hidden Hand” that Shaped History
  • Listener Comment on Orbs, Ouija Board Pendulums & DC Talk

Click Here to Play the Part 3 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-11-12

End Time Current Events: 11-4-12–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 4, 2012

End Time Current Events: 11-4-12–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • HAARP Engineering ‘FRANKENSTORM’ Hurricane Sandy – CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!
  • Hurricane Sandy Under Aerosol Geoengineering by DHS to Modify Intensity and Land-fall?
  • Alternative Media fails to report on aerosol/electro-magnetic engineering of Sandy
  • The Engineered Storm of The Century
  • How Nexrad HAARP Works: Turning Natural Storms into Biblical Flood
  • Obama Ordered DHS to Control Hurricanes
  • New Jersey Contracted RFID Evacuee Tracking Tech Just Days Before Sandy Formed
  • Obama Campaigns In Vegas While Storm Victims Rummage Through Garbage Dumpsters For Food
  • Obama Ignores Question About Storm Victims’ Frustrations…
  • Sandy Death Toll Rising
  • ‘Finding Bodies Left And Right’ It’s Far Worse Than The Media Is Portraying Says ‘Sons Of Anarchy’ Star
  • In New York’s Public Housing, Fear Creeps In With the Dark
  • 2.5 million still without power…
  • Temps dip into the 20s…
  • 2-mile line for gas on Staten Island…
  • Restaurant, hotel prices skyrocket…
  • Residents arm up: Bats, machetes, shotguns…
  • It’s like the Wild West’: Lawlessness and fear take over the outer boroughs as they enter sixth day without power
  • ODD-EVEN: NJ counties enact Carter-style gas rationing…
  • FEMA Out of Water Until Monday, Failed to Plan Ahead
  • Jersey Shore & other areas Declares Martial Law 
  • Video: Feds Lie, People Die in Hurricane Sandy Aftermath
  • See Scott Johnson’s Preparedness, Survival & Pandemic Teachings all Posted in One Place

Click Here for the Part 1 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-4-12

End Time Current Events: 11-4-12–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 4, 2012

End Time Current Events: 11-4-12–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Islam and the World to accept new Nazi-state around Jerusalem
  • Anglican archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams accept Pope as “Holy Father”
  • Flashback: National Council of Churches Affirms the Catholic Church as the ‘ONE TRUE Church’
  • The Papal title of VICAR OF CHRIST which in Latin is VICARIUS CHRISTI, means a SUBSTITUTE FOR CHRIST
  • Double-Take: EU ‘Tolerance’ Poster Includes the Cross, Hexagram, And … Wait, What Is That?

Click Here for the Part 2 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-4-12

End Time Current Events: 10-21-12–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 21, 2012

End Time Current Events: 10-21-12–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Listener Comment on Islam
  • Farrakhan’s Fiery New Warning to USA: ‘Every Plague Written in Koran is Going to Come to Pass’…
  • Suicide terrorist who killed 21 & wounded 50 Israelis receives “highest honor” from Palestine Committee of Arab Lawyers Union-Just one of thousands of similar awards commonly presented to Muslim mass murders
  • ‘Iran’s Gestapo’ Rounds Up Christians
  • Taliban Shoots 14-Year Old Human Rights Activist in Pakistan
  • Army Bows to Islamists, Sacks Lt. Colonel
  • Obama’s family raising money for Sharia Law in Kenya
  • Muslim-“Christian” Interfaith Group Calls for Blasphemy Laws

Click Here for the Part 1 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 10-21-12

End Time Current Events: 10-21-12–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 21, 2012

End Time Current Events: 10-21-12–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Listener Comment: The brand “honest tea” or “honest kids” is actually owned by Coca Cola
  • Testing & Info on Products that Contain Fluoride
  • GPS Question and Clarification
  • Homeland Security Shows off New Fully Armored/Weaponized Humvees
  • In the UK more Believe in Aliens than Believe in God
  • US Church Holds Large, Full-scale Zombie Survival Game

Click Here for the Part 2 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 10-21-12