"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events: 9-30-12–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 30, 2012

End Time Current Events: 9-30-12–Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • Meanwhile the Blasphemous ‘P*** Christ’ returns to New York along with ‘P*** Moses’
  • Jesus Not Allowed’: Anti-Faith Sentiment Sweeps US
  • Assault on the KJV
  • Did the Catholic Church Give Us the True Bible? Short Answer: No
  • Claim: Obama hid ‘gay life’ to become president–Chicago homosexual community shocked he could keep it secret
  • Obama Photos: Holding Hands With Gay Pakistani Lover & the Pizza Guy Hug and Gay Giddy Schoolgirl Flirting
  • When A Bear Hug Is More Than A Bear Hug – Exclusive:  Erik Rush wonders if ’1st gay president’ isn’t perfect descriptor for Obama
  • Disgusting Evil Pro-Gay Things For Sale On the Obama’s Campaign Website

Click Here for the Part 3 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-30-12

WWIII Updates–End Time Current Events: 9-16-12–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 16, 2012

WWIII Updates–End Time Current Events: 9-16-12–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Obama Invites Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood President to Meet Next Week – Refuses to Meet Netanyahu
  • Israel’s Netanyahu opens the door to Iran attack
  • An armada of British naval power massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike
  • Iran Responds to Massive U.S. Armada Gathering in the Persian Gulf
  • Israeli Arab Official Warns Of ‘Armageddon’ Over Anti-Islam Film
  • Al Qaeda in Yemen urges Muslims to kill U.S. diplomats over film
  • Is Muhammad Movie a Contrived Fraud?
  • Iran Threatens To Bring War To U.S. Shores: Reports: Terror Cells Preparing To Strike From South America
  • Intel From Israel On What’s Getting Set To Happen In The Middle East
  • Ehud Barak in Pep Talk with F-15 Pilots: Be Sharp
  • Israel claims 70,000 Hezbollah rockets aimed at it
  • Thank You Obama!! The Terrorists You Used To Topple Regimes in Egypt And Libya Are Now Attacking Our Embassies
  • Blood-Crazed Muslims Drag Body Of US Ambassador Stevens Through Streets Of Libya–This is what Islam is all about, paying attention yet?
  • US Ambassador In Libya Sodomized Before He Was Killed

Click Here for the Part 1 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-16-12

WWIII Updates–End Time Current Events: 9-16-12–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 16, 2012

WWIII Updates–End Time Current Events: 9-16-12–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Marines were not allowed to have live ammo at US Embassy in Egypt–Intelligence had 7 day warning before embassy attacks 
  • Nations try to block U.S. from adding to embassy security
  • Intelligence Warns of Attacks Against Israeli and US Embassies
  • North Dakota State University bomb threat…
  • Nuke Reactor Evacuated In Austin-bomb threat…
  • Gerald Celente: Criminal Banksters Launching New World War
  • More Than a Movie: Experts Claim Real Reason for U.S. Embassy Attacks Is Much More Sinister
  • University of Pennsylvania Professor calls for Arrest of Muhammad Filmmaker–First Amendment Death Watch Update: USA Today joins the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, and others in calling for restrictions on the freedom of speech
  • Bacon in a Park is a ‘Hate Crime’ but Not a Crucifix in Urine
  • Ann Barnhardt burning the Quran in America!
  • Ann Barnhardt–I demand to be arrested for blasphemy, now!
  • Explore Islam–The Life of Muhammad: An Inconvenient Truth
  • See Scott Johnson’s Teachings Exposing Islam

Click Here for the Part 2 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-16-12

WWIII Updates–End Time Current Events: 9-16-12–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 16, 2012

WWIII Updates–End Time Current Events: 9-16-12–Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • Vatican spokesman calls for end to offenses against Islam, does not condemn jihad murders; bishop in Libya calls for blasphemy laws in the West
  • Pakistan: Muslims burn Christian man alive as policeman rapes his wife
  • Video Shows Taliban Stoning Woman to Death in Pakistan,”
  • Video: Muslim Terrorist Urges Killing Americans–These Killers Have and Are Coming Through Our Open Borders
  • Islamic Resurrection dependent on Muslims killing Jews
  • Flotilla Used Children as Human Shields
  • Hamas Uses Children, UN & Press As Human Shields In Gaza
  • Islam and Pedophilia: The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan
  • The True Face of Islam: BACHA BAZI
  • Muslim Terrorism on Christians Continues Mainstream News Remains Silent
  • The Islamic bible/Quran commands Muslims to kill “Infidels”-AKA Unbelievers in Islam
  • “Vatican spokesman, responding to Libyan violence, condemns provocations against Islam!!”
  • See the Pope Kissing the Islamic Koran
  • Islamic Caliphate Forming With Attack on US Embassies
  • Jerusalem to become Egypt’s capital under Mursi’s rule, says Muslim cleric
  • Imprecatory Prayer – Psalm 64 – Gods Judgment on Wickedness – A Christians ‘Door of Hope’

Click Here for the Part 3 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-16-12

End Time Current Events: 9-9-12–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 9, 2012

End Time Current Events: 9-9-12–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • The Gog and Magog War Clarification
  • Time Magazine Writer Jokes About “Dead Fetus” Beauty Pageant at RNC
  • Obama Enjoys Massive Lead Among Those With No Religion
  • Savage: Dems rejection of God ‘the turning point’

Click Here for the Part 1 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-9-12

End Time Current Events: 9-9-12–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 9, 2012

End Time Current Events: 9-9-12–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • “Knesset Speaker: Obama only put Jerusalem back in platform for votes
  • ‘Iran must steer clear of US interests in Gulf’–Washington reportedly sends Tehran indirect message saying it will not back Israeli strike on nuclear facilities as long as Iran refrains from attacking American facilities in Persian Gulf
  • Intelligence Committee Chair Describes Explosive Confrontation Between Netanyahu and American Ambassador
  • It’s Official! Mitt Romney And RNC Want Creation Of Palestinian State 
  • The strange, strange story of ‘gay fascism’ deniers–Exclusive: Scott Lively contrasts reactions to column admitting homosexuals’ history

Click Here for the Part 2 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-9-12

End Time Current Events: 9-9-12–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 9, 2012

End Time Current Events: 9-9-12–Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • Taxpayer-Funded Amtrak Launches ‘Ride With Pride’ Campaign to Attract Gay Customers
  • Churches adopt new Ten Commandments–Hundreds of churches across the country are now preaching an updated version of the Ten Commandments, rewritten to reflect modern values.
  • Satanic Message Reaches Four Billion Through Great Britain Olympics

Click Here for the Part 3 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-9-12

End Time Current Events: 9-2-12–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 2, 2012

End Time Current Events: 9-2-12–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • DHS Source: “It’s going hot”
  • More Proof of Military Invasion of the United States
  • Bullets, False Flags and Biological Warfare: What Is the US Government Planning?
  • Martial Law: How Can Anyone Look At The Well-Documented Evidence And Deny That It’s Coming Soon?

Click Here for the Part 1 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-2-12

End Time Current Events: 9-2-12–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 2, 2012

End Time Current Events: 9-2-12–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Bombshell Information For Martial Law In America
  • TSA Swabbing Fliers’ Hands For Explosives During ‘Chat Downs’
  • Philadelphia woman faces $600-a-day fine for feeding needy children
  • Man with  Knife Executed by Police Firing Squad
  • Two Texas Schools are preparing to use RFID spychips in the student ID’s for tracking purposes
  • Cops Interrogate Family For Allowing Kids To Play Outside
  • Actress Hopes Storm Kills ‘Every Pro-Life, Xenophobic, Gay-Bashing S-O-B’…
  • New Audio Surfaces of Obama Defending Infanticide in Illinois
  • Abortion Survivor Rips Obama On Infanticide Support in New Ad
  • State yanks criminal case against Planned Parenthood abortionists
  • After-Birth Abortions: Eugenicists Say Babies are a Parasitic Burden on Society
  • Proactive Actions Against Stericycle

Click Here for the Part 2 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-2-12

End Time Current Events: 9-2-12–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 2, 2012

End Time Current Events: 9-2-12–Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • Stericycle’s Burning of Aborted Babies at North Carolina Incineration Plant Exposed
  • Blood Money Profiteers Stericycle’s Executives
  • CSS Calls on Mitt Romney to Withdraw From Race for Investing in Company Burning Aborted Babies and for Remarks Supportive of Aborting Rape Babies
  • Statements of a practicing abortion clinic owner & witch: “You practice your religion and let me practice mine.”“My religion is a holy ritual child sacrifice.”
  • Consumer products on our supermarket shelves containing ingredients which have been cultivated using aborted human fetal cell lines
  • Abortion chain owner’s family died in MT cemetery plane crash – near Tomb of the Unborn

Click Here for the Part 3 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-2-12