"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-27-23-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 28, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • DIOXIN: The DEADLY Chemical No One Is Talking About! People Will DIE: East Palestine MUST BE EVACUATED NOW!
  • ‘Stay Away, Don’t Believe EPA,’ 9/11 Cancer Victim Lawyer Warns East Palestine Residents
  • East Palestine Farmer’s WARNING: ‘MyID’ Biometric Surveillance Devices Given Out BEFORE Derailment
  • Norfolk Southern trying to BUY OFF East Palestine residents for just $1,000 to silence them forever, and block all future cancer lawsuits resulting from vinyl chloride train catastrophe
  • RED ALERT: Toxic hazardous waste water from Ohio being INJECTED into wells in Texas
  • East Palestine Fallout, Health Problems Exploding, 43k Animals Dead, Toxic Water Secretly Shipped To Texas & Michigan!!
  • Doc Pete Chambers returns from Ohio front lines for a post-catastrophe situation report
  • List of 103 U.S. Food Manufacturing Facilities Destroyed Under Biden Admin: While 135 million people faced acute food insecurity before the COVID-19 pandemic, that number has more than doubled to 276 million over the last two years.
  • The Bicarbonate of Soda ( Baking Soda ) Rescue of Ohio

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 2-27-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-20-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 20, 2023

Table of Contents: 

  • Another Strong Delusion Lie: Is it the End of the World As We Know It | “3 Days of Darkness” Coming
  • Catholic Prophecy Three Days and Nights of Darkness Exposed
  • Listener Comment: Catholic Delusion Prophecy–Three Days and Nights of Darkness
  • Catholicism Exposed!
  • Catholic Priest Child Molestors
  • The Satanic Catholic Death Cult has slaughter an estimated 68 million from 1200-1808—Many of them true Christians! 
  • A County Taken by Christians
  • Davos Agenda To Destroy Sovereign Nations: Globalists Weaponize Immigration to Destroy Opposition
  • Listener Comment: Digital ID–Thought this might be insightful–Internet access will soon only be possible with the digital ID
  • Major Internet Influencers Says: Few Are Talking About Electric Car Deaths, So I Have to
  • New Study on Electric Car Deaths Shocks the Entire Car Industry

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 2-20-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-20-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 20, 2023

Table of Contents: 

  • East Palestine train wreck may have created largest dioxin plume in world history
  • DIOXINS released after Ohio train derailment PERSIST in the environment and collect in lipids, meaning they will contaminate milk, cheese, eggs and meat from farms and ranches
  • ‘Ohio Chernobyl’: East Palestine Residents Report Health Problems, Told Not to Drink Local Water
  • Toxic Chemicals Contaminating The Water–Residents break out in rash after Ohio train derailment
  • Listener Comment Regarding Berkey Water Filters Warning
  • Listener Comment: What to do? I’m loaded with heavy metals.
  • The Ohio Railroad DISASTER Explained
  • Ohio Environmental Disaster Update: Officials insisted at a community meeting that Norfolk Southern had to explode train cars carrying vinyl chloride. But a hazardous materials expert says it was just their cheapest option. In blowing up the chemicals, a lawsuit claims, it released a dangerous chemical agent banned under the Geneva Conventions. 
  • Predictive Programming and the Ohio Train Wreck
  • Toxic Train Crash PLANNED! Netflix Movie Foreshadowed Environmental CATASTROPHE!
  • Air Cleaner Recommendations: The Globalists SICK, TWISTED Plot To Murder You With Chemical Pollution
  • New All-In-One Detox Product Dr. Johnson’s Now Carries–Biotics Research Bio-Detox Packs—These are a Liver, Kidney, Candida/Yeast, Lymphatic, Blood, Lung, Colon, Parasite & Chemical Cleanse–Formulated to Support Digestive and Gastrointestinal Health, Digestive Enzymes–Broad-Spectrum Nutritional Support Pathways
  • URGENT INFO: How to DETOX from DIOXIN exposure – share this everywhere
  • Indole-3-Carbinol SPROUTS can detox DIOXINS from your body!
  • In Your Body Indole-3-Carbinol Converts to DIM–DIM Supplements: Benefits and Dosage

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 2-20-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-13-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 13, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points
  • Is Disclosure About to Finally Happen? What is Going On With All the “UFO / Mystery Objects in the Sky”? Top Headlines Read: Baffled pilots who shot down object say it ‘interfered with sensors’… Mystery remains over Montana…. China Spots UFO Flying Near City… USA drills in South Sea amid tensions…WHAT ARE THEY?ANOTHER SHOOTDOWN!–THIRD IN THREE DAYS
  • Slides on Eco & Weather Warfare from Scott Johnson’s 2006 Power Point Presentation from 17 Years Ago
  • Wisdom From the Book of Amos Regarding Giants
  • THE BOOK OF GIANTS – Like The Book of Enoch – Teaches That The Fallen Angels Manipulated DNA and Created Giants AND Monsters
  • Scott Johnson’s Teaching: Cloning, DNA Manipulation & Corrupting The Seed & the Book of Enoch-Parts 1 & 2
  • CIA Super Soldiers, Giants, and Missing People in National Parks
  • The REAL Reason we Invaded Iraq (Babylon)?? Nephilim DNA
  • The Suppressed History of Giants and their reemergence into the public arena

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 2-13-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-13-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 13, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Giants Emerging Everywhere – They Can’t Hide This
  • Strong Delusion–According To Top High Level New Agers: 7 Sleeping Anunnaki Giants Scientists are Awakening To Enlighten Humanity To Bring Us To A “New Golden Age”!
  • Listener Comment: Nephilim Architecture….yes, they are probably looking for ancient Nephilim technology–but I also believe they are trying to raise these Nephilim–They will be the first ones sorry when they do
  • Ancient Floating City Built By Giants – Nan Madol
  • Biblical Giants ALIVE on the Solomon Islands | Nephilim
  • Listener Comment: The ring of fire is over there in Oceania (Guadalcanal) as well–MANY of those aboriginal persons do have something odd going on with their genetics
  • “Unholy” Song Glorifying Evil & Satan Wins Grammy Award! | Sam Smith & Kim Petras | First Transgender HeShe Abomination Winner!!!
  • CBS Openly Admits Goal with Message to Artist Before Satanic Performance – It Was Hidden in Plain Sight

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 2-13-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-30-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 31, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Something Biblical May Come in 2023…God’s People Must Prepare
  • The Lord’s Protection & the Biblical Remedy for Fear
  • Listener Comment: Alex Jones: God Wants A Sexual Relationship With Us & Also Promotes Hypnosis—Infowars opening pushing Transcendental Meditation – Hypnosis – Remote Viewing – Astral Projection (Which is going out of body & what many Witches do!) Plus Scott Johnson’s Teachings on These Subjects
  • Recent Reports Scott Johnson Has Done On Alex Jones and InfoWars Exposing Their Blasphemous Evil
  • Listener Comment: Alex Jones says that God came down as an Avatar in Jesus Christ & Infowars is Now Promoting the Blasphemous, New Ager, Zeitgeist Promoting Jordan Maxwell Who Says Jesus is Lucifer!!!! You will see this is yet one more reason to read the King James Bible
  • Alex Jones Says: Kanye West Is A Hero For Exposing The Mark Of The Beast
  • Listener Comment: Here’s a short video of Alex Jones explaining his family roots in Freemasonry and explaining away the occultic “New Atlantis” concept.
  • InfoWars Govt Network Connections (3 hour documentary)
  • Alex Jones Blasphemy Alert–Proclaims Having your “Third Eye” opens is wonderful and the “Third Eye” is the Holy Spirit of God!!!!!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 1-30-23

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-30-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 31, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • THE DARK SIDE OF FETAL ULTRASOUND–What have been the permanent, damaging effects of ultrasound technology in our society? Are there natural alternatives for monitoring a baby’s health while they are in the womb?
  • THE BUSINESS OF BEING BORN–great movie on homebirths & midwives– compares various childbirth methods: including midwives – natural births – epidurals and Cesarean Sections / C-Sections
  • Scott Johnson’s Prenatal Supplement Recomendations
  • New: Regarding prayer requests please go to: ContendingForTruth.com Prayer Requests God bless!
  • Woman’s Experience Using Amazon Palm-Scanning Payment Machine Goes Viral
  • OPERATION SANDMAN now activated – Saudi Arabia announces END of dollar dominance in global oil trade … the dominoes begin to fall on the US empire
  • Davos Watch: Globalists Declare Free Speech and Climate Change Greatest Threats To the World
  • Globalist Davos Panelist Says the US Will ‘Soon’ Have ‘Illegal Hate Speech’ Laws
  • WEF attendees hire unvaccinated pilots to fly them to Davos: “safety of our members is number-one priority”
  • Cryptocurrencies ‘to control the masses’ are being discussed at the World Economics Forum (WEF) right now and a guide released to encourage the development of the future crypto-based economy 
  • They’re tracking us: In obedience to WHO, international medical classification system adds new diagnosis coding for the unvaccinated
  • Why do some people’s personalities suddenly change after receiving mRNA injections?
  • Getting vaccinated for covid four or more times results in near-complete collapse of the immune system–bombshell study finds!
  • More Satanic Fruit From The Folks Giving Humanity the Covid Kill Shot: Look at how this MONSTER casually describes what Pfizer is doing…Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations – mRNA Scientific Planner & Sodomite, Pathological Liar, Demon Possessed, Employee Goes Into A Fit Of Rage And Anger After Being Exposed And Confronted By Project Veritas–Pfizer Executive: ‘Mutate’ COVID via ‘Directed Evolution’ for Company to Continue Profiting Off of Vaccines … ‘COVID is Going to be a Cash Cow for Us’ … ‘That is Not What We Say to the Public’ … ‘People Won’t Like That’ … ‘Don’t Tell Anyone’–Pfizer Director ASSAULTS James O’Keefe During Follow-up Over “Mutating” Covid Virus Comments
  • Bombshell!! Pentagon Controlled Entire COVID Program! 1918 Spanish Flu Caused Directly By Vaccines!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 1-30-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-30-23-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 31, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • Trump Dismisses COVID-19 Vax Safety Claims, Says He Saved 100 Million Lives–He will not admit that the Covid kill shot is killing and harming people!!! And this is 2023!!!
  • Donald Trump in Bed with Satan, Blackrock and Vanguard etc.
  • Trump and GOP Have Become Vaxx Sales Team, RINO Recruiters
  • Ivermectin Exposed–Scott Johnson Comment: Since the whole Covid-19 Scamdemic began I have repeatedly warned my listeners about Ivermectin (& Hydroxychloroquine)–The bottom line is all drugs have side effects and this was one of them that the white hat good/guy doctors were (and still are) heavily pushing for Covid treatment
  • Ivermectin Is Cytotoxic & Genotoxic (Damages Cells & DNA) & Likely Carcinogenic, Studies Show!
  • Alarming Ivermectin VS Male Fertility Studies: Big Drops In Sperm Count & Motility! GENOCIDE?!
  • Ivermectin Is So Toxic It Kills Most Mosquitoes That Feed On Its Users For 4 Days After?!
  • Ivermectin is known to be an acutely toxic drug!!! See for yourself–straight from the US government
  • Ivermectin’s Horrible Side Effects
  • Hydroxychloroquine Warning! Straight from the US government own website: “Harmful if swallowed [Warning Acute toxicity, oral]”–Plus All The Side Effects
  • Hydroxychloroquine Side effects requiring immediate medical attention
  • Recommend Protocol For Covid-19 & the Shedding From The Covid Vaxxed
  • Listener Comment: Brother Scott, Me and my husband were sick, cough, chest pain, the whole nine yards–Took your Covid protocol–Three days later we are just fine–All praises to our Heavenly Father and Christ and to you Brother
  • Recommended Products Dr. Johnson Carries to build up the Immune System
  • Stroke Recovery Protocol
  • Listener Comments: Invive Colloidal Silver Covid Remedy & Information on the Nasal Application of Colloidal silver and Iodine
  • How to go after a internal infections from multiple angles
  • Listener Comment: My husband and I have been taking the INVIVE silver for years now and we just don’t get ill.  I’ve been off doctor meds for seven years now and taking good supplements mostly from you.  I was in their big pharma system and on so many prescriptions for over thirty years!  I’m in my sixties now taking natural supplements only and feeling pretty awesome!  
  • Listener Comment Regarding the Invive Silver at: http://www.dr-johnson.com/ — Wow! My son and I are a lot better! Some nasal congestion is hanging on but we both have our old strength back, he’s back to school and I’m doing good too!
  • Listener Comment: Another Invive Covid Testimony
  • Listener Comment About Being Affected by the Covid Vaxxed and Her Experience with the Supplement and Invive
  • Listener Comment: My experience with your Covid protocol
  • Have you taken your vitamin C today? While Vitamin C is unequivocally recognized as a quintessential player in maintaining function of the immune system, a recent review paper points to 70-80% of patients with severe covid-19 suffering HYPOvitaminosis C (i.e. low vitamin C status) in hospitals – Please Note Vitamin C is not ascorbic acid
  • Listener Comment Dr Johnson’s Covid Protocols – Save This
  • Listener Question: Are Fevers Bad? Is There a God Given Reason They Occur?
  • Vitamin D-3 Is Vital For Your Immune System
  • How to Neutralize Potential Damage from mRNA Vaccines
  • On the Connection Between Graphene Oxide Found in “Covid Vaccines”, Electromagnetic Fields, Blood Clots & Severe “Covid” Symptoms  | How to Remove Graphene Oxide From the Body – Truth Comes to Light
  • Can Fulvic Acid Help With Demagnetizing the Unvaccinated & Its Importance
  • Listener Comment: I am no longer magnetized!!!!! Fulvic Acid WORKS!
  • Is pine needle tea the answer to covid vaccine shedding / transmission? Learn about suramin, shikimic acid and how to make your own extracts
  • Black Seed Oil ‘Strongly Binds’ to Vaxxed Spike Protein–Prevents Vascular Damage

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 1-30-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-16-23-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 16, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • US to host largest-ever Satanic gathering–The Satanic Temple group has announced on social media that SatanCon 2023 will take place at the end of April in Boston, Massachusetts
  • Where are the men?
  • Bible Verses on Effeminate Men — & Women And Children Ruling Over Men & Society
  • The New Normal: Men Dressing Up As Women-Giving Humanity a Satanic Morality Lesson–Internet Slams the ‘Dystopian Nightmare’ of Trans-Owned Miss Universe
  • Listener Comment: What is Happening in my Church—Everyone Speaking In Tongues, Laying Hands Suddenly on Others & Men and Women Acting Unbiblical Plus Scott Johnson’s Response and Teachings
  • Newly Minted “Republican” U.S. House Majority Leader & Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is publicly listed as a member of the World Economic Forum & Had ‘Dinner’ With Klaus Schwab & Spoke At WEF With Mitch McConnell’s Wife
  • BOMBSHELL: New FOIA Documents Reveal the COVID Pandemic Was a DoD Operation Dating Back to Obama–A bombshell new report shows the DoD, yes the Pentagon, controlled the COVID-19 program from the very beginning and everything we were told was political theater basically to cover it up right down to the FDA vaccine approval process
  • Australian POLICE announce counter-terrorism teams will be monitoring anti-vax conspiracy theorists! They are also encouraging Australians to report anyone who engages in what they deem as “conspiracy theories” to contact police directly, or contact crime stoppers–They advise they will be looking at all social media material for ‘conspiracy theories’ being posted & who is looking at those sites & where those people are located, with a plan to “go and speak to them”.
  • Former Chief Science Officer At Pfizer–Dr. ‘Michael Yeadon’ says: “The Criminal Actions Of Big Pharma & Global Governments Are Massive”
  • NFL’s Monday Night Disaster Millions Watch Player SUDDENLY Collapse Mid GAME! Collapsed Football Player BRAINDEAD? NFL Player Damar Hamlin Was Covid Vaxxed–The Whole Buffalo Bills Team Boasted of Being 100% Covid Kill Shot Jabbed!
  • Cardiologist Dr. McCullough On Damar Hamlin: ‘Leading Concern Here Is Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis’

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 1-16-23

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-16-23-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 16, 2023

Table of Contents:

  • The Covid-19 Bioweapon Shot–Athlete & Heart Issues–So Many “Coincidences”!?!
  • Satanic Insanity & Hypocrisy—Moderna’s (Covid Kill Shot) CEO Announces New mRNA Jab (Which is Injected Directly Into the Heart!!!) to “Treat” Heart Failure Patients!!!
  • Hospital Survival Tips
  • So many warnings about what is on the horizon for humanity: 7,500 Americans are killed or disabled EACH DAY as Covid Kill Shot jabs are taking a heavy toll… USA imploding under “decivilization” assault—Comment: Hey, no big deal, right? Regarding this issue, I mean we all need to lighten up and ‘let go and let God’ like 99% of the 501c3 corporate churches, right? It’s so “Christ-like” to not warn the flock about this 90,000lb gorilla in the room. Haven’t heard one thing about this on “Christian” radio or elsewhere–Nothing to see here though!
  • Covid Kill Shot Bioweapon Predictive Programming–This was an episode of the X Files from years ago
  • WHATS HAPPENING TO BABIES OF THE COVID JABBED? Dr. Viviane Brunet says the babies conceived by jabbed parents are “Transhuman”!
  • These sick twisted devils need to hang for their part in this covid kill shot genocide!
  • Attorney Thomas Renz: We Have Incentivized The MURDER Of Patients- NOT The Treatment
  • Listener & Hospital Employee Comment: Healthcare Hellscape!!! Stay away from hospitals!!!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 1-16-23

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