"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events: 12-4-11–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 6, 2011

End Time Current Events: 12-4-11–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Steve Jobs and Apple Exposed
  • Apple Computer & 666

Click Here for the Part 2 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 12-4-11

End Time Current Events: 12-4-11–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 6, 2011

End Time Current Events: 12-4-11–Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • Exposing George Noory’s New Book Promoting Witchcraft: “Talking to the Dead “
  • Satanic Parlor Tricks: Do loved ones bid farewell from beyond the grave?

Click Here for the Part 3 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 12-4-11

End Time Current Events: 11-27-11–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 28, 2011

End Time Current Events: 11-27-11–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Defining the Terms Armageddon & Apocalypse
  • Iran Claims Secret Energy Weapon, Dares Israel To Attack Them Now
  • Iran Also Making Plans To Nuke U.S. With EMP?
  • Gingrich Warns EMP Is Greatest Strategic Threat
  • Russia Retaliates Against US: Puts Radar Station On Combat Alert, Prepares To Take Out European Missile Defense Systems
  • Congress to Vote Next Week on EXPLICITLY Creating a Police State
  • Fatal betrayal of America – HR 1505
  • This year the Federal Government has sent out more Federal Disaster alerts than in history!

Click Here for the Part 1 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-27-11

End Time Current Events: 11-27-11–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 28, 2011

End Time Current Events: 11-27-11–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Nephilim and Fallen Angels, the elephant in the room mainstream Christianity won’t discuss
  • Actual UCLA Sanctioned UFO Alien Abduction Experiment
  • What is Astral Projection?
  • Alien DNA – Genetic Takeover: The End of Humanity?

Click Here for the Part 2 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-27-11

End Time Current Events: 11-13-11–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 14, 2011

End Time Current Events: 11-13-11–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Study
  • UK expects Israeli attack on Iran next month with US logistical support
  • Why Iran’s Top Leaders Believe That the End of Days Has Come
  • War of words escalate between Iran and Israel- Iran threatens to widen war to Europe if attacked
  • Russian Foreign Minister Issues Grave Warning to Israel and the West
  • Muslims who kidnap a Jew will get 900.000 USD
  • Syria and Iran Threaten Israel Over Iran Strike – 30,000 Suicide bombers Will Rush Israel If Israel Attacks!!!

Click Here for the Part 1 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-13-11

End Time Current Events: 11-13-11–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 14, 2011

End Time Current Events: 11-13-11–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • ‘Chrislam’: Straight from the pits of hell
  • Religious Leaders Say Best Hope For Peace Lies In United Global Super Church
  • Vatican Calls For World Government & World Bank
  • Pope Benedict is said to be preparing to resign the Papacy in April, 2012!
  • This time frame would allow the new Pope to consolidate his Papacy and be ready if a spiritual ‘Paradigm Shift” occurs on December 21, 2012!
  • Christians Call for Pat Robertson’s Immediate Resignation as the Founder of CBN Counsels that Divorce due to Disease is Permissible

Click Here for the Part 2 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-13-11

End Time Current Events: 11-13-11–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 14, 2011

End Time Current Events: 11-13-11–Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • Joel Osteen’s 147.00 Cover Charge & Dr. Myles Munroe 199.00 Pay Per View Fee
  • Bankrupt Crystal Cathedral’s Former Pastor Rev. Robert Schuller wants Food Donations for Malnourished Wife Ferried to her Limos
  • California Church Preaches Gospel at the Bar … Beer Replaces Coffee
  • Christian church teams up with high priestess of Isis–Famous denomination welcoming paganism with guided meditations
  • Persecuted Christian? Don’t expect these pastors to speak up. Half don’t plan to mention martyrs – but 3 in 4 members say they want to know
  • Pro-Family Leaders Question Double-Standard on Hate Crimes — Homosexual Attackers Threaten More Violence against Illinois Christian School
  • CNN’s Take: Why Christians are embracing their LGBT neighbors
  • Lesbian Couple Crowned Homecoming King and Queen
  • Teens Hail Gay Prom King, Queen
  • Girl Scouts now allow ‘transgendered boys’ to join Brownie troops
  • Pepsi shareholders demand company stop using aborted fetal cell lines in flavor research

Click Here for the Audio for Part 3

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-13-11

End Time Current Events–10-30-11–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 31, 2011

End Time Current Events–10-30-11–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Call For Worldwide Global Increase In Number Of WICCA Teachers To Meet Accelerated Demand For Witchcraft Spell Teaching & Learning
  • Black magic widespread in Middle East
  • What Real Witches Practice During Halloween & Beyond-Part A

Click Here For the Part 1 Audio

PDF for End Time Current Events 10-30-11

End Time Current Events–10-30-11–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 31, 2011

End Time Current Events–10-30-11–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • What Real Witches Practice During Halloween & Beyond-Part B
  • DHS Announces Halloween Checkpoints In Tennessee To Keep Children Safe

Click Here For the Part 2 Audio

PDF for End Time Current Events 10-30-11

End Time Current Events–10-30-11–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | October 31, 2011

End Time Current Events–10-30-11–Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • 18 Examples Of How Christians Are Being Specifically Targeted By Big Brother
  • Electric skin implants sign of the BEAST be warned
  • New World Order: Implantable RFID chips capable of remotely killing non-compliant ‘slaves’ are here
  • White House death panel, fully operational: Secret panel can put Americans on ‘kill list’
  • Trapped in Amerika, a fasco-communist police state

Click Here For the Part 3 Audio

PDF for End Time Current Events 10-30-11