"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events–9-25-11–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 25, 2011

End Time Current Events–9-25-11–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Study
  • Governments Mountain Guardian Exercise Takes School Children to Sports Stadium for “Processing”

Click Here for the Part 1 Audio

Click Here for the 9-25-11 PDF

End Time Current Events–9-25-11–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 25, 2011

End Time Current Events–9-25-11–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Want some torture with your peanuts? Airline tracking bracelet that would also serve as in-flight taser-like stun device
  • Shocking Info on US Government Automobile Surveillance
  • Additional confirmation on automobile surveillance
  • Big Brother OnStar Begins Spying On Customers’ GPS Location For Profit
  • Iris Scanners & Microchips

Click Here for the Part 2 Audio

Click Here for the 9-25-11 PDF

End Time Current Events–9-25-11–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 25, 2011

End Time Current Events–9-25-11–Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • Big Sis Ordered NFL Grope Downs–Guilty until proven innocent – the decline and fall of America accelerates
  • United Nations & Palestine Logo Suggests Elimination of Israel
  • Now that the “Arab Spring Revolt” is five months old, it is clear that selected governments have been weakened which is necessary for the surrendering of sovereignty to Regional Government #7-One of future “10 Horn” territories of Revelation

Click Here for the Part 3 Audio

Click Here for the 9-25-11 PDF

End Time Current Events–9-11-11–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 11, 2011

End Time Current Events–9-11-11–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Evangelicals Left Off National (Pagan) Cathedral 9/11 Program
  • Crane topples at National Cathedral, comes down ‘like thunder’
  • Petition seeks 9/11 ceremony invites for NYC first responders

Click Here for the Part 1 Audio

PDF for 9-11-11

End Time Current Events–9-11-11–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 11, 2011

End Time Current Events–9-11-11–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • India scans 2.4 billion eyes to see end to poverty
  • Facebook is nothing but a pit of Vipers – I cannot see why everyone is so obsessed with this–Facebook want me to upload a government ID with photograph to them!!
  • Electronic ‘tattoo’ could monitor vital organ functions
  • Hospital patients now being microchipped with “electronic tattoos”
  • Homeland Security surveillance detected on Christian website–Blogger noted for opposing homosexual lifestyle choice
  • Verdict! “Christians” Convict Pastor For ‘Giving Out Bibles’
  • Bill Approved To Create Massive Surveillance Database Of Internet Users
  • Study finds abortion raises risk of mental health problems by 81%
  • Pedophile Predators with Ph.D.s

Click Here for the Part 2 Audio

PDF for 9-11-11

End Time Current Events–9-11-11–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 11, 2011

End Time Current Events–9-11-11–Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • U.K. Judge Tells Teacher Sex-Offender Busted with Child Pornography: ‘I Don’t Criticize You for Being…Attracted to Children’
  • 4-Year-Old Toddler Given Fake Breasts & Buttocks For Beauty Pageant
  • Mother dresses girl aged THREE as prostitute in Toddlers and Tiaras pageant,
  • Beyond Perverse – Swiss Officials Mandate “Sex Boxes” For Kindergarteners

Click Here for the Part 3 Audio

PDF for 9-11-11

End Time Current Events–9-11-11–Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 11, 2011

End Time Current Events–9-11-11–Part 4

Table of Contents:

  • Lesbian Baptist Pastor Refuses to Wed Straights Until Gays Allowed to Marry in NC
  • Blasphemous Pastor turns heads by blending tradition and irreverence
  • Creeping unnoticed into the Lutheran church – meet Nadia Bolz-Weber the tattooed, female, pro-sodomy, emergent, foul mouthed, feminist, Lutheran (Catholic priest collar wearing) pastor

Click Here for the Part 4 Audio

PDF for 9-11-11

End Time Current Events–9-4-11–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 5, 2011

End Time Current Events–9-4-11–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Fukushima Is Continually Blasting All Of Us With High Levels Of Cesium, Strontium And Plutonium And Will Slowly Kill Millions For Years To Come
  • Pure Effect Water Filters – Safeguard Your Drinking Water From Fluoride And Radiation!
  • Retraction–Dr. Johnson does not recommend this anymore: Highly recommend “Black Mica” for radiation & pollution in the water in the water
  • E-mail from a Steve Quayle Listener ‘in the know’ regarding Fukushima
  • Simulation Map of Cesium-137 Deposition Across the Pacific by CEREA Shows Contamination in US Greater Than That of Western Japan
  • Japanese Insider Spills The Beans!–It’s Over For Japan!
  • Report: 76 trillion becquerels of Plutonium-239 released from Fukushima–Plutonium-239 release is 23,000 times higher than previously announced
  • UN Warns Muntant Strain Of H5N1 Spreading Across Asia
  • Contagion Movie Bird Flu Pandemic Trailer
  • Dr. Scott Johnson’s Online Presentations on the Avian Flu: Avian Flu, Population Control, H5N1, Biological Warfare: 1-5 & Avian Flu/Pandemics: What to Expect & How to Prepare (1-16)
  • Recent Testimonials regarding the POWER of INVIVE MILD SILVER
  • Dr. Johnson’s Presentation: Colloidal Silver-Mild Silver Protein it’s uses and history
  • Invive Silver Potency Facts Comparison to 20ppm Silver

Listen to the End Time Current Events–9-4-11–Part 1 Audio

End Time Current Events 9-4-11 PDF

End Time Current Events–9-4-11–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 5, 2011

End Time Current Events–9-4-11–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Mike Adams: Exposes Vaccine Industry Ties to Military Involvement with IoM 1/3
  • Gates Foundation Vaccinates 131 Children at Gunpoint in Malawi
  • Mexico to give HPV vaccine to all girls from 2012
  • Rick Perry’s Slimy Connections to Merck & the HPV Vaccine
  • Another HPV Success Story–The HPV Vaccine: Lifesaver or Russian Roulette?Is a new vaccine sending users to GardaHell?
  • How To Find The Poisons In Vaccines In 5 Seconds Or Less
  • A Vaccinated, Fluoridated, Sick, Dying, Dumbed Down America–Video
  • Watch out for DRACO – MIT Scientist Develops Vaccine To “Cure All Viral Diseases”
  • Radiation Remedies

Listen to the End Time Current Events–9-4-11–Part 2 Audio

End Time Current Events 9-4-11 PDF

End Time Current Events–8-7-11–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 8, 2011

End Time Current Events–8-7-11–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Super Congress To Target Second Amendment
  • Super Congress: The Final Nail In The Coffin Of Representative Democracy And Freedom As We Know It
  • Super Congress Council of 13 Rises
  • New World Order- The Illuminati
  • Lyndon LaRouche: Obama to Become ‘Fuhrer’ After Super Congress Debt Ceiling Vote
  • Opponents Of Debt Hike to be Barred From “Super Congress”
  • Super Congress: A Financial Death Panel That Will Help The Banks Loot & Rape America

Listen to Part 1 of the 8-7-11 Audio

PDF–End Time Current Events 8-7-11