"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events: 5-29-11–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 30, 2011

End Time Current Events: 5-29-11–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • As nightmarish as “Patriot Acts I and II” are, we now learn that Congress passed a “Secret Patriot Act” which is far more horrific
  • Congress Proposes Bill to Allow Worldwide War … Including INSIDE the U.S.
  • White House Adds New Position to Deal with Unfavorable Online Media
  • Top Mexican Drug Lord: I Trafficked Cocaine For The U.S. Government
  • Obama Working “Under The Radar” To Sneak Attack Second Amendment
  • Mexican “Saint of Death” Cult: ‘like fighting against Satan himself’

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End Time Current Events: 5-29-11–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 30, 2011

End Time Current Events: 5-29-11–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • U.S. Air Force makes way for witchcraft–Academy chapel adds worship circle for Pagans, Wiccans, Druids
  • Discovery of the 13th crystal scull
  • Warning regarding “Magic the Gathering” card game
  • Oriental, Chinese, Japanese, Hindu and Buddhist Restaurants Warning

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End Time Current Events: 5-29-11–Part 3–Smoking Tobacco Warning

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 30, 2011

End Time Current Events: 5-29-11–Part 3–Smoking Tobacco Warning

Table of Contents:

  • Smoking/Tobacco Warning–Why a Christian Should NOT Smoke

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End Time Current Events: 5-22-11–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 24, 2011

End Time Current Events: 5-22-11–Part 1

Table Of Contents:

  • Comments Regarding the Harold Camping False Rapture Date Debacle
  • Israel was invaded on May 15th–Tiny Israel was attacked on all three borders
  • Israeli Hunt for Syrian, Hizballah spies who slipped in through Golan
  • Timeline of Disasters on the U.S. when America sells out Israel

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End Time Current Events: 5-22-11–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 24, 2011

End Time Current Events: 5-22-11–Part 2

Table Of Contents:

  • Second Vatican state to be established in Jerusalem
  • The world is preparing to recognize a Palestinian State, even in the face of determined Israeli opposition!–Critically important End of the Age prophecy is about to be fulfilled.
  • Israel’s Next Challenge: Obama’s Outreach To Terrorist Muslim Brotherhood
  • Obama: “A Full and Phased Withdrawal” by Israel to “1967 Lines”
  • Obama: ’67 borders reflect longstanding US policy–President speaks to the pro-Israel lobbying group AIPAC
  • Grassfire Nation’s Israel Support petition

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End Time Current Events: 5-15-11–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 16, 2011

End Time Current Events: 5-15-11–Part 1

Table Of Contents:

  • Can we ever really trust photographic evidence again? Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was photo shopped out of a prominent news photo by a leading Jewish newspaper. Was she ever there in the first place?
  • New Washable RFID Chips Track Hotel Towels and Bathrobes
  • U.S. Court rules citizens have no right to resist illegal cop entry into home
  • Shadow Government Bunkers: Security Heightened at Underground Storage Facilities
  • Underground Tunnel Boring Machines
  • The Rise of Mother Earth

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End Time Current Events: 5-15-11–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 16, 2011

End Time Current Events: 5-15-11–Part 2

Table Of Contents

  • As It Was In The Days Of… Now? Gays Coming Out In Record Numbers In Christian Universities
  • Navy Authorizes Chaplains to Perform Same-Sex ‘Marriages’ in Naval Chapels
  • Biotech company using aborted fetal cell lines to test food flavor enhancers
  • A Slippery Slope: Gospel Reality Shows! Move over MTV Cribs! There is a new reprobate sheriff in town “Gospel Cribs”
  • Free Christian Online Videos

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End Time Current Events: 5-8-11–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 9, 2011

End Time Current Events: 5-8-11–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • The White House finds itself suddenly on the defensive regarding the entire fable of the killing of Osama bin Laden!
  • Already, people are worrying about Islamic reprisals for the “killing” of Osama bin Laden.
  • Exclusive: ‘Bin Laden Dead’ Hoax Exposed:
  • Benazir Bhutto: Bin Laden was (YEARS AGO) Murdered
  • Wayne Madsen: Bin Laden Death, Looks Like Staged Terror to Escalate U.S. Into Nuclear War 
  • The Bin Laden “Confession” Video Forgery
  • 9 11 Bin Laden At Rawalpindi Hospital September 10th 1 28 2002 CBS 
  • December 2001: Bin Laden Already Dead – Report
  • November 2001: ‘Bin Laden in poor health, to live for only two more years’ –CIA agent alleged to have met Bin Laden in July
  • Download or Listen to the Part 1 Audio

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    End Time Current Events: 5-8-11–Part 2

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 9, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 5-8-11–Part 2

    Table of Contents:

  • The Bush bin Laden Connection
  • Osama Bin Laden STAGED Media Spectacle To Be Used To Ramp Up Full Scale Police State
  • Download or Listen to the Part 2 Audio

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    End Time Current Events: 5-8-11–Part 3

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 9, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 5-8-11–Part 3

    Table of Contents:

  • ‘Quartet may recognize Palestinian state’
  • “The Israel Omen”–The Ancient Warning of Catastrophes Has Begun, Powered By Ominous Attempts To Remove Israel From God’s Promised Land”
  • Thousands angry Arab protesters from Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon along with their Palestinian brothers from Gaza and the occupied west bank will advance toward Israel in what they call, the third intifada on Sunday May 15th, 2011.
  • Events leading up to the war against Israel as seen in Psalm 83
  • Download or Listen to the Part 3 Audio

    View the 5-8-11 PDF