"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events: 5-8-11–Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 9, 2011

End Time Current Events: 5-8-11–Part 4

Table of Contents:

  • Controversial Billboard Warns Of Apocalypse
  • Harold Camping’s False Judgment Day on May 21st 2011
  • Download or Listen to the Part 4 Audio

    View the 5-8-11 PDF

    End Time Preparedness Teaching: 4-25-11

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 30, 2011

    End Time Preparedness Teaching: 4-25-11

    Table of Contents:

    • Economic Collapse Preparation
    • BUGOUT and Feminine Hygiene
    • Low Water Washing Technique
    • EMI / RF Shielding Materials–Smart Meter Protection
    • When Cell Towers Cease Functioning
    • Yarrow is antiseptic (kills germs)–a good remedy for external wounds
    • Info on bulk food hand grain mills oat flakers nut butter makers

    To manually download just right click the link below and select “save target as” or “save link as”, and choose a location on your computer to save the file to.

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    View the End Time Preparedness Teaching 4-25-11 PDF

    End Time Current Events: 4-25-11

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 27, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 4-25-11

    Table of Contents:

    • US patent for microchip with tattoo!
    • The HEXagram & the Mark of the Beast
    • The National ID & The Mark of the Beast
    • Scientists warn that drugs of the future will be designed specifically to control the human mind
    • Dangers of a Totalitarian Society Exposed in “Brave New World”
    • Couple outraged after hospital takes newborn baby away
    • Fighting Child Protective Services False Accusations
    • Mother Jailed for Taking Vaccine Damaged Daughter Off the Drug Risperdal
    • Vaccines Cultivated from Aborted Babies
    • Top Government Vaccine Researcher Indicted For Fraud, Autism Research Now In Question
    • How does mercury affect children?
    • Spill causes scare at local H1N1 clinic Gym evacuated after mercury spills onto floor
    • EPA says you must weigh 550 lbs. to safely process the mercury in a flu vaccine
    • The latest scientific abomination: Genetically modified cows produce human breast milk

    To manually download just right click the link below and select “save target as” or “save link as”, and choose a location on your computer to save the file to.

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    View the 4-25-11 PDF

    End Time Current Events: 4-18-11–Part 1

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 20, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 4-18-11–Part 1

    Table of Contents:

  • Satanic Priest Explains Pop Culture Brainwash
  • Demons Behind The Music Industry (Ex Illuminati John Todd explains)
  • Megadeth rocker Dave Mustaine refuses to play heavy rock anthem because the track is laden with black magic imagery and occult spells
  • Katy Perry: Promoting Intercourse with “Aliens”–The indoctrination of the youth to the coming great deception
  • To manually download just right click the link below and select “save target as” or “save link as”, and choose a location on your computer to save the file to

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    End Time Current Events: 4-18-11–Part 2

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 20, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 4-18-11–Part 2

    Table of Contents:

  • Luciferian Agenda: Promoting Sex With Fallen Angels
  • Lady Gaga grows horns and claims she’s channeling Alexander McQueen
  • Woman mutilates cat before Lady Gaga concert
  • Children as young as four to be educated in atheism
  • Puberty blocker for children considering sex change
  • The Military’s Rampant Secret Shame: When Men In The Military Rape Other Men
  • Glenn Beck boldly demonstrates the tight connection between Freemasonry and the Mormon Church! Symbols tell the full story
  • To manually download just right click the link below and select “save target as” or “save link as”, and choose a location on your computer to save the file to

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    View the 4-18-11 PDF

    End Time Current Events: 4-18-11–Part 3

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 20, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 4-18-11–Part 3

    Table of Contents:

  • Bishop Eddie Long cranks up the new dance called Cross It Up
  • Bishop Long & his Accusers
  • Accuser of Bishop Eddie Long Speaks Out
  • Bishop Eddie Long Accused Of Sex Abuse – News Conference
  • Fourth accuser, Spencer LeGrande, speaks on Eddie Long: “I’m Praying for Bishop”
  • Delivering Over To Satan – Dr. Scott Johnson – mp3
  • To manually download just right click the link below and select “save target as” or “save link as”, and choose a location on your computer to save the file to

    Download or Listen to the Part 3 Audio

    View the 4-18-11 PDF

    End Time Current Events: 4-11-11–Part 1

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 13, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 4-11-11–Part 1

    Table of Contents:

  • The CIA has agents “on the ground” in Libya
  • ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING! What Was Predicted 3 Years Ago is NOW HERE!
  • Savage missile blitz from Gaza sends a million Israelis to shelters
  • The wicked fruit of Muslim Multi-Culturism
  • To manually download just right click the link below and select “save target as” or “save link as”, and choose a location on your computer to save the file to.

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    End Time Current Events: 4-11-11–Part 2

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 13, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 4-11-11–Part 2

    Table of Contents:

  • Only 14, Bangladeshi girl falsely charged with adultery was lashed to death by Muslims
  • MSNBC Contributor: “Burning a Koran is ‘Much’ Worse than Burning a Bible”
  • Florida Judge orders Muslims to follow Sharia law!
  • Muslim Student Association Pledge of Allegiance recited in the U.S.–Jihad is my spirit..I will die to establish Islam
  • Losing Our Sons to Islam–Trailer
  • Arab Festival 2010: Response to Mayor of Dearborn
  • Arab Festival 2010: Dearborn Police Defending Islam against the Constitution
  • Christians in Ethiopia told ‘convert to Islam, leave city or face death’ 
  • To manually download just right click the link below and select “save target as” or “save link as”, and choose a location on your computer to save the file to.

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    End Time Current Events: 4-4-11–Part 3

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 13, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 4-4-11–Part 3

    Table of Contents:

  • Plan for Foreign Troop Deployment in the U.S
  • Obama Gives Thumbs-Up to Mass Amnesty Push
  • President Goes to El Salvador and Promises New Amnesty for Illegal Aliens
  • Federal Agents Told to Reduce Border Arrests, Arizona Sheriff Says
  • To manually download just right click the link below and select “save target as” or “save link as”, and choose a location on your computer to save the file to.

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    Wormwood, Planet X, Nibiru, Comet Elenin, NASA, Pole Shift, Nuclear Reactors and Earthquakes–Part 1

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 5, 2011

    Wormwood, Planet X, Nibiru, Comet Elenin, NASA, Pole Shift, Nuclear Reactors and Earthquakes–Part 1

    Table of Contents

  • Planet X Dark Star
  • Wormwood 2012 and Planet X
  • NASA and Planet X                                                                                     
  • Planet X – Mark Hazlewood on 1983 Planet X discovery featured in the planet X Video                                                                       
  • To manually download just right click the link below and select “save target as” or “save link as”, and choose a location on your computer to save the file to.

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    View the 4-4-11 PDF