"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Wormwood, Planet X, Nibiru, Comet Elenin, NASA, Pole Shift, Nuclear Reactors and Earthquakes–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 5, 2011

Wormwood, Planet X, Nibiru, Comet Elenin, NASA, Pole Shift, Nuclear Reactors and Earthquakes–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Listener Comment regarding Comet Elenin
  • Video: Comet Elenin/Nibiru Earthquake Defense Warning Programs Cut in 2011
  • Potential Nibiru/Comet Elenin Timeline
  • Ordinary Compasses Thrown Off by Changes in Earth’s Magnetic Field
  • 3/30/2011 – North Pole Moved up to 20 DEGREES! Magnetosphere ANOMALY – Compasses go haywire
  • 15 Nuclear Reactors on New Madrid Fault Line
  • To manually download just right click the link below and select “save target as” or “save link as”, and choose a location on your computer to save the file to.

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    End Time Current Events: 3-28-11–Part 1

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 29, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 3-28-11–Part 1

    Table of Contents:

    • Video: Observations on fish beaching and earthquakes
    • Food Storage presentation at our Tea Party meeting
    • Ahmadinejad Says: “The Final Move Has Begun”
    • Madness Over Mormonism!–The National Association of Evangelicals is getting ready to align with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!
    • Mormonism Exposed!–By Dr. Scott Johnson
    • Sermon–The Fourfold Superiority Of The King James Bible
    • The New Versions Are NOT Really New

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    End Time Current Events: 3-28-11–Part 2

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 29, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 3-28-11–Part 2

    Table of Contents:

    • Rick Warren & Rupert Murdoch – Saddlebacks Most Infamous Member
    • A Noted Lesbian And The NIV Translation
    • “Whosoever–An online Magazine for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, & Transgender Christians”
    • Gay black Christians find a place at Capitol Hill church
    • Biblical Response to Homosexuality
    • US Jesuits agree $166 million abuse payout
    • Catholic Priest Pedophiles
    • How Many Priests and Bishops are Homosexual?
    • Vatican: Priests Have Been Raping Nuns to Avoid Hookers with HIV

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    End Time Current Events: 3-21-11–Part 1

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 23, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 3-21-11–Part 1

    Table of Contents:

    • New Madrid Fault Warnings
    • Army, CIA, Canadians to train at Fort Leavenworth
    • National Level Exercise 2011–Regarding the New Madrid Fault Zone Earthquake
    • MORE PROOF that they intend to create a disaster, and that they know something!!!
    • The Weather Channel tells people in TN to PREPARE! They say Earth Quake in New Madrid Fault Zone is coming
    • Report FROM New Madrid Fault area: The surface rupture of the roads and highways is out of control
    • Geologist Jack Reed Connects Gulf of Mexico to New Madrid Seismic System — Calls Gulf Seismically Active
    • Future Map of North America

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    End Time Current Events: 3-21-11–Part 2

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 23, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 3-21-11–Part 2

    Table of Contents:

    • Image created to visualize any correlation that existed between HAARP activity and the Japan earthquake…
    • Recent Earthquakes in the Intermountain West–Yellowstone National Park Special Map
    • EarthQuake 3D Software-FREE–Be informed of all world earthquake activities
    • Scientist Leuren Moret – Japan earthquake and nuclear “accident” are tectonic nuclear warfare
    • The Earthquake Illuminati Card and The Wako Tower in Tokyo
    • Steve Quayle Alert Chinese Troops 60 miles south of Laredo Texas
    • Chinese In Mexico Followup–From The Truck Driver Himself
    • Are Chinese Troops Pre-Positioned Along U.S.-Mexico Border?

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    End Time Current Events: 3-14-11–Part 1

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 16, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 3-14-11–Part 1

    Table of Contents:

    • Radiation Fallout Proactive Steps
    • Peace in a Globalized Society–Rick Warren and former UK prime minister Tony Blair unite

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    End Time Current Events: 3-14-11–Part 2

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 16, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 3-14-11–Part 2

    Table of Contents:

    • Street Preachers Murdered In Florida: National Media Is Silent
    • TSA now wants to scan and harvest your DNA
    • Man Sees Vision of Hell
    • Dr. Johnson’s Teaching: The Deceptive Allure of Witchcraft , New Age and Near Death Experiences
    • Reformers Unanimous for Addictions
    • Celebrities To Come Together for “Today I Am Muslim Too”

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    End Time Current Events: 3-14-11–Part 3

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 16, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 3-14-11–Part 3

    Table of Contents:

    • Malaysian Muslim Concentration Camps for Christians!
    • Blood Money the Business of Abortion
    • High Court Finds Christian Parents Unsuitable
    • New Wii Game ‘Gods vs. Humans’ Allows Kids To Take On Role Of Demonic Deities
    • Raunchy Wii Game Outrages Parents For Promoting Orgies And Lesbian Sex To Kids As Young As 12

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    End Time Current Events: 2-28-11–Part 1

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 5, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 2-28-11–Part 1

    Table of Contents:  

  • Bible Verses Regarding the Heart
  • Lindsey Williams Exclusive: NWO to Target Iran & Saudi Arabia Next, Oil to Hit $200 a Barrel 3/5
  • To manually download just right click the link below and select “save target as” or “save link as”, and choose a location on your computer to save the file to.

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    End Time Current Events: 2-28-11–Part 2

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 5, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 2-28-11–Part 2

    Table of Contents: 

  • US Gov. Software Creates ‘Fake People’ on Social Networks to Promote Propaganda
  • Facebook & Google are CIA Fronts 
  • California School District Battles Truancy with GPS 
  • Rental Car ‘Big Brother’ is Watching You Down Under
  • Ohio Legislature Hears Evidence Of Human-Animal Chimera Experimentation–Ban Sought On Human Cloning And Animal-Human Hybrids
  • Lady Gaga’s Creative Director Laurieann Gibson Explains ‘The Egg’

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