"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events: 2-28-11–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 5, 2011

End Time Current Events: 2-28-11–Part 3

Table of Contents: 

  • Listener Comment: 2/21/11 Time Magazine Cover Story “2045 – The Year Man Becomes Immortal”
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    End Time Current Events: 2-28-11–Part 4

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 5, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 2-28-11–Part 4

    Table of Contents:

    • More US Companies Covering Transgender Surgery
    • California wants lesbians as mandatory ‘role’ models–Family advocates call plan ‘worst school sexual indoctrination ever’
    • Congressman: Air Force should welcome gay clergy, same-sex dating
    • Obama Trashes Biblical Marriage

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    End Time Current Events: 2-20-11

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 22, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 2-20-11 

    Teaching Overview:

    • All Mexican children to be registered in national biometric records–Identity-tracking scheme assembled under radar for ‘border pass’ program
    • Kill Switch Beta: Government Blocks 84,000 Websites
    • Rick Warren Speaks Out Against Those Warning the Church of Meditation
    • VCY America Interviews Saddleback Health Seminar Attendee – Apostasy Exposed!
    • Rick Warren’s Three Legged Stool Further Unfolds- Fasten Your Seatbelts!
    • Satan’s Master Plan to Destroy the Lord’s Church

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    End Time Preparedness Teaching: 2-13-11

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 16, 2011

    End Time Preparedness Teaching: 2-13-11

    Table of Contents:

    • 5000ppm mild silver vs. flu
    • Start up dosage for the Mild Silver Protein  if a high amount of infection or yeast is suspected
    • Silver Special Offer
    • 5000ppm mild silver vs. warts
    • Extensive Listener Comments on Preparedness
    • Dollar Collapse Preparation: Bread from food storage made “off the grid”
    • Listener Comment: Grain mill
    • Economic Collapse Preparation: Frugal ideas for a Depression / Collapse
    • Informational website on how to dehydrate and long store food

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    End Time Current Events: 2-13-11–Part 1

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 14, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 2-13-11–Part 1

    Table of Contents:

    • Rick Warren’s “Daniel Plan” Doctor Oz Will Lead Mass Hypnosis on TV
    • Chili’s Restaurant Funds Radical National Gay & Lesbian Task Force–Chili’s is proud “National Corporate Sponsor” of extreme homosexual group
    • Jerusalem UFO and Rider on a White Horse in Cairo are Signs of Maitreya, the World Teacher
    • Listener Comment Regarding Jerusalem UFO and the “V” Series
    • UFO – OVNI – UFO Jerusalem weather cam – 5th verification video – New Analysis
    • Listener Comment Regarding the “V” Series
    • Assange reveals significance of Wikileaks UFO cables
    • The “Ancient Astronaut” Lie: The Shocking Origin of the “Intelligent Design” Theory

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    End Time Current Events: 2-13-11–Part 2

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 14, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 2-13-11–Part 2

    Table of Contents:

    • Listener Comment regarding the massive amount of movies coming out related to Aliens/UFOs
    • Listener Comment Cleveland Clinic is a huge New World Order sympathizer institution
    • All Banks Notified by DHS of Unannounced Warrantless Looting of Anyone’s Personal Bank Accounts or Safe Deposit Boxes!
    • GPS in cameras and phones creates privacy issue your privacy is being invaded!

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    End Time Current Events: 2-6-11–Part 1

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 8, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 2-6-11–Part 1

    Table of Contents: 

    • Secular Source Asks: Is UFO orb over Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem a communication by ET?
    • Israeli UFO, Monolith communications in Vancouver meditation
    • Are Extraterrestrials Living in China and the U.S.?
    • World Business Leaders (Including Bill Clinton and Tony Blair) Discuss UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life at GCF 2011 Conference

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    End Time Current Events: 2-6-11–Part 2

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 8, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 2-6-11–Part 2

    Table of Contents:

    • Christian Report–‘UFO’ Seen Over Jerusalem!?!

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    End Time Current Events: 2-6-11–Part 3

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 8, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 2-6-11–Part 3

    Table of Contents:

    • SOTU Speech Linked To Saudi Arabian Forum?
    • Ready for this? A new online video game created and sponsored by FEMA prepares kids for “Aliens/UFOs” and earthquakes!
    • SOMARK’s Chipless RFID Ink Tattoo Field Demo Brings the Company Closer to Launch
    • Watchers Science To Produce Gay Gattaca: Brookings Institute Begins
      Legal Framework For Genetically Engineered Homosexual Kids
    • TSA Wants to Probe Your Mind
    • UN ordered depopulation of 3 billion people by food malnutrition has started

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    End Time Current Events: 2-6-11–Part 4

    By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 8, 2011

    End Time Current Events: 2-6-11–Part 4

    Table of Contents:

    • Leading Vaccine Expert Dr. Confesses Cancer & Other Viruses are Present in Vaccines–Flippantly Tells All Before His Own Death
    • Flu Shot Season – Think twice before you shoot!
    • NaturalNews exclusive: International Medical Council on Vaccination refutes vaccine propaganda with myth-busting report
    • Listener Comment–Flu Vaccination Updates

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