"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates–9-19-10–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 21, 2010

End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates–9-19-10–Part 3

Teaching Overview: Table of Contents:

  • Bible Verses Regarding Proper Responses to Debates 
  • Big Sis Iris Scanners: The Prison Without Bars
  • Court allows warrantless cell location tracking                                     
  • Georgia Man Fined $5000 for Growing Vegetables
  • Current Islamic agitation and Albert Pike’s plan for WWIII
  • An Alarming video every Westerner should see
  • Students in Massachusetts Take a Field Trip to a Mosque
  • Obama Prepares Largest Arms Sale Ever…to Saudi Arabia
  • Obama’s secret order bans nearly 1 million rifles
  • Obama to Illegal Aliens: Don’t forget who stands with you
  • The Left Pushes Anti-Military, Pro-Gay, Pro-Abortion Bill Next Week! Take Action
  •  Any intelligent aliens living elsewhere in the universe should be considered God’s children – no matter what they look like, the Pope’s astronomer has said. 
  • Reporter says: Massive fish kill so thick looks like “a gravel road” — NO TESTING to see if from oil spill (VIDEO)
  • Reporter: “Entire communities where they’re vomiting blood” in Louisiana — “Very, very serious situation here” (Watch VIDEO)
  • RAW EMOTIONS: Seafood dealer says load of crab “contaminated with oil” — State Biologist PREVENTED BY BOSS FROM SHOWING UP to do testing (VIDEO)
  • Many More Gulf Updates   
  • Censored Gulf news: Mutating viruses, mandatory vaccines loom
  • Dr. Johnson’s Presentation: Avian Flu/Pandemics: What to Expect & How to Prepare (1-16)
  • Australia bans flu vaccine for children after convulsions, seizures                   
  • Family win $1.5 million in autism-vaccine payout
  • Navy to test its ability to vaccinate masses in a pandemic
  • Vaccine Deaths And Injuries Skyrocket As Cover-Up Implodes
  • Do influenza vaccines really work?
  • Flu Shot May Be Mandatory For All Healthcare Workers
  • Free Flu Shots for NWO hospitals
  • Government To Overhaul Bioterror And Pandemic Flu Plans

To manually download part 3 just right click the link below and select “save target as” or “save link as”, and choose a location on your computer to save the file to.

Download Part 3

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-19-10


End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates- 9-11-10 – Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 12, 2010

End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates-9-11-10–Part 1

Teaching Overview–Table of Contents:

  • “Religion of Peace”: Decapitation Central
  • 911 Mosque Imam issues a not-so-veiled threat
  • Khomeini Sexually Assaulting Crying and screaming 4 year old Girl – with parental consent 
  • ‘THE ARRIVALS’—‘Wake Up Project’ Islamic Deception
  • Feds give DOD child porn buyers a pass–Report says only a handful even investigated
  • Holy book burnings spark hypocrisy
  • Colin Hart, Director of The Christian Institute–Comment: Koran book burning is not Christian
  • Glenn Beck and the Mormon teachings on Native Americans
  • LDS (Mormon) Church: Glenn Beck on Mormonism                         
  • Glenn Beck: Kingdom Theology, Temple of Antichrist”
  • “Truth Behind Joel’s Army: Sarah Palin and the Fallen Angels of Rev 9”
  • Sarah Palin Warning
  • New Obama/Soetoro Executive Order – Court Martials
  • US Courts Legalize CIA Abduction, Overseas Detention, Torture Of Innocent American Citizens
  •  Another huge building block in the building of a Fascist Economy may be about ready to implement–President Obama proposes a National Bank!
  • Tom Horn & Raiders E-News Journal Concerns
  • Jesse Woodrow selling out?!
  • Man Arrested For Defending His Property                                                              
  • Biblical Resistance to Tyranny
  • From The Gulf Stream To The Bloodstream – THE VIDEO BP DOESN’T WANT YOU TO SEE!
  • Project Gulf Impact Explains The Blood tests, “People Have Been Poisoned”.

Click Here to Play the Part 1 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-12-10


End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates-9-11-10–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 12, 2010

End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates-9-11-10–Part 2

Teaching Overview–Table of Contents:

  • “Religion of Peace”: Decapitation Central
  • 911 Mosque Imam issues a not-so-veiled threat
  • Khomeini Sexually Assaulting Crying and screaming 4 year old Girl – with parental consent 
  • ‘THE ARRIVALS’—‘Wake Up Project’ Islamic Deception
  • Feds give DOD child porn buyers a pass–Report says only a handful even investigated
  • Holy book burnings spark hypocrisy
  • Colin Hart, Director of The Christian Institute–Comment: Koran book burning is not Christian
  • Glenn Beck and the Mormon teachings on Native Americans
  • LDS (Mormon) Church: Glenn Beck on Mormonism                         
  • Glenn Beck: Kingdom Theology, Temple of Antichrist”
  • “Truth Behind Joel’s Army: Sarah Palin and the Fallen Angels of Rev 9”
  • Sarah Palin Warning
  • New Obama/Soetoro Executive Order – Court Martials
  • US Courts Legalize CIA Abduction, Overseas Detention, Torture Of Innocent American Citizens
  •  Another huge building block in the building of a Fascist Economy may be about ready to implement–President Obama proposes a National Bank!
  • Tom Horn & Raiders E-News Journal Concerns
  • Jesse Woodrow selling out?!
  • Man Arrested For Defending His Property                                                              
  • Biblical Resistance to Tyranny
  • From The Gulf Stream To The Bloodstream – THE VIDEO BP DOESN’T WANT YOU TO SEE!
  • Project Gulf Impact Explains The Blood tests, “People Have Been Poisoned”.

Click Here to Play the Part 2 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-12-10

End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates: 9-11-10 – Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 12, 2010

End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates-9-11-10–Part 3

Teaching Overview–Table of Contents:

  • “Religion of Peace”: Decapitation Central
  • 911 Mosque Imam issues a not-so-veiled threat
  • Khomeini Sexually Assaulting Crying and screaming 4 year old Girl – with parental consent 
  • ‘THE ARRIVALS’—‘Wake Up Project’ Islamic Deception
  • Feds give DOD child porn buyers a pass–Report says only a handful even investigated
  • Holy book burnings spark hypocrisy
  • Colin Hart, Director of The Christian Institute–Comment: Koran book burning is not Christian
  • Glenn Beck and the Mormon teachings on Native Americans
  • LDS (Mormon) Church: Glenn Beck on Mormonism                         
  • Glenn Beck: Kingdom Theology, Temple of Antichrist”
  • “Truth Behind Joel’s Army: Sarah Palin and the Fallen Angels of Rev 9”
  • Sarah Palin Warning
  • New Obama/Soetoro Executive Order – Court Martials
  • US Courts Legalize CIA Abduction, Overseas Detention, Torture Of Innocent American Citizens
  •  Another huge building block in the building of a Fascist Economy may be about ready to implement–President Obama proposes a National Bank!
  • Tom Horn & Raiders E-News Journal Concerns
  • Jesse Woodrow selling out?!
  • Man Arrested For Defending His Property                                                              
  • Biblical Resistance to Tyranny
  • From The Gulf Stream To The Bloodstream – THE VIDEO BP DOESN’T WANT YOU TO SEE!
  • Project Gulf Impact Explains The Blood tests, “People Have Been Poisoned”.

Click Here to Play the Part 3 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-12-10

End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates-9-5-10–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 6, 2010

End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates-9-5-10–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • A Believers Authority In Christ and Warring in the Spirit
  • Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare – Excerpts of Parts Four & Five
  • Gulf Loop Current Stalls from BP Oil Disaster: Global Consequences if Current Fails to Reorganize
  • The Gulf Blue Plague is Evolving – Part II: Corexit + Bacteria = Mutated Viruses
  • EXCLUSIVE: Tests find sickened family has 50.3 ppm of Corexit’s 2-butoxyethanol in swimming pool — JUST ONE HOUR NORTH OF TAMPA (lab report included)
  • More Gulf Updates
  • Barack Obama just invited the United Nations to join his ongoing fight against Arizona and dozens of other states attempting to enforce the immigration laws that he refuses to enforce
  • Obama wants global judgment on U.S.
  • Obama Secret Plan for November Victory
  • Correction on Last Report
  • ‘Islamization’ of Paris a Warning to the West
  • James Dobson Exposed
  • Satanist to Host Blasphemy Ritual at Oklahoma City Civic Center
  • Will Focus on the Family and The Truth Project Warn About “Unio Mystica,” “Oneness,” and Contemplative Prayer?
  • Glenn Beck Warnings

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-5-10

End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates-9-5-10–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 6, 2010

End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates-9-5-10–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • A Believers Authority In Christ and Warring in the Spirit
  • Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare – Excerpts of Parts Four & Five
  • Gulf Loop Current Stalls from BP Oil Disaster: Global Consequences if Current Fails to Reorganize
  • The Gulf Blue Plague is Evolving – Part II: Corexit + Bacteria = Mutated Viruses
  • EXCLUSIVE: Tests find sickened family has 50.3 ppm of Corexit’s 2-butoxyethanol in swimming pool — JUST ONE HOUR NORTH OF TAMPA (lab report included)
  • More Gulf Updates
  • Barack Obama just invited the United Nations to join his ongoing fight against Arizona and dozens of other states attempting to enforce the immigration laws that he refuses to enforce
  • Obama wants global judgment on U.S.
  • Obama Secret Plan for November Victory
  • Correction on Last Report
  • ‘Islamization’ of Paris a Warning to the West
  • James Dobson Exposed
  • Satanist to Host Blasphemy Ritual at Oklahoma City Civic Center
  • Will Focus on the Family and The Truth Project Warn About “Unio Mystica,” “Oneness,” and Contemplative Prayer?
  • Glenn Beck Warnings

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-5-10

End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates-9-5-10–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 6, 2010

End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates-9-5-10–Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • A Believers Authority In Christ and Warring in the Spirit
  • Forbidden Gates: How Genetics, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Synthetic Biology, Nanotechnology, & Human Enhancement Herald the Dawn of Techno-Dimensional Spiritual Warfare – Excerpts of Parts Four & Five
  • Gulf Loop Current Stalls from BP Oil Disaster: Global Consequences if Current Fails to Reorganize
  • The Gulf Blue Plague is Evolving – Part II: Corexit + Bacteria = Mutated Viruses
  • EXCLUSIVE: Tests find sickened family has 50.3 ppm of Corexit’s 2-butoxyethanol in swimming pool — JUST ONE HOUR NORTH OF TAMPA (lab report included)
  • More Gulf Updates
  • Barack Obama just invited the United Nations to join his ongoing fight against Arizona and dozens of other states attempting to enforce the immigration laws that he refuses to enforce
  • Obama wants global judgment on U.S.
  • Obama Secret Plan for November Victory
  • Correction on Last Report
  • ‘Islamization’ of Paris a Warning to the West
  • James Dobson Exposed
  • Satanist to Host Blasphemy Ritual at Oklahoma City Civic Center
  • Will Focus on the Family and The Truth Project Warn About “Unio Mystica,” “Oneness,” and Contemplative Prayer?
  • Glenn Beck Warnings

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 3

PDF: End Time Current Events 9-5-10

End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates: 8-29-10–Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 31, 2010

End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates: 8-29-10–Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • Obama White House with Middle Eastern flavor?
  • Obama gives your tax dollars to rebuild Muslim mosques around the world
  • Muslim Prayers Welcomed At Pentagon Chapel
  • Guess What Obama Signed YOU Up To Pay For! Ground Zero Imam’s Mideast Tour Bill Is $16,000 For the US Taxpayers
  • Obama: I Have No Regrets About Supporting Construction Of NY Mosque At Ground Zero
  • Sick 9/11 Responders Slam Obama: We’re Dying While You Worry About Spreading Islam And Building Mosque
  • Islamic Expert Mr. Hamid: Muslims Will View Construction Of Mosque Near Ground Zero As “Triumph Over America”
  • Obama Officials’ Ties To Ground Zero Imam
  • Apostate Pseudo-Christian Pastors Criticize ‘Misrepresentation’ of Obama’s Faith
  • An interesting angle in the wake of the decision to allow a mosque near ground zero in New York
  • Texas Man Stages Pig Races to Protest Islamic Neighbor’s Plans to Build Mosque
  • The Return of the Mahdi Is Nigh
  • EPA Surrenders to NRA on Gun Control Issue
  • Obama and Holder taking on Arizona’s SB1070
  • Obama to States: Only Feds Can Enforce Immigration Law (but feds will dismiss charges)
  • Judge Halts Federal Funding of Embryonic Stem Cell Research
  • Ahhh… It’s The Good Life! Obama’s Begin Sixth Holiday In Last 8 Months… That’s A Vacation Every 5 Weeks!
  • Did you know that, in certain states, government officials can sneak on to your property, slip under your car in your driveway, and position a GPS monitoring device — without breaking the law or the Constitution?
  • Putting the FUN into RFID from Facebook and Coca-Cola
  • RFID Trash Cans To Monitor Your Recycling Habits 
  • Full-Body Scan Technology Deployed In Street-Roving Vans
  • Congressman Takes On Invasive Vans That Peer Into Homes
  • In another example of the encroachment of our increasingly hostile government intent upon taking away our rights, we learn of the plans to over-react to a cyber attack in such a way as to seize control of infrastructure and communications networks!
  • Gulf Updates–Gulf Scientists: “Weirdest thing I’ve ever seen”, “Unprecedented”, “Never been seen before” — and that’s only reports from today
  • “We’re seeing way more dispersant than ever before” Large, thick oil plumes, freshly sprayed with poison!
  • Alabama Charges BP, Transocean For BP Gulf Oil Spill Coverup and Using Dangerous Toxic Dispersants
  • Perhaps the United States is not as close as we think in surrendering its sovereignty to the United Nations, as Senators take a stand against the world body’s encroachment upon our children’s rights!
  • Parents of 50 Million U.S. Children May Soon Lose Parental Rights
  • Obama Blocks Study Showing Abstinence Education Works
  • The End-Times Sign Of Sodom & Gomorrah: Naked Vacations Are Becoming More Popular
  • Calls have now begun to eliminate the immunity of Catholic priests to prosecution for their sex crimes.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: End Time Current Events 8-29-10

End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates: 8-29-10–Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 31, 2010

End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates: 8-29-10–Part 2

Table of Contents:

  • Obama White House with Middle Eastern flavor?
  • Obama gives your tax dollars to rebuild Muslim mosques around the world
  • Muslim Prayers Welcomed At Pentagon Chapel
  • Guess What Obama Signed YOU Up To Pay For! Ground Zero Imam’s Mideast Tour Bill Is $16,000 For the US Taxpayers
  • Obama: I Have No Regrets About Supporting Construction Of NY Mosque At Ground Zero
  • Sick 9/11 Responders Slam Obama: We’re Dying While You Worry About Spreading Islam And Building Mosque
  • Islamic Expert Mr. Hamid: Muslims Will View Construction Of Mosque Near Ground Zero As “Triumph Over America”
  • Obama Officials’ Ties To Ground Zero Imam
  • Apostate Pseudo-Christian Pastors Criticize ‘Misrepresentation’ of Obama’s Faith
  • An interesting angle in the wake of the decision to allow a mosque near ground zero in New York
  • Texas Man Stages Pig Races to Protest Islamic Neighbor’s Plans to Build Mosque
  • The Return of the Mahdi Is Nigh
  • EPA Surrenders to NRA on Gun Control Issue
  • Obama and Holder taking on Arizona’s SB1070
  • Obama to States: Only Feds Can Enforce Immigration Law (but feds will dismiss charges)
  • Judge Halts Federal Funding of Embryonic Stem Cell Research
  • Ahhh… It’s The Good Life! Obama’s Begin Sixth Holiday In Last 8 Months… That’s A Vacation Every 5 Weeks!
  • Did you know that, in certain states, government officials can sneak on to your property, slip under your car in your driveway, and position a GPS monitoring device — without breaking the law or the Constitution?
  • Putting the FUN into RFID from Facebook and Coca-Cola
  • RFID Trash Cans To Monitor Your Recycling Habits 
  • Full-Body Scan Technology Deployed In Street-Roving Vans
  • Congressman Takes On Invasive Vans That Peer Into Homes
  • In another example of the encroachment of our increasingly hostile government intent upon taking away our rights, we learn of the plans to over-react to a cyber attack in such a way as to seize control of infrastructure and communications networks!
  • Gulf Updates–Gulf Scientists: “Weirdest thing I’ve ever seen”, “Unprecedented”, “Never been seen before” — and that’s only reports from today
  • “We’re seeing way more dispersant than ever before” Large, thick oil plumes, freshly sprayed with poison!
  • Alabama Charges BP, Transocean For BP Gulf Oil Spill Coverup and Using Dangerous Toxic Dispersants
  • Perhaps the United States is not as close as we think in surrendering its sovereignty to the United Nations, as Senators take a stand against the world body’s encroachment upon our children’s rights!
  • Parents of 50 Million U.S. Children May Soon Lose Parental Rights
  • Obama Blocks Study Showing Abstinence Education Works
  • The End-Times Sign Of Sodom & Gomorrah: Naked Vacations Are Becoming More Popular
  • Calls have now begun to eliminate the immunity of Catholic priests to prosecution for their sex crimes.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

PDF: End Time Current Events 8-29-10

End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates: 8-29-10–Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 31, 2010

End Time Current Events & Gulf Updates: 8-29-10–Part 3

Table of Contents:

  • Obama White House with Middle Eastern flavor?
  • Obama gives your tax dollars to rebuild Muslim mosques around the world
  • Muslim Prayers Welcomed At Pentagon Chapel
  • Guess What Obama Signed YOU Up To Pay For! Ground Zero Imam’s Mideast Tour Bill Is $16,000 For the US Taxpayers
  • Obama: I Have No Regrets About Supporting Construction Of NY Mosque At Ground Zero
  • Sick 9/11 Responders Slam Obama: We’re Dying While You Worry About Spreading Islam And Building Mosque
  • Islamic Expert Mr. Hamid: Muslims Will View Construction Of Mosque Near Ground Zero As “Triumph Over America”
  • Obama Officials’ Ties To Ground Zero Imam
  • Apostate Pseudo-Christian Pastors Criticize ‘Misrepresentation’ of Obama’s Faith
  • An interesting angle in the wake of the decision to allow a mosque near ground zero in New York
  • Texas Man Stages Pig Races to Protest Islamic Neighbor’s Plans to Build Mosque
  • The Return of the Mahdi Is Nigh
  • EPA Surrenders to NRA on Gun Control Issue
  • Obama and Holder taking on Arizona’s SB1070
  • Obama to States: Only Feds Can Enforce Immigration Law (but feds will dismiss charges)
  • Judge Halts Federal Funding of Embryonic Stem Cell Research
  • Ahhh… It’s The Good Life! Obama’s Begin Sixth Holiday In Last 8 Months… That’s A Vacation Every 5 Weeks!
  • Did you know that, in certain states, government officials can sneak on to your property, slip under your car in your driveway, and position a GPS monitoring device — without breaking the law or the Constitution?
  • Putting the FUN into RFID from Facebook and Coca-Cola
  • RFID Trash Cans To Monitor Your Recycling Habits 
  • Full-Body Scan Technology Deployed In Street-Roving Vans
  • Congressman Takes On Invasive Vans That Peer Into Homes
  • In another example of the encroachment of our increasingly hostile government intent upon taking away our rights, we learn of the plans to over-react to a cyber attack in such a way as to seize control of infrastructure and communications networks!
  • Gulf Updates–Gulf Scientists: “Weirdest thing I’ve ever seen”, “Unprecedented”, “Never been seen before” — and that’s only reports from today
  • “We’re seeing way more dispersant than ever before” Large, thick oil plumes, freshly sprayed with poison!
  • Alabama Charges BP, Transocean For BP Gulf Oil Spill Coverup and Using Dangerous Toxic Dispersants
  • Perhaps the United States is not as close as we think in surrendering its sovereignty to the United Nations, as Senators take a stand against the world body’s encroachment upon our children’s rights!
  • Parents of 50 Million U.S. Children May Soon Lose Parental Rights
  • Obama Blocks Study Showing Abstinence Education Works
  • The End-Times Sign Of Sodom & Gomorrah: Naked Vacations Are Becoming More Popular
  • Calls have now begun to eliminate the immunity of Catholic priests to prosecution for their sex crimes.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 3

PDF: End Time Current Events 8-29-10