"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Part 3-Gulf Updates & End Time Current Events-7-25-10

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 27, 2010

Part 3: Gulf Updates & End Time Current Events: 7-25-10

Teaching Overview–Table of Contents:

  • Censored Gulf news: People bleeding internally, millions poisoned says ‘EPA whistleblower’
  • Marine Toxicologist Riki Ott; ‘We need to start talking about who’s going to pay for evacuation”
  • Evidence Points To BP Oil Spill False Flag
  • Obama Joins UN Effort to Dictate Acceptable Behavior on the Internet
  • Horrific History of Gun Control in other Countries
  • Obama To Demand 75% Of Your Income In Taxes
  • Ex-congressman: President a ‘threat,’ must be impeached ‘We have man in White House who brazenly disregards his oath of office’
  • YouTube – Glenn Beck on Mormon (LDS) Church President Hinckley
  • Christians Expose Mormon Teachings
  • Mormons Believe Satan is Jesus Brother
  • Twilight ‘Girl Porn’ And The Books Of Mormon
  • 1 million vaccine doses sent to Strategic National Stockpile for smallpox bioterror attack on U.
  • H1N1 Flu Expo Group Hosts Unmanned Aircraft Defense Summit
  • Project Bioshield Explained
  • HIV vaccines cause 50 percent false positive rate in HIV tests
  • Human-Animal Hybrids In Life VS. Death Struggle
  • Transhumanist Mind-Conditioning: “Splice Yourself!”
  • Group Donates £800,000 For Human/Animal Hybrid Clones
  • Ex-Counter Terrorism Czar Says Next Threat Will Emerge In 2012 From Those Resisting Transhumanism
  • State Rep Says President Was Told Of Aliens On Earth
  • Hip Hop is now an “official” Religion!
  • Sex Trade: Innocence Lost In America’s Heartland
  • Uniting Religions for World Change: The G8 World Religions Summit
  • Quantum Spirituality Has Entered the Church Through Christian Leaders
  • New Book By WND Takes On Heresy Of ‘The Shack’
  • Home Depot target of boycott
  • Hear Dr. Phil Stringer On “The Messianic Claims of Gail Riplinger”

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 3

PDF: End Time Current Events 7-25-10

Gulf Updates & End Time Current Events: 7-18-10 — Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 19, 2010

Gulf Updates & End Time Current Events: 7-18-10 — Part 1

Teaching Overview–Table of Contents:

  • Bible Verses
  • Matt Simmons says BP covering up MASSIVE HOLE miles away, cap test is “absurd”
  • BP Official Admits to Damage BENEATH THE SEA FLOOR
  • BP buys Gulf scientists for legal defense, roiling academic community
  • Secret Global Internet Copyright Agreement
  • U.S. Authorities Shut Down WordPress Host With 73,000 Blogs
  • NSA Building ‘Massive’ Spy System To Monitor Domestic Infrastructure; Contractor Building It Says It Is ‘Big Brother’
  • Government Cyber Invasion
  • A top Bilderberger and former member of President Bill Clinton’s Cabinet, boldly stated that Obama’s popularity is so bad that the only thing that could save him now was another terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11!
  • Wall Street Apocalypse: Doomsday Investor Recommends Farmland Retreat For When The Hammer Finally Drops
  • Officials continue to condition Americans to the concept that all illegal immigrants should be included in a North American Union citizenship
  • Just What The Doctor Ordered! U.S. House Plan Overturning Obamacare Halfway There! Call Your Rep Now!
  • WARNING: Beware of “Evangelical” Wolves in Sheep (Christian) Clothing!
  • Obama Names Suzan Johnson Cook Ambassador For International Religious Freedom
  • Alien Abductions Are Not What You Think
  • Unholy Communion: The Alien Abduction Phenomenon, Where It Originates, And How It Stops
  • Black Awakening? Twilight Vampirism Said Giving Today’s Kids The Kind Of Religion They Want
  • Twilight triggers love bite wave
  • The Shack Author Says: “The God of Evangelical Christianity is a Monster.”
  • Voice of the Martyrs Warning
  • PA TV broadcast kids singing anti-Israel war song to terrorist who aided suicide bomber
  • McDonald’s TV ad features homosexual teen
  • Darpa’s Genetically Engineered Blood Starts Pumping

PDF: End Time Current Events 7-18-10

Click Here to Play the Part 1 Audio

Gulf Updates & End Time Current Events: 7-18-10 — Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 19, 2010

Gulf Updates & End Time Current Events: 7-18-10 — Part 2

Teaching Overview–Table of Contents:

  • Bible Verses
  • Matt Simmons says BP covering up MASSIVE HOLE miles away, cap test is “absurd”
  • BP Official Admits to Damage BENEATH THE SEA FLOOR
  • BP buys Gulf scientists for legal defense, roiling academic community
  • Secret Global Internet Copyright Agreement
  • U.S. Authorities Shut Down WordPress Host With 73,000 Blogs
  • NSA Building ‘Massive’ Spy System To Monitor Domestic Infrastructure; Contractor Building It Says It Is ‘Big Brother’
  • Government Cyber Invasion
  • A top Bilderberger and former member of President Bill Clinton’s Cabinet, boldly stated that Obama’s popularity is so bad that the only thing that could save him now was another terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11!
  • Wall Street Apocalypse: Doomsday Investor Recommends Farmland Retreat For When The Hammer Finally Drops
  • Officials continue to condition Americans to the concept that all illegal immigrants should be included in a North American Union citizenship
  • Just What The Doctor Ordered! U.S. House Plan Overturning Obamacare Halfway There! Call Your Rep Now!
  • WARNING: Beware of “Evangelical” Wolves in Sheep (Christian) Clothing!
  • Obama Names Suzan Johnson Cook Ambassador For International Religious Freedom
  • Alien Abductions Are Not What You Think
  • Unholy Communion: The Alien Abduction Phenomenon, Where It Originates, And How It Stops
  • Black Awakening? Twilight Vampirism Said Giving Today’s Kids The Kind Of Religion They Want
  • Twilight triggers love bite wave
  • The Shack Author Says: “The God of Evangelical Christianity is a Monster.”
  • Voice of the Martyrs Warning
  • PA TV broadcast kids singing anti-Israel war song to terrorist who aided suicide bomber
  • McDonald’s TV ad features homosexual teen
  • Darpa’s Genetically Engineered Blood Starts Pumping

Click Here to Play the Part 2 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 7-18-10

Gulf Updates & End Time Current Events-7-18-10 — Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 19, 2010

Gulf Updates & End Time Current Events: 7-18-10 — Part 3

Teaching Overview–Table of Contents:

  • Bible Verses
  • Matt Simmons says BP covering up MASSIVE HOLE miles away, cap test is “absurd”
  • BP Official Admits to Damage BENEATH THE SEA FLOOR
  • BP buys Gulf scientists for legal defense, roiling academic community
  • Secret Global Internet Copyright Agreement
  • U.S. Authorities Shut Down WordPress Host With 73,000 Blogs
  • NSA Building ‘Massive’ Spy System To Monitor Domestic Infrastructure; Contractor Building It Says It Is ‘Big Brother’
  • Government Cyber Invasion
  • A top Bilderberger and former member of President Bill Clinton’s Cabinet, boldly stated that Obama’s popularity is so bad that the only thing that could save him now was another terrorist attack on the scale of 9/11!
  • Wall Street Apocalypse: Doomsday Investor Recommends Farmland Retreat For When The Hammer Finally Drops
  • Officials continue to condition Americans to the concept that all illegal immigrants should be included in a North American Union citizenship
  • Just What The Doctor Ordered! U.S. House Plan Overturning Obamacare Halfway There! Call Your Rep Now!
  • WARNING: Beware of “Evangelical” Wolves in Sheep (Christian) Clothing!
  • Obama Names Suzan Johnson Cook Ambassador For International Religious Freedom
  • Alien Abductions Are Not What You Think
  • Unholy Communion: The Alien Abduction Phenomenon, Where It Originates, And How It Stops
  • Black Awakening? Twilight Vampirism Said Giving Today’s Kids The Kind Of Religion They Want
  • Twilight triggers love bite wave
  • The Shack Author Says: “The God of Evangelical Christianity is a Monster.”
  • Voice of the Martyrs Warning
  • PA TV broadcast kids singing anti-Israel war song to terrorist who aided suicide bomber
  • McDonald’s TV ad features homosexual teen
  • Darpa’s Genetically Engineered Blood Starts Pumping

Click Here to Play the Part 3 Audio

PDF: End Time Current Events 7-18-10


Part 1: Gulf Updates & End Time Current Events: 7-11-10

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 13, 2010

Gulf Updates & End Time Current Events: 7-11-10

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Verses Regarding ‘The Heart’
  • Military Patrols Beach in Panama City
  • 2400 Canadian Soldiers on a 72 Hour notice for deployment to the U.S. Gulf Coast
  • US: Felony charges, big fines for reporting within Gulf oil spill zone
  • Listen: Gulf Oil Disaster: Reporter Comments On Possible Evacuation
  • Gulf state emergency preparedness agencies confirm mass evacuation plans
  • Censored Gulf evacuation news: Aid for Americans fleeing chemical catastrophe
  • “Horrifying”: Florida children in Panama City “with tarballs on their face… tar in their eyes” (VIDEO)
  • Confirmed: Tar balls wash ashore in South Florida (PHOTOS)
  • Tar Balls “now rolling in on Ormond Beach” near Daytona; Contractors sweep coast for oil (PHOTOS)
  • Loop Current directly over oil gusher, trouble for Florida (VIDEO)
  • U-Haul Price Gouging Floridians Shocking Details Revealed
  • Methane dead zone found just offshore “linked to oil”; Stetches entire 1500 sq. miles of sample area
  • *CAUTION* Restaurants serving Corexit-tainted seafood? CNN reports NO Gulf seafood tested for oil dispersants (VIDEO)
  • Warning To Gulf Volunteers: Almost Every Cleanup Worker From The 1989 Exxon Valdez Disaster Is Now Dead
  • Potential Health Effects of Oil Spill, KRIV Channel 26 Houston (Fox)
  • Toxicologists Say Corexit Invades Cells and Allows Oil to Penetrate Cells and Organ System
  • BP now using EIGHT types of chemical dispersants in Gulf
  • BP Cuts Payments to 40,000, La. Official Says Hundreds of Fishermen Missing Checks From BP
  • YouTube – Obama Commits Act of High Treason; Sides with Foreign Power Against Arizona
  • Turkey is most definitely marching down the road to complete diplomatic disengagement from Israel
  • The Obama Administration continues to flash its decreasing support for Israel
  • Pope slams cardinal who exposed abuse cover-up
  • The Catholic Church faces another scandal
  • Top Catholic Priest Accused of Sexually Abusing His Own Sons
  • CFL’s Soon, You Won’t Have A Choice
  • 11 Ways We Are Being Tracked, Traced, and Databased

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

 PDF: End Time Current Events 7-11-10

Part 2: Gulf Updates & End Time Current Events: 7-11-10

By timwalkerjr | July 13, 2010

Part 2: Gulf Updates & End Time Current Events: 7-11-10

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Verses Regarding ‘The Heart’
  • Military Patrols Beach in Panama City
  • 2400 Canadian Soldiers on a 72 Hour notice for deployment to the U.S. Gulf Coast
  • US: Felony charges, big fines for reporting within Gulf oil spill zone
  • Listen: Gulf Oil Disaster: Reporter Comments On Possible Evacuation
  • Gulf state emergency preparedness agencies confirm mass evacuation plans
  • Censored Gulf evacuation news: Aid for Americans fleeing chemical catastrophe
  • “Horrifying”: Florida children in Panama City “with tarballs on their face… tar in their eyes” (VIDEO)
  • Confirmed: Tar balls wash ashore in South Florida (PHOTOS)
  • Tar Balls “now rolling in on Ormond Beach” near Daytona; Contractors sweep coast for oil (PHOTOS)
  • Loop Current directly over oil gusher, trouble for Florida (VIDEO)
  • U-Haul Price Gouging Floridians Shocking Details Revealed
  • Methane dead zone found just offshore “linked to oil”; Stetches entire 1500 sq. miles of sample area
  • *CAUTION* Restaurants serving Corexit-tainted seafood? CNN reports NO Gulf seafood tested for oil dispersants (VIDEO)
  • Warning To Gulf Volunteers: Almost Every Cleanup Worker From The 1989 Exxon Valdez Disaster Is Now Dead
  • Potential Health Effects of Oil Spill, KRIV Channel 26 Houston (Fox)
  • Toxicologists Say Corexit Invades Cells and Allows Oil to Penetrate Cells and Organ System
  • BP now using EIGHT types of chemical dispersants in Gulf
  • BP Cuts Payments to 40,000, La. Official Says Hundreds of Fishermen Missing Checks From BP
  • YouTube – Obama Commits Act of High Treason; Sides with Foreign Power Against Arizona
  • Turkey is most definitely marching down the road to complete diplomatic disengagement from Israel
  • The Obama Administration continues to flash its decreasing support for Israel
  • Pope slams cardinal who exposed abuse cover-up
  • The Catholic Church faces another scandal
  • Top Catholic Priest Accused of Sexually Abusing His Own Sons
  • CFL’s Soon, You Won’t Have A Choice
  • 11 Ways We Are Being Tracked, Traced, and Databased

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

PDF: End Time Current Events 7-11-10


Part 3: Gulf Updates & End Time Current Events: 7-11-10

By timwalkerjr | July 13, 2010

Part 3: Gulf Updates & End Time Current Events: 7-11-10

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Verses Regarding ‘The Heart’
  • Military Patrols Beach in Panama City
  • 2400 Canadian Soldiers on a 72 Hour notice for deployment to the U.S. Gulf Coast
  • US: Felony charges, big fines for reporting within Gulf oil spill zone
  • Listen: Gulf Oil Disaster: Reporter Comments On Possible Evacuation
  • Gulf state emergency preparedness agencies confirm mass evacuation plans
  • Censored Gulf evacuation news: Aid for Americans fleeing chemical catastrophe
  • “Horrifying”: Florida children in Panama City “with tarballs on their face… tar in their eyes” (VIDEO)
  • Confirmed: Tar balls wash ashore in South Florida (PHOTOS)
  • Tar Balls “now rolling in on Ormond Beach” near Daytona; Contractors sweep coast for oil (PHOTOS)
  • Loop Current directly over oil gusher, trouble for Florida (VIDEO)
  • U-Haul Price Gouging Floridians Shocking Details Revealed
  • Methane dead zone found just offshore “linked to oil”; Stetches entire 1500 sq. miles of sample area
  • *CAUTION* Restaurants serving Corexit-tainted seafood? CNN reports NO Gulf seafood tested for oil dispersants (VIDEO)
  • Warning To Gulf Volunteers: Almost Every Cleanup Worker From The 1989 Exxon Valdez Disaster Is Now Dead
  • Potential Health Effects of Oil Spill, KRIV Channel 26 Houston (Fox)
  • Toxicologists Say Corexit Invades Cells and Allows Oil to Penetrate Cells and Organ System
  • BP now using EIGHT types of chemical dispersants in Gulf
  • BP Cuts Payments to 40,000, La. Official Says Hundreds of Fishermen Missing Checks From BP
  • YouTube – Obama Commits Act of High Treason; Sides with Foreign Power Against Arizona
  • Turkey is most definitely marching down the road to complete diplomatic disengagement from Israel
  • The Obama Administration continues to flash its decreasing support for Israel
  • Pope slams cardinal who exposed abuse cover-up
  • The Catholic Church faces another scandal
  • Top Catholic Priest Accused of Sexually Abusing His Own Sons
  • CFL’s Soon, You Won’t Have A Choice
  • 11 Ways We Are Being Tracked, Traced, and Databased

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 3

PDF: End Time Current Events 7-11-10

Part 4: Gulf Updates & End Time Current Events: 7-11-10

By timwalkerjr | July 13, 2010

Gulf Updates & End Time Current Events: 7-11-10-Part 4

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Verses Regarding ‘The Heart’
  • Military Patrols Beach in Panama City
  • 2400 Canadian Soldiers on a 72 Hour notice for deployment to the U.S. Gulf Coast
  • US: Felony charges, big fines for reporting within Gulf oil spill zone
  • Listen: Gulf Oil Disaster: Reporter Comments On Possible Evacuation
  • Gulf state emergency preparedness agencies confirm mass evacuation plans
  • Censored Gulf evacuation news: Aid for Americans fleeing chemical catastrophe
  • “Horrifying”: Florida children in Panama City “with tarballs on their face… tar in their eyes” (VIDEO)
  • Confirmed: Tar balls wash ashore in South Florida (PHOTOS)
  • Tar Balls “now rolling in on Ormond Beach” near Daytona; Contractors sweep coast for oil (PHOTOS)
  • Loop Current directly over oil gusher, trouble for Florida (VIDEO)
  • U-Haul Price Gouging Floridians Shocking Details Revealed
  • Methane dead zone found just offshore “linked to oil”; Stetches entire 1500 sq. miles of sample area
  • *CAUTION* Restaurants serving Corexit-tainted seafood? CNN reports NO Gulf seafood tested for oil dispersants (VIDEO)
  • Warning To Gulf Volunteers: Almost Every Cleanup Worker From The 1989 Exxon Valdez Disaster Is Now Dead
  • Potential Health Effects of Oil Spill, KRIV Channel 26 Houston (Fox)
  • Toxicologists Say Corexit Invades Cells and Allows Oil to Penetrate Cells and Organ System
  • BP now using EIGHT types of chemical dispersants in Gulf
  • BP Cuts Payments to 40,000, La. Official Says Hundreds of Fishermen Missing Checks From BP
  • YouTube – Obama Commits Act of High Treason; Sides with Foreign Power Against Arizona
  • Turkey is most definitely marching down the road to complete diplomatic disengagement from Israel
  • The Obama Administration continues to flash its decreasing support for Israel
  • Pope slams cardinal who exposed abuse cover-up
  • The Catholic Church faces another scandal
  • Top Catholic Priest Accused of Sexually Abusing His Own Sons
  • CFL’s Soon, You Won’t Have A Choice
  • 11 Ways We Are Being Tracked, Traced, and Databased

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 4

PDF: End Time Current Events 7-11-10

Part 5: Gulf Updates & End Time Current Events: 7-11-10

By timwalkerjr | July 13, 2010

Gulf Updates & End Time Current Events: 7-11-10-Part 5

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Verses Regarding ‘The Heart’
  • Military Patrols Beach in Panama City
  • 2400 Canadian Soldiers on a 72 Hour notice for deployment to the U.S. Gulf Coast
  • US: Felony charges, big fines for reporting within Gulf oil spill zone
  • Listen: Gulf Oil Disaster: Reporter Comments On Possible Evacuation
  • Gulf state emergency preparedness agencies confirm mass evacuation plans
  • Censored Gulf evacuation news: Aid for Americans fleeing chemical catastrophe
  • “Horrifying”: Florida children in Panama City “with tarballs on their face… tar in their eyes” (VIDEO)
  • Confirmed: Tar balls wash ashore in South Florida (PHOTOS)
  • Tar Balls “now rolling in on Ormond Beach” near Daytona; Contractors sweep coast for oil (PHOTOS)
  • Loop Current directly over oil gusher, trouble for Florida (VIDEO)
  • U-Haul Price Gouging Floridians Shocking Details Revealed
  • Methane dead zone found just offshore “linked to oil”; Stetches entire 1500 sq. miles of sample area
  • *CAUTION* Restaurants serving Corexit-tainted seafood? CNN reports NO Gulf seafood tested for oil dispersants (VIDEO)
  • Warning To Gulf Volunteers: Almost Every Cleanup Worker From The 1989 Exxon Valdez Disaster Is Now Dead
  • Potential Health Effects of Oil Spill, KRIV Channel 26 Houston (Fox)
  • Toxicologists Say Corexit Invades Cells and Allows Oil to Penetrate Cells and Organ System
  • BP now using EIGHT types of chemical dispersants in Gulf
  • BP Cuts Payments to 40,000, La. Official Says Hundreds of Fishermen Missing Checks From BP
  • YouTube – Obama Commits Act of High Treason; Sides with Foreign Power Against Arizona
  • Turkey is most definitely marching down the road to complete diplomatic disengagement from Israel
  • The Obama Administration continues to flash its decreasing support for Israel
  • Pope slams cardinal who exposed abuse cover-up
  • The Catholic Church faces another scandal
  • Top Catholic Priest Accused of Sexually Abusing His Own Sons
  • CFL’s Soon, You Won’t Have A Choice
  • 11 Ways We Are Being Tracked, Traced, and Databased

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 5

 PDF: End Time Current Events 7-11-10

Breaking Gulf Updates: 6-13-10

By timwalkerjr | June 13, 2010

Breaking Gulf Updates: 6-13-10 

Table of Contents:

  • May Levels of Toxic Gases in Gulf Back Up Claim Made by Lindsey Williams New Orleans TV station reported 1,192 parts per billion
  • Epidemic Hazard for Venice LA. – Corexits Reign of Terror
  • BP Official Admits to Damage BENEATH THE SEA FLOOR Washington’s Blog | We have a right to know what’s really going on.
  • Ocean Researcher: Sub-surface “Oilberg” plumes will “kill wetlands”; once “in the marshes we’ll never get it out”
  • White House officials: Explosives to stop well may cause “uncontrolled situation”; Oil may already be escaping into “rock formations below the sea floor”
  • Obama biggest recipient of BP cash | Reuters

Click Here to Play the Audio for this Teaching

PDF: End Time Current Events 6-13-10