"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events: 6-6-10-Part 1

By timwalkerjr | June 6, 2010

End Time Current Events: 6-6-10-Part 1

Teaching Overview–Table of Contents:

  • Regarding Truth
  • Close-Up Footage of Muslim “Free Gaza” Flotilla/Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking IDF Soldiers
  • IDF Navy Politely Warns Flotilla
  • Flotilla Members Attacking Israeli Boarding Party
  • Gaza aid flotilla an ‘ambush for Israeli soldiers’
  • Flotilla Using Children as Human Shields
  • Hamas Uses Children, UN, Press As Human Shields In Gaza
  • Gaza Flotilla Action
  • Gaza flotilla participants created war atmosphere before confronting Israel
  • IDF: Global Jihad links on flotilla
  • Recipe for a new blood libel
  • ‘ware the spider’s web
  • New aid ship heads to Gaza, Israel vows to stop it
  • Israel intercepts new Gaza aid ship
  • Islamic Propaganda Machine Says: Israel is world’s most despicable country
  • More Islamic Lies: ‘Israel nears end after raid on aid ships’
  • The Islamic Propensity for Lying taught in their “holy books”
  • Islamic Resurrection dependent on Muslims killing Jews
  • Warning To All Islamic Leadership: You Will Be Destroyed If You Persist In Plotting The Annihilation of Israel!
  • BP Oil Leak May Last Until Christmas
  • BP’s Logo Parody
  • Illuminati Plan–BP Oil Spread Simulation Map
  • BP chief Tony Hayward sold shares weeks before oil spill
  • Toxic Oil Spill Rains Warned Could Destroy North America
  • LOST at Sea: Oil Spill Set to Enrich World Bankers
  • North Korean envoy warns war could erupt soon
  • A 26-foot-tall Anubis Statue Installed at Denver International Airport with Video
  • Advocacy Group Protests Comedy Central’s New ‘Anti-Christian’ Series
  • With Obama’s blessings, LGBT month kicks off
  • ‘Gay day’ at Disney Kicking off this Weekend
  • Acharya S is Censoring ‘Aquarius: The Age of Evil’
  • AQUARIUS: The Age Of Evil (1/14) SPREAD THIS Before its Pulled!!

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: End Time Current Events 6-6-10


End Time Current Events: 6-6-10-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 6, 2010

End Time Current Events: 6-6-10-Part 2

Teaching Overview–Table of Contents:

  • Regarding Truth
  • Close-Up Footage of Muslim “Free Gaza” Flotilla/Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking IDF Soldiers
  • IDF Navy Politely Warns Flotilla
  • Flotilla Members Attacking Israeli Boarding Party
  • Gaza aid flotilla an ‘ambush for Israeli soldiers’
  • Flotilla Using Children as Human Shields
  • Hamas Uses Children, UN, Press As Human Shields In Gaza
  • Gaza Flotilla Action
  • Gaza flotilla participants created war atmosphere before confronting Israel
  • IDF: Global Jihad links on flotilla
  • Recipe for a new blood libel
  • ‘ware the spider’s web
  • New aid ship heads to Gaza, Israel vows to stop it
  • Israel intercepts new Gaza aid ship
  • Islamic Propaganda Machine Says: Israel is world’s most despicable country
  • More Islamic Lies: ‘Israel nears end after raid on aid ships’
  • The Islamic Propensity for Lying taught in their “holy books”
  • Islamic Resurrection dependent on Muslims killing Jews
  • Warning To All Islamic Leadership: You Will Be Destroyed If You Persist In Plotting The Annihilation of Israel!
  • BP Oil Leak May Last Until Christmas
  • BP’s Logo Parody
  • Illuminati Plan–BP Oil Spread Simulation Map
  • BP chief Tony Hayward sold shares weeks before oil spill
  • Toxic Oil Spill Rains Warned Could Destroy North America
  • LOST at Sea: Oil Spill Set to Enrich World Bankers
  • North Korean envoy warns war could erupt soon
  • A 26-foot-tall Anubis Statue Installed at Denver International Airport with Video
  • Advocacy Group Protests Comedy Central’s New ‘Anti-Christian’ Series
  • With Obama’s blessings, LGBT month kicks off
  • ‘Gay day’ at Disney Kicking off this Weekend
  • Acharya S is Censoring ‘Aquarius: The Age of Evil’
  • AQUARIUS: The Age Of Evil (1/14) SPREAD THIS Before its Pulled!!

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

PDF: End Time Current Events 6-6-10


End Time Current Events: 6-6-10-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 6, 2010

End Time Current Events: 6-6-10-Part 3

Teaching Overview–Table of Contents:

  • Regarding Truth
  • Close-Up Footage of Muslim “Free Gaza” Flotilla/Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking IDF Soldiers
  • IDF Navy Politely Warns Flotilla
  • Flotilla Members Attacking Israeli Boarding Party
  • Gaza aid flotilla an ‘ambush for Israeli soldiers’
  • Flotilla Using Children as Human Shields
  • Hamas Uses Children, UN, Press As Human Shields In Gaza
  • Gaza Flotilla Action
  • Gaza flotilla participants created war atmosphere before confronting Israel
  • IDF: Global Jihad links on flotilla
  • Recipe for a new blood libel
  • ‘ware the spider’s web
  • New aid ship heads to Gaza, Israel vows to stop it
  • Israel intercepts new Gaza aid ship
  • Islamic Propaganda Machine Says: Israel is world’s most despicable country
  • More Islamic Lies: ‘Israel nears end after raid on aid ships’
  • The Islamic Propensity for Lying taught in their “holy books”
  • Islamic Resurrection dependent on Muslims killing Jews
  • Warning To All Islamic Leadership: You Will Be Destroyed If You Persist In Plotting The Annihilation of Israel!
  • BP Oil Leak May Last Until Christmas
  • BP’s Logo Parody
  • Illuminati Plan–BP Oil Spread Simulation Map
  • BP chief Tony Hayward sold shares weeks before oil spill
  • Toxic Oil Spill Rains Warned Could Destroy North America
  • LOST at Sea: Oil Spill Set to Enrich World Bankers
  • North Korean envoy warns war could erupt soon
  • A 26-foot-tall Anubis Statue Installed at Denver International Airport with Video
  • Advocacy Group Protests Comedy Central’s New ‘Anti-Christian’ Series
  • With Obama’s blessings, LGBT month kicks off
  • ‘Gay day’ at Disney Kicking off this Weekend
  • Acharya S is Censoring ‘Aquarius: The Age of Evil’
  • AQUARIUS: The Age Of Evil (1/14) SPREAD THIS Before its Pulled!!

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 3

PDF: End Time Current Events 6-6-10


End Time Current Events: 6-6-10-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 6, 2010

End Time Current Events: 6-6-10-Part 4

Teaching Overview–Table of Contents:

  • Regarding Truth
  • Close-Up Footage of Muslim “Free Gaza” Flotilla/Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking IDF Soldiers
  • IDF Navy Politely Warns Flotilla
  • Flotilla Members Attacking Israeli Boarding Party
  • Gaza aid flotilla an ‘ambush for Israeli soldiers’
  • Flotilla Using Children as Human Shields
  • Hamas Uses Children, UN, Press As Human Shields In Gaza
  • Gaza Flotilla Action
  • Gaza flotilla participants created war atmosphere before confronting Israel
  • IDF: Global Jihad links on flotilla
  • Recipe for a new blood libel
  • ‘ware the spider’s web
  • New aid ship heads to Gaza, Israel vows to stop it
  • Israel intercepts new Gaza aid ship
  • Islamic Propaganda Machine Says: Israel is world’s most despicable country
  • More Islamic Lies: ‘Israel nears end after raid on aid ships’
  • The Islamic Propensity for Lying taught in their “holy books”
  • Islamic Resurrection dependent on Muslims killing Jews
  • Warning To All Islamic Leadership: You Will Be Destroyed If You Persist In Plotting The Annihilation of Israel!
  • BP Oil Leak May Last Until Christmas
  • BP’s Logo Parody
  • Illuminati Plan–BP Oil Spread Simulation Map
  • BP chief Tony Hayward sold shares weeks before oil spill
  • Toxic Oil Spill Rains Warned Could Destroy North America
  • LOST at Sea: Oil Spill Set to Enrich World Bankers
  • North Korean envoy warns war could erupt soon
  • A 26-foot-tall Anubis Statue Installed at Denver International Airport with Video
  • Advocacy Group Protests Comedy Central’s New ‘Anti-Christian’ Series
  • With Obama’s blessings, LGBT month kicks off
  • ‘Gay day’ at Disney Kicking off this Weekend
  • Acharya S is Censoring ‘Aquarius: The Age of Evil’
  • AQUARIUS: The Age Of Evil (1/14) SPREAD THIS Before its Pulled!!

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 4

PDF: End Time Current Events 6-6-10


End Time Current Events: 5-30-10-Part 1

By timwalkerjr | May 30, 2010

End Time Current Events 5-30-10-Part 1

Teaching Overview–Table of Contents:

  • Suddenly, North Korea is talking war!
  • President Obama ordered the American military to prepare for a war on the Korean Peninsula
  • US military alert level raised in Seoul, 24 stealth fighters jets ready
  • Gulf of Tonkin Redux: Did an American Mine Sink South Korean Ship?
  • Prime Time TV is now getting into the act of preparing the public for a future declaration that the REAL danger to our freedoms is a domestic, naturally-born American citizen
  • How the White House is destroying the Gulf
  • GOLDMAN SACHS takes “big short” position on the Gulf
  • Prominent Oil Industry Insider: “There’s Another Leak, Much Bigger, 5 to 6 Miles Away”
  • Media ignores Goldman Sachs’ ties to Corexit dispersant
  • Scientists: Newly discovered Gulf oil plume is 22-miles long, six-miles wide
  • IG report: Meth, porn use by drilling agency staff
  • Inspector General’s Inquiry Faults Regulators
  • U.S. agency overseeing oil drilling ignored warnings of risks
  • Oil spill brings ‘death in the ocean from top to bottom’
  • Update – Hawk, Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle – Must listen
    YouTube – Thousands and thousands of UN Vans Photographed in FL
  • Confirmed: UN Vehicles Dispersed; CIA Front Company?
  • “Knowing” movie and the Oil Rig Explosion in the Gulf of Mexico 2010
  • In 1995, Steve Jackson of Jackson Games included an oil derrick blowing oil all over the world in his Illuminati Card Game
  • Predictions For The Rest Of 2010
  • New Federal Biometric ID card Warning
  • Quotes From A Satanist
  • Muhammad had a 9-year-old Wife
  • YouTube – The Path of a Martyr

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-30-10


End Time Current Events 5-30-10-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 30, 2010

End Time Current Events 5-30-10-Part 2

Teaching Overview–Table of Contents:

  • Suddenly, North Korea is talking war!
  • President Obama ordered the American military to prepare for a war on the Korean Peninsula
  • US military alert level raised in Seoul, 24 stealth fighters jets ready
  • Gulf of Tonkin Redux: Did an American Mine Sink South Korean Ship?
  • Prime Time TV is now getting into the act of preparing the public for a future declaration that the REAL danger to our freedoms is a domestic, naturally-born American citizen
  • How the White House is destroying the Gulf
  • GOLDMAN SACHS takes “big short” position on the Gulf
  • Prominent Oil Industry Insider: “There’s Another Leak, Much Bigger, 5 to 6 Miles Away”
  • Media ignores Goldman Sachs’ ties to Corexit dispersant
  • Scientists: Newly discovered Gulf oil plume is 22-miles long, six-miles wide
  • IG report: Meth, porn use by drilling agency staff
  • Inspector General’s Inquiry Faults Regulators
  • U.S. agency overseeing oil drilling ignored warnings of risks
  • Oil spill brings ‘death in the ocean from top to bottom’
  • Update – Hawk, Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle – Must listen
    YouTube – Thousands and thousands of UN Vans Photographed in FL
  • Confirmed: UN Vehicles Dispersed; CIA Front Company?
  • “Knowing” movie and the Oil Rig Explosion in the Gulf of Mexico 2010
  • In 1995, Steve Jackson of Jackson Games included an oil derrick blowing oil all over the world in his Illuminati Card Game
  • Predictions For The Rest Of 2010
  • New Federal Biometric ID card Warning
  • Quotes From A Satanist
  • Muhammad had a 9-year-old Wife
  • YouTube – The Path of a Martyr

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-30-10


End Time Current Events 5-30-10-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 30, 2010

End Time Current Events 5-30-10-Part 3

Teaching Overview–Table of Contents:

  • Suddenly, North Korea is talking war!
  • President Obama ordered the American military to prepare for a war on the Korean Peninsula
  • US military alert level raised in Seoul, 24 stealth fighters jets ready
  • Gulf of Tonkin Redux: Did an American Mine Sink South Korean Ship?
  • Prime Time TV is now getting into the act of preparing the public for a future declaration that the REAL danger to our freedoms is a domestic, naturally-born American citizen
  • How the White House is destroying the Gulf
  • GOLDMAN SACHS takes “big short” position on the Gulf
  • Prominent Oil Industry Insider: “There’s Another Leak, Much Bigger, 5 to 6 Miles Away”
  • Media ignores Goldman Sachs’ ties to Corexit dispersant
  • Scientists: Newly discovered Gulf oil plume is 22-miles long, six-miles wide
  • IG report: Meth, porn use by drilling agency staff
  • Inspector General’s Inquiry Faults Regulators
  • U.S. agency overseeing oil drilling ignored warnings of risks
  • Oil spill brings ‘death in the ocean from top to bottom’
  • Update – Hawk, Greg Evensen & Steve Quayle – Must listen
    YouTube – Thousands and thousands of UN Vans Photographed in FL
  • Confirmed: UN Vehicles Dispersed; CIA Front Company?
  • “Knowing” movie and the Oil Rig Explosion in the Gulf of Mexico 2010
  • In 1995, Steve Jackson of Jackson Games included an oil derrick blowing oil all over the world in his Illuminati Card Game
  • Predictions For The Rest Of 2010
  • New Federal Biometric ID card Warning
  • Quotes From A Satanist
  • Muhammad had a 9-year-old Wife
  • YouTube – The Path of a Martyr

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 3

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-30-10


End Time Current Events: 5-23-10-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 23, 2010

End Time Current Events: 5-23-10-Part 1

Teaching Overview:

Psalm 74:12-23
YouTube – Aquarius: The Age of Evil (1/14)
Tony Blair courts US pastor Rick Warren in bid to unite faiths
Pentagon, Police Stage Terror Attack Exercise in Long Beach
Dow Theorist Richard Russell: Sell Everything, You Won’t Recognize America By The End Of The Year
Purposely Killing The Gulf?
BP and Coast Guard Threaten to Arrest Journalists for Covering Oil Polluted Shoreline in Louisiana
At What Cost? BP Spill Responders Told to Forgo Precautionary Health Measures in Cleanup
Benzene the killer! Plans in place to evacuate The Gulf Population
According to the Border Patrol the public is being mislead as to WHO is coming into the US from Mexico
The Trapezoid: Regarded in by occultists as the most satanic of symbols
Pig virus contaminates rotavirus vaccines, but FDA says no problem
Artificial DNA breakthrough controls life
Famous Occultist talks about the Indigo Children
Listener Juanita Bynum Clarification
Listener TSA Complaint Regarding the Naked Body Scanners

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-23-10


End Time Current Events: 5-23-10-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 23, 2010

End Time Current Events: 5-23-10-Part 2

Teaching Overview:

Psalm 74:12-23
YouTube – Aquarius: The Age of Evil (1/14)
Tony Blair courts US pastor Rick Warren in bid to unite faiths
Pentagon, Police Stage Terror Attack Exercise in Long Beach
Dow Theorist Richard Russell: Sell Everything, You Won’t Recognize America By The End Of The Year
Purposely Killing The Gulf?
BP and Coast Guard Threaten to Arrest Journalists for Covering Oil Polluted Shoreline in Louisiana
At What Cost? BP Spill Responders Told to Forgo Precautionary Health Measures in Cleanup
Benzene the killer! Plans in place to evacuate The Gulf Population
According to the Border Patrol the public is being mislead as to WHO is coming into the US from Mexico
The Trapezoid: Regarded in by occultists as the most satanic of symbols
Pig virus contaminates rotavirus vaccines, but FDA says no problem
Artificial DNA breakthrough controls life
Famous Occultist talks about the Indigo Children
Listener Juanita Bynum Clarification
Listener TSA Complaint Regarding the Naked Body Scanners

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-23-10


End Time Current Events: 5-16-10-Part 1

By timwalkerjr | May 16, 2010

End Time Current Events: 5-16-10-Part 1

Table of Contents:

  • World Invocation Day–New Agers/Occults Unite on May 27th to Invoke & Pray for Maitreya’s Coming
  • Q & A with Benjamin Creme Proving Raj Patel is NOT Maitreya
  • New DVD–Aquarius: The Age Of Evil
  • Gerald Celente: 2010 Will be the Summer of Terror
  • Bob Chapman Breaks Down “The Plunge Protection Team”
  • False Flag Operations: The Crisis Route to the New World Order
  • YouTube – CIA Columbia Obama Cover Up
  • Manning’s ‘trial of the century’ of Obama begins
  • Day 1–report on the Manning trial of Barack Obama
  • Palestinians see Obama as their savior
  • The Church & Secret Societies: The Hidden Faith of Our Founding Fathers
  • Pentagon Turns To Brain Implants To Repair Minds
  • Beyond Treason-The Horrific Reality of Gulf War Syndrome
  • FACEBOOK.COM: intelligence agencies’ espionage site
  • New API Takes Facial Recognition From Facebook And Puts It Everywhere
  • Rape Rampant in Haiti’s Earthquake Camps
  • ‘Silly Women’ in Ministry
  • Biblical Qualifications for Pastors, Bishops, Elders, Deacons and Spiritual Overseers
  • New Abortion Laws Slowing Baby Killers
  • Why do modern Bibles disagree if they use the same Greek?
  • New eBook: Vanishing Proofs of Evolution
  • 100% Textus Receptus Bible in Spanish

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: End Time Current Events 5-16-10