"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events: 3-21-10-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 21, 2010

End Time Current Events: 3-21-10-Part 3

Table of Contents:
Bill Gates Outlines Plan At TED2010 To Reduce World Population Through Vaccines, GM Crops
The reality that Cardinals and Bishops at the highest levels of the Vatican are gay is being loudly proclaimed throughout the entire world
Catholic Priest Gabriele Amorth Confirms Disclosure By Malachi Martin: Says Satanists Exist At The Highest Levels In The Vatican
Satanists, Masonic Occultists In The Vatican, And Their Plan
BREAKING NEWS: The RED HEIFER is ready to be sacrificed for the 3rd TEMPLE
Another City Orders Home Bible Studies Closed
The Worldwide War On Baby Girls
A Delusional ET Opinion
Girl Scouts Distribute Planned Parenthood Sex Guide At UN
The Shameless Abortion Carnival
Orphanage in Uganda
DNA in Your Body Would Reach to the Sun and Back–70 Times!

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 3

PDF: End Time Current Events 3-21-

End Time Current Events:3-14-10-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 14, 2010

End Time Current Events-Part 1


British military insider: World War III is being staged; starting with Israel and Iran The heads of state of Syria, Iran and Hezbullah met in Damascus to devise a Strategic War Plan against Israel Further evidence of the strong influence of Islam within the Obama White House comes from two new sources Israeli citizens also believe that President Obama is too pro-Muslim Leading Russian Politician Calls For Legislation To Allow Fully Grown Human Cloning Of “Clever Talented People” … And Other Human Clones For Organ Harvesting President Obama unveiled HIS Health Care Plan and it followed the Fascist Model Canada officially declares that the Swine Flu (H1N1) epidemic is over In the intense, chaotic atmosphere following the attacks of 9/11, President Bush seized dictatorial powers Watch Beyond Treason Massive High Level Resignations To LISTEN To Pastor D.A. Waite’s ANSWER To Gail Riplinger’s 61-Page False Personal Attacks Scientists plan human genes for cows, goats Canada To Approve Genetically Modified “Enviro-Mouse-Pigs” For Human Consumption Unicorns & the King James Bible The Census Bureau Exposed Naked Church in Virginia… ‘Sin City’ Comes To Church The New Apostolic Reformation, Adam-Kadmon, and DNA Regarding “Junk DNA”

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: End Time Current Events 3-14-10

Watch Beyond Treason documentary on Top Documentary Films site

D.A. Waite’s responses to Gail Riplinger on Bible For Today site

End Time Current Events: 3-14-10-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 14, 2010

End Time Current Events-Part 2


British military insider: World War III is being staged; starting with Israel and Iran The heads of state of Syria, Iran and Hezbullah met in Damascus to devise a Strategic War Plan against Israel Further evidence of the strong influence of Islam within the Obama White House comes from two new sources Israeli citizens also believe that President Obama is too pro-Muslim Leading Russian Politician Calls For Legislation To Allow Fully Grown Human Cloning Of “Clever Talented People” … And Other Human Clones For Organ Harvesting President Obama unveiled HIS Health Care Plan and it followed the Fascist Model Canada officially declares that the Swine Flu (H1N1) epidemic is over In the intense, chaotic atmosphere following the attacks of 9/11, President Bush seized dictatorial powers Watch Beyond Treason Massive High Level Resignations To LISTEN To Pastor D.A. Waite’s ANSWER To Gail Riplinger’s 61-Page False Personal Attacks Scientists plan human genes for cows, goats Canada To Approve Genetically Modified “Enviro-Mouse-Pigs” For Human Consumption Unicorns & the King James Bible The Census Bureau Exposed Naked Church in Virginia… ‘Sin City’ Comes To Church The New Apostolic Reformation, Adam-Kadmon, and DNA Regarding “Junk DNA”

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

PDF: End Time Current Events 3-14-10

Watch Beyond Treason documentary on Top Documentary Films site

D.A. Waite’s responses to Gail Riplinger on Bible For Today site

End Time Current Events: 2-21-10

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 21, 2010

End Time Current Events

Teaching Overview:
In this study we will be covering the following topics:

Watch YouTube – Human Cattle Microchipped on Live TV
* Human Cattle Microchipped on Live TV
* Greece Bans Cash Transactions Over 1,500 Euros
* Internet Censorship Alert! Agenda to ‘blacklist’ dissenting sites and license users
* NSA and Google are partnering up
* Ouija Board – The History of the Ouija Board What is a Ouija board?
* Pink Ouija board’s as a toy for tots
* The 3rd Temple–What Does the Bible say
* Rockefeller Banking company announces plans to fund the Third Temple!
* Freemasonry has long had a fervent desire to rebuild the Third Temple

Click Here to Play the Audio for this Teaching

PDF: End Time Current Events 2-21-10

Listener Questions & Answers-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 24, 2010

Listener Questions & Answers-Part 4

In this teaching I will be fielding various questions related to Biblical issues. Some of the subjects we will be covering are Biblically responding to evil threats, should a Christian own snakes, the husbands responsibility to his wife and family, the ‘Serpent Seed’ heresy, the Noah and Ham controversy, Disney’s new Satanic productions, speaking the name of pagan deities, the Geneva Bible vs. the KJV, disproving Jesus suffered in hell, Christians taking on debt and the curse you may incur.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 4

There is no PDF for this Teaching.

SermonAudio Farewell Update

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 20, 2010

Sermon Audio Farewell Update
1/20/2010–Teaching Overview: This is a brief update regarding my impending departure from Sermon Audio which will officially be this Sunday, Jan. 24th, 2010. At that point all 386 of my teachings on Sermon Audio with accompanying PDF’s will go off-line. Once we are able to get up to speed my teachings will then be archived first at: http://www.contendingfortruth.com/ but because of the narrow time window my webmaster & I have to work with I cannot give a date at this point when my teachings will be archived on the new site, but I will be sure to post an email update when this information becomes known. God bless you! Thank you for all your prayers & support. To God be the glory!–Scott

Click Here to Play the Audio for this Teaching

Dr. Johnson’s Main Website at: http://www.contendingfortruth.com/

End Time Current Events: 1-10-10-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 10, 2010

End Time Current Events-Part 1

Teaching Overview -In this study we will be covering the following topics:

Startling new video is revealing that the CIA created al-Qaeda prior to the attacks of 9/11
Who is getting filthy rich over all these new airport naked body scanners?
New airport scanners break child porn laws
Canada ordered airline scanners months ago
CAMC set to fire employees who do not get flu vaccine by end of Friday
Maitreya’s Star
Review of recent live Benjamin Creme interview
A “Christian” review of Avatar
Satanic Sacrifices? A Million In US To Go Missing In 2010
Rick Warren takes in $2.4M after donations plea
Unincorporated Associations Are Not Unregistered New Testament Churches
Warning – Todd (Fox) Bentley – Trying to return
Reading through the King James Bible
New Blasphemous “Christian” Rock Band Children 18:3

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

 PDF: End Time Current Events 1-10-10

End Time Current Events: 1-10-10-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 10, 2010

End Time Current Events-Part 2

Teaching Overview -In this study we will be covering the following topics:

Startling new video is revealing that the CIA created al-Qaeda prior to the attacks of 9/11
Who is getting filthy rich over all these new airport naked body scanners?
New airport scanners break child porn laws
Canada ordered airline scanners months ago
CAMC set to fire employees who do not get flu vaccine by end of Friday
Maitreya’s Star
Review of recent live Benjamin Creme interview
A “Christian” review of Avatar
Satanic Sacrifices? A Million In US To Go Missing In 2010
Rick Warren takes in $2.4M after donations plea
Unincorporated Associations Are Not Unregistered New Testament Churches
Warning – Todd (Fox) Bentley – Trying to return
Reading through the King James Bible
New Blasphemous “Christian” Rock Band Children 18:3

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

 PDF: End Time Current Events 1-10-10

End Time Current Events: 12-27-09-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 27, 2009

End Time Current Events-Part 1

Teaching Overview – In this study we will be covering the following topics:
Obama signs an Executive Order which grants INTERPOL — the International Police Agency — complete immunity from America’s Constitution and her laws!
The U.S. Senate passed a radical Health Care Reform Bill
Big Brother Christmas Census Promotional called ‘blasphemous’
‘Chilling’ New Muslim “How To” Video: How to slit throats
A world government was formed at the Copenhagen Climate Control / Global Warming summit, despite all the public rhetoric that the summit was a failure.
President Obama showed the American people exactly what his core values are with the way in which he decorated the White House Christmas tree.
2010 Food Crisis for Dummies
Christian leaders strongly warned to prepare for an onslaught of government persecution using ‘Hate Crimes’ legislation.
Tamiflu is now shown to be perfectly useless — fraudulent!
Is Obama Preparing For Civil War? Do you actually TRUST These Sources???
Sorcha Faal Exposed
Blasphemy Alert: EXOGENESIS: Scientists find Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA!
Yikes! New Vaccines From Dog Cells, E-coli, Genetically Engineered Insect Cell Viruses
Listener information & Comments
Important Water Purification Product–Travel Kleen
RFID Blocking Secure Wallets

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: End Time Current Events 12-27-09

End Time Current Events: 12-27-09-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 27, 2009

End Time Current Events-Part 2

Teaching Overview – In this study we will be covering the following topics:
Obama signs an Executive Order which grants INTERPOL — the International Police Agency — complete immunity from America’s Constitution and her laws!
The U.S. Senate passed a radical Health Care Reform Bill
Big Brother Christmas Census Promotional called ‘blasphemous’
‘Chilling’ New Muslim “How To” Video: How to slit throats
A world government was formed at the Copenhagen Climate Control / Global Warming summit, despite all the public rhetoric that the summit was a failure.
President Obama showed the American people exactly what his core values are with the way in which he decorated the White House Christmas tree.
2010 Food Crisis for Dummies
Christian leaders strongly warned to prepare for an onslaught of government persecution using ‘Hate Crimes’ legislation.
Tamiflu is now shown to be perfectly useless — fraudulent!
Is Obama Preparing For Civil War? Do you actually TRUST These Sources???
Sorcha Faal Exposed
Blasphemy Alert: EXOGENESIS: Scientists find Extraterrestrial genes in Human DNA!
Yikes! New Vaccines From Dog Cells, E-coli, Genetically Engineered Insect Cell Viruses
Listener information & Comments
Important Water Purification Product–Travel Kleen
RFID Blocking Secure Wallets

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

PDF: End Time Current Events 12-27-09