"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Important End Time Current Events Update: 12-8-09

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 8, 2009

Important End Time Current Events Update

Teaching Overview:

Impending US Chaos–Steve Quayle & Greg Eversen – *2 Hour Online Interview*
Terrorists Inside U.S. Planning To Strike, Says DHS Secretary: Are You Prepared?
Subway Airflow Tests To Prepare For Possible Terror Attacks
Iran Building Extensive Terror Network Nearer U.S.
Homeland Security Admits Unprepared To Detect Nuke Or Biological Weapon Smuggled Into US By Cargo
World leaders gathering in Copenhagen will ‘IGNORE’ the “Climate-gate” furor as they meet to fashion a One World Government, using Climate Change/Global Warming as the excuse.

Click Here to Play the Audio for this Teaching

PDF: End Time Current Events 12-8-09

End Time Current Events: 12-6-09-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 6, 2009

End Time Current Events-Part 1

Teaching Overview:

Manhattan Declaration: “Perhaps Millions” Being Led Toward the New Age/New Spirituality
U.S. Representative Issa: Obama’s refusal to investigate ‘Climategate’ emails is ‘unconscionable’
Mounting Debilities and Deaths from H1N1 Vaccine
Medical Mafia Marches in the New World Order
Exposing New Moon, Twilight, Vampires, Creatures of the Night, and other Romanticized Demonic Entities: The Seduction of our Youth
‘Safe schools’ chief recommends child porn for classroom reading
Jesse Ventura Searches For HAARP Coverup
MUSLIM DANGERS AROUND THE WORLD–By Percentages of the Population

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: End Time Current Events 12-6-09

End Time Current Events:12-6-09-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 6, 2009

End Time Current Events-Part 2

Teaching Overview:

Manhattan Declaration: “Perhaps Millions” Being Led Toward the New Age/New Spirituality
U.S. Representative Issa: Obama’s refusal to investigate ‘Climategate’ emails is ‘unconscionable’
Mounting Debilities and Deaths from H1N1 Vaccine
Medical Mafia Marches in the New World Order
Exposing New Moon, Twilight, Vampires, Creatures of the Night, and other Romanticized Demonic Entities: The Seduction of our Youth
‘Safe schools’ chief recommends child porn for classroom reading
Jesse Ventura Searches For HAARP Coverup
MUSLIM DANGERS AROUND THE WORLD–By Percentages of the Population

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

PDF: End Time Current Events 12-6-09

End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 11-29-09-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 29, 2009

End Time Current Events & Health Alerts-Part 1

Teaching Overview – In this study we will be covering the following topics:
Iowa and North Carolina Reports Raise Fears H1N1 Mutations Have Reached United States
Dr. Johnson’s Presentation: Avian Flu/Pandemics: What to Expect & How to Prepare (1-16)
Video: Church Administering H1N1 Shots- Blacks, Latinos, Pregnant Women and Children Targeted
Listener Feedback
Shocking H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Miscarriage Stories From Pregnant Women – Tell Your Doctors That Vaccines And Pregnancy Do Not Mix!
Low Vitamin D Levels Linked To Proliferation of H1N1
1989 Article Mentions Using A (Swine Flu) Vaccine To Inject Microchip Implants
Hindu sacrifice of 250,000 animals begins

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: End Time Current Events-Health Alert-11-29-09

End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 11-29-09-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 29, 2009

End Time Current Events & Health Alerts-Part 2

Teaching Overview – In this study we will be covering the following topics:
Iowa and North Carolina Reports Raise Fears H1N1 Mutations Have Reached United States
Dr. Johnson’s Presentation: Avian Flu/Pandemics: What to Expect & How to Prepare (1-16)
Video: Church Administering H1N1 Shots- Blacks, Latinos, Pregnant Women and Children Targeted
Listener Feedback
Shocking H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Miscarriage Stories From Pregnant Women – Tell Your Doctors That Vaccines And Pregnancy Do Not Mix!
Low Vitamin D Levels Linked To Proliferation of H1N1
1989 Article Mentions Using A (Swine Flu) Vaccine To Inject Microchip Implants
Hindu sacrifice of 250,000 animals begins

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

PDF: End Time Current Events-Health Alert-11-29-09

End Time Current Events & Health Alerts: 11-29-09-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 29, 2009

End Time Current Events & Health Alerts-Part 3

Teaching Overview – In this study we will be covering the following topics:
Iowa and North Carolina Reports Raise Fears H1N1 Mutations Have Reached United States
Dr. Johnson’s Presentation: Avian Flu/Pandemics: What to Expect & How to Prepare (1-16)
Video: Church Administering H1N1 Shots- Blacks, Latinos, Pregnant Women and Children Targeted
Listener Feedback
Shocking H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Miscarriage Stories From Pregnant Women – Tell Your Doctors That Vaccines And Pregnancy Do Not Mix!
Low Vitamin D Levels Linked To Proliferation of H1N1
1989 Article Mentions Using A (Swine Flu) Vaccine To Inject Microchip Implants
Hindu sacrifice of 250,000 animals begins

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 3

PDF: End Time Current Events-Health Alert-11-29-09

End Time Current Events Updates: 11-22-09-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 22, 2009

End Time Current Events Updates-Part 1

Teaching Overview – In this study we will be covering the following topics:

Trinity Broadcast Network’s Children’s Programming ‘Smile of the Child’ Receives Special Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC
Free energy home generator-zero point energy general information
Coca-Cola leads Copenhagen cheering section for one world climate change taxes
Obama green-lights Arab land grab–But Israel threatens retaliation if U.N. approves Palestinian state
The Entertainment Industry’s War Against God: Legion Exposed
Jews raise millions to be ready for coming of the Messiah/Antichrist
Bird mishap is latest in a series of unfortunate events that have befallen world’s largest particle accelerator.
Intellegent Design &The Raelian Movement Lie
Obelisk & Church Steeple is a Pagan-Masonic Symbol
Why I Murdered 13 American Soldiers at Fort Hood: Nidal Hassan Explains It All to You

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-22-09

End Time Current Events Updates: 11-22-09-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 22, 2009

End Time Current Events Updates-Part 2

Teaching Overview – In this study we will be covering the following topics:

Trinity Broadcast Network’s Children’s Programming ‘Smile of the Child’ Receives Special Consultative Status with UN ECOSOC
Free energy home generator-zero point energy general information
Coca-Cola leads Copenhagen cheering section for one world climate change taxes
Obama green-lights Arab land grab–But Israel threatens retaliation if U.N. approves Palestinian state
The Entertainment Industry’s War Against God: Legion Exposed
Jews raise millions to be ready for coming of the Messiah/Antichrist
Bird mishap is latest in a series of unfortunate events that have befallen world’s largest particle accelerator.
Intellegent Design &The Raelian Movement Lie
Obelisk & Church Steeple is a Pagan-Masonic Symbol
Why I Murdered 13 American Soldiers at Fort Hood: Nidal Hassan Explains It All to You

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-22-09

End Time Current Events Updates: 11-15-09-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 15, 2009

End Time Current Events Updates

Teaching Overview – In this study we will be covering the following topics:

December 7-18–Treaty Treason?–Two Goals–Twelve Results–This Treaty Usurps US Constitution Stop Barack Obama’s Copenhagen Treason
Lies & Propaganda–WWF: Will President Obama Lead Our Country at the UN Climate Conference?
Alan Carlin, The Statistics that Debunk Global Warming
Al Gore sued by over 30,000 Scientists for Global Warming Fraud by John Coleman Weather Channel Founder
Apostate Church bells to Ring out Warning on Climate Change
Religious leaders met for discussions at the Palace of Peace and Accord
Vatican prepares for extraterrestrial disclosure
Con-CERN-ing Full Disclosure And Maitreya?
CNBC – Dollar Will be Utterly Destroyed, Global Currency, New World Order
To whom does Obama owe his allegiance?>>Hint: Islam
TBN Theme Park Targeted for Gay Day
Video Games Exposed
VeriChip buys Steel Vault, changes name to “PositiveID”, creating micro-implant health record/credit score empire
Microchiping included in Healthcare Bill?
UK starts study on using human DNA in animals
Airport Security X-Ray Machines ‘Tear Apart DNA’
Church’s money giveaway: Alsip pastor’s cash prizes fill pews
Mainline Churches Use Defective Bibles to Approve Sin

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-15-09

End Time Current Events Updates: 11-15-09-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 15, 2009

End Time Current Events Updates-Part 2

Teaching Overview – In this study we will be covering the following topics:

December 7-18–Treaty Treason?–Two Goals–Twelve Results–This Treaty Usurps US Constitution Stop Barack Obama’s Copenhagen Treason
Lies & Propaganda–WWF: Will President Obama Lead Our Country at the UN Climate Conference?
Alan Carlin, The Statistics that Debunk Global Warming
Al Gore sued by over 30,000 Scientists for Global Warming Fraud by John Coleman Weather Channel Founder
Apostate Church bells to Ring out Warning on Climate Change
Religious leaders met for discussions at the Palace of Peace and Accord
Vatican prepares for extraterrestrial disclosure
Con-CERN-ing Full Disclosure And Maitreya?
CNBC – Dollar Will be Utterly Destroyed, Global Currency, New World Order
To whom does Obama owe his allegiance?>>Hint: Islam
TBN Theme Park Targeted for Gay Day
Video Games Exposed
VeriChip buys Steel Vault, changes name to “PositiveID”, creating micro-implant health record/credit score empire
Microchiping included in Healthcare Bill?
UK starts study on using human DNA in animals
Airport Security X-Ray Machines ‘Tear Apart DNA’
Church’s money giveaway: Alsip pastor’s cash prizes fill pews
Mainline Churches Use Defective Bibles to Approve Sin

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

PDF: End Time Current Events 11-15-09