"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


End Time Current Events: 1-17-09-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 17, 2009

End Time Current Events: 1-17-09-Part 1

Teaching Overview – In this study we will be covering the following topics:

Pray For Haiti
Government Of The Devil, By The Devil, And For The Devil
Haitian society split over voodoo
Witchcraft: Voodoo in Haiti
Benjamin Creme Addresses Maitreya’s Mission Beginning Comment
500,000 feared dead in massive 7.0 earthquake in Haiti
New Executive Order Signed by Obama Effectively Creates Structure of Military Governors for Martial Law
Spring Food Crisis May Trigger Economic Collapse
Twisted: Administration’s ‘safe schools czar’ and the North American Man-Boy Love Association
Obama Praises Homosexual Icon Frank Kameny who calls the ‘God of the Bible’ a ‘Sinful Homophobic Bigot’ who Needs to Repent
Regarding ‘Junk DNA’
Police gun collection drill

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End Time Current Events: 1-17-09-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 17, 2009

End Time Current Events: 1-17-09-Part 2

Teaching Overview – In this study we will be covering the following topics:

Pray For Haiti
Government Of The Devil, By The Devil, And For The Devil
Haitian society split over voodoo
Witchcraft: Voodoo in Haiti
Benjamin Creme Addresses Maitreya’s Mission Beginning Comment
500,000 feared dead in massive 7.0 earthquake in Haiti
New Executive Order Signed by Obama Effectively Creates Structure of Military Governors for Martial Law
Spring Food Crisis May Trigger Economic Collapse
Twisted: Administration’s ‘safe schools czar’ and the North American Man-Boy Love Association
Obama Praises Homosexual Icon Frank Kameny who calls the ‘God of the Bible’ a ‘Sinful Homophobic Bigot’ who Needs to Repent
Regarding ‘Junk DNA’
Police gun collection drill

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End Time Current Events: 1-17-09-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 17, 2009

End Time Current Events: 1-17-09-Part 3

Teaching Overview – In this study we will be covering the following topics:

Pray For Haiti
Government Of The Devil, By The Devil, And For The Devil
Haitian society split over voodoo
Witchcraft: Voodoo in Haiti
Benjamin Creme Addresses Maitreya’s Mission Beginning Comment
500,000 feared dead in massive 7.0 earthquake in Haiti
New Executive Order Signed by Obama Effectively Creates Structure of Military Governors for Martial Law
Spring Food Crisis May Trigger Economic Collapse
Twisted: Administration’s ‘safe schools czar’ and the North American Man-Boy Love Association
Obama Praises Homosexual Icon Frank Kameny who calls the ‘God of the Bible’ a ‘Sinful Homophobic Bigot’ who Needs to Repent
Regarding ‘Junk DNA’
Police gun collection drill

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Yoga Exposed-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 31, 2008

Yoga Exposed-Part 1

Yoga is from the Sankrit word Yug, meaning ‘union’ (with the Divine, your higher ‘SELF’). Yoga is supposedly a path for transcending the ordinary mind (who you think you are) in order to merge with your ‘higher SELF’ or ‘God SELF.’ Yoga means ‘to yoke’ — to yoke with Brahman (i.e., the ‘Infinite,’ the ‘Universal Spirit,’ the impersonal force that the Hindus call ‘God’) via the realization of an altered state of consciousness, thereby theoretically releasing oneself from the bondage of endless reincarnation. Yoga comes out of the Hindu Vedas. It can be traced back to Patanjali, who was a religious leader. Shiva, one of Hinduism’s three most powerful gods, was known as ‘The Destroyer’ — he’s called Yogi Swara or the ‘Lord of Yoga.’

Yoga is clearly a New Age concept that is deeply religious and pantheistic in its origin. It is widely practiced and supported by New Age proponents. The New Age movement denies the reality of sin and total depravity, and believes that man is generally good and is divine. They teach that there is a god within us, and we are to harness that and develop it through meditation and other metaphysical techniques. They teach that the only thing people need is enlightenment regarding their divinity. Sadly, even professing Christians have bought into this lie. Every yoga teacher is, in effect, a Hindu or Buddhist missionary, even though ‘he or she may wear a cross, insist that Jesus was a great Yogi, and protest that Yoga is not a religion, but science’. This is the most blatant of lies as we will see.

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PDF: Yoga Exposed


Yoga Exposed-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 31, 2008

Yoga Exposed-Part 2

Yoga is from the Sankrit word Yug, meaning ‘union’ (with the Divine, your higher ‘SELF’). Yoga is supposedly a path for transcending the ordinary mind (who you think you are) in order to merge with your ‘higher SELF’ or ‘God SELF.’ Yoga means ‘to yoke’ — to yoke with Brahman (i.e., the ‘Infinite,’ the ‘Universal Spirit,’ the impersonal force that the Hindus call ‘God’) via the realization of an altered state of consciousness, thereby theoretically releasing oneself from the bondage of endless reincarnation. Yoga comes out of the Hindu Vedas. It can be traced back to Patanjali, who was a religious leader. Shiva, one of Hinduism’s three most powerful gods, was known as ‘The Destroyer’ — he’s called Yogi Swara or the ‘Lord of Yoga.’

Yoga is clearly a New Age concept that is deeply religious and pantheistic in its origin. It is widely practiced and supported by New Age proponents. The New Age movement denies the reality of sin and total depravity, and believes that man is generally good and is divine. They teach that there is a god within us, and we are to harness that and develop it through meditation and other metaphysical techniques. They teach that the only thing people need is enlightenment regarding their divinity. Sadly, even professing Christians have bought into this lie. Every yoga teacher is, in effect, a Hindu or Buddhist missionary, even though ‘he or she may wear a cross, insist that Jesus was a great Yogi, and protest that Yoga is not a religion, but science’. This is the most blatant of lies as we will see.

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PDF: Yoga Exposed

Acupuncture, Taoism, Yin/Yang & the New Age Exposed

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 31, 2008

Acupuncture, Taoism, Yin/Yang & the New Age Exposed
100 min.

Most people do not know that I am also board certified acupuncturist, but after researching this field further I felt heavily convicted to stop this practice years ago.–Dr. Johnson

Acupuncture is a Chinese system of new age healing using needles inserted in different points on the body, traditionally believed to balance the yin and yang energies in the body by opening blocked energy channels called meridians. Once the chakras (key points or intersections) are open, the chi, or energy, supposedly can then flow through the body bringing all things into harmony.

The religious component that undergirds acupuncture is primarily Taoism (The Chinese philosophy teaching that there is no personal God—similar to the impersonal God-force of pantheism in Hinduism). The Tao is composed of conflicting opposites (Yin and Yang). Missionaries and Christian researchers who have lived in Asia for many years claim that between 95 and 98 percent of the non-Christian population have occult/psychic powers. These vary considerably in strength, depending on the extent to which the person has been involved with the occult practices of Asiatic religions.

What then have psychic powers to do with acupuncture? It is a fact of experience that acupuncture is much more successful with psychic doctors and psychic patients than with those who are not psychic. Many Chinese doctors have indirectly acknowledged this, for a great many of them will not treat Western patients by acupuncture. There are of course exceptions, for in the Western world also there are psychic people. Psychic/occult sensitivity, is the catalyst for successful results in acupuncture.

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PDF: Acupuncture and the Bible

The New King James Version: Weighed & Found Wanting

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 3, 2008

The New King James Version: Weighed & Found Wanting
Current Events and Bible Study
Bible: Matthew 24:24

The greatest method of deception is to counterfeit. And the master of counterfeit and deception is Satan. The Bible in 2 Corinthians 11:14-15 warns of Satan’s counterfeit: ‘And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness;. . .’ And among one of his greatest counterfeit’s is the New King James Bible (NKJV). Christians that would never touch a (NIV), (NASV), (RSV), (NRSV) or other false-versions are being ‘seduced’ by the subtle NKJV.

And though the NKJV does indeed bear a ‘likeness’ to the Authorized King James Bible, as you’ll soon see, there’s something else coiled (see Genesis 3:1) ‘underneath the cover’ of the NKJV. Thomas Nelson Publishers (publishers of the NKJV) claim, on the inside-cover, the symbol, ‘. . .is an ancient symbol for the Trinity.’ But Acts 17:29, clearly FORBIDS such symbology: ‘. . . we ought NOT to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, GRAVEN BY ART and man’s device.’

And why does The Aquarian Conspiracy, a key New Age ‘handbook’, bear a similar symbol? New Agers freely admit it represents three inter-woven ‘6’s or ‘666’. One of the most occultic television shows ever aired is ‘Charmed’. ‘Charmed’ details the spells and occultic practices of three witches. The ‘NKJV symbol’ is the show’s primary symbol of witchcraft and is splattered throughout the series. Notice the ‘NKJV symbol’ displayed also on ‘The Book of Shadows’. The Book of Shadows is commonly used in witchcraft and Satanism. The Craft: A Witch’s Book of Shadows. This is just one aspect of this version that we will be exposing.

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Todd Bentley’s False Revival Shutdown

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 3, 2008

Todd Bentley’s False Revival Shutdown

In this teaching we will be discussing the following topics:
1) Our report from our recent 7/30/08 road trip up to Todd Bentley’s Blasphemous Lakeland Tent Revival<<Our report from our 7/30/08 road trip up to Todd Bentley’s Blasphemous Lakeland Tent Revival, subsequently (after Doug and I prayed for 4 hours there during one of the “revival” meetings) the following documented events happened: Following the ABC Report (see below), Bentley took time off from the revival, but returned on 18 July 2008.[15] Five days later, Bentley and Strader announced that Bentley would be leaving the revival permanently and that his last day would be 23 August 2008.[31] Bentley’s last day of preaching that year was on Friday 8 August 2008(or 8/8/08)… Three days later it was reported that Bentley, “has filed for separation from his wife, a former spokesperson said Monday, and will not return to the ongoing revival.”[36] Four days after that on August 15, 2008, the news of his resignation became public.[18] Bentley announced his separation from his wife, Shonnah, in August 2008,[2][46] and resigned from the Board of Fresh Fire.[47] A statement released by the remaining board members said, “Todd Bentley has entered into an unhealthy relationship on an emotional level with a female member of his staff”[48]Previously, on 9 July 2008, ABC NewsNightline broadcast an investigative report on Bentley, focusing on his faith healing claims, finances, and criminal past.[15]

2) Will This Pope Make Mary Co-Redeemer?: Most false religions have a female goddess which is central in their worship. It is characteristic of Satan to whatever he can to replace Jesus with someone else. http://www.chick.com/bc/2008/coredeemer.asp

3) Popular Televangelist Humbled by Catholic League After being embarrassed by Catholic claims of “bigotry” and “intolerance,” John Hagee apologizes to the Catholic League and says he now has “an improved understanding of the Catholic Church. http://www.chick.com/bc/2008/evangelist.asp

4) Canadian “Hate Speech” Laws a Warning to U.S. Should it be a crime to say that Islam is a threat to western values? Or should your pastor be forbidden to speak on certain Bible passages? Free speech is slipping away. http://www.chick.com/bc/2008/canada.asp

5) Homosexuals Hiding an “Inconvenient Truth” It’s not “politically correct” to reveal the truth that homosexual males’ average life span is only 39 years. Here are the “inconvenient facts.” http://www.chick.com/bc/2008/inconvenient.asp

6) Is Britain Finished? Some communities are becoming “no-go” areas if you are not a Muslim. The head of Britain’s Anglican church says publicly that Islamic law (sharia) is going to be introduced into British society. Is America next? http://www.chick.com/bc/2008/britain.asp

7) Iran Plans to Knock Out U.S. With 1 Nuclear Bomb: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=43956

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Bentley’s Kundalini Calling to Open the Stargates for Satan-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 29, 2008

Bentley’s Kundalini Calling to Open the Stargates for Satan-Part 1
6/29/2008 & 7/13/2008

On 6/23/08 C. Peter Wagner brought about 25 of his ‘apostles’ to the Lakeland revival for the purpose of endorsing, anointing & ‘commissioning’ Todd Bentley and to proclaim him as the number one revivalist of the century! The only thing missing was a crown. He was called as ‘God’s’ number one man of the hour. Bob Jones (Todd Bentley’s spiritual ‘portal to the Third Heaven’ mentor) sent ‘a word’ that ‘the poison’ against Todd Bentley would end last night. Yes one more false prophecy in the books that will be quickly, collectively forgotten by the Charismatics. One of the ‘apostles’ prophesied that God has called Bentley to open the ‘Portals’ (magical stargates to the ‘Third Heavens’) in every city around the world. One of there main stated goals of this movement is the opening of the ‘Northern Star Gate to the Nations’.

We will be talking about this concept at length in this teaching. Another prophet related that he knew when Todd went through his ‘dark night of the soul’. And who will ever forget Stacy Campbell’s devil manifesting her powerful Kundalini spirit to prophesy over Todd and lay her hand on his stomach to impart the Kundalini serpent devils to him? Click below to watch this ‘commissioning’ & demonically possessed ‘Prophetess Stacey Campbell’: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gjl5wKso9eU
CHARISMA Magazine | 6/24/08 |’Leaders Commission Todd Bentley at ‘Lakeland Outpouring’… The special service was billed by leaders as one of the greatest moments in revival history. ‘C. Peter Wagner said to Bentley on the platform: ‘This commissioning represents a powerful spiritual transaction taking place in the invisible world.’

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Bentley’s Kundalini Calling to Open the Stargates for Satan-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 29, 2008

Bentley’s Kundalini Calling to Open the Stargates for Satan-Part 2
6/29/2008 & 7/13/2008

On 6/23/08 C. Peter Wagner brought about 25 of his ‘apostles’ to the Lakeland revival for the purpose of endorsing, anointing & ‘commissioning’ Todd Bentley and to proclaim him as the number one revivalist of the century! The only thing missing was a crown. He was called as ‘God’s’ number one man of the hour. Bob Jones (Todd Bentley’s spiritual ‘portal to the Third Heaven’ mentor) sent ‘a word’ that ‘the poison’ against Todd Bentley would end last night. Yes one more false prophecy in the books that will be quickly, collectively forgotten by the Charismatics. One of the ‘apostles’ prophesied that God has called Bentley to open the ‘Portals’ (magical stargates to the ‘Third Heavens’) in every city around the world. One of there main stated goals of this movement is the opening of the ‘Northern Star Gate to the Nations’.

We will be talking about this concept at length in this teaching. Another prophet related that he knew when Todd went through his ‘dark night of the soul’. And who will ever forget Stacy Campbell’s devil manifesting her powerful Kundalini spirit to prophesy over Todd and lay her hand on his stomach to impart the Kundalini serpent devils to him? Click below to watch this ‘commissioning’ & demonically possessed ‘Prophetess Stacey Campbell’: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gjl5wKso9eU
CHARISMA Magazine | 6/24/08 |’Leaders Commission Todd Bentley at ‘Lakeland Outpouring’… The special service was billed by leaders as one of the greatest moments in revival history. ‘C. Peter Wagner said to Bentley on the platform: ‘This commissioning represents a powerful spiritual transaction taking place in the invisible world.’

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