"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Bentley’s Kundalini Calling to Open the Stargates for Satan-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 29, 2008

Bentley’s Kundalini Calling to Open the Stargates for Satan-Part 3
6/29/2008 & 7/13/2008

On 6/23/08 C. Peter Wagner brought about 25 of his ‘apostles’ to the Lakeland revival for the purpose of endorsing, anointing & ‘commissioning’ Todd Bentley and to proclaim him as the number one revivalist of the century! The only thing missing was a crown. He was called as ‘God’s’ number one man of the hour. Bob Jones (Todd Bentley’s spiritual ‘portal to the Third Heaven’ mentor) sent ‘a word’ that ‘the poison’ against Todd Bentley would end last night. Yes one more false prophecy in the books that will be quickly, collectively forgotten by the Charismatics. One of the ‘apostles’ prophesied that God has called Bentley to open the ‘Portals’ (magical stargates to the ‘Third Heavens’) in every city around the world. One of there main stated goals of this movement is the opening of the ‘Northern Star Gate to the Nations’.

We will be talking about this concept at length in this teaching. Another prophet related that he knew when Todd went through his ‘dark night of the soul’. And who will ever forget Stacy Campbell’s devil manifesting her powerful Kundalini spirit to prophesy over Todd and lay her hand on his stomach to impart the Kundalini serpent devils to him? Click below to watch this ‘commissioning’ & demonically possessed ‘Prophetess Stacey Campbell’: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gjl5wKso9eU
CHARISMA Magazine | 6/24/08 |’Leaders Commission Todd Bentley at ‘Lakeland Outpouring’… The special service was billed by leaders as one of the greatest moments in revival history. ‘C. Peter Wagner said to Bentley on the platform: ‘This commissioning represents a powerful spiritual transaction taking place in the invisible world.’

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 3

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Bentley’s Kundalini Calling to Open the Stargates for Satan-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 29, 2008

Bentley’s Kundalini Calling to Open the Stargates for Satan-Part 4
6/29/2008 & 7/13/2008

On 6/23/08 C. Peter Wagner brought about 25 of his ‘apostles’ to the Lakeland revival for the purpose of endorsing, anointing & ‘commissioning’ Todd Bentley and to proclaim him as the number one revivalist of the century! The only thing missing was a crown. He was called as ‘God’s’ number one man of the hour. Bob Jones (Todd Bentley’s spiritual ‘portal to the Third Heaven’ mentor) sent ‘a word’ that ‘the poison’ against Todd Bentley would end last night. Yes one more false prophecy in the books that will be quickly, collectively forgotten by the Charismatics. One of the ‘apostles’ prophesied that God has called Bentley to open the ‘Portals’ (magical stargates to the ‘Third Heavens’) in every city around the world. One of there main stated goals of this movement is the opening of the ‘Northern Star Gate to the Nations’.

We will be talking about this concept at length in this teaching. Another prophet related that he knew when Todd went through his ‘dark night of the soul’. And who will ever forget Stacy Campbell’s devil manifesting her powerful Kundalini spirit to prophesy over Todd and lay her hand on his stomach to impart the Kundalini serpent devils to him? Click below to watch this ‘commissioning’ & demonically possessed ‘Prophetess Stacey Campbell’: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gjl5wKso9eU
CHARISMA Magazine | 6/24/08 |’Leaders Commission Todd Bentley at ‘Lakeland Outpouring’… The special service was billed by leaders as one of the greatest moments in revival history. ‘C. Peter Wagner said to Bentley on the platform: ‘This commissioning represents a powerful spiritual transaction taking place in the invisible world.’

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 4

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Bentley’s Kundalini Calling to Open the Stargates for Satan-Part 5

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 29, 2008

Bentley’s Kundalini Calling to Open the Stargates for Satan-Part 5
6/29/2008 & 7/13/2008

On 6/23/08 C. Peter Wagner brought about 25 of his ‘apostles’ to the Lakeland revival for the purpose of endorsing, anointing & ‘commissioning’ Todd Bentley and to proclaim him as the number one revivalist of the century! The only thing missing was a crown. He was called as ‘God’s’ number one man of the hour. Bob Jones (Todd Bentley’s spiritual ‘portal to the Third Heaven’ mentor) sent ‘a word’ that ‘the poison’ against Todd Bentley would end last night. Yes one more false prophecy in the books that will be quickly, collectively forgotten by the Charismatics. One of the ‘apostles’ prophesied that God has called Bentley to open the ‘Portals’ (magical stargates to the ‘Third Heavens’) in every city around the world. One of there main stated goals of this movement is the opening of the ‘Northern Star Gate to the Nations’.

We will be talking about this concept at length in this teaching. Another prophet related that he knew when Todd went through his ‘dark night of the soul’. And who will ever forget Stacy Campbell’s devil manifesting her powerful Kundalini spirit to prophesy over Todd and lay her hand on his stomach to impart the Kundalini serpent devils to him? Click below to watch this ‘commissioning’ & demonically possessed ‘Prophetess Stacey Campbell’: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gjl5wKso9eU
CHARISMA Magazine | 6/24/08 |’Leaders Commission Todd Bentley at ‘Lakeland Outpouring’… The special service was billed by leaders as one of the greatest moments in revival history. ‘C. Peter Wagner said to Bentley on the platform: ‘This commissioning represents a powerful spiritual transaction taking place in the invisible world.’

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 5

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The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 22, 2008

The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 4

Bad Biblical theology inevitably leads to bad behavior. This premise reveals why the Church is either complicit with the dominant evils that are destroying America & the world. Unfortunately, much of the Church seems blissfully & willfully ignorant of this proposition. As bad theology corrupts the Church, it not only serves to weaken her mission, but it has historically strengthened the oppressors of mankind and victimized the weak. Lamentations 4:12,13 reveals what happens when the Church veers from the truth, “The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world, would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy should have entered into the gates of Jerusalem. For the sins of her prophets, and the iniquities of her priests, that have shed the blood of the just in the midst of her.” In this passage of Scripture God reveals that the pagan kings of the earth were scratching their heads wondering how could the enemies of God’s people capture Jerusalem?” According to this passage, the enemies of the land could not overtake Jerusalem without the prophets & priests becoming apostate. A compromised church and wickedness prevailing walk hand in hand. Jeremiah, at great personal peril, pointed the finger in the right direction as he exposed the sins of the prophets and the priests. He also pointed out the one particular sin that God’s people refused to deal with justly. It was the sin of allowing the shedding of innocent blood in their midst. Like Cain before them, they decided by their silence and inaction that they were not their brother’s keeper. The modern-day church is as woefully ignorant concerning the doctrine of bloodguiltiness as they were.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 4

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The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 5

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 22, 2008

The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 5

Bad Biblical theology inevitably leads to bad behavior. This premise reveals why the Church is either complicit with the dominant evils that are destroying America & the world. Unfortunately, much of the Church seems blissfully & willfully ignorant of this proposition. As bad theology corrupts the Church, it not only serves to weaken her mission, but it has historically strengthened the oppressors of mankind and victimized the weak. Lamentations 4:12,13 reveals what happens when the Church veers from the truth, “The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world, would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy should have entered into the gates of Jerusalem. For the sins of her prophets, and the iniquities of her priests, that have shed the blood of the just in the midst of her.” In this passage of Scripture God reveals that the pagan kings of the earth were scratching their heads wondering how could the enemies of God’s people capture Jerusalem?” According to this passage, the enemies of the land could not overtake Jerusalem without the prophets & priests becoming apostate. A compromised church and wickedness prevailing walk hand in hand. Jeremiah, at great personal peril, pointed the finger in the right direction as he exposed the sins of the prophets and the priests. He also pointed out the one particular sin that God’s people refused to deal with justly. It was the sin of allowing the shedding of innocent blood in their midst. Like Cain before them, they decided by their silence and inaction that they were not their brother’s keeper. The modern-day church is as woefully ignorant concerning the doctrine of bloodguiltiness as they were.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 5

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The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 15, 2008

The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 1

external link: http://www.elijahmin.com

Bad Biblical theology inevitably leads to bad behavior. This premise reveals why the Church is either complicit with the dominant evils that are destroying America & the world. Unfortunately, much of the Church seems blissfully & willfully ignorant of this proposition. As bad theology corrupts the Church, it not only serves to weaken her mission, but it has historically strengthened the oppressors of mankind and victimized the weak. Lamentations 4:12,13 reveals what happens when the Church veers from the truth, “The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world, would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy should have entered into the gates of Jerusalem. For the sins of her prophets, and the iniquities of her priests, that have shed the blood of the just in the midst of her.” In this passage of Scripture God reveals that the pagan kings of the earth were scratching their heads wondering how could the enemies of God’s people capture Jerusalem?” According to this passage, the enemies of the land could not overtake Jerusalem without the prophets & priests becoming apostate. A compromised church and wickedness prevailing walk hand in hand.

Jeremiah, at great personal peril, pointed the finger in the right direction as he exposed the sins of the prophets and the priests. He also pointed out the one particular sin that God’s people refused to deal with justly. It was the sin of allowing the shedding of innocent blood in their midst. Like Cain before them, they decided by their silence and inaction that they were not their brother’s keeper. The modern-day church is as woefully ignorant concerning the doctrine of blood guiltiness as they were.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

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The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 15, 2008

The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 2

external link: http://www.elijahmin.com

Bad Biblical theology inevitably leads to bad behavior. This premise reveals why the Church is either complicit with the dominant evils that are destroying America & the world. Unfortunately, much of the Church seems blissfully & willfully ignorant of this proposition. As bad theology corrupts the Church, it not only serves to weaken her mission, but it has historically strengthened the oppressors of mankind and victimized the weak. Lamentations 4:12,13 reveals what happens when the Church veers from the truth, “The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world, would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy should have entered into the gates of Jerusalem. For the sins of her prophets, and the iniquities of her priests, that have shed the blood of the just in the midst of her.” In this passage of Scripture God reveals that the pagan kings of the earth were scratching their heads wondering how could the enemies of God’s people capture Jerusalem?” According to this passage, the enemies of the land could not overtake Jerusalem without the prophets & priests becoming apostate. A compromised church and wickedness prevailing walk hand in hand.

Jeremiah, at great personal peril, pointed the finger in the right direction as he exposed the sins of the prophets and the priests. He also pointed out the one particular sin that God’s people refused to deal with justly. It was the sin of allowing the shedding of innocent blood in their midst. Like Cain before them, they decided by their silence and inaction that they were not their brother’s keeper. The modern-day church is as woefully ignorant concerning the doctrine of blood guiltiness as they were.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

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The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 15, 2008

The Doctrine of Bloodguiltiness-Part 3

external link: http://www.elijahmin.com

Bad Biblical theology inevitably leads to bad behavior. This premise reveals why the Church is either complicit with the dominant evils that are destroying America & the world. Unfortunately, much of the Church seems blissfully & willfully ignorant of this proposition. As bad theology corrupts the Church, it not only serves to weaken her mission, but it has historically strengthened the oppressors of mankind and victimized the weak. Lamentations 4:12,13 reveals what happens when the Church veers from the truth, “The kings of the earth, and all the inhabitants of the world, would not have believed that the adversary and the enemy should have entered into the gates of Jerusalem. For the sins of her prophets, and the iniquities of her priests, that have shed the blood of the just in the midst of her.” In this passage of Scripture God reveals that the pagan kings of the earth were scratching their heads wondering how could the enemies of God’s people capture Jerusalem?” According to this passage, the enemies of the land could not overtake Jerusalem without the prophets & priests becoming apostate. A compromised church and wickedness prevailing walk hand in hand.

Jeremiah, at great personal peril, pointed the finger in the right direction as he exposed the sins of the prophets and the priests. He also pointed out the one particular sin that God’s people refused to deal with justly. It was the sin of allowing the shedding of innocent blood in their midst. Like Cain before them, they decided by their silence and inaction that they were not their brother’s keeper. The modern-day church is as woefully ignorant concerning the doctrine of blood guiltiness as they were.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 3

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“God TV”, Lakeland, Todd Bentley & Satanism-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 6, 2008

God TV, Lakeland, Todd Bentley & Satanism-Part 1

In this teachings we will be looking at the overwhelming body evidence existing; that indicates that individuals like ‘faith healer’ Todd Bentley are not just deceived, they are actually propositioned high level Satanists/Luciferians. Todd Bentley says the ‘Holy Spirit’ told him to ‘Kick Her In The Face’ with his ‘Biker Boot’ to heal a woman! He was also told by the ‘Holy Spirit’ to punch a man in the stomach, ‘leg drop’ a Pastor and bang a woman’s legs up and down like a ‘ball bat’ See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_K8XjObzfXM Below is an excerpt (we will be reviewing in this teaching) from a Christian who came out of the high level occult: ‘I once met a Satanist of very high power with Angelic language tattoos up and down their arm. They were incantations to draw fallen angels to it so that she/him could impart their powers to others. I’ve noticed that Todd Bentley has these tattoos of flames coming up to his neck, with Chinese characters on his neck and throat. He seems to be some sort of a conduit for spirits and this seems to be his theme. I believe that he is attracting fallen angels, who are much greater in power than mere demons; to impart them to those he touches. Some time ago I watched as he performed a blatant witchcraft ceremony where the people write their prayer requests on paper, and then light them up with fire. This comes right from a pagan ceremony. I received word from my contacts years ago that these Satanists were training in these revival movements as infiltrators; now it seems that they have done such a good job of deception that they are now leading the people of God into the occult.’
**Also see PDF below for full updated documentation.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: Lakeland Revival-Todd Bentley


God TV, Lakeland, Todd Bentley & Satanism-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 6, 2008

God TV, Lakeland, Todd Bentley & Satanism-Part 2

In this teachings we will be looking at the overwhelming body evidence existing; that indicates that individuals like ‘faith healer’ Todd Bentley are not just deceived, they are actually propositioned high level Satanists/Luciferians. Todd Bentley says the ‘Holy Spirit’ told him to ‘Kick Her In The Face’ with his ‘Biker Boot’ to heal a woman! He was also told by the ‘Holy Spirit’ to punch a man in the stomach, ‘leg drop’ a Pastor and bang a woman’s legs up and down like a ‘ball bat’ See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_K8XjObzfXM Below is an excerpt (we will be reviewing in this teaching) from a Christian who came out of the high level occult: ‘I once met a Satanist of very high power with Angelic language tattoos up and down their arm. They were incantations to draw fallen angels to it so that she/him could impart their powers to others. I’ve noticed that Todd Bentley has these tattoos of flames coming up to his neck, with Chinese characters on his neck and throat. He seems to be some sort of a conduit for spirits and this seems to be his theme. I believe that he is attracting fallen angels, who are much greater in power than mere demons; to impart them to those he touches. Some time ago I watched as he performed a blatant witchcraft ceremony where the people write their prayer requests on paper, and then light them up with fire. This comes right from a pagan ceremony. I received word from my contacts years ago that these Satanists were training in these revival movements as infiltrators; now it seems that they have done such a good job of deception that they are now leading the people of God into the occult.’
**Also see PDF below for full updated documentation.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

PDF: Lakeland Revival-Todd Bentley