"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Dominionism/Kingdom Now/Reconstructionism/Theonomy Exposed-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 1, 2008

Dominionism/Kingdom Now/Reconstructionism/Theonomy Exposed-Part 1
6/1/2008 & 6/8/2008


Currently there is a movement about that is known as Reconstructionism, Kingdom Now theology, Theonomy, and/or Dominion theology, and it is a curious blend of Reformed/Calvinist theology and Charismatic influence (See my ‘Lakeland Revival’ Teachings). ‘That movement has been called by three different names: Reconstructionism (because it advocates the reconstruction of society), Dominion Theology (because its theology teaches that Biblical Christianity is to rule every sphere of society), and Theonomy (a combination of two Greek words — theos [God] and nomos [law] — because it asserts that all of society is to be brought into the obedience to the Mosaic Law).

It should be noted that this movement is not advocated by everyone within the realm of Reformed or Covenant Theology.’ (12/90, Israel My Glory). ‘The Reconstructionist movement and its allies and offshoots, by substituting political and cultural action for the proclamation of the Gospel,…and by mangling the Gospel itself, have become tools of Romanist political action’ (3/02, The Trinity Review).

While there are relatively few who would call themselves reconstructionists, a number of the movement’s ideas have infiltrated the thinking and actions of many professing believers, often without them knowing it.

The movement is led by such theologians as Rousas J. Rushdoony; Gary North; Ray Sutton; Greg Bahnsen (deceased); David Chilton, and by Charismatic leaders such as Earl Paulk. But their ideas are often reflected by non-reconstructionists such as Pat Robertson, D. James Kennedy, John Whitehead, Franky Schaeffer, and Jerry Falwell.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: Dominion Theology

Dominionism/Kingdom Now/Reconstructionism/Theonomy Exposed-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 1, 2008

Dominionism/Kingdom Now/Reconstructionism/Theonomy Exposed-Part 2
6/1/2008 & 6/8/2008


Currently there is a movement about that is known as Reconstructionism, Kingdom Now theology, Theonomy, and/or Dominion theology, and it is a curious blend of Reformed/Calvinist theology and Charismatic influence (See my ‘Lakeland Revival’ Teachings). ‘That movement has been called by three different names: Reconstructionism (because it advocates the reconstruction of society), Dominion Theology (because its theology teaches that Biblical Christianity is to rule every sphere of society), and Theonomy (a combination of two Greek words — theos [God] and nomos [law] — because it asserts that all of society is to be brought into the obedience to the Mosaic Law).

It should be noted that this movement is not advocated by everyone within the realm of Reformed or Covenant Theology.’ (12/90, Israel My Glory). ‘The Reconstructionist movement and its allies and offshoots, by substituting political and cultural action for the proclamation of the Gospel,…and by mangling the Gospel itself, have become tools of Romanist political action’ (3/02, The Trinity Review).

While there are relatively few who would call themselves reconstructionists, a number of the movement’s ideas have infiltrated the thinking and actions of many professing believers, often without them knowing it.

The movement is led by such theologians as Rousas J. Rushdoony; Gary North; Ray Sutton; Greg Bahnsen (deceased); David Chilton, and by Charismatic leaders such as Earl Paulk. But their ideas are often reflected by non-reconstructionists such as Pat Robertson, D. James Kennedy, John Whitehead, Franky Schaeffer, and Jerry Falwell.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

PDF: Dominion Theology

Dominionism/Kingdom Now/Reconstructionism/Theonomy Exposed-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 1, 2008

Dominionism/Kingdom Now/Reconstructionism/Theonomy Exposed-Part 3
6/1/2008 & 6/8/2008


Currently there is a movement about that is known as Reconstructionism, Kingdom Now theology, Theonomy, and/or Dominion theology, and it is a curious blend of Reformed/Calvinist theology and Charismatic influence (See my ‘Lakeland Revival’ Teachings). ‘That movement has been called by three different names: Reconstructionism (because it advocates the reconstruction of society), Dominion Theology (because its theology teaches that Biblical Christianity is to rule every sphere of society), and Theonomy (a combination of two Greek words — theos [God] and nomos [law] — because it asserts that all of society is to be brought into the obedience to the Mosaic Law).

It should be noted that this movement is not advocated by everyone within the realm of Reformed or Covenant Theology.’ (12/90, Israel My Glory). ‘The Reconstructionist movement and its allies and offshoots, by substituting political and cultural action for the proclamation of the Gospel,…and by mangling the Gospel itself, have become tools of Romanist political action’ (3/02, The Trinity Review).

While there are relatively few who would call themselves reconstructionists, a number of the movement’s ideas have infiltrated the thinking and actions of many professing believers, often without them knowing it.

The movement is led by such theologians as Rousas J. Rushdoony; Gary North; Ray Sutton; Greg Bahnsen (deceased); David Chilton, and by Charismatic leaders such as Earl Paulk. But their ideas are often reflected by non-reconstructionists such as Pat Robertson, D. James Kennedy, John Whitehead, Franky Schaeffer, and Jerry Falwell.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 3

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Vatican Easing Humanity Toward Alien Disclosure?-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 25, 2008

Vatican Easing Humanity Toward Alien Disclosure?-Part 2
5/25/2008–Vatican chief astronomer Father Jose Gabriel Funes in a long interview with the L’Osservatore Romano newspaper this week made news by saying ‘Just as we consider earthly creatures as ‘a brother,’ and ‘sister,’ why should we not talk about an ‘extraterrestrial brother’?’. The statements by Funes are the latest in a string of recent comments by Vatican astronomers confirming a belief that discovery may be made in the near future of alien life. In asking whether little green men might be guilty of original sin, the Catholic theologian astronomers don’t blink. Fr. Funes said he was sure that, if aliens needed redemption, they “in some way, would have the chance to enjoy God’s mercy.” Vatican astronomer, Guy Consolmagno was more explicit: there’s no problem in getting the Son of God to every planet with ETs because, as Christians accept every Sunday during the Holy Eucharist, “Christ is truly, physically present in a million places, and sacrificed a million times, every day at every sacrifice of the Mass.” Consolmagno tackled this subject in a 50-page booklet, Intelligent Life in the Universe.

Approximately 7 years ago Monsignor Corrado Balducci made similar news when he said ETs were actually already interacting with earth and that some of the Vatican’s leaders were aware of it. Before his death in 1999, maverick Catholic theologian Father Malachi Martin hinted at such more than once. Some perceive this as a careful doctrinal unveiling over the last 24 months & a deliberate effort by church officials to ‘warm-up’ the laity to ET Disclosure

We will also be looking at a Cutting Edge article entitled: Holographic Technology Takes Huge Leap Upward! Staging the Antichrist.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

PDF: Vatican Alien Disclosure & Holographic Technology

Vatican Easing Humanity Toward Alien Disclosure?-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 25, 2008

Vatican Easing Humanity Toward Alien Disclosure?-Part 3
5/25/2008–Vatican chief astronomer Father Jose Gabriel Funes in a long interview with the L’Osservatore Romano newspaper this week made news by saying ‘Just as we consider earthly creatures as ‘a brother,’ and ‘sister,’ why should we not talk about an ‘extraterrestrial brother’?’. The statements by Funes are the latest in a string of recent comments by Vatican astronomers confirming a belief that discovery may be made in the near future of alien life. In asking whether little green men might be guilty of original sin, the Catholic theologian astronomers don’t blink. Fr. Funes said he was sure that, if aliens needed redemption, they “in some way, would have the chance to enjoy God’s mercy.” Vatican astronomer, Guy Consolmagno was more explicit: there’s no problem in getting the Son of God to every planet with ETs because, as Christians accept every Sunday during the Holy Eucharist, “Christ is truly, physically present in a million places, and sacrificed a million times, every day at every sacrifice of the Mass.” Consolmagno tackled this subject in a 50-page booklet, Intelligent Life in the Universe.

Approximately 7 years ago Monsignor Corrado Balducci made similar news when he said ETs were actually already interacting with earth and that some of the Vatican’s leaders were aware of it. Before his death in 1999, maverick Catholic theologian Father Malachi Martin hinted at such more than once. Some perceive this as a careful doctrinal unveiling over the last 24 months & a deliberate effort by church officials to ‘warm-up’ the laity to ET Disclosure

We will also be looking at a Cutting Edge article entitled: Holographic Technology Takes Huge Leap Upward! Staging the Antichrist.

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 3

PDF: Vatican Alien Disclosure & Holographic Technology

Testimony Regarding My Dad’s Recent Passing

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 24, 2008

Testimony Regarding My Dad’s Recent Passing

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Lakeland Revival, Conv. Child Molester-Todd Bentley, Lying Signs & Wonders-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 18, 2008

Lakeland Revival, Conv. Child Molester-Todd Bentley, Lying Signs & Wonders-Part 1


Recently ‘Christian Television’ (primarily through ‘God-TV’) have issued glowing reports of a ‘revival’ breaking out in Lakeland, Florida at ‘Ignited Church’ pastored by Stephen Strader. Every night up to 126 million people are being deceived by this movement/Todd Bentley (convicted child molester, see: http://endtimespropheticwords.wordpress.com/2008/04/22/todd-bentley-and-the-lakeland-revival/) who looks more like a Hell’s Angels biker than a man of God. Mr. Bentley is a certified false prophet/teacher from the infamous Elijah List, an umbrella group that markets all the bogus ‘prophetic’ material their many seers sell. Many of these forerunners for the antichrist are heralding this outbreak as the much-touted outpouring of the ‘Latter Rain’ and ‘Third Wave’. One of the main problems with Mr. Bentley’s healings though, is that he is doing so (admittedly) by the power of a supposed female angel named Emma-O. This is the same spirit that supposedly ‘birthed’ the Kansas City Prophet movement & The Pensacola and Toronto Revivals (among her many accomplishments).

The Encyclopedia Britannica identifies Emma-o in Japanese Buddhist mythology as the overlord of hell. The information contained in this teaching is truly unbelievable but easily verifiable & well documented. Wendy Alec, co-founder of God-TV prophesied regarding this latest ‘outpouring’ of the unholy spirit: ‘THIS is just the warm up party – for what you shall see in the coming days shall even make these days pale – with what I have up my sleeve…’

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: Lakeland Revival-Todd Bentley


Lakeland Revival, Conv. Child Molester-Todd Bentley, Lying Signs & Wonders-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 18, 2008

Lakeland Revival, Conv. Child Molester-Todd Bentley, Lying Signs & Wonders-Part 2


Recently ‘Christian Television’ (primarily through ‘God-TV’) have issued glowing reports of a ‘revival’ breaking out in Lakeland, Florida at ‘Ignited Church’ pastored by Stephen Strader. Every night up to 126 million people are being deceived by this movement/Todd Bentley (convicted child molester, see: http://endtimespropheticwords.wordpress.com/2008/04/22/todd-bentley-and-the-lakeland-revival/) who looks more like a Hell’s Angels biker than a man of God. Mr. Bentley is a certified false prophet/teacher from the infamous Elijah List, an umbrella group that markets all the bogus ‘prophetic’ material their many seers sell. Many of these forerunners for the antichrist are heralding this outbreak as the much-touted outpouring of the ‘Latter Rain’ and ‘Third Wave’. One of the main problems with Mr. Bentley’s healings though, is that he is doing so (admittedly) by the power of a supposed female angel named Emma-O. This is the same spirit that supposedly ‘birthed’ the Kansas City Prophet movement & The Pensacola and Toronto Revivals (among her many accomplishments).

The Encyclopedia Britannica identifies Emma-o in Japanese Buddhist mythology as the overlord of hell. The information contained in this teaching is truly unbelievable but easily verifiable & well documented. Wendy Alec, co-founder of God-TV prophesied regarding this latest ‘outpouring’ of the unholy spirit: ‘THIS is just the warm up party – for what you shall see in the coming days shall even make these days pale – with what I have up my sleeve…’

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 2

PDF: Lakeland Revival-Todd Bentley

Lakeland Revival, Conv. Child Molester-Todd Bentley, Lying Signs & Wonders-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 18, 2008

Lakeland Revival, Conv. Child Molester-Todd Bentley, Lying Signs & Wonders-Part 3


Recently ‘Christian Television’ (primarily through ‘God-TV’) have issued glowing reports of a ‘revival’ breaking out in Lakeland, Florida at ‘Ignited Church’ pastored by Stephen Strader. Every night up to 126 million people are being deceived by this movement/Todd Bentley (convicted child molester, see: http://endtimespropheticwords.wordpress.com/2008/04/22/todd-bentley-and-the-lakeland-revival/) who looks more like a Hell’s Angels biker than a man of God. Mr. Bentley is a certified false prophet/teacher from the infamous Elijah List, an umbrella group that markets all the bogus ‘prophetic’ material their many seers sell. Many of these forerunners for the antichrist are heralding this outbreak as the much-touted outpouring of the ‘Latter Rain’ and ‘Third Wave’. One of the main problems with Mr. Bentley’s healings though, is that he is doing so (admittedly) by the power of a supposed female angel named Emma-O. This is the same spirit that supposedly ‘birthed’ the Kansas City Prophet movement & The Pensacola and Toronto Revivals (among her many accomplishments).

The Encyclopedia Britannica identifies Emma-o in Japanese Buddhist mythology as the overlord of hell. The information contained in this teaching is truly unbelievable but easily verifiable & well documented. Wendy Alec, co-founder of God-TV prophesied regarding this latest ‘outpouring’ of the unholy spirit: ‘THIS is just the warm up party – for what you shall see in the coming days shall even make these days pale – with what I have up my sleeve…’

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 3

PDF: Lakeland Revival-Todd Bentley

‘The Manifest Sons of God’/’Joel’s Army’/’Later Rain Movement’ Exposed-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 11, 2008

‘The Manifest Sons of God’/’Joel’s Army’/’Later Rain Movement’ Exposed-Part 1

‘The Manifest Sons of God'(MSOG) movement has many names such as, The Latter Rain Movement, Identity, Joel’s Army, Restoration and Reconstruction. MSOG doctrine has been around in some Pentecostal circles for many years, but it was the ‘Latter Rain Movement’ of 1948 that gave it a wider audience. This movement was thought by its adherents as the last great spiritual outpouring that would see the return of Christ. It would result in the Church being perfected and submitting to the restored ministry of apostles and prophets. These ministries would supposedly be in charge of restoring truths that were lost to the Church. But when we examine the fruit of this movement and see how it’s doctrine compares to the Word of God, it falls woefully short. ‘The Great Tribulation itself is going to be cut short because of the Sons of God… so the Sons of God, through the exercise of their royal priesthood, shall actually shorten the Great Tribulation… As priests, they will be able to present the needs of the people to God, and intercede for them; and as kings they will have the authority of God to dispense life and blessing to such as are in tribulation and distress.’ – George Warnock: The Feast of the Tabernacles, p.79. ‘Who are you?…Come on, say it: ‘Sons of God!’ Come on, say it!…And when we stand up here, brother, you’re not looking at Morris Cerullo; you’re looking at God. You’re looking at Jesus.’ – Morris Cerullo, The Endtime Manifestation of the Sons of God, World Evangelism – Tape 1 ‘Man was created on terms of equality with God, and he could stand in God’s presence without any consciousness of inferiority…Kenneth Copeland, Zoe: The God-Kind of Life, 1989, pp.35-36

Click Here to Play the Audio for Part 1

PDF: Manifested of the Sons of God