"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Imminent North American Super-State-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 9, 2007

Imminent North American Super-State-Part 1

external link to Cuttingedge.org

The North American Union had its original roots in NAFTA which is part of a global plan to reorganize the world into 10 Super Nation states, of which NAFTA is one. This plan fulfills Daniel 7:7-8, 23-25 and sets the stage for fulfillment of Rev 17:12-17! Remember that NAFTA was officially formed in 1993 as an economic union. The steps we are seeing here now are the steps to move an already-existent NAFTA into a political nation. Even though the Presidents of the United States and Mexico, and the Prime Minister of Canada denied several weeks ago that the purpose of their annual meeting is to create a North American Union/NAFTA SuperState, evidence continues to pile up that NAFTA is, indeed, coming together rapidly.

In this teaching we shall focus on three factors which demonstrate, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this SuperState is coming together: 1) New North Carolina Driver’s Licenses featuring a NAFTA logo 2) New Amero Coins bearing the NAFTA image 3) Mexican truckers are now coming across the American border: Effective Sept. 7th 2007

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The National ID & The Mark of the Beast

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 2, 2007

The National ID & The Mark of the Beast-Part 1


Regarding the question of whether the National ID card is the ‘Mark of the Beast’; by analyzing the verses in Revelation that pertain to the ‘Mark of the Beast’ (which we will do in this audio study) it seems apparent that the ‘mark’ will have to be received in ones forehead or hand but nevertheless I do not recommend getting the National ID card. It seems that the ‘mark’ will be connected to the name of the beast, or the number of his name but the actual ‘mark’ is the thing that is consistently emphasized if we examine the verses in Revelation. Now another condition of the mark would be that you will not be able to buy or sell without it and in the US (at least initially)this condition would not apply to the National ID card. Also looking at these verses in Revelation the taking of the ‘mark’ occurs during the 7 year tribulation and not before it. In light of this the anti-Christ will have to be the world ruler before the ‘mark’ can be implemented and we know from Revelation and Daniel that this takes place during the 7 year tribulation. We will also be looking at the US National ID card in depth and how Homeland Security via Michael Chertoff is aggressively pursuing its implementation. Real ID Act/National ID Will Enslave America–Take Proactive Measures

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PDF: Mark of the Beast-Implantable Microchip RFID

Imminent US Terrorist Attack Predictions

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 5, 2007

Imminent US Terrorist Attack Predictions

In this study we will examine recent remarks from several high level governmental officials warning of imminent terrorist attacks on US soil. In an alarming display of fear mongering, former Republican Senator Rick Santorum has suggested that a series of ‘unfortunate events,’ namely terrorist attacks, will occur within the next year. Counterterrorism expert Juval Aviv spoke with FOX Fan Central about what Americans can do to protect themselves in case of a terror attack, saying: “I predict based primarily on information that is floating in Europe and the Middle East, that an event is imminent and around the corner here in the United States. It could happen as soon as tomorrow or it could happen in the next few months. Ninety days at the most.” ‘Without mentioning a specific threat to the Capitol, Senate Minority Whip Trent Lott (R-Miss.) ominously advised Thursday that Congress needed to pass changes to terrorist surveillance laws before leaving for the August recess and warned that otherwise ‘the disaster could be on our doorstep’.’ ‘When asked if people should leave Washington, D.C., during the month of August, Lott responded, ‘I think it would be good to leave town in August, and it would probably be good to stay out until September the 12th’. These are issues that we as Christians need to be in earnest prayer about. Click the link below to view the documentary I mentioned in this teaching entitled: “Terror Storm”

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National Council of Churches Affirms the Catholic Chruch as the ‘ONE TRUE Church’

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 22, 2007

National Council of Churches Affirms the Catholic Chruch as the: ‘ONE TRUE Church’

external link to http://www.aloha.net

In response the Popes recent announcement that the Catholic Church is the one, true church and all other Christian denominations are just pretenders; I received a link (see: http://www.ncccusa.org:80/news/070711oberlinvatican.html ) to a news announcement from the National Council of Churches (NCC) that stated: “The Vatican statement, released Tuesday, reaffirmed that the Catholic Church is the one, true church, even if elements of truth can be found in separated churches and communities, such as Protestant and Orthodox churches.” I was almost speechless as I read this. Instead of outrage the NCC just agreed with the pope. It’s really no wonder though, as this statement foreshadows the fact that all the luke-warm protestant denominations will eventually affirm this same position and come under the Catholics apostate, whorish banner to fulfill the biblical prediction of a one world church under the antichrist’s and false prophet’s rule. This teaching will dovetail into last week’s Catholic expose at: Billy Graham, Homosexuals, Catholics & Apostasy. This teaching will also extensively cover the Catholics obsession with the Eucharist and how this practice equates to repackaged “Pagan Sun Worship”. You will also learn how the Catholic Church has officially removed the 2nd commandment (regarding idol worship) and compensated for this by spitting the 10th commandment to cover their blasphemous tracts.

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Pope Bares Inquisition Teeth and Declares Catholic Church the Only True Church

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 15, 2007

Pope Bares Inquisition Teeth and Declares Catholic Church the Only True Church

external link to Guardian.co.uk

Roman Catholic Pope, Benedict XVI, bared his Inquisition Teeth in three shocking ways last week: 1) Pope Benedict XVI declared, not only that the Roman Catholic Church is the only real church, but that all Protestant churches are not really churches at all! But, the real shock was Benedict’s belief that Protestants should not even have their own churches! 2) Pope Benedict revived the old ‘Tridentine Mass’ said in Latin. This Mass was originally created in 1560 and was the standard Mass used all during the infamous Inquisition Period, during which over 70 million people were murdered and tortured simply because they would not accept the Catholic’s ‘Salvation by Works’, chief of which was the systems of Indulgence and Purgatory 3) The Pope opened the refurbished torture chamber in the Vatican known as the ‘Pope’s Dungeon’, a relic from the days of the bloody Inquisition! In the second part of this study we will be taking an in-depth look at the Inquisition to really see the absolute depravity and evil that the Catholic church is capable of.

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Pentecostals Take The United Nations by Storm!

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 8, 2007

Pentecostals Take The United Nations by Storm!

This takes the cake!! It never ceases to amaze what passes as ‘holy’ in today’s apostate mess. An excerpt from this Pentecostal ministry reads: As (United Nations) delegates spilled out from the meeting they were being slain out by God’s power right in front of the offices!
Unbelievably there are many of these types of ministries in the current day Pentecostal movement. We will also be reading a recent email I received from a listener regarding another hyper-Pentecostal named David Herzog and the incomprehensible topics of his new book Glory Invasion. This is basically high level witchcraft with a pseudo Christian veneer.

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PDF: Pentecostalism Warning

The 501c3 Church Being Muzzled

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 8, 2007

The 501c3 Church Being Muzzled

external link to Unregistered Baptist Fellowship

This teaching will be going over an excellent write-up that Dr. Greg Dixon recently authored entitled: “Caesar Calls in The Chips”. A slightly modified excerpt from this article reads: Pastor Mark Holick and Evangelist Bill Keller are bold as lions… even though their actions may fall into the “zeal without knowledge” category. Both find themselves in a running battle with the Internal Revenue Service over the content of their sermons and the direction that they believe God is leading them to conduct their ministries. While these men plead for their first amendment rights, their respective 501c3 churches left the protection of the First Amendment when they accepted the protection of the State for tax exempt status. Now they want to run back under the umbrella of the First Amendment when Caesar calls in the chips in the big poker game that the church entered years ago when they walked into the big Tax Exempt Casino, thinking that they could play and never have to pay. Well, as Dr. R.G. Lee used to preach that famous sermon, “Pay Day Some Day” all of a sudden pay day is NOW.

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PDF: 510c3 Warning-Caesar Calls In The Chips-Dr. Dixon

US Hate Crimes Legislation Will Outlaw the Bible

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 3, 2007

US Hate Crimes Legislation Will Outlaw the Bible


In this study we will start out by giving a brief update on the Middle East/Iran situation leading up to WWIII. Israel’s government has announced to its people: To ready themselves for “All-out war”. Next we will take an in depth look at the impending American Hates Crimes legislation. We will see that if these bills are implemented: 1) Our freedom of speech in America will be gone for good 2) That ultimately the Bible will have to be outlawed as hate speech 3) How any remark (Biblical or non-Biblical) construed as a hate speech, could equal a 23-26.5 year prison sentence 4) That if a court finds out that your pastor’s preaching led to someone committing a ‘hate crime’, he could be charged as a conspirator to this ‘hate crime’ . Recently in Maine ham steak was placed on a table where Muslims were sitting, this in turn is being treated as a serious hate crime, but conversely and hypocritically it is OK for Muslims in America to threaten to kill, maim and behead on behalf of their Moon god Allah. Will then look at how all this ties in the Untied Nations objectives of creating a “climate of prevention” worldwide and why ultimately Biblical Christianity will become the main target of their agenda. Lastly we will take a shocking look at Rick Warren and the ‘Emerging Church’ movement and see how this is truly Satan’s greatest tool for leading the pseudo-Christians into apostasy & the anti-Christ’s rule.

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US Churches Now Part of FEMA & Homeland Security Initiatives

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 27, 2007

US Churches Now Part of FEMA & Homeland Security Initiatives

In this teaching we will first update you on the impending crisis in the Middle East relating to both the impending war between the Israel and the Islamic nations and the ever escalating situation regarding the US and Iran. We will see how the highest ranking Freemason of the 1800’s (Albert Pike), demonically prophesized on 1/22/1870 that three world wars would be needed in order to establish the New World Order; & the last of these world wars would be between Judaism and Islam. Now this was in 1870 which was decades before the nation of Israel even existed. We will then take a comprehensive look at the state of America and its churches to confirm why this nation has fallen into such depravity. To this end will then be documenting how the 501-c-3 Churches in the US are now part of Homeland Security according to legislation enacted on 3/7/06, signed by Pres. Bush; & the secret FEMA plan to use pastors of 501-c-3 churches as pacifiers (to their congregations) in preparations for Martial Law (which will be the lynch pin in the US for seizure of guns, property, forced inoculations, forced relocation/imprisonment, etc.). We will then look at the 30 ways that the IRS tries to control preachers and churches in America via their 501-c-3 tax-exempt, corporate status granted to them by the government. We will end by reviewing a recent article entitled “Christians duty to know how donations are used.”

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Israel, Islam & WWIII: Cataclysm Imminent

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 6, 2007

Israel, Islam & WWIII: Cataclysm Imminent

In this teaching we will be looking a variety of breaking news stories relating to Israel, Arab countries and WWIII. Relating to this is a recent announce by a top Muslim (Hamas official) where he called upon Allah to kill all the Jews and Americans “to the very last one”. We will then explore how the Muslim “Dome of the Rock” (situated on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem) could be used as the ‘lynch pin’ to start WWIII. We will then document how the Israeli high government is in total disarray with 65% of Israelis calling for Prime Minster Ehud Olmert’s resignation, while Israeli president Moshe Katsav was recently indicated on rape charges. To tie this together you will be shown the impending warnings signs that exist for the staging of an all out Middle East War, with Iran most likely being at the forefront. The Arab nations smell blood in the water regarding Israel, but does Israel possess secret technology that will blindside the Islamic nations? Lastly we will be looking at the most recent edition of Battle Cry by Chick Publications in which you will see how the Vatican Council has recently announced that Muslims and Catholics worship the same God and that we now have our first official Muslim Congressman in the US who was recently sworn in on an Islamic Quran.

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