"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Iran Showdown-CODE RED

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 1, 2007

Iran Showdown-CODE RED


This is a very important study which will be totally dedicated to covering the impending nuclear confrontation with Iran and how our own government and Hollywood are “Telegraphing Their Punches” in regard to this situation. Lord willing, my goal is to create enough public awareness among Christians to avert this situation through prayer. If this event transpires one of the highest consequences for America will most likely be Martial Law.

We will also be taking another look at Pastor John Hagee, the “Christian Zionism” movement and some of their unsaved, Christ-hating bedfellows; and how they are the greatest proponents of this nuclear confrontation with Iran.

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Rabbis Pushing For Temple Mount Sacrifices

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 4, 2007

Rabbis Pushing For Temple Mount Sacrifices

The first topic we will cover is a recent Jerusalem Post article entitled “Rabbis request right to renew animal sacrifices”. We will examine how this could spark world war III, lead to the emergence of the antichrist and how all this relates to Daniel 9:27. We will also touch on the troubling trend of why so many “Christian” denominations and the Messianic Jews (Hebrew Roots movement) are aggressively pushing the rebuilding of the temple on the temple mount in Jerusalem.
Next we will look at the actual blood oath a Masonic Shriner takes when he is initiated into this lodge and the shocking undeniable link to Islam, Mohammed and the Koran. We’ll also explore the true meaning behind of the red fez that the Shriners wear. Lastly we will look at a recent Orlando sentinel article that documents where the money from the Shriner circuses really goes.
Next we will look at the horrific trend of the ‘made to order’ designer and deformer human babies and the slippery slope we go down when man tries to play God.
Lastly we will examine the March edition of the Last Trumpet Newsletter and end with a study in Proverbs.

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Blasphemy Alert: The Lost Tomb of Jesus

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 25, 2007

Blasphemy Alert: The Lost Tomb of Jesus

external link to http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/tomb/about/about.html

In this Audio teaching we will explore the unimaginable heresy that the Discovery Channel will be airing this coming Sunday March 4th at 9:00 PM. This teaching expands upon a resent article that appeared on Cutttingedge.org entitled: “Could the most devastating propaganda blow against Christianity be unfolding now”. This article deals with a new film that documents the discovery of a cave in Jerusalem that supposedly contains ten caskets believed to hold the remains of Jesus, Mary, Mary Magdalene and others. In fact a press conference was held by Discovery Channel Monday, February 26, at 11:00 am in New York City; in which what are thought to be the ossuaries (caskets) of Jesus of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene were unveiled. Realize that this is also a total confirmation of the blasphemous DaVinci Code heresy as well. Satan is stepping up his attack on the Lord Jesus Christ and we as Christians need to arm ourselves with truth, as truth is light and light exposes darkness.

In the second part of this study we will be looking the impending war in the Middle East between Israel/USA and Iran (and its allies). This could very well lead to World War III which would most likely bring forth the coming anti-Christ of the book of Revelation.

We will also be examining a recent article in the Miami Herald entitled “Antichrist followers show loyalty with 666 tattoos”. This cult has 100,000 members worldwide and their leader Jose Dejesus has claimed himself to be th antichrist.

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Churches Fleecing the Flock With ATM’s: Automatic Tithing Machines!!

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 24, 2006

Churches Fleecing the Flock With ATM’s: Automatic Tithing Machines!!

external link to http://www.securegive.com/products.html

We will start this teaching by going over a couple of email exchanges I recently had. The second exchange deals with a debate I had with a nudist who tried to justify her actions as Biblical. Then we will cover the newest trend in Churches: ATM’s (referred to as Automatic Tithing Machines!!) These are also being referred to as the “Next Generation Collection Plates”. The pastor interviewed said it helped the church to increase its collection $money$ by 18% which has really helped “BUSINESS” at this 501c3, government/IRS controlled, corporate church. Next we will look at Tim LaHaye’s newest video game called “Left Behind-Eternal Forces”. In the game you either kill or convert the unsaved at gunpoint, but don’t worry if you have to kill as you can click on the “Spiritual Prayer Icon” to get your spiritual points back! Next we will look at the whole motivation behind the media promoting the “Alien Agenda”.

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