"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-22-22-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 22, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points
  • Jesus’s Warnings About The False Christ’s & Prophets That Are Coming & What to Expect In the Last Days
  • Lucis Trust –The New World Order Antichrist – The Great Invocation — Ascended Master/Deceiver Saint Germain and the Seven Rays –As Previously Reported General Michael Flynn Prays to Archangel Michael & Invokes Luciferian Madame Helena Blavatsky’s & Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s “Seven Rays” & Flynn (former national security adviser in the Trump administration) recently said the United States should have a single religion! But Flynn was simply revealing the next step in The Great Reset / New World Order!! Plus Related Teachings Scott Johnson has Done of These Subjects
  • Goddess Diana Rituals and the Death of Anne Heche
  • Massive crop failures worldwide, losses of 50% – 80%–UN declares WAR on fertilizer to achieve mass global FAMINE
  • Sacred Cows and the Dangers of Eating Bugs
  • Multivitamin/Mineral Products Dr. Scott Johnson Carries Plus Announcement About Innate Response Formulas

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 8-22-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-22-22-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 22, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Pfizer Shot Killed 44% Of Pregnancies In Trial: Court-Ordered Report Exposes Mass Murder
  • Richard Urso MD Explains The Explosion of Cancer and Latent Disease After Covid Kill Shot
  • Covid Jab: Scientist Discovers Hatching Eggs & Parasites Birthed After The Covid Injection!
  • Never Before Seen: Blood Doctor Reveals HORRIFIC Findings After Examining Covid Vaxx Vials
  • 10,000 people A DAY being killed by covid vaccines; worldwide fatalities likely larger than the HOLOCAUST–Natural News releases post-vaccine clot ICP-MS elemental analysis results, comparing clots to human blood … findings reveal these clots are NOT “blood” clots
  • Covid Kill Shot Headlines–Straight From Their Official Databases (But their databases admit to typically only reporting 1-3% of actual deaths and injuries): 75,322 Dead 5,938,318 Injured Recorded in Europe and USA From the COVID Shots – Babies and Toddlers Hallucinating and Having Seizures After Shots
  • Shocking: UK Government Admits COVID Vaccinated Children Are 4423% More Likely to Die of Any Cause & 13,633% More Likely to Die of COVID-19 Than Unvaccinated Children 
  • BREAKING: Fibrous Body-Length Clots Embalmer: “Fibrous Clots Spread Through Entire Arteries”
  • NIH Admits Covid PCR Test & Shot Linked To Human Cloning & Changing Our DNA–Cross Species Genetics Being Installed In Covid Shot Recipients!!
  • COVID VAXX VIALS Breaking Development: Discs in the Kill Shot Carrying “Mystery Payload Delivery System”
  • Exclusive Horrific Images: Circuits In Covid Jab Internet Router Causes Circuits To Self-Assemble
  • NATURE journal reveals how graphene (Used extensively in the Covid Shot) can be used to assemble radio frequency electronics in biological systems
  • Shocking Discovery: Biocircuitry Found In Chemical Analysis Of Vaxxed Fibrous Clots
  • Covid Shot Detox Recommendations
  • Stroke Recovery Protocol

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 8-22-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-15-22-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 15, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Satanic Temple Puts up Billboards Stating: “Abortions Save Lives”
  • Ex-Feminist Exposes The Real Agenda Behind Movement
  • Why in the World are They Spraying? Full Length Documentary–What in the World Are They Spraying? & Chemtrail Prayer
  • Sleep Paralysis Help
  • Top Secret UFO Projects: Declassified Documents Reveal Fallen Angels
  • Portal to Hell: Houska Castle–Something Strange Is Happening Underground

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 8-15-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-15-22-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 15, 2022

Table of Contents: 

  • They Are PLAYING Their Followers Like A FIDDLE–Alex Jones & Steve Bannon Pushing Us Towards the Cashless New World Order Cashless System!!! They are devils!!!
  • Take This To the Lord In Prayer: Soon They’re Going To Try To Enact Something Akin To The Digital Mark And Force Us All Into Slavery – Tyranny Is Here When Government Can ‘Just Turn Off Your Money’ To Force You To Comply With Their Agendas
  • Israel Bans Large Cash Transactions, Requires Digital Payments
  • Big Brother & Economic Headlines
  • UN Declares Conspiracy Theorists “Public Enemy no.1” & Declares War on ‘Dangerous’ Conspiracy Theories: ‘The World Is NOT Secretly Manipulated By Global Elite’! The UN also warns that George Soros, the Rothschilds and the State of Israel must not be linked to any “alleged conspiracies.” UNESCO has teamed up with Twitter, the European Commission and the World Jewish Congress to launch the campaign dubbed #ThinkBeforeSharing: Stop the spread of conspiracy theories
  • Major red flags go up after Biden’s Census Bureau asks gun holster companies for detailed sales records
  • Remember the Illuminati’s motto:  Order out of Chaos–So for the New World Order/Great Reset to happen, there MUST BE MASSIVE CHAOS ahead of time–This is done so that the masses will be HAPPY to live under a communist dictatorship, after they have lost all their wealth…as long as Satan restores ORDER
  • Former FBI Deputy Asst. Director: We May Have Highest Level of Government Penetrated by Chinese Agents… The Revolution Is Here – Communist Revolution (VIDEO)
  • China Is Buying Up Land Next To US Military Bases
  • The Lord’s Protection & the Biblical Remedy for Fear
  • IRS Amassing Its Own Satanic Army Willing To Use Deadly Force While The Federal Reserve Intensifies It’s Inflation TaxS. Taxpayers Spend Billions For Their Own Enslavement & To Arm The Weaponized IRS
  • Emboldened IRS demands new hires be willing to KILL AMERICANS … see IRS rifle team training photos and more  
  • Where Do Your Hard Earned IRS Tax Dollars Really Go?

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 8-15-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-8-22-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 9, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • THE SUMMONING: 72 nations PUBLICLY worship satanic idols in televised Luciferian ritual
  • Molech Worship In Plain Sight At The Birmingham England 2022 Commonwealth Opening Ceremony
  • Who is Molech?
  • What you are witnessing right now on a global scale is the coordinated, government-funded, ritualistic invocation of supernatural fallen angels, devils and demons that are flooding into this world to wage war against humankind and God
  • Vatican Approves Moloch Statue in Rome!
  • Whistleblower Phil Schneider Found Dead After Revealing Alien Agenda & Confirming the Greada Treaty
  • Liquidation Of The UFO Investigators
  • Warning Regarding KENT HOVIND’s associations with SEX OFFENDERS

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-8-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-8-22-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 9, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • NEW YORK TIMES says “the time is now” to EAT PEOPLE, in addition to ants, crickets, grub worms, termites, and cockroaches
  • Food Destruction Reports
  • Climate Alarmist Explains Policy Targeting Farmers to end all Beef, Pork and Chicken from Human Diet
  • Ranchers Are Selling Off Their Cattle In Unprecedented Numbers Due To The Drought, And That Has Enormous Implications For 2023
  • Listener Comments on Vegetarians & Vegans Plus Scott Johnson’s Teaching on this Subject
  • Important–Listener Question Regarding Getting Enough Protein/Meat, Dr. Rebecca Brown & Praising the Lord and Spiritual Warfare
  • Listener Comment on Dr Rebecca Brown & The Subject of Deliverance
  • Former US Army Employee: Everything is a psyop – Stop being afraid
  • United Nations announces Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and UN General Secretary Antonio Guterres have signed an agreement to ‘accelerate’ Agenda 2030
  • EVERYONE should see this video!!!! Rep. Ray Higgins, Louisiana…Asking Police Chief if he Would Enforce Gun Confiscation
  • Crime Rates Plummet After Law Required Firearms for Residents in Kennesaw, GA 
  • ATF doing Door to Door Gun Checks!!!
  • Nightmare: Battery Dies After Family Buys Used Electric Car — Replacement Costs More than Car’s ValueBattery dies in vehicle purchased for $11,000 – Ford says they’ll replace battery for a mere $14,000–No one said going green would be cheap or fair
  • Comment: Trying to keep on top of the electric car and fires… it happens a lot
  • Most are not reported only if car owners put it out on social media does it get picked up
  • WHO declares monkeypox a “global health emergency” with just FIVE deaths in the world and 99% of cases afflicting homosexuals
  • HHS/Biden Admin. Officially Declare ‘Monkeypox’ State of Emergency<<<just in time for the Nov elections
  • They are administering a LIVE smallpox via “vaccine” To fight monkey pox!!!
  • San Francisco about to deploy 200 shots of ACAM2000, a LIVE smallpox vaccine into population to “fight” monkeypox–What could possibly go wrong? Well, it’s no longer used because it’s considered dangerous!
  • Scott Johnson’s Teachings on Smallpox & Recommended Protocol
  • FDA considering dividing smallpox vaccine doses into fifths to increase its demonic supply
  • Smallpox or Monkeypox Recommend Protocol
  • Canada Truckloads of Canadian Medical Doctors are using Fake Vax Passes for themselves and their families…A Doctor injured by The Vax has blown the Whistle…It’s exactly as we suspected
  • Sri Lanka Rationing Fuel – Using QR Codes (From COVID) To allocate Fuel!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-8-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-31-22-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 1, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points
  • Beyond Blasphemy: New Book–President Donald J Trump, The Son of MAN – THE CHRIST is now available on the internet! In detail explains how JESUS, the Son of God always spoke about the Son of MAN in the THIRD PERSON – every single time–And how TRUMP fulfills the scriptures as the SON OF MAN!
  • Judaism teaches life does NOT begin at conception, that abortion is ‘health care’ and that is it not possible to murder a “fetus” thanks to that blasphemous collection of wicked books known as the Talmud!!!
  • What Does The Bible Say About The Jews (or any other race) Being Better Than Another?
  • Is God done with the Jews/Israelites? The Clear, Unrefutable, Biblical Answer is: No
  • Macho Movie Star Brad Pitt Working The Red Carpet Whilst Wearing A Pink Shirt Over A Demure Brown Women’s Skirt
  • Listener Question: I was wondering if you can get a demon from a Ouija board? What About Tarot Cards? + Scott Johnson’s Response
  • How To Pass From Curse to Blessing & Self Deliverance
  • Tarot Cards Exposed

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 7-31-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-31-22-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 1, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Amazing Testimony & Teaching From Deliverance Minister (Pete McMaster) From Tasmania — Holy Anointing Oil Discussed
  • Higher Entities The Lost Tapes – Stan Deyo — Greg Rinchich / Colonel SC — Scott Johnson’s Testimony About These Subjects

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 7-31-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-18-22-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 19, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Woke Church Ministers Label Pro-Life Movement a ‘Demonic Agenda’ and Claim ‘God Is Pro-Choice’!!!!! + Related Reports
  • They are devils with no fear of God!! Pure evil! What would these “ministers” do with these Bible verses? Abortion and Child Sacrifice
  • Predators In Leadership: “Inclusive” Pastors Subvert Christianity & Promote Child Molestation / Pedophilia + Related Reports
  • PARENTS BEWARE–Also, what on earth does this have to do with “disease control”? CDC Partnering up with every type of perversion imaginable!
  • Drilling Under Lake Mead To Drain The Last Drop — Information on the unfolding cataclysm surrounding the collapsing Colorado River water source–40 Million in US West Without Water in 2023 –The mainstream media and official sources are doing their best to sweep it under the rug–‘We are talking about 40 million people that will be impacted by the drying out of the Colorado River basin and tributaries Plus Related Reports
  • Welcome to The Police State Future–The Floating Prison Barge–The floating barge was built as a way for authorities to evade oversight and local laws by claiming to be in “waterways” rather than on land–They are in many ways equivalent to CIA “black sites” where prisoners are routinely subjected to torture and enhanced interrogation techniques, despite the illegality of such acts– Buy an electric car to save the planet, but don’t charge it or you’ll crash the power grid
  • Martial Law Red Alert: Democrat Leadership Introduces Bill To Give Biden The Powers of a Dictator & Use Military Against The ‘Right-Wing’ With No Congressional Oversight
  • UN Secretary-General: Fighting Misinformation ‘A Matter of Life And Death’
  • Panicked globalists losing control the information war surrounding COVID, the Ukraine conflict, election integrity, and the Great Reset.
  • Insane Current Event Headlines–The Good and the Bad—Plus Many Proactive Action Alerts

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 7-18-22

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-18-22-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 19, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • How Hillary & the Elite Crash Cars and Planes
  • Black market for body parts exists in America… funeral home operator just charged in criminal scheme
  • Monkey Pox Scamdemic Headlines Read: MONKEYPOX PANDEMIC? ‘Shocking’ Monkeypox Screw-Up Means We Need to Admit We Now Face Two Pandemics–WHO TO RECONVENE over Monkey Pox…Even the WHO admits it has only caused 3 deaths worldwide!!!!! But obviously this is a pandemic we need to give up all our right and liberties for!!!!
  • S. Has 17M Monkeypox Vaccine Doses Stuck in Denmark as NYC Scrambles to Get Shots Into Arms: ‘Make the Vaccine Available to Everyone’
  • Morticians Say: COVID-19 shots causing foot-long blood clots ‘Too many people are silent, and silence is compliance’ Cole also cited studies Physician Resia Pretorius finding the COVID’ spike protein alone causes the proteins in our blood to clump.’ 
  • Report: Casket Maker Fears Bulk Orders of Child Size Coffins Signal Impending Vaccine Deaths ‘Never in 30+ years of business have we ever sold child size coffins in bulk,’– Attributes surge in orders to Covid-19 kill shot deaths
  • Sam Dodson, an electrical engineer miraculously got into the recent FDA meeting and commented on the dangers of the MRNA Covid shot to infants and young ones during the FDA decision a few days ago–This was my 3 minute speech to Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee in their hearing to approve the Covid19 “vaccines” on babies 5 and under–This is a critical step towards the pharmaceutical cartels gaining immunity for adverse reactions cause by their products
  • COVER-UP: Babies & Toddlers Hallucinating & Having Seizures Following COVID-19 Vaccine Shots
  • More Murder Being Committed–U.S. FDA Grants Full Approval to Pfizer COVID Vaccine for Ages 12-15
  • NIH, FDA & CDC Employees Quitting In Droves Over Infant Covid Kill Shot Gene Therapy
  • This is Only a Fraction of the True Numbers But: 75,322 Dead 5,938,318 Injured Recorded in Europe and USA Following COVID Vaccines – Babies and Toddlers Hallucinating and Having Seizures After Shots
  • Death claims up $6 BILLION: Fifth-largest life insurance company paid out for 163% more working-age deaths in 2021 after covid “vaccines” were unleashed
  • DEPOPULATION TARGETS TAIWAN: Birth rates over the past year have dropped 23% in Taiwan, following blind obedience to covid vaccines
  • Listener Comment and Research on how a small town in Alabama was decimated by the Covid kill shot?!?!
  • Listener Comment: Just wanted to let you know what’s going on with how they are trying to force us to get a Covid jab to get or keep job
  • S. Orders 3.2 Million Doses of Novavax COVID Vaccine
  • Covid-19 Scamdemic Headlines
  • Massive Bio-Structures Found in Bodies of the Vaccinated
  • Reports of Smells, Shedding & Behavioral Changes associated with the Covid Bioweapon Shot
  • Nano and Micro Blood Clots Seen in the Capillary Blood of the VAXXinated & NONVAXXinated!
  • Recommend Protocol For Covid-19 & the Shedding From The Covid Vaxxed
  • Listener Comment: Brother Scott, Me and my husband were sick, cough, chest pain, the whole nine yards–Took your Covid protocol–Three days later we are just fine–All praises to our Heavenly Father and Christ and to you Brother
  • Recommended Products Dr. Johnson Carries to build up the Immune System: ++ Note: Selenium, Vitamin C, Zinc, Calcium, Vitamin D-3 and Iodine can easily become depleted from aggressive viruses
  • Stroke Recovery Protocol
  • Listener Comments: Invive Colloidal Silver Covid Remedy & Information on the Nasal Application of Colloidal silver and Iodine
  • How to go after a internal infection from multiple angles
  • Listener Comment: My husband and I have been taking the INVIVE silver for years now and we just don’t get ill.  I’ve been off doctor meds for seven years now and taking good supplements mostly from you.  I was in their big pharma system and on so many prescriptions for over thirty years!  I’m in my sixties now taking natural supplements only and feeling pretty awesome!  
  • Listener Comment Regarding the Invive Silver at: http://www.dr-johnson.com/ — Wow! My son and I are a lot better! Some nasal congestion is hanging on but we both have our old strength back, he’s back to school and I’m doing good too!
  • Listener Comment: Another Invive Covid Testimony
  • Listener Comment About Being Affected by the Covid Vaxxed and Her Experience with the Supplement and Invive
  • Scott Johnson’s Video Presentation From 2006 Where He Predicted the Current Covid Mandated Vaxx Scenario–The Prophecy Club | Dr. Scott Johnson–Avian Flu? & AVIAN FLU? By Dr. Scott Johnson-DVD
  • Listener Comments: My experience with your Covid protocol
  • Have you taken your vitamin C today? While Vitamin C is unequivocally recognized as a quintessential player in maintaining function of the immune system, a recent review paper points to 70-80% of patients with severe covid-19 suffering HYPOvitaminosis C (i.e. low vitamin C status) in hospitals – Please Note Vitamin C is not ascorbic acid
  • Are Fevers Bad?
  • Calcium & Vitamin D-3 Is Vital For Your Immune System
  • Symptoms of coronavirus infections almost perfectly mirror symptoms of zinc deficiency
  • How to Neutralize Potential Damage from mRNA Vaccines
  • On the Connection Between Graphene Oxide Found in “Covid Vaccines”, Electromagnetic Fields, Blood Clots & Severe “Covid” Symptoms  | How to Remove Graphene Oxide From the Body – Truth Comes to Light
  • Can Fulvic Acid Help With Demagnetizing the Unvaccinated & Its Importance
  • Listener Comment: I am no longer magnetized!!!!! Fulvic Acid WORKS!
  • Is pine needle tea the answer to covid vaccine shedding / transmission? Learn about suramin, shikimic acid and how to make your own extracts
  • Black Seed Oil ‘Strongly Binds’ to Vaxxed Spike Protein–Prevents Vascular Damage
  • Hijama aka “cupping”: desperate workers, students forced into vaxx mandates are turning to ancient treatment to remove the injections after administration

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 7-18-22

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