"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-11-22-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 11, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • VIDEO: New Trailer for Groundbreaking Film ‘These Little Ones’ Exposing CPS Trafficking — Child Molestation and Sacrifice — Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA)– & the Pedophile Elites
  • John Walsh of America’s Most Wanted Presenting Biden’s Son “Beau” an Award that Has Pedophile GirlLover logo (which is a heart inside a heart indicating that the child molester prefers young girls) (Just like Joe and Hunter Biden prefer) and this award was presented at the National Center for Missing & Exploited
  • Joe Biden Pledges to Retain the Killing of Unborn Babies as National Priority, Signs Executive Order Saying Abortion “is essential to justice, equality, and our health, safety, and progress as a Nation”
  • Action Alert: Please act now to DIRECTLY CONTACT your Congressman and Senators to tell them to STOP Biden’s push to codify Roe in Congress
  • The Georgia Guidestones Have Been Totally Destroyed
  • What Really Happened Georgia Guide Stones? Why Did They Totally Destroy and Remove the Evidence? How Can They Now Conduct a Proper Crime Investigation?
  • Scott Johnson’s Comment to group on Facebook Who Believed the Georgia Guidestones were Good
  • C. Christian & the Georgia Guidestones the Best Documentary on the History of the Guidestones: Dark Clouds Over Elberton – YouTube
  • More Quotes on Population Control From Ted Turner and Some Global Elites

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 7-11-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-11-22-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 11, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • DOOMSDAY theories are abounding as the new July 5, 2022 CERN Large Hadron Collider experiment created unprecedented levels of energy & in an effort to create dark matter and open up demonic portals
  • Bible Study On the “Secrets of the Universe” The CERN Scientists Claim to Fervently Seek — But In Reality, They Have No Interest In Learning or Knowing!
  • CERN — Stargates – Portals — The Dark World / Dark Matter
  • Long Time Listener Comment Regarding CERN and Stranger Things Season 4 Plus Pictures Regarding Stranger Things and Steven Kings’s 2007 Movie: The Mist
  • On multiple occasions when CERN has been fully activated, weird anomalies have occurred. In fact, the last time CERN was turned up to full capacity, strange things have happened around the world affecting the earth’s magnetosphere, and an unexplained “spiral” was observed in Norway. Is there a possibility that CERN opens an inter dimensional portal? What are they really looking for? It’s obvious that scientists have discovered something unique during their latest experiments because this time around they’re turning up the power.
  • Regarding “CERN” ConCERNs & Comments — Is the Q Movement, Trump and The Coming Ascended Masters Promoting CERN?
  • CERN July 5th DOOMSDAY TALK #Witchcraft
  • See Scott Johnson’s Teachings on CERN at: http://www.contendingfortruth.com/?s=CERN
  • The Lotus Flower – The Q Anon PSYOP – Mind Control – MAGA & Trump
  • The Hidden Symbolism of “Stranger Things”

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-27-22-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 27, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points
  • Covid jabs linked to surge in “demonic possessions,” religious leaders say
  • Regarding The Overturning of Roe vs. Wade–Top Headlines
  • How Sell Out, Satanic Gatekeeper, Fake Christian Justice John Roberts lost control of the Roe vs. Wade Narrative… The chief justice had zero support for his “lukewarm” middle of the road effort which would NOT of overturned Roe v. Wade!!!
  • Roe being overturned does NOT end abortion! Praise God Roe v Wade is overturned! However, the fight is NOT over, states nationwide will make exceptions for abortion!
  • As Demon Possessed Abortion Activists Rage & Riot Over Roe v Wade Being Overturned–Baby Killing Supporters In The MSM And Politics Continue To Lie By Calling Abortion ‘Reproductive Health’
  • Left-wing states form BABY MURDER ALLIANCE, will become “abortion tourism” hubs for coordinated mass murder of human babies
  • Sodomite Pervert “Pride” parades march on around the USA with new urgency…—Nightmare Bombshell: Children Paraded With Naked Men Through Streets of Seattle — The Child Molesters Are Out of the Closet!
  • Bible Verses Regarding Defending & Protection of the Innocent & Children
  • CPS & Foster Care Whistleblower Exposes Horror: It’s Real, Child Sex Trafficking, Torture, Abuse, Murder
  • “Good Guy” John Walsh Connected to Child Trafficking!–Working With The Police, Foster Care and CPS! America’s Most Wanted Host Perpetrating Child Abduction Related: Meghan Walsh Discusses John Walsh, Adam Walsh and Child Protection
  • Children Saved By Sex-Abused Addict: Victims Of Satanic Abuse Saved By Warrior Brides Ministry

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 6-27-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-27-22-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 27, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Eliana Brooks is a 15-year survivor of Child Sex Trafficking and she tells her horrific story & How CPS and Foster Care Are a Vital Part of This Satanic System
  • Demolition of supply chains is pre-civil war SABOTAGE to shape the battlefield for domestic WARFARE against We the People
  • Diesel engine oil OUTAGE ALERT – Unless Something Radically Changes The Entire National Supply of Diesel Engine Oil Will Be WIPED OUT in 4 – 8 weeks until 2023!! EXCLUSIVE RESEARCH: Diesel engine oil additive manufacturers that have declared Force Majeure or experienced disrupted operations in 2022–Is this another planned genocide of our economy and food and everything else.
  • Government Issued Starvation: Grain Shortages, Farms Going Up In Flames
  • ‘We’re Barely Making It’: Furious Farmer Goes Viral Explaining Why Food Prices ‘Are Going To Go Up’: US farmer sentiment plummeted in May – as producers have become anxious about their farm’s financial health. 
  • On a ranch in the southwest of the state of Kansas alone, more than 3,000 cattle suddenly fell dead last weekend. According to the farmers, there is no plausible explanation for this mass extinction Cases like this are accumulating in the USA. 
  • Mass CATTLE deaths send shockwaves through food supply as speculation rises: Are they being poisoned on purpose?
  • Another Food Processing Plant Erupts In Flames, The 97th Suspicious Event Since Start of 2021
  • You do not need the expensive survival food get rice, beans and canned goods
  • STOCKS, BONDS, CRYPTO and REAL ESTATE: The whole house of cards is coming down
  • Top Headlines On The US Economy
  • They’re Pulling The Plug!

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-13-22-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 13, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • A Listener Writes: THIS IS TRULY DISTURBING. AI robots preaching sermons and transforming religions in near futureGod and robots: Will AI transform religion?
  • Google places an engineer on leave after claiming its AI is sentient
  • The White House has recently said that sex change surgeries for children are “life saving” and threatened that the Department of Justice will hold states “accountable” for allegedly violating the Constitution by banning the wicked procedures! 
  • EVIL: “Pride in the Park” LGBTQ event aimed at grooming children & The Satanic Temple will be performing “unBaptisms” in the deep-red state of Idaho!
  • Bible Study–Hey All You Satanists, Luciferians, Pagans, LGBTQ Child Molesters/Groomers!! Your Destination in Hellfire Draws Nigh!!!!!
  • Hey Pastors: It’s Time to Choose Your 501c3 or God! If Jesus were alive today, He would be unafraid to stand against all the evil getting worse by the day and He would preach the truth!
  • The Lord’s Protection, Deliverance & the Biblical Remedy for Fear

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 6-13-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-13-22-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 13, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Young, Healthy People Dropping Dead At Alarming Rate–Sudden vaccines deaths are now so common they’ve assigned a SYNDROME name for it: Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)
  • BOMBSHELL: Pfizer’s own documents admit that mRNA covid vaccines will result in mass depopulation
  • X-Files revelation on what’s going on–Predictive Programming–The X-Files tells you exactly what they are doing with the Covid kill shots and so much more!
  • CRISPR Experiment Goes Wrong And Turns Fluffy Hamsters Into “Mutant Rage Monsters”
  • The autism epidemic has more sinister roots than you could EVER imagine–Cerebral Organoids in Vaccines Cause Autism–Study Proves Intentional Gene Deletion– Ariyana Love Being Targeted by the Deep State!
  • WEF Says Smartphone Tech Will Be Incorporated Into Your Body
  • Airpods Are Frying Brains Even On Standby!! Then Add In WIFI, Bluetooth, Smartphone and 5G Radiation!!
  • Listener Comment: Many are complaining of having tooth problems as of late seems everywhere I turn… See the research on 5G & microwave pulse energy…it radiates the bones and rots your teeth right out of your jaw…
  • Natural Help For Cavities – Toothaches – Root Canals – Loose Teeth – Gum Issues – General Tooth Health – Oil Pulling & The Supplements To Take For Your Teeth and Bones

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 6-13-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-6-22-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 6, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Listener Comment: The Black Hebrew Israelites & the GOCC (The Gathering of Christ Church )– Plus Scott Johnson’s Warning and Another Listeners Reply
  • Black Hebrew Israelites Exposed
  • Black Hebrew Israelite Preacher says Jesus Christ was a Black Man
  • At Least 40,000 “Christian” Denominations Worldwide!!! Denominations are Unbiblical and Spoken Against in the New Testament!!!
  • LGBT indoctrination of children causing HALF of UK teen patients to tell psychologists they’re “trans”
  • Biden to Pull Meal Funding From Schools Not Compliant With Pro-Trans Policies!
  • “Satanic Fruit”: RELATED: ‘Skirt-Wearing,’ ‘Gender-Fluid’ Teen Found Guilty of Loudoun County High School Bathroom Rape
  • Listener Comment: Health Praise Report After Doing Deliverance
  • How To Pass From Curse to Blessing & Self Deliverance

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 6-6-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-6-22-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 6, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • UN/EU Public Documents CONFIRM that a Secret World Government Agency Is SPRAYING Planet’s Atmosphere With Life-Killing Biocides as Part of a Terraforming Project Designed to Kill all Life on Earth—Jesus Said In John 10:10: “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.”
  • Top Headlines
  • BOMBSHELL: Top Research Scientist Exposes How Vaccines Are Used To Implant Cancer Viruses For Depopulation
  • Bill Gates assembling a wicked 3,000-person vaccine propaganda team to push more LIES and disinformation about vaccines being “safe and
  • Your Government quietly confirmed the Fully Vaccinated are developing AIDS / Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome while they had you worried about Staged False Flag Shootings, Russia-Ukraine & the Cost of Living
  • SHOCKING! MILLIONS Died (and Dying) From The Gene Editing Covid Kill Shot! – The Numbers They DON’T Want You To See!
  • Bluetooth Covid Vaxxed Challenge At Public Restaurant
  • Nanotech in the Shots Found Re-Assembling Themselves in the Blood by Scientists Under a Microscope
  • Previously Reported: Doctor Detects ​MAC Addresses in  COVID Vaccinated Individuals ​With Bluetooth Applications–Graphene Oxide Wireless Network: C-O-V-I-D Bio-weapon Shots Contain Wireless Nanosensor–Some Vaxxed Giving off a Unique Bluetooth Signal!–Here’s Proof the Covid Injections Were Designed to Track the Vaccinated (Video)
  • Not just another tracking device: Hand-implanted MICROCHIP includes ANTENNA used for tracking payments, people and possibly nanoparticles from COVID-19 injections

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-30-22-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 30, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points
  • Hymn: “With Christ My Savior and My God” Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!!!
  • Uvalde massacre was a PLANNED SATANIC STAND DOWN operation to Allow Maximum Carnage of Children to Enact Gun Confiscation In America– law enforcement saved their own children while parents trying to save their children were pepper-sprayed and handcuffed — Mother trying to save children at Uvalde was handcuffed by federal marshals — COWARD COPS!!! ALL had rifles slung over shoulders, just pushing parents back instead of killing the killer! It only took an hour or two for the Swamp rats to begin calling for gun control after the Texas shooting happened!
  • Biblical Resistance to Tyranny–Bible Verses Regarding Defending & Protection of your Family, the Innocent & Children
  • Meanwhile, a woman with pistol stopped a mass shooting in Charleston, WV – I wonder why the MSM didn’t cover this story?
  • Vice President & High Witchcraft Priestess Kamala Harris Calls For ‘Assault Weapons Ban’ — Says They Have ‘No Place in Civil Society’
  • They Are Coming For The Guns: Get Ready
  • Crime Rates Plummet After Law Required Firearms for Residents in Kennesaw, GA–25 years murder-free in ‘Gun Town USA’
  • Excellent Sermon: God and Guns
  • Pastor John Weaver–Sermon: The Biblical Doctrine of Self-Defense
  • Know When to Draw Your Sword
  • End Time Preparedness/Prepper Mega Study–Part 2 September 23rd, 2012 by Dr. Scott Johnson | Table of Contents:…Biblical Resistance to Tyranny…
  • Listener Comment: Alex Jones says that God came down as an Avatar in Jesus Christ & Infowars is Now Promoting the Blasphemous, New Ager, Zeitgeist Promoting Jordan Maxwell Who Says Jesus is Lucifer!!!! You will see this is yet one more reason to read the King James Bible
  • Scott Johnsons Teachings: Zeitgeist Movie Rebuttal to Its Attack on Jesus Christ & Movie ‘Zeitgeist Addendum’ Exposed
  • Emergency Broadcast!! New York Times & WAPO (Washington Post) Reports Biden Preparing Plans for Martial Law

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 5-30-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-30-22-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 30, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Praise the Lord! Biden’s Satanic Amendments Defeated at the WHO Treaty Meeting
  • Biden’s “Disinformation Governance Board” declared unconstitutional by FCC
  • The Chinese Are Buying Up Land And Medical Marijuana Growing Licenses in Oklahoma For Human Trafficking Front Businesses
  • Global reset fully underway as 90% of central banks push for digital DBDC currency that governments can control
  • CRYPTO CARNAGE and market mayhem foreshadowing the “mother of all collapses” to comemarket mayhem leading Crypto speculators to commit SUICIDE!!!
  • See Scott Johnson’s teachings on CBDC’s (and how this ties into Blockchain, Crypto Currency and the Cashless System Satan Needs to Implement the Mark of the Beast System at: http://www.contendingfortruth.com/?s=CBDC & http://www.contendingfortruth.com/?s=Crypto%20Currency
  • No cash or cards allowed!!!: Major supermarkets In Brazil set to accept only BIOMETRICS payment more trials in Asia and the Middle East are planned – with a view to a global rollout later in 2022!!!<<Resist this evil!!
  • Current Insane Headlines & Proactive Actions
  • Here We Go Again: Biden Administration Buys Millions of Doses of Monkeypox Vaccine After Case is Confirmed in Massachusetts
  • Rare Monkeypox Virus Arrives, Just as Gates and WHO ‘Predicted’ – Vaccines ‘Miraculously’ Ready – RAIR
  • Monkeypox Outbreak Good For Fauci: Fauci Has “Vaccine” Ready For Outbreak
  • Doctor Exposes the True Dangers of Monkeypox Amid Mass Pandemic Hysteria

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