"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 6-3-24-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | June 4, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • The Supreme Importance and Difference Between Secular Dating vs Biblical Courting + The Importance of Being Raised Biblically & What happens When You’re Not + Testimony & Pictures
  • Update: Scott Johnson’s Comment–Thanks to your prayers (some even fasted) God intervened and after 25 years of searching for Tracy, I finally found her and talked to her. This all started happening only 2 days after I originally posted this teaching on 6-3-24. The power of prayer in action. Out of respect for Tracy, her husband and her children, I took down the pictures of her & I (that I mentioned in this audio) and I will be posting a respectful update on what transpired in a future audio I post. Thank you for all your kind wonderful comments and prayers!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 6-3-24

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-27-24-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 27, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 1
  • Christian Preacher Arrested For Sharing The Gospel On The Street Outside Of Washington DC Capitol
  • Listener Comment: Notice the flag—Pittsburg LGBTQ Pride & The Satanic Temple Marching Together– Phil 3:19: Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.
  • What Does the Bible Say About These Trans/LGBTQ Abominations? Sodom & Gomorrah Tells Us Of Their Coming Judgement
  • Breaking: Trans Activist Arrested After Stabbing Spree in Massachusetts–6 people stabbed in separate attacks by suspect who identifies as transgender woman
  • Satanic UNbaptism For $10 At Pride Event
  • LGBT Political Movement Expanding To Include Child Molestors who ARE NOW CALLING THEMSELVES MAP’s or ‘MINOR ATTRACTED PERSONS’ AND WANT INCLUSION IN LGBTQ MOVEMENT & they even have their own flag
  • According to Urban Dictionary, the blanket term MAP includes infantophilia (infants), pedophiles (prepubescent children), hebephiles (pubescent children), and ephebophiles (post-pubescent children)
  • As a reference tool: The Meaning Behind 32 LGBTQ+ Pride Flags (Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer, & More)
  • Now they won’t even let your child opt-out of the Satanic Trans/LGBTQ brainwashing indoctrination–so says a federal court
  • Look what they decided to do here!! Biden Expands Title 9 To Totally Protect Evil & Throws All Women Under the Bus!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 5-27-24

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-27-24-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 27, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Israeli Plan To Force All Gazan Survivors Onto US Ships Exposed
  • Iranians in London Celebrating the death of their Wicked President Raisi Ebrahim
  • The AI tracker–Microsoft Unveils AI-Powered Windows that Tracks Everything You Do [Windows Recall]
  • Why You Should Have RFID Blocker Wallets
  • What??? “more than one billion young people are at risk of hearing loss partly due to the rise of headphone and earbud usage”–250 Scientists Are Still Warning the Public about Wireless Earbuds due to Cancer, Neurological, and Other Health Risks
  • This Was the Atlantic Ocean Heat Anomaly in 2005 that Spawned Hurricane Katrina . . .Now Look at THIS Year (see the map below) Top report on Drudge reads: FLORIDA HURRICANE FORECAST TO THE MAX
  • New preseason hurricane forecast is highest ever issued. Brace yourself, Florida –THIS WILL KILL THE INSURANCE COMPANIES IF THE HURRICANE SEASON IS AS BAD AS THE WARNINGS, THEY ARE ISSUING 
  • The Atlantic is heating up and this is why it is most likely happening: Antarctica Anomaly Is Back! – Heating the Atlantic ahead of Hurricane season!
  • Predicted & Fulfilled: 5-25-24–Oklahoma TORNADO Outbreak Predicted! PREPARE NOW!–ANOTHER Tornado Outbreak on target for Oklahoma in just 24 hours AS PREDICTED!
  • Drinking Water Warning Issued Nationwide
  • More Illegal Aliens Living in The U.S. Than All Our Military Forces, Combined – Mexican Illegal Alien Breaches Laughlin Air Force Base In Texas, While Chinese Illegals Crossing The U.S. Border Break Another Record 
  • Self-checkout scanning and paying machines are CRAWLING with fecal matter, health experts warn
  • Essential Oil Protective Blend–How to make natural Hand Sanitizer Spray
  • VIDEO: UN Announces Plan To Ban Most Farming, Triggering The Starvation Of Billions
  • Smart Dust Biosensors and Chemtrail Dispersal
  • From a Medical Doctor: Share this video, all HEALTHCARE professionals need to know about this‼️ We used to think we had job security and that we couldn’t be replaced, well AI is jeopardizing our position
  • Listener Testimonies on the Covid Kill Shot Annihilating Their Family Members and Friends
  • Chemotherapy proven to cause long, agonizing, suffering death
  • Vaxxed ‘Super Size Me’ Star Morgan Spurlock Dead of Cancer at 53–Documentary filmmaker previously encouraged others to take Covid jab
  • mRNA covid jabs blamed by top doctors for contributing to surge in ‘turbo cancers’
  • Young adults who took 4 COVID vaccines are 256% more likely to die, especially from TURBO CANCERS
  • Pfizer unleashed wave of turbo cancers with its COVID jabs; now the corporation is declaring cancer is “our new COVID” profit stream
  • WHO predicts 35+ million cancers by 2050, but ignores vaccine-induced TURBO CANCERS
  • Michael Yon and Bird flu

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 5-27-24

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-20-24-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 20, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Demonic Transgender Insanity in the US Military—Getting a Morality Lesson From Satan
  • The Promiscuity of today’s youth is insane! Plus Bible Verses and a Detailed Look at the Biblical Word: Fornication
  • A Biblical Look at Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage–Excellent Biblically Based Books!!!
  • Some boundaries should not be pushed. Objectifying little babies and making “entertainment” around the themes of child exploitation is a sin
  • Listener Comment: Lying Documentary Claims God of Israel demanded child sacrifice
  • Armed police stand guard outside Sierra Leone’s cemeteries to stop drug addicts stealing human bones that they grind up and use in new psychoactive ‘zombie’ drug sweeping the country
  • Tucker Carlson says UFOs are piloted by ‘spiritual entities’ with bases ‘under the ocean and the ground’
  • SHOCKING! Vatican Preparing Guidelines For ALIENS?!
  • BREAKING: UN Troops To Be Used Inside The US & Europe For Civil Unrest
  • All H*** Is Gonna Break Loose–Americans know in their gut that the despotism demonically possessing the Federal Government is only getting started
  • YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS HARD AT WORK FOR SATAN!!! The US government working hand in hand with Non-Government Organizations…or NGO’s (to bring in, house & cover their expenses) millions of illegals into the United States! A huge percentage being military aged fighting men!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 5-20-24

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-20-24-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 20, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Shock Video: Demon Possessed Muslim Savages Live-stream Randomly Shooting Up Houses in UK
  • Weather Warfare On Full Display–Lead report on Drudge: THE HOTTEST SUMMER?
  • S. Faces ‘Elevated Risk of Blackouts’ This Summer, Watchdog Warns
  • Weather Warfare Agenda 2030 is in full effect! The before and after is actually shocking!
  • FACT: Governments Are Using Nexrad Doppler Radar To Control The Weather
  • UN Vision 2045–Texas Wild Fires and Directed Energy Weapons
  • Lyme Disease–Just another conspiracy theory? I guess maybe to those who still think “our government would never do anything like that”
  • Concerned Citizen on X: “Nothing to see here, just a helicopter in America discharging it’s payload of Mosquitoes. I’m sure someone from the WHO or Bill Gates will tell us “It’s for our health”
  • Deadly prion diseases are increasing and may be transmissible now, thanks to COVID-19 vaccines
  • 49 Senators and 22 AGs Oppose WHO Takeover Elected officials are listening to your messages! We need to keep the pressure up to prevent the World Health Organization’s (WHO) power grab. Action Alert!
  • An New Zealand Politician Speaks Out on the Covid Kill Shot Genocide
  • BILLIONS still expected to die in coming years from COVID “vaccines” says analyst
  • SICK: Climate Scientist Suggests “Culling” the Human Population with a Deadly Pandemic to Solve the “Climate Crisis”
  • Medix4Life–At Medix our main focus is to bring health and wellness to the world with our revolutionary plant based nano technology using regulatory peptides to assist the body in re-establishing cellular communication and activating adult stem cells, which control the repair mechanism of the body–Plus Listener Testimonies

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 5-20-24

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-6-24-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 7, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 2
  • R. 6090 Overwhelmingly Passes Congress–Share–Will the New Testament be Banned in America? This is Satanically Insane
  • The Freemasonic Devil Chapel Where the Washington DC Politicians Pray at “every morning”–Does anyone really think another election is going to solve this mess? If so let me introduce you to evangelical House Speaker Mike Johnson who helped pass a bill that could potentially make telling the story of Jesus’s crucifixion illegal
  • Think George Washington and all the founding fathers were all Christians–Think again
  • Scott Johnson’s Teachings: The Masonic History of George Washington September 9th 2006 & The Shocking Truth About the U.S. Capital Washington D.C. & the Faith of the “Founding Fathers” of America–Parts 1-3
  • GEORGE WASHINGTON’S CORRESPONDENCE–Did George Washington Tell a Lie?
  • The Palestinian’s (for the most part) are so unhinged/savage even the other Muslim countries do not want them as they learned the hard way from previously trying to assimilate them–But Biden is going to make sure to bring as many of them as possible to America
  • AI COUP: Geo-Fencing AI Systems Now Taking Control of Cars, Phones and YOU– Geo-Fencing Added to Car Software! Can Shutdown Car if you drive too far, too long, or where government doesn’t want you!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 5-6-24

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-6-24-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 7, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • NatWest Bank – UK “Looking to Withdraw Cash? . . . We May DECLINE to give it” They Want You to Explain Why You Need Cash!!!
  • Luciferian Bill Gates Lying at COP 28–Globalist doublespeak translation: Due to our deliberate war on agriculture, a lot of farmers aren’t able to grow their crops, which is a blessing for us because it allows us to replace traditional agriculture with insect farms and fake meat laboratories, in order to assume absolute control of the global food supply, under the guise of “saving the planet”.
  • Weather Warfare USA–Unbelievable FLOODING in Texas & Louisiana! ALL Predicted!
  • Top Headlines Read: BIRD FLU FEARS RISE & Disturbing first photo of Texas farm worker who caught bird flu shows bleeding in eyeballs…
  • Bird Flu Frenzy: FDA, USDA, CDC Issue New Warnings On Outbreak, Latest Reports Of Spread In Pasteurized Milk And Cows, Mandates PCR Testing, Continued New Pandemic Fears–Scientists Say Bird Flu Pandemic Could Be ‘100 Times Worse Than Covid’ After US & China Collaborated on Strengthening The H5N1 Bird Flu Strains!!–Why are America and China collaborating on biological warfare projects?
  • WHO Prepares For Bird Flu Plandemic As U.S. Produces New Vaccines
  • Food Control in the US. States with cattle “infected” with avian flu won’t be able to export their cows to 17 other states
  • Shocking H5N1 Virus Jumps to Humans? Experts Fear the Worst is Coming Here’s What We Know So Far
  • #Globalist-Agenda-Disease X-H5N1 Bird Flu
  • Scott Johnson’s Video Presentation From 2006 & 2008 Where He Predicted the Mandated Vaxx Scenario & the H5N1 Bird Flu PLAN/SCAMdemic: Avian Bird Flu: What to Expect and How to Prepare (Full Version)
  • Hydrogels in COVID Vaccine as Programmable Human Interface
  • Evidence Shows Biological ID System Has Already Been Deployed–Fluorescent glow in the faces of the vaxxed under UV light
  • Bombshell Report: Pfizer’s Secret Vaccine Nanobots to Upload Humans to the Internet
  • Finding (And How to Find) the Bluetooth Covid Signals of the Covid Shot Recipients

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 5-6-24

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 5-6-24-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | May 7, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Proof From a Medical Doctor That Turbo Cancer Is From The COVID Shots –The Covid Kill Shot Have At Least 3 Mechanisms To Cause Cancer!
  • BREAKING: Mysterious New Blood Clots Causing Mass Death of Even The Young, Warns Funeral Home Director
  • ‘They Kinda Had to Be Put Down’: Medical Whistleblower Says COVID Jabs Caused Patients to ‘Die So Horrifically, So Quickly’
  • Horrific Testimony From a Women Whose Family Mostly Took the Covid Kill Shot
  • ‘Bigger Than the Holocaust’: British MP Says 10-20 Million People Were Killed By COVID Vaccines
  • BREAKING: Scientific Journal Confirms 80% Of Pregnant Women Had Miscarriages After Covid Injection
  • mRNA Injury Series – Nurses losing family members – having a COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated nurse in the household can be fatal for their loved ones – 11 families and their losses–Having a nurse in a household used to be a benefit–But now, it can be FATAL for loved ones!…
  • France mRNA Legislation PURE TYRANNICAL TOTALITARIAN INHUMANE EVIL Yesterday the French Government adopted article 4 into law–This law means person/s can be fined up to €45,000 or in-prisoned up to 3 years for any critics opposing mRNA Lipid Nanotechnology injections or treatment–This will also apply in future to mandatory vaccinations. We keep warning you – it’s coming….
  • How ‘Trusted’ Christian Pastors Coerced Congregations To Take DNA Defiling & Deadly COVID Kill Shots Resulting In Untold Deaths—To These Wonderful Caring “Pastors”: If You Have Not Repented and Are Still Doubling Down On These Kill Shots–Please Take Comfort That White Hot Hellfire Awaits You!!!
  • Michael Yon: Operation Lucifer — Trump Delivered His Master’s Poison — cries victimhood while delivering death and pain. Trump…Biden, RFK, all serve same master: Satan
  • BREAKING: Arizona Republican Party Declares Covid-19 Injections Biological and Technological Weapons, Passed Ban the Jab Resolution!
  • WHO ‘pandemic treaty’ normalizes bioweapon development and vaccine experiments, incentivizes nations to share data on ‘gain-of-function’ research: WHO’s pandemic treaty will continue genetic surveillance and exploitation of human immune systems 
  • Japan Fights Back Against WHO Pandemic Treaty and Deadly Shots
  • Action Alert: WHO Update: Medical Freedom Still in Peril
  • WHO update: New SCAMdemic Treaty and IHR documents
  • Action Alert: Exit the WHO Now! How many lawmakers can we wake up?

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 5-6-24

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-29-24

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 29, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • UN ‘Peacemakers’ Kill Civilians While WHO Staff Rape Children – These Corrupt Globalist Bodies Want More Control Over Our Lives–The world’s leading globalist body is led by a terrorist and filled with child predators and perverts who pose as “peacekeepers” and purveyors of “health.”
  • Listener Comment: Canada – QR codes required to leave a district, smart cities & door to door military wellness checks!–This is a FB post I read (from 4/24/24): More wickedness in CanadaPray for us, please
  • Canadian elementary school suspension if they don’t have all there vaccines up to date within 6 weeks
  • Canada Rolling Out Social Credit System, Citizens’ Bank Accounts Linked to Obedience Scores
  • Report ‘Animus’: Collect $2,000–Washington State now has a law mandating a hate crime hotline where residents can report hate crimes or “bias incidents” It even promises $2000 of taxpayer money to anyone “injured” by such “incidents”
  • In Contrast to all the New Hate Crime Laws which would primarily target Christians, it is fine to Chant: ‘Death to America!’: Muslim Michigan Protesters Hold Pro-Palestine Rally
  • China is openly subverting the United States through unrestricted asymmetrical warfare–Watch this interview to learn about a secret Chinese website that is teaching illegals how to become armed in the United States
  • Director of FBI announces China government-linked hackers have infiltrated U.S. critical infrastructure! China Buying Up Land Around US Military Bases!
  • Voice to skull communication–“A lead U.S. military investigator examining reports of what has become known as Havana Syndrome told 60 Minutes he believes U.S. officials are being attacked by Russia”
  • Many Military Aged Russian and Chinese Men Being Seen At US Shooting Ranges
  • America and Canadian Invasion of Illegal Aliens | Michael Yon–As Americans Struggle Just To Survive, Illegals Invaders Being Handed The Keys To The Kingdom – Free Food, Medical, Apartments, Prepaid Debit Cards, And Stealing Homes AKA Squatting
  • SHOCK VIDEO: Hundreds of Illegal Aliens Flood Penn Station In NYC
  • Warning: Airpods Tracking Scam
  • Gun Sales Skyrocket In The Face Of Invasion: Most know that Americans have long been made a prey to the invasion of the illegals that are bringing in their crimes with them–Simultaneously, the government is trying to disarm the American people.
  • Biblical Resistance to Tyranny–Bible Verses Regarding Defending & Protection of the Innocent & Children & Many Sermons On This Subject

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 4-29-24

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-22-24-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 22, 2024

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points–Part 1
  • What is happening to the “church”? A pastor was kicked off stage at a Christian men’s conference after criticizing a bare chested, pole dancing, sword-swallowing male stripper who was the opening act at the event and alluding to it being similar to something one might see at a strip club!
  • Biblically Judging & Reproving Reprobates and Heretics By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 28, 2011
  • Listener Comment: Prepping For the False ‘Love’ of the Coming New Age & one World Religion Under the Antichrist–1971 Coca Cola Commercial – I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing (In Perfect Harmony) & How Aleister Crowley Would Love This!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 4-22-24

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio