"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-28-22-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 29, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Vessel of Satan and Serial Child Molester Joe Biden says: “There’s Going To Be A New World Order, And America Has To Lead It”
  • Current NWO “Order out of Chaos” Headlines
  • Gas rationing, food vouchers and hunger are now being normalized for the war phase of the plandemic
  • A WORD FOR ALL PASTORS TO IMPLEMENT NOW! It was then 22 years ago that I knew America would suffer famine! A Time to Act: A Report of the USDA National Commission on Small Farms
  • Shocking Numbers Show That The Middle Class In The U.S. Is Being Systematically Destroyed
  • Beta Testing for the Rest of the World–Shock As Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky Declares Martial Law, Seizes Control Of All Media And Outlaws All Political Opposition To His Own Party
  • Female Ukrainian Refugees Encounter Swedish Multicultural Islamic Satanic Diversity
  • Prager U, TheBlaze, and many prominent “conservative” commentators have just crossed a line few could have imagined, and are now Full Woke! Plus Bible Study On the LGBTQ Movement
  • BREAKING NEWS: U.S. Selective Service System Tweets “In the event of a (Military) Draft . . .” Preparing for WW3? Gov’t Tells “Conscientious Objectors” To Register Now to Avoid Fighting After They’re Drafted
  • Who Is One of the Main Men Leading the COVID-19 / Great Reset Agenda? Yuval Noah Harari Who Proclaims: “History began when humans invented gods, and will end when humans become gods”
  • Young Shares New COVID Vaccine & Blood Findings–Self-Assembly with Pulsed RFs
  • On Twitter: “What in the actual H***??? Dr Ryan Cole shows what he pulled out of an individual who bowed down at the altar of Big Pharma
  • Shocking! Whistleblower Nurse Exposes Poisoning of Pure Bloods
  • A proven 1100% increase in U.S. military deaths since the Covid Kill Shot! US LAWYER SPEAKS OUT
  • Action Alert–They Are Trying To Ban NAC! Feds Approve the Poison, Threaten the Cure
  • Recommend Protocol For Covid-19 & the Shedding From The Covid Vaxxed

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 3-28-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-21-22-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 21, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Listener Comment on Church Covid Garbage & Where To Go to Get Baptized
  • Kandahar Giant Cover-up Debate: Did the US Military Kill a Real Giant in an Afghanistan Cave?
  • Lying Signs and Wonders? UFOs Help Ukrainians in War as an Answer to Prayer?
  • Do Not Trust These “Ministries’ or Documentaries as They are From the SDA / Seventh Day Adventist Cult
  • SDA / Seventh Day Adventist Cult Sabbath Keepers Refuted
  • Sabbath vs. Sunday Worship-Parts 1&2 By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 16, 2007
  • The most potent blasphemy of SDA Founder Ellen G. White Regarding the Lord Jesus Christ
  • Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-1-21-Part 2–…Warning Regarding Seventh Day Adventist SDA Walter Veith – Even though we are NOT even in the tribulation many are teaching: The Deadly Wound of the Antichrist has been (or will shortly be) Healed??!! & Is the image of the beast forming?

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 3-21-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-21-22-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 21, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • The World’s Oceans Regulate The Amount Of C02 And Carbon Automatically–Global Warming, Climate Change Is A Scam
  • Ukraine silently implemented the WEF’s ‘Great Reset’ by setting up a Social Credit Application combining Universal Basic Income (UBI), a Digital Identity & a Vaccine Passport all within their Diia app! 
  • 10 Signs The War In Ukraine Is Part Of The Great Reset
  • BEWARE More Tyranny Incoming With Joe Biden’s New ‘COVID Czar’ A Freedom-Hating Despot Who’s Pushing Mandatory Vax Passports For Americans To Simply Live Our Everyday Lives – The Demolition Of ‘The Old World Order’ To Usher In ‘The Tyrannical New One’ Is In Full Gallop
  • DEPOPULATION: Covid “Vaccines” Projected to KILL TEN TIMES the Number of HOLOCAUST VICTIMS in 2022 ALONE, Analysis: “Vax” Death Rate FAR HIGHER Than Previously Reported; Biden Regime PAYING Doctors to PUSH “Vaccines”
  • Millions of people fully vaccinated for COVID are now suffering from excruciating illnesses
  • Wall Street analyst: COVID vaccines ‘greatest fraud in history’–CDC data shows an insane rise in deaths among Millennials over the past year
  • Covid Kill Shot Headlines
  • Recommend Protocol For Covid-19 & the Shedding From The Covid Vaxxed

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 3-21-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-14-22-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 14, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • No This is Not a Misprint!: Maryland Senate Bill 669 Legalizes Infanticide Up To 28 Days After Birth!!! Maryland Prepare for God’s Fury!!!!!
  • ‘This codifies what Satan wants’: Maryland legislator blasts abortion bill
  • Organization Endorsed by Democratic Party Promotes Sexual Assault of Babies
  • Satan’s Final War Plan || The Great Deception
  • Pro-Child Molestor Groups Assault Reporter In Downtown Austin, Texas
  • The “Ancient Astronaut” Lie Exposed Again—Aliens Are not Our Creators They are the Return of the Nephilim That Jesus Christ Predicted in Matthew 24:37 & Luke 17:26 Regarding the End Times We are Living In
  • Scott Johnson’s Teaching: The “Ancient Astronaut” Lie: The Shocking Origin of the “Intelligent Design” Theory
  • Listener Comment: Everything you suspected is true! Here is even more proof, as if you needed it

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 3-14-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-14-22-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 14, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Listener Comment About a 2021 Movie That Describes Alien Disclosure Happening the Same Time Russia and Ukraine Are At War
  • Will This Be How Disclosure Happens? Supposed Space Ark In Ukraine Now Controlled by Russia?
  • Insane World Headlines!
  • The First Casualty Of War Is The Truth
  • Listener Comment:  I wanted to give you a quick update in what we know of the horrible situation in Ukraine + Ways to Donate to Help
  • Listener Comment: Updated News & Warnings from Refugees crossing borders in Romania, Poland & Moldavia
  • CRYPTO FEVER: Biden Signs Executive Order Authorizing The Creation Of A Digital Dollar As World Continues Moving Closer To A Cashless Society
  • Secretary of Transportation Degenerate Sodomite Devil Pete Buttigieg Rolls Out Plan To Cover America With ‘Red Light’ Surveillance Cameras Connected To The Metaverse
  • US Digital Passport Alert
  • Breaking: Parasite Worm Eggs Found In Covid Vaxx Vials: German Doctors Report Hatching Eggs In Vaxx
  • An Annual COVID Kill Shot Vax for Kids?
  • The Pfizer “vaccine” has ONLY 1,291 side effects! <<No this is not a misprint!! This is the clinical data a judge forced the FDA to release … it’s worse than you could possibly imagine—I wonder if this has anything—or everything—to do with the ongoing plague of “sudden deaths” now ravaging humanity worldwide?
  • CONFIRMED! 1 billion dollars in tax payers money secretly given to large media companies to push vaccines and prevent vaccine hesitancy–GENOCIDE AND HUMAN RACE EXTINCTION IS BIG BUSINESS!
  • Listener Comment: Another Invive Covid Testimony
  • Recommend Protocol For Covid-19 & the Shedding From The Covid Vaxxed

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 3-14-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-7-22-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 8, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points
  • It’s Official: American Christianity Is (By and Large) Very Apostate
  • Perpetual Tyranny: Endless Wars Are the Enemy of Freedom
  • Listener Comment: Help Ukrainian Families who are Suffering in War
  • Listener Comment About How Evil GOFUNDME is
  • Russia Invasion – UKRAINE Pastor Shares Inspirational Message
  • Beyond Evil! Ukrainian President Zelensky in Gay Erotica Videos

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 3-7-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-7-22-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 8, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Will Russia/Ukraine War Bring Us Into the New World Order?
  • Perspective Check: Why Take Sides When it’s All The Same Web? If they Can Keep You In Fear-They Keep You Under Control!
  • Klaus Schwab Confirms Putin is His Puppet President….Is the Ukraine War Another Psy-Op like Covid??? And let us not forget that Klaus Schwab Boasted that Putin is a WEF trained Soros Puppet
  • PROJECT BLUE BEAM—Will the “Aliens” Make Their Big Debut Soon?
  • Breaking & Right on Cue-Deception Alert–Ascended Master Ashtar Says: If They Start Nuclear War… Galactic Federation Of Light Will Appear To Save Planet Earth!!
  • Slain in the Spirit and Ashtar In the “Christian” Churches!!—Who is Ashtar?
  • Real Life “They Live” Moment Caught On Camera At United Nations? US Representative Linda Thomas-Greenfield at the UN Security Council Shapeshifting?
  • The Plandemic Enters Final Stage, Real Purpose Exposed
  • A National Vaccine Pass Has Quietly Rolled Out – And Red States Are Getting On Board

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 3-7-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-7-22-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 8, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Dr. Viviane Brunet on black-eyed babies of vaccinated parents
  • Listener Comment: Time Magazine Cover Shows Human DNA Strands Turning into a Serpent and Talks about how Genetic Engineering will Change Us
  • Will The Covid Vaxxed Become Mind Control Slaves?
  • Johns Hopkins University Confirms You Can Be Vaccinated with a PCR Swab Test Without Knowing It!
  • Listener Comment: ‘Do Not Vaccinate’ Bracelets
  • America is a Hospital
  • Civil Rights Attorney Absolutely Obliterates Narratives, ‘They Have Declared War On Our Children’
  • Listener Comments: Invive Colloidal Silver Covid Remedy & Information on the Nasal Application of Colloidal silver and Iodine
  • How to go after a internal infection from multiple angles with just Invive silver and iodine
  • Recommend Protocol For Covid-19 & the Shedding From The Covid Vaxxed

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 3-7-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-21-22-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 22, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Is World War 3 Imminent? When all else fails they take you to war! Top Headlines  
  • Opinion: Canada Is Falling–America Is In It’s Final Stages! Here Comes the CHICOM Peacekeepers! The Doug and Dave Intel Report
  • Listener Comment: UN Bluehat peacekeepers are here in Canada
  • A Full On ‘Jack Boot Across Your Throat’ Dictatorship Is Now the Norm in Canada–Ottawa Police Chief: Protesters Will Be Hunted Down and Punished Even If They ‘Retreat And Go Home’–Emergency powers invoked to seize the Freedom Convoy’s bank accounts and revoke the protesters’ trucker’s licenses and insurance–They will cancel their truck insurance and freeze all their assets too!!! Brutal Trudeau regime tramples elderly with war horses!
  • Meanwhile the Q Movement says keep smoking the False “HOPEium” as any day Donald Trump is going to come back on his white horse and get rid of all the bad guys and the save us all!! They Keep Saying the White Hats Are In Control–Will NESARA / GESARA be implemented?
  • Disney Cannibalism Horror Movie ‘Fresh’ As Film Company Openly Aligns Itself With Evil
  • Geomagnetic Storm Dooms 40 Starlink Internet Satellites
  • EMF-Emitting Satellites: What You Need to Know
  • Elon Musk’s Neuralink subjected monkeys to ‘extreme suffering’
  • Beagles are the breed of choice in the animal testing industry because, as they say, they are “docile, forgiving, and don’t fight back.” For the very reason so many people love them, they are exploited. We will keep working to end animal testing once and for all!
  • Biden Makes Outrageous Change To Immigration Services
  • WOKEISM goes insane as Biden regime offers FREE CRACK PIPES
    to Black Americans and LGBT, with DOJ supervised heroin injection sites
  • Media pushing “HIV variant” narrative as cover story for vaccine-induced immune system collapse–Plus FDA Executive Officer, Christopher Cole: “You’ll have to get an annual shot [COVID vaccine].  I mean, it hasn’t been formally announced yet ‘cause they don’t want to, like, rile everyone up.” Cole on President Joe Biden: “Biden wants to inoculate as many people as possible.”
  • Watch: BBC Says Covid Vaccine Contains HIV!!!!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 2-21-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-21-22-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 22, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Trudeau Can Delete a Post But He Can’t Delete a Picture – The Scandal is Growing
  • Proof: U.S. Directed Energy Weapons Burn The Faces Of Australians–Globalist Leadership Gone Mad: Tyrants Hunt Down Freedom Crusaders With Sonic Weaponry
  • Medical Treason Killing Soldiers: Intentional Harm, Death carried Out By Military Command
  • FDA Broke Pfizer’s EUA Shield: Liability Protection Gone, Time To Bring Down The Gavel
  • JAB Injured woman REVEALS there are 50 people at the CDC PROCESS over a Million VAERS Reports!
  • Blasphemous Comedian Heather McDonald Collapsed on stage & fractured her skull after boasting about taking 3 Covid jabs, the Flu and Shingles Shot and then mocking Jesus!
  • Doctor Detects ​MAC Addresses in  COVID Vaccinated Individuals ​With Bluetooth Applications
  • Military lawyer says genetic changes from vaccine are creating new human ‘species’ under the law!
  • Riot Gear Squad Ontario Canada is UN / NATO Hired Goons—They Speak German
  • Listener Invive Silver Covid Testimony Plus More
  • Recommend Protocol For Covid-19 & the Shedding From The Covid Vaxxed

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 2-21-22

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