"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-3-22-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 4, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Part 2–Who is David Wilcock’s (& General Michael Flynn’s) “Michael the Arch-Angel”? Plus a listener comment about this subject and the blasphemous “Book of Urantia”
  • Exposed: Urantia book, Urantia Society, Urantia Foundation, Urantia Fellowship,  and the Urantia Brotherhood universes–Ancient Earth Extra-Biblical Revelations
  • Ghislaine Maxwell Vows to ‘Sing Like a Canary’ Following Guilty Verdict
  • Listener Comment: Hi Scott, this is Garth from the “ReBorn This Way” Testimony-Tonight I spoke to a Board of Education (District 49, Colorado Springs, CO) warning about the reality of the gay lifestyle, and to keep that ideology out of school curriculum.
  • The Great Reset–Still a “Baseless Conspiracy Theory”? New documents have been obtained concerning the move towards ‘The Great Reset’ – which the media claims is a baseless conspiracy theory that doesn’t exist
  • Major hospital just admitted that common, popular painkiller drugs are developed using human fetal cell lines
  • Americans Swept Up Into Digital Data Dragnet As Police Use Warrantless Real-Time Phone Data to Track Travel, Movement
  • New Fed Vax Database Threatens Privacy
  • USA–“What a lovely new world we are living in when you go out for a meal and a squad of police barge in, persecute a little boy then demand to see everyone else’s papers–This is the vax passport world so many are begging for. #NotAbout
  • Horrific Covid Kill Shot Headlines
  • Draconian Headlines
  • Columbia University Study: True U.S. COVID vaccine death count is 400,000–Other estimates of underreporting on CDC’s VAERS site much higher–Predictive programming: Biden Warns That Unvaccinated Will Experience ‘A Winter Of Severe Illness And Death’ Fauci is warning of a major horrific shift in Omicron in the weeks ahead
  • The Big Fat Omicron Hoax: The Enemy’s Demonic Use of Fraud and Deception
  • 57 different virus variants can ALL result in a COVID FALSE POSITIVE PCR TEST
  • Operation Omicron: The Globalists are Preparing for Mass Murder in the Weeks Ahead
  • Warning–“Coincidentally” 5G C-Band is activating on January 5th in the USA!!
  • Bombshell Report!!!: La Quinta Columna Issuing a Huge Warning Regarding the Covid Cyborg Vaccinated Hoards coming in the next few months!!! Humanity 2.0 Transhumanism to become the norm amongst the clot shot, bio weapon recipients–The Kill Shots are Full of Nanotech!! THE FIFTH COLUMN explains all the nanotechnology introduced in vaccines and its final purpose, as well as the exotic phenomena that emerge from it
  • Harvard scientist Dr. Charles Lieber, nanowires, DoD, CCP, Wuhan, covid, 5G, carbon nanotubes (CNT), military vaccines, SpFN Spike Ferritin Nanoparticles and the vaccine induced Spanish Flu of 1918/1919
  • Scott Johnson’s Video Presentation From 2006 Where He Predicted the Current Covid Mandated Vaxx Scenario

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 1-3-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-3-22-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 4, 2022

Table of Contents:

  • Ariyana Love Reveals Hydra Parasite Used to Turn Humans into New Hybrid Species!
  • WHO Head Admits Vaccines Being Used To Kill Children
  • The New Normal: Covid Vaxxed Moms Delivering Injured & Dead Babies
  • IRREFUTABLE EVIDENCE – COVID-19 Jabs Are Killing People!
  • Top Doctor Tells Joe Rogan That Covid-19 was a Premeditated Attack on Civilization
  • Time to Arrest Covid Tyrants: Notice: Public Officials Are Committing Felony Crimes
  • Positive Covid Pushback Headlines
  • Listener Comment: Brother Scott, Me and my husband were sick, cough, chest pain, the whole nine yards–Took your Covid protocol–Three days later we are just fine–All praises to our Heavenly Father and Christ and to you Brother
  • Amazing Listener Testimony Regarding the Invive Silver
  • Recommend Protocol For The Covid-19 & the Shedding From The Covid Vaxxed

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 1-3-22

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-13-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 14, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • X-Mas History Timeline Going All the Way Back to 500BC: The Biggest Pagan Holiday/Holyday of the Year
  • Positive Covid Pushback Headlines
  • HR 550: House Passes Bill To Fund Federal Vaccination Database
  • THE HOLOCAUST RETURNS: EU wants to abolish Nuremberg Code, reconstitute medical fascism with forced Covid “vaccination”
  • Anthony Fauci Says People Need To Be Forcibly Vaccinated For The ‘Communal Good’ That ‘Supersedes Individual Choices’
  • If you feel led you can add this to your prayer list: Dr David Martin: Who THEY Are: The Names and Faces of the People Who Are Killing Humanity via the Covid-19 SCAMdemic!
  • Breaking: The COVID Kill Shot Is Intended To Reduce World’s Population Without Anyone Suspecting-Says Leading Doctor

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 12-13-21

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-13-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 14, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Funeral Director Says COVID-19 Jabs KILLING Everyone; Destroying Immune Systems
  • Fauci Patent: Covid Vaxxed Induced Aids–Biotech Analyst Finds that HIV Glycoprotein Contained in Vaxx
  • Listener Comment: Covid-19 and the INSANE increase in jet pilot deaths after the Covid kill shot!!!! 109 Death of pilots in 2021 compared to 6 in 2020 and 1 in 2019!!!! The Covid Kill Shot is Working Perfectly!!!
  • Beyond Evil and Sickening!!! Straight from the AAPS (The Association for American Physicians and Surgeons)–Biden’s Bounty on Your Life: How the Hospitals’ Incentivize Blood Money Payments for COVID-19!!! Attorney Thomas Renz and CMS whistleblowers have calculated a total Covid blood money payment of at least $100,000 per patient—Plus Hospital Covid Deaths are financially incentivized!!!!!
  • Maximum Global Bombshell: Judge Orders Pfizer, FDA to Release Documents – First Doc Dump Says Thousands Killed by C-o-v-i-d Shot in First Month!
  • Lying Deceivers Trying to Cover For All The Legions of Covid Vaxxed Heart Related Deaths and Problems—Latest Lie: Up to 300,000 people facing heart-related illnesses due to post-pandemic stress disorder, warn physicians Or if you don’t want to believe that lie, they would like you to at least believe this lie: Cover-Up Begins for Vax Damage: Media Outlets Pushing “Cold Weather Causes Heart Attacks”
  • Current Covid Kill Shot Headlines
  • ‘Get the shot or get shot'<<Meaning execute the unvaxxed: Some push ‘mass genocide’ for the unvaccinated, proclaiming: ‘We can cut out 30% of the population that votes the wrong way’
  • NO FOOD FOR YOU: New Brunswick, Canada, now allows grocery stores to ban unvaccinated shoppers
  • Listener Comment: Tongan Draconian Update & Their Census Workers Being Used by Satan to Act as Spies—Plus a Short Bible Study
  • Big Pharma Hunts Down Dissenting Doctors
  • ‘Hunting Down Of Physicians’ Underway Right Now

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 12-13-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-13-21-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 14, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Turns out the Australian Aboriginal Land Has Already Been Sold to the highest bidder–so those 15 million people that live there need to be killed off (with the Covid clot shot) or moved off the land so these Satanic Elite can take possession—That is the main reason the Australian government is attacking the aboriginals of Australia–Police Abuse in the Northern Territory: Tribal Leader David Cole
  • Inside Look At Australia’s Covid “Prison” Camps Where Suicidal Kids Are Locked In Cells For More Than 23 Hours A Day–Australian Hayley Hodgson was placed in a Covid internment camp despite testing negative for the virus–She was confined to a box for 14 days, offered valium when she complained about confinement, and lost her job “You feel like you’re in prison…”
  • Were slowly getting to the point right before ‘vaccination by gunpoint’ in many parts of the world: AUSTRIAN COMPULSORY VACCINATION ACT: 4 WEEKS IN PRISON & fines of up to 7200 Euros FOR UNVACCINATED CITIZENS
  • New Zealand: Apartheid Has Officially Begun–Citizens speak out against the authoritarian lockdown on the unvaxxed
  • Germany Announces National Lockdown for Unvaccinated–Forced Injections to Start Feb 1st
  • No Vax, No Food/Fuel in India
  • Nano Razor Blades in the “vaccine” Graphene Hydroxide: Professor Dr. Pablo Campra Murdered a Shortly After this Presentation–His Pregnant Wife Speaks Out
  • EXTREME HEALTH ALERT: Moderna Patent Uncovers Horror: Nanocensor Contained In Bioweapon  DNA Altering Pathogen Posing As A Vaccine That Literally Snaps Human DNA In Half – Dr Ariyana Love
  • Listener Comment: Advanced Covid Vaxx Preemie BABY!!! Reliable source!
  • I’m a long time listener–very close friend of mine put this up on our Christian breakfast messenger group on FB–She’s a very honest lady–Mind blowing stuff!
  • Recommend Protocol For The Covid-19 & the Shedding From The Covid Vaxxed

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 12-13-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-6-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 7, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points
  • The Ongoing Cover Up of the Global Elite’s Child Sex Blackmail Operation–Entire Week of Ghislaine Maxwell Case Ignored By MSM Despite Shocking Details of Epstein Network–The corporate media is totally bent on ignoring and diminishing the case as much as possible to protect the elite who were caught up in Jeffrey Epstein’s trafficking network
  • Former Advisor to Bill Gates (Boris Nikolic) also happens to be executor to Jeffrey Epstein’s Will – small world ehh? Bill Gates, Jeffrey Epstein and Boris Nikolic Photographed Together
  • Lead report on Drudge (and is exactly what we predicted years ago): EPSTEIN’S PILOT SAYS TRUMP FLEW ON ‘LOLITA EXPRESS’—It was well known that Trump and Epstein were neighbors and good buddies!!! In an affidavit Mark Epstein (Jeffrey’s brother) also confirmed Trump flew on the Lolita Express–I think this means that Trump will not be running again and Desantis may be the next awaited savoir of the Right/Republicans
  • After Being Threatened by Trumps Henchmen: Trump’s 13-year-old ‘rape victim’ dramatically DROPS her case–Plus all the supporting documentation posted in this PDF
  • Exposed Again: General Michael Flynn, former national security adviser in the Trump administration, recently said the United States should have a single religion!–But Flynn was simply revealing the next step in The Great Reset / New World Order—Plus Scott Johnson’s’ Recent Teachings Exposing Gen. Flynn & the Entity he Prays to Known as Archangel Michael
  • Is Anyone Really Surprised That Bill Gates Had A Video Game Created For Microsoft Windows Called ‘Omikron’ In 1999 About Demons Harvesting Souls?
  • Listener Comment: Omicron ~ Ascension Dictionary–The real meaning of the Omicron Fallen Angel—truth hidden in plain sight
  • This is how the high level new age movement views the imposter: Archangel Michael
  • The Inside Insane Witchcraft of the OMICRON Fear Campaign

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 12-6-21

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-6-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 7, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • U.N. Taking Down Private Websites — Domain Level Censorship
  • We are not there yet but the stage is being set!!!: Can’t Buy or Sell without the Mark—Imbedded Covid Vaccine Passport Chips Coming?<<Please Remember From Antiquity Only the Christian Bible Predicted This Scenario
  • A Microchip Containing Your Covid Vaccine Passport Information Can Now Be Embedded In Your Hand—Sweden Leading the Way!!!
  • Graphene Oxide Wireless Network: C-O-V-I-D Bio-weapon Shots Contain Wireless Nanosensor–Some Vaxxed Giving off a Unique Bluetooth Signal!
  • BATTERIES NOT INCLUDED…UNLESS YOU WILLINGLY PUT IT IN YOU…Tom Brady and Witchcraft…Graphene Oxide Turning the Covid Vaxxed into Human Batteries Similar to the Movie “The Matrix”
  • Luciferian’s Proclaim: “We are Hacking Human Beings–Humans Are Hackable Animals” “The idea that humans have free will or a soul — these are over!” Technocrats have not just declared war on humanity, they have declared victory in that war—But we still have the opportunity to NOT comply enmass with this rewrite of humanity — but we must be ALL IN, RIGHT NOW
  • Recommend Protocol For The Covid-19 & the Shedding From The Covid Vaxxed

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 12-6-21

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-29-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 29, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Biden Incest and Child Molestation Confirmed: Ashley Biden’s Diary Legitimate, FBI Cover-up Exposed
  • Long Time Listener Comment: I am a sexual assault survivor trying to help others now-plus prayer request
  • 666 Months: Church Of Satan Inception To Astroworld Occult Ritual – Saturn Satan – The Hexagram – Nephilim – The Black Kaaba Cube
  • Scott Johnson’s Teaching: The HEXagram, Saturn, the Mark of the Beast & the Hebrew Roots Connection-Parts 1&2
  • It’s Not Just Facebook – Meet The 5 Other Mega-Corporations That Are Spending Billions To Enslave You In The Virtual Prison Of The Metaverse Virtual Reality Dystopia!
  • Waukesha: The attacker is a convicted child molester, BLM member, Black Hebrew Israelite Cult Member, repeat felon and self-described black terrorist who preached violence against White people–Who ploughed through a crowd of white people–but obviously it has nothing to do with race or politics–Because this was clearly a black on white hate crime it will be swiftly brushed under the carpet by the media because it doesn’t fit the narrative
  • Christians – God is building, get involved! (Step 3 of Christian Resistance)

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 11-29-21

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-29-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 29, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • The COVID Cult: The New State Religion of Satan
  • Corporate media hysteria pushers conjure up another COVID “Nu”/ Omicron “scariant” campaign in desperate FEAR PLOY for totalitarian control
  • For Those That Took the Covid Kill Shot—The Questions to Ask
  • Australia begins Covid ETHNIC CLEANSING with military roundups of indigenous people… junk science “sewage” testing used to imprison entire communities at gunpoint
  • Scott Johnson’s Video Presentation From 2006 Where He Predicted the Current Covid Mandated Vaxx Scenario
  • Australia One Party 🇦🇺 They are killing our First Nations people
  • Powerful: Australian MP Calls on Free Citizens to Rise Up Against Covid Tyranny
  • ‘The totalitarian path, the path that we are unquestionably on, has never ended well.’
  • Covid Pushback Headlines
  • VACCINE MARTIAL LAW IS HERE: Austria announces total police state lockdown, mandatory covid “vaccination” for entire population
  • German Clinic Director Releases Video Before Suicide. “Vaccines are genocide” We Have Been Warned!
  • Draconian Covid Headlines
  • American government poised to unleash “Angel of Death” smallpox bioweapon to create perpetual crisis– Biden bought millions of dollars’ worth of smallpox drugs back in September – WHY?
  • WARNING! A twenty year timeline of Big Pharma preparing the masses for a Smallpox Bio Attack

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 11-29-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-29-21-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | November 29, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Commentary: It’s Not Just Smallpox, It’s Small Pox + Ebola That Will Soon Be Released
  • If I get smallpox what is the chance of survival if I go the medical route?
  • Smallpox Recommend Protocol
  • Recommended Products Dr. Johnson Carries to build up the Immune System:
    Scott Johnson’s Previous Teachings on Ebola and What You Can Do To Protect Yourself From It
  • Is Selenium Deficiency Behind Ebola, AIDS and Other Deadly ...
  • Selenium – Prevents Retroviruses HIV – Marburg – Cocksackie – Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses – Ebola …
  • Listener Comment About The Importance of Copper in Fighting Off Ebola
  • Vitamin C Is Essential in the Ebola treatment
  • Have you taken your vitamin C today? While Vitamin C is unequivocally recognized as a quintessential player in maintaining function of the immune system, a recent review paper points to 70-80% of patients with severe covid-19 suffering HYPOvitaminosis C (i.e. low vitamin C status) in hospitals – Please Note Vitamin C is not ascorbic acid
  • Previously Covered–DOCTOR’s Findings: Marburg, Aids, Ebola & the C-O-V-I-D Vaxx–Intentional Infection Underway–Breaking J&J vaxx!!! These shots are deleting your genes that repair your damaged DNA!!! Inducing an AIDS/HIV like condition and that is just a little what is covered here
  • MARBURG VIRUS DISEASE Natural Recommended Protocol

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 11-29-21

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