"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-20-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 20, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • The Covid Shots are Gene Therapy/Editing–Klaus Schwab (the Author of the Great Reset in which Covid-19 Agenda Hinges on) Says It’s Gene Editing—Its changes you—As a human!!!!…DNA modifying shots…
  • They’re Going Door To Door In Washington DC, Looking For ‘The Unvaxxed’, Knocking On Doors 4, 5, 6 Times A Day If Necessary! – The Globalists Satanic War Upon America’s Children Gets Kicked Into High Gear 
  • Listener Comment: Melbourne Australia Closed
  • The Noose Keeps Tightening–Fauci Calls for Travel Restrictions for Unvaxxed Americans—In Canada (and soon to be America unless the masses rise up) effective Nov 1st you will not be able enter a Walmart without showing Proof of Covid Vaccination & a Government Issue ID!!! Rise Up or Bow Down Humanity!!!
  • Digital health passports: The snare that will lure many into the one-world cashless system
  • Tagged Like Cattle–The Covid Jab Transmits Your Unique Barcode!!!–Are the Jabbed Connected to Bluetooth?
  • CDC: teens injected with COVID shots have 7.5 times more deaths, 15 times more disabilities, 44 times more hospitalizations than all FDA approved vaccines in 2021
  • How Big Pharma Uses Fauci and the Media to Murder Americans–The two studies that Fauci cited to green light Remdesivir prove that he’s trying to kill Americans
  • “Where Did All The People Go?”–Secret Holocaust: Are millions of vaccine victims disappearing into mass graves?
  • House of COVID Cards Collapses: FDA Vaccine Panel Comes Out Against Deadly Injections–Bombshell testimony from top scientists at vaccine hearing reveals injections killing more people than saving and driving surge of variants–No wonder the FDA vaccine committee voted 16-2 against rolling out Biden’s COVID booster shot program
  • Positive Covid Pushback Headlines
  • Judy Mikovits, Attorney Thomas Retz, Former Pfizer Employee And Panel Respond To Biden’s Mandate of The Vax
  • Listener Comment: Scott this was my appeal to my County Council this week. Pray for seeds that were planted! I came away with a burden to pray all the more for the people and the local leaders 
  • Encouragement for People Leaving Work Due To The Covid Jab Mandates – Dr Scott Johnson
  • Listener Question: How much zinc is safe to take on a daily basis I know too much zinc can lead to toxicity wondering what your recommendations are for daily use how much?
  • Recommended Covid Supplements

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 9-20-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-13-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 13, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Proverbs 13
  • Email Service ProtonMail (Which was started by CERN and MIT scientists) Hands Over Private Data of Activist to French Authorities–Resulting in Their Imprisonment
  • Our Future Muslim Executioners are Arriving!!!!! 15 to 20 thousand unvetted, Shari Law Loving, Primarily Fighting Age Male Muslims to settle in Northern Virginia–Local mosque overwhelmed with donations as Afghan refugees arrive in Northern Va
  • America Granted Visas to 283K Immigrants from Radical Muslim Countries Since 9/11
  • Legal Law Abiding Americans turned away from Virginia hospitals in favor unvetted Muslim Afghan evacuees—Listener Comment and Scott Johnson’s Comment
  • UN World Health Organization Unveils Plan To Give Every Human Being On Earth A Digital COVID-19 Vaccination Passport–Donald Trump is right now creating a One World Religion political action group whose main mandate is to woo the Roman Catholic Church!
  • Trump and his religious advisers launch new national faith advisory board via Intercessors for America and led by longtime Trump adviser Luciferian Jezebel Paula White–Acknowledging he lost Catholic voters over his presidency
  • NEW VAX MANDATES FOR 100 MILLION AMERICANS All employers with 100 or more employees would have to require their workers to be vaccinated or undergo at least weekly Covid-19 testing under a new plan by President Biden to curb the spread of the PLANdemic–Biden will force ALL federal workers to be vaccinated with NO testing options and tell Americans it’s the ‘only way’ to supposedly get back to normal in COVID speech today–Biden Says: “THIS IS NOT ABOUT FREEDOM OR PERSONAL CHOICE…” In Other Words Take the Covid Gene Therapy Kill Shot or Quit Your Job!!!! 
  • BREAKING NEWS: Serial Child Molester & Luciferian Joe Biden Gives the Unvaxxed a Morality Lesson!!!!! ‘Your refusal has cost us all’: Biden declares war on the 80M unvaccinated Americans in speech ordering mandates on two-thirds of ALL workers and insists: ‘This is not about freedom’
  • Majority of States Stand Against Biden’s Illegal Vaccine Mandate: Remember, Biden is nothing more than a globalist puppet carrying out a planetary plan to establish a global ID system tied to the Covid-19 vaccine passport–VACCINE REBELLION: Growing number of US states are refusing to go along with Biden’s covid vaccine fascism–Employers are uniting and preparing lawsuits against Biden’s seditious vaccine and testing mandates–Joe Biden Faces an Avalanche of Vaccine Mandate Lawsuits
  • If Biden’s Unconstitutional Mandate Isn’t Stopped, It’ll Only Be The Beginning AND THE INITIATION OF OVER 100 MILLION DEATHS OF U.S. CITIZENS TO START WITH!
  • Hold The Line, America! Report Warns Entire Companies Quitting Over Mandates, Causing Business Breakdowns Nationwide, As NY Hospital Stops Delivering Babies As Nurses Bolt Over Mandates–Mayor shocked as entire police department in Missouri resigns: Stone County Sheriff Doug Rader reacted by saying ‘It will be a struggle to fill the police department back up with qualified officers”
  • Lawsuit: 220,000 Military Service Members Say ‘No’ to Biden’s Forced Covid Injections
  • And look what’s happening now in the UK, where plans to institute Orwellian ‘vax passports’ have been scrapped and now British health minister Sajid Javid has said he does not expect the country to see any more lockdowns to fight the COVID-19 crisis, while ruling out the use of vaccine passports to allow people to attend mass events. 
  • Covid vaccine passports scrapped for winter by Boris Johnson
  • Meanwhile: Covid-19 Vaccine CDC (Centers For Disease Control) USA & European Documented Covid Kill Shot Deaths and Injuries Compilation
  • Did Biden Foreshadow Another Outbreak? “…When the NEW PANDEMIC Comes Again – AND IT WILL”
  • Aussie Public Health Chief Says COVID Contact Tracing is Part of “New World Order”
  • Chant: COVID Will be With us “Forever,” People Will Have to “Get Used To” Endless Booster Vaccines

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 9-13-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-13-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 13, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Beast System Swallows Freedom Worldwide–Global SCAMdemic Red Alert: Big Brother Satanic Insanity is now the Norm!
  • The Vaxxed No Longer Have Human Rights This Is Why
  • Mandatory Covid Kill Shot To Attend This Atlanta Mega Church!!!!—No Religious Exemption Allowed!—They Love the Aborted Fetal Cells in the Covid Kill Shots!!!!! Calling Evil Good and Good Evil!!!!!
  • Serving Satan Well!!!: Southern Baptists Mandate COVID Vaccinations for all missionaries
  • Big Brother Australia: You Have 15 Minutes to Take a Selfie and Send It to the Government
  • Premier Daniel Andrews of Melbourne Victoria Australia (Who is a Rockefeller appointee in the UN funded “Resilient City” Program) just announced “the unvaxxed will NOT be part of the economy” 
  • Listener Comment: Bombshell!!! PLEASE-PLEASE watch and share!!!
  • Proof Remdesivir is (and has) been used to kill off the Covid hospitalized and if that does not kill you the ventilators will finish you off!!!! Remdesivir killed 54% of the people in the safety study! It is premeditated mass murder occurring in the hospitals!!!! Short and best evidence based presentation of documentation proving horrific Covid info, its intention, creation & dangerous treatments
  • “The New Holocaust Ovens” – Dr. Jane Ruby Describes Hospitals — Ventilators KILLING Americans!!!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 9-13-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-13-21-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 13, 2021

Table of Contents: 

  • Child Covid Jab Injuries – First Numbers Reported: Serious DANGER!
  • Dr Ardis – SHOCKING NEWS! Vaccine Lot Numbers
  • BOMBSHELL Exposure! ICU Nurse Says Hospital Set to Deny Care to Unvaccinated!
  • The FDA Admits the Covid vaccinated can shed/transfer the virus from their mRNA vaccinations–They can infect and kill people
  • Health care workers refusing the vaccine
  • The Masses & Medical Regulators Across The World Awaken To COVID-19 Tyranny
  • Canada Adopts Chinese Social Credit System–As the CCP prepares for war, their allies in western nations betray the people who elected them
  • Crisis in America: Thousands of Veteran Nurses are Resigning or Being Fired Over COVID Vaccine Mandates  Bullied and Badgered Nurses Speak Out In Public Forums!! Media LYING – Most COVID cases in the hospitals are VAXXED!
  • Global Non-Compliance Movement Launched Against Medical Tyranny
  • Covid Agenda Pushback Headlines

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 9-13-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-6-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 7, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points
  • Thank you Pedo Joe!!! ‘7 buses loaded with American women all likely dead now’ at the hands of the Muslim Taliban butchers that you have funded and armed!!!!
  • Report: Taliban Offered Biden Control of Kabul, but He Declined
  • Former Asst. Sec. of Defense: Military had Predator Drone LOCKED-ON to Kabul Bomber Vehicle; DENIED PERMISSION TO FIRE
  • 2000 Unvetted Muslim Afghans flew into Ft. McCoy (WI) on 8/26-with 8000 more to follow-Jesuits take them in!
  • FARMERS GETTING PAID TO DESTROY CROPS–Farmers Forced into Fascism? Food Supply Genocide?
  • Red Alert: False Flag Incoming!
  • 6 of 8 COVID-19 vaccines are unethical because they were produced using aborted fetal cells &/or are being tested using aborted fetal cells–The Johnson & Johnson (J & J)/Janssen, Moderna, Pfizer & AstraZeneca Covid Jabs are all made by using aborted fetal cell lines in their production!!
  • A Dybbuk/DIVOC is a demon of Jewish mythology that possesses people—COVID is DIVOC spelled backwards!
  • Taking the Covid Jab Not a Sin if you gotta take it to keep your job–Says Pastor Steven Anderson of Faithful Word Baptist
  • Listener Comment: Jonathan here in Tonga giving you an update on the forced vax issue–Not going good—Please pray for us
  • Listener Comment: Please note that I’m requesting special prayers for Dr. Kevin Bethel.  He appears to be the ONLY DOCTOR IN THE ENTIRE BAHAMAS who is willing to STAND UP PUBLICLY AGAINST THE COVID-19 VACCINES!!
  • Listener Comment About Being Affected by the Covid Vaxxed and Her Experience with the Supplements and Invive Silver

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 9-6-21

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 9-6-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | September 7, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Black Seed Oil (AKA Black Cumin Seed ) ‘Strongly Binds’ to Vaxxed Spike Protein–Prevents Vascular Damage
  • How to Neutralize Potential Damage from mRNA Vaccines
  • Listener Questions About: Antibody Infusion Centers – Regeneron – Monoclonal Antibody Infusions & Scott Johnson’s Warnings About These
  • Regeneron Exposed
  • Vaccine has Graphene oxide to control the mind. It has been foretold–Zombified by Graphene Oxide?
  • Microscopy Expert: C-o-v-i-d V-a-x-x Vials Contain Graphene Oxide, Parasites, Stainless Steel
  • Graphene Oxide (GO) Horrific Discoveries
  • Vaxxed Lights Light Bulb Over Their Injection Site After COVID Vaccine?
  • S. Government Stats on COVID Vaccines: 13,627 Deaths 2,826,646 Injuries 1,429 Fetal Deaths!!! According to the most recent stats released by the CDC, Friday (August 27, 2021) their Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) now has recorded more than twice as many deaths following COVID-19 shots during the past 8 and a half months, than deaths recorded following ALL vaccines for the past 30 years combined!!!!! This should be the front page news report worldwide but obviously this gets zero coverage! 
  • Recent Kill Shot Headlines
  • Draconian Covid Headlines
  • Bill Gates Patent: Blockchain Will Track Vaxx Status- Prohibit Purchasing – & Travel of the Unvaxxed
  • WHO Releases Plan for Global Digital Vaccine Passports Funded by Bill Gates & Rockefeller Foundation
  • John D. Rockefeller Was Satan Incarnate-Started the Modern Day medical Profession and the Demonizing of Alternative Natural Treatments over 100 years ago!! The “V” Mini Series Predicted These Wicked Devil Jabs
  • Straight From the UN/WHO: Digital documentation of COVID-19 certificates: vaccination status: technical specifications and implementation guidance, 27 August 2021

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 9-6-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-30-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 31, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • This is a very powerful prayer against Witchcraft…with fasting even more powerful
  • Afghanistan Updates
  • 100K AFGHANS Fighting Age Male Muslims (Shari Law Loving-Ready to Kill Infidels) EVACUATED while only 5K AMERICANS EVACUATED!
  • The Taliban IS going door-to-door executing [murdering] Christians in Afghanistan!
  • Taliban Doing The Unthinkable To Dead Bodies of Its Victims
  • US Government trying to force farmers to destroy their crops!!!
  • More Banks are Closing Accounts and Limiting Transactions- Are You Ready?
  • Pfizer Seeking Full Indemnification For Their Second Kill Shot (Not even in production yet)–But Their Current Kill Shot (Still Under Emergency Use Authorization) you will still have to waive any liability to get that jab! Meaning you still cannot sue Pfizer if you die or get injured by their Covid vaxx!!
  • Pfizer’s $15 Million In Political Donations Buys Them Medical Tyranny And Fake FDA Approval—Joe Biden is the Number One Largest Political Donor of Pfizer!—Much Like Donald Trump is Johnson and Johnson’s Biggest Kill Shot Supporter!
  • Crimson Contagion: Proof That Trump And The American Government Knew And Planned For The “Pandemic” Months In Advance
  • Pentagon Mandates the Kill Shots for American Troops and Plans to Re-Educate Troops Who Refuse The Covid Vax & Japan Ditches Millions Of Contaminated Moderna Kill Shot Doses
  • Fauci: COVID Booster Shots Will Be Needed Every 8 Months
  • Study: Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251 Times (or over 25,000%) the Viral Load—They Pose a Huge Threat to Unvaccinated Patients & Co-Workers
  • ‘This Ends the Debate’: Israeli Study Shows Natural Immunity 13x More Effective Than Vaccines at Stopping Delta
  • Medical Pharma Cartel Lies and Propaganda: COVID-19 Is Now A Pandemic Of The Unvaccinated
  • Trust The Science? CDC Counts People Dying Within 14 Days Of Jab As “Unvaccinated”
  • Listener/Hospital Health Care Professional Comment: COVID in the ICU
  • Subject: Listener Emergency Room Nurse Comment: I’m sick as well
  • Listener Comment: This is getting very serious–This is from a long time listener who just lost her unvaxxed husband this week after being around vaxxed family members!!!
  • Covid-19 Recommendations & Supplement Protocol PDF
  • Listener Comment About Overcoming Covid and Being on the Right Supplements
  • Invive Silver Dosing Chart for children/babies and animals

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-30-21

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-30-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 31, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Dr Tenpenny Pfizer Whistleblower Claims To Have Documentation of 200,000 dead in less than a week
  • Bombshell! SW Ohio school board meeting–(Dr. Sean Brooks, Ph.D., in Education) told them what the jabs were going to do to them—Permanent Mass non-participation is the only way forward
  • Powerful: Australia Is Leading The Way Into Global Tyranny. Resist COVID1984. 
  • France on brink of revolution as families are BLOCKED from buying food without ‘COVID passports’
  • The Government and Corporations are working against you–It’s here, and it’s time–You must be prepared to lose your job–You must be ready to become an outcast of society–This is the end goal of the tyrants – to force everyone to compromise into a global anti-christ system
  • Regarding Job Searches and Relocation due to the Covid Agenda
  • Montana becomes the first U.S. state to ban vaccine requirements for employees
  • The new law says that requiring vaccines as a condition for employment violates Montana’s human rights laws
  • South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem vows to ‘take every action available’ to stop Biden from ‘illegally’ mandating vaccines
  • Hawaii Attorney Michael Green Files Class Action Lawsuit (on behalf of 1,200 first responders) Says Vaccine Has Killed at least 45 Thousand People!!!
  • Employer & School Mandated Vaxx NOT LEGAL – Attorney Says “Hold The Line”
  • Australian Truck Drivers Vow To Block Every Major Highway In Radical Anti-Lockdown Strike
  • Covid Agenda Pushback Headlines

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-30-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-23-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 24, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Another Listener Insistence that the Covid Kill Shot is the Mark of the Beast—Which Means The Tribulation Started at least 3.5 Years ago
  • Why the Covid Vaccine is NOT the Mark of the Beast
  • Why Biblically We Are NOT in the tribulation–much less the second half of the tribulation where the “Seal Judgments” are opened
  • 7 Year Tribulation Biblically Proven
  • Warning Of Grim National Security Crisis — 5000 Known Terrorists Released
  • Tens Of Thousands Of Unscreened Muslim Afghan Refugees Coming To US- Biden will make sure all these Muslim Terrorists get here to kill as many Americans as possible–with the Christians as the key target
  • Hijab-Clad CNN Reporter Praises ‘Friendly’ Taliban Chanting ‘Death to America’
  • Biden Authorizes $500 Million For Afghan Muslim Refugees
  • ‘This is a Dunkirk moment’: Frantic race to get ‘up to 40,000’ stranded Americans out of Afghanistan as Pentagon admits only 165 US citizens were flown out last night – so where are the planes?!
  • STAY AWAY–US embassy warns Americans to avoid Kabul airport in Afghanistan after ‘security threat’ amid fears of ISIS attacks
  • The Taliban Is Coming For The Christians
  • Taliban is killing Christians in Afghanistan!!! Pray for the Christians!!!
  • Prelude to Mass Murder: Taliban Immediately Moves to Confiscate Firearms From Civilians
  • By Design–Billions spent in Afghanistan ultimately benefited Taliban…

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-23-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-23-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 24, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • BABYLON SPEAKS: Pope Francis Creates Commercial Calling All Roman Catholics To Join The ‘Universal Vaccination Program’ As ‘Act Of Love’
  • Commentary: I Voted For Trump–His Response To The Kill Shot & Restaurant Passports In America Is INEXCUSABLE—Trump is Pure Evil
  • From Trumps’ Rally Yesterday–JUST IN: “Take the vaccine-I did it-it is good!” shouts Trump about the Covid Kill Shot!!
  • And here is why Trump does not like the Covid PFIZER Booster Shot–Because his financial interests lie with the Johnson & Johnson & he does not like losing money!!! Johnson & Johnson Heir & Trump Fundraiser (Who Trump personally appointed as an Ambassador) Killed More Americans Than WW2!
  • VAXXED Patients’ Blood Examined, Horrific Findings Revealed by German Physicians!
  • Current Covid Kill Shot Headlines
  • The Kill Shot and Black Goo–Is it in You?
  • Black Goo Examined
  • Mississippi orders coronavirus-infected individuals to isolate at home or face up to 5 years in prison Mississippi’s daily new cases are the highest they’ve been during the SCAMdemic
  • Surgeon General: Vaccine Mandates at Businesses, Colleges ‘A Very Reasonable Thing to Do’–Government using corporations and institutions to create a two-tiered society once the FDA fully approves the COVID injections
  • Locked Down Under! Aussies Warn America: You’re Next!
  • Australia runs mass child sacrifice Luciferian vaccine ritual targeting 24,000 children (WARNING: GRAPHIC)
  • Draconian Covid Headlines

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-23-21

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