"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-16-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 17, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • HISTORIC: Russian Troops Enter China for JOINT EXERCISES. Stated Purpose: “Bring Down American Arrogance”
  • Chinese Troops Increasing Daily Across Canadian West Coast! Indian Reservation Land Usage!
  • Antifa (With full approval of the satanic local police) savagely ATTACKS Little Children & Pastor Artur Pawlowski’s prayer rally in Portland, OR!!!!
  • Antifa.com Used to Re-direct to the Biden Harris Campaign Site!!–Now www.Antifa.com Re-directs to www.whitehouse.gov!!!!
  • Hypocrisy Exposed–Covid at BLM rally vs Covid at Freedom Rally – Global Satanic Takeover
  • COVID Has Never Been Isolated–Cannot Be Located–Does Not EXIST! FOIA Response Reveals Worldwide HOAX!
  • Bombshell–The CDC is being sued for Covid fraud The Flu is being called Covid-19!!!!!! Covid-19 is a total SCAM!!!!!
  • The CDC has been grouping pneumonia, influenza (the flu), and Covid-19 deaths together as “PIC”! While discontinuing reporting on influenza hospitalizations because supposedly “the number is too low” despite being in the middle of the flu season!!! But the clear reason the flu numbers are “too low” are because all flu cases are being counted as Covid-19!!!!!! Total Satanic Insanity!!!!!
  • UK Health Authorities: Not a Single Case of Flu Detected This Year — Miraculously The Flu Has VANISHED from off the Earth

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-16-21

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-16-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 17, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • DC Swamp Creatures keep accelerating the Total Destruction of America!
  • Comment by my Daughter Taylor: First Covid Vaccine in the United States was Administered on December 14, 2019– This is also the same date (month and day) that the movie “I am Legend” was released on December 14, 2007
  • FDA Set to Approve Pfizer Covid Kill Jab 17 Months Ahead of Schedule!!! Clearing the Way for Kill Shot Mandates!
  • Using The CDC’s “Shielding Approach”, “Green Zones” Are Being Constructed, Which Are CDC Imprisonment Camps, To Imprison the Millions of Americans Who Won’t Conform to Their Future Plans for The NWO – Preparing For Covid Imprisonment!
  • US Set To Announce Permanent Lockdowns Soon! Send The Non-Vaccinated To Internment Camps!
  • Because Satan Cares So Much!–The CDC is Creating a Secret National Database of Households with Unvaccinated Children—Obviously This is Being Done so They Can Abduct You & Your Children For the FEMA Kill Camps or Till You are all in Full Covid Kill Shot Compliance!!!!
  • Biden Admin Floating Proof Of Vaccination For Interstate Travel As Southern Border Flooded By Illegals 
  • As Homeland Security Issues Terror Threat Targeting the People Who Refuse COVID Vaccine or Mask Mandates!!!! While the US Army is Advertising For ‘Internment/Resettlement Specialists’
  • Feds unveil 90-day plan to wage false flag violence & blame it all on US anti-lockdown/anti-vaxx/anti-mask/anti-election fraud citizens
  • Semi-Trucks Rationed Fuel Because of Biden And Guess What The Feds Blame It On?
  • Army National Guard Recruits For ‘Internment’ And ‘Resettlement’ Specialist, Military Document s Lay Out Procedure For ‘Civilian Internees’ DOESN’T GET ANY PLAINER THAN THIS! REMEMBER WHO THE MARXISTS/COMMUNISTS IN THE MILITARY CALL TERRORISTS!
  • YOUR PAPERS, PLEASE–Welcome to 1938: First, they came for the unvaccinated
  • Wayne Allyn Root declares: ‘This is the most important commentary I’ve ever written’
  • As We Have Warned–The Rubber is Meeting the Road!!!: Los Angeles officials vote unanimously in favor of a new rule to STARVE OUT the unvaccinated by denying them access to retail grocery stores!! The L.A. ordinance “requires” people to show proof of the COVID Kill Shot as a prerequisite to enter any indoor public space in the city!!!
  • Covid Marital Law Update From France–YOU NEED TO READ THIS TO PREPARE AND PRAY

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-16-21

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-16-21-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 17, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Covid Kill Shot Vaccine segregation/tyranny at the airport and $25,000 fine upon return to Canada!!!!
  • Coming to a Covid Prison Camp Near You!!! PURE DYSTOPIAN EVIL: Aussie Forcibly Hauled Off To Insane Asylum For Covid Thought crime–His Traitorous Pharmacist WIFE turned him in!!!
  • EVIL TYRANTS: Total “Covid Compliance” Police State & Martial Law Intensifies To Fever Pitch In Australia—Check Points Everywhere & Crippling $5000 Fines For Not Doing Everything Satan Says You Must Do!!!
  • Australia Tyranny: Movement Permits, Gov’t Registries and Enormous Fines—Imposing a “Singles Bubble”?
  • Authorities “Won’t Hesitate” to go “Door-to-Door” to Perform COVID Tests on Australians–“We’re prepared to do what has to be done”
  • Watch: Sydney Police Knocking On Doors Taking People To Covid Isolation Camps (AFTER Forcing Tracking Bracelet)
  • Prime Minister of Israel warns that if people don’t get vaccinated they will “postpone the Messiah”–which ironically means the Antichrist
  • Draconian Covid Headlines
  • “FRAUD ON EVERY LEVEL”: Therapist Whistleblower: Covid Kill Shot Killing Patients in Droves–Misdiagnosis as Covid to get More Money!!! Treatment Withheld & More (Hawaii)
  • Doctors Are Waking Up And Warning The World Of The Deadly COVID Jab
  • The Truth about Why Are They in Such a Hurry to JAB EVERYONE
  • Current Covid Kill Shot Headlines
  • The Caduceus–Satan’s Symbol of Modern Medicine—The Evil Entity known as Hermes’ main symbol is the caduceus–a winged staff intertwined with two snakes copulating
  • Hospitals are Temples of the Occult–Eustace Mullins–Global Sciences Congress-August 1993 in Denver
  • Scott Johnson’s Teachings on the Caduceus & Hermes

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-16-21

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-16-21-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 17, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Doctor Restrained, Put Into Solitary Confinement After Advocating For Mistreated COVID Patient
  • Jennifer Day Walston NC (Like the rest of the nation and the world) are going to be facing a healthcare shortage soon–so be aware if you need to seek medical care
  • Scott Johnson’s Comment & Bible Study Regarding the Times We are All Facing & All My Listeners Who Are Being Forced to Leave Their Jobs and Possibly Relocate
  • Brave School Teacher Takes Stand, QUITS in Front of Woke School Board!
  • Attorney Thomas Renz Drops BOMBS! Hospital Administrators Killing For Cash, Threatening Docs
  • LIES! ‘Media’ Falsely Claims FL Morgues Overflowing, Refrigerator Trucks Used for Bodies
  • Positive Covid Pushback Headlines

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-16-21

Click Here To Play The Part 4 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-2-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 3, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Updated Group Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points
  • THE FALLING AWAY: America’s new religion is “Fake Christianity”
  • What the Bible Says About the Heart
  • Breaking! Biden Set To Announce New Lockdown Through 2022 Midterm Elections
  • Democrats Announce The End Of Freedom In America–Take Your Covid Kill Shot Or Die!!! CNN’s Don Lemon Announces Unvaccinated People Shouldn’t Be Able To Work Or Buy Food! CNN just declared that unvaccinated people should be starved to death!!!
  • Biden Wants Nationwide Mandated Injections
  • VIDEO: U.S. Marine: “If you try to Force Vaccinate Me, I am going to kill you”
  • Kamala Harris Urged Americans To Get The Covid-19 Vaccine Because The Bible Says So (Video)
  • Fauci Issues Dire Warning Of What’s To Come–“Things are going to get worse” because of a surge of the ‘Delta’ variant among UnVaccinated people
  • Department of Justice Declares COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates Legal!
  • Government authorities now ordering the VAXTERMINATION of all govt. employees
  • The UN Setting Up Massive Internment Camp Systems For The Unvaccinated– Reports based out of Denmark and France where people are being held against their will & put into Covid Camps–Their only crime being Un-vaccinated

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-2-21

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-2-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 3, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Pure Evil–Israeli PM Naftali Bennett: To Those Who Refuse the Jab They Will Not Be Able To….
  • Israelis Cry Out to the World to Stop Mandatory COVID Kill Shot– Israel becomes first country in the world to push 3rd Covid kill shot for already vaccinated
  • Attorney Renz: They Are Panicking – Hold Firm
  • Pastor speaks out against vaccines– In less than two hours, YouTube had removed it and sent us notice that we were banned from YouTube for seven days.  
  • Do Not Comply, America!
  • Positive Covid Pushback Headlines
  • Romanian Listener Comment: Covid Restrictions & Possible War Coming
  • British Gov’t Warns COVID Vaccine-Induced Mutations May Kill 2.6 Billion People!!! — Phase 2 permanent lockdowns imminent as Biden White House loses control of COVID narrative
  • CDC Warns COVID Kill Shot Causing 74% Of New SCAMdemic Cases!!!
  • Current Kill Shot Headlines Showing the Lies of the MSM and Governments—The Vaxxed are the Super Spreaders and are the Ones Dying!!!
  • Listener Comment—Un-Vaxxed Getting Sick–health report
  • Gibraltar & Iceland See MASSIVE Covid Spike Despite Over 90% of Population Vaccinated
  • VAERS Website Goes Offline After COVID Vaccine Deaths Skyrocket
  • VIDEO: Covid-19 Vaccine Program Director Admits The Kill Shot Destroys Your Immune System!!!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-2-21

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 8-2-21-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | August 3, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Funeral Director Explains What’s Really Happening in England–The UK Government Is Expecting Major Deaths from the vaccines
  • Maryland Nurse Reports On Vaccination Catastrophe
  • Insanity & Lying Devils!!: Hospitalizations and Deaths Among Vaccinated Surge–While Health Authorities Blame the Unvaccinated
  • Listener Comment: Screenshots of the Lying Bots of Twitter
  • DEADLY S-H-O-T-S! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Graphene Oxide Hydrogel Poison in C-O-V-I-D ‘Vaccine’ Connects Vaxxed to 5G–This is bombshell & confirms several other reports that have broke as of late!!!
  • Watch object (Most likely a Graphene Oxide self-replicating mass) removed from vaccination site–This could be you if you get the Experimental jab
  • The Vaccinated Should Not Hold A Cellphone Anywhere Near The Brain Or Even, Body!! Watch “The Thing” Come To Life!! Graphene Oxide Is A Key Ingredient In The Covid Kill Shot!! EVIDENCE OF A HIGHLY ORGANIZED INTERNATIONAL CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT GLOBAL GENOCIDE
  • Listener Comment: I am no longer magnetized!!!!! Fulvic Acid WORKS!
  • Graphene Oxide Chemtrail Skies?
  • Report From 2018–The Future of Graphene and 5G
  • INBRAIN Neuroelectronics Secures $17 Million in Series A Funding for First AI-Powered Graphene-Brain Interface
  • Listener Comment: Voice-to-Skull Tech Beaming Vaccine Propaganda? Are they cloud seeding the vaxx?!
  • BOMBSHELL! GERMAN & UK DEFENSE WORK ON MASSIVE “HUMAN AUGUMENTATION” PROJECT FOR CIVILIAN POPULATION—FYI: Those that Survive the Covid Kill Shots Have Already Gotten Their First Nanotech Cyborg/DNA “Upgrades”
  • COVID VAX? U.S. Supreme Court Case – “new and useful . . . composition of matter,” Can Be Patented . . . People Who Take the Vax now have altered DNA which is Patentable—Are the vaxxed even fully human anymore?

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 8-2-21

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-26-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 27, 2021

Table of Contents

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 7-26-21

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-26-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 27, 2021

Table of Contents

  • The FDA could be preparing to unleash an anti-supplement policy as early as next year that could eliminate tens of thousands of products from the market—in the middle of a pandemic. Action Alert!
  • Senator Durbin (D-IL) is planning to include an amendment to a must-pass appropriations bill that would give the FDA enormous power to eliminate food supplements we need to stay healthy, especially during the pandemic. His deadline is early next week, so we have no time to lose. Urgent Action alert!
  • Religion of Peace Strikes Again!! Muslims Slaughter 3,462 Christians, Kidnap 3,000, Attack 300 Churches (Just In Nigeria Alone) So Far This Year!!
  • MEDIA BLACK-OUT: Muslim Jihad US Representative Ilhan Omar Brags at Global Communist Meeting, ‘Biden is Giving Us Everything We Want!’
  • Pathetic Husk “President” Joe Biden’s Wonderful Satanically Fruitful Headlines!!
  • Did Joe Biden Just Admit He Drinks Children’s Blood?: “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.”
  • Biden Has Opened the Door for the UN to Move On America Prior to the Outbreak of WW III
  • Near the US Southern Border Wicked Cartel Members Break Into Ranchers Homes And Practice Witchcraft
  • U.S. Military Officers Warning Each Other–Get Your House In Order-Supplies — NOW

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 7-26-21

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 7-26-21-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | July 27, 2021

Table of Contents

  • Republican Leaders Announce New Covid SCAMdemic Lock Down Plan Because of the Unvaccinated!!!!! The Unvaxxed are being Demonized as Subhuman!!!!
  • Number One Report on Populist Press: Woman Has Both Legs and Hands Amputated After COVID Kill Shot
  • Covid SCAMdemic Headlines
  •  “PINGDEMIC” Smart Phone Insanity!!! UK government commits nation to starvation suicide by commanding food sector workers to self-quarantine… supply chain “at risk of collapse”
  • Governments are using credit card purchase data as “contact tracing’ COVID surveillance
  • Australia goes down under the boot as citizens in Sydney are ordered to avoid casual conversation – even with a mask and vaccine
  • Listener/Doctor of Pharmacy Comment About the PCR Tests
  • 45,000 Dead in America From Covid-19 Vaccines Within 3 Days of Taking the Kill Shot –Sparks Lawsuit Against Federal Government
  • FACTS From United States District Court: COVID-19 is all “Hype” – No worse than Flu – No need to Mask or Lockdown — 45,000 DEAD Within 3 Days of Taking the Covid Kill Shot!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 7-26-21

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio