"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-19-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 20, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Bible Study: Malachi 3:13 – 4:2 & John 12
  • More Updates—Adrenochrome Harvesting of Terrorized Children which are then “Disposed Of” After they Cannot Produce High Quality Adrenochrome Anymore — The Leaked Documents—Main Adrenochrome Harvesting Headquarters Listed At “Trump Towers”
  • Donald Trump is a Child Molester – The Facts
  • Donald Trump has paid about $30 million to settle child-sex complaints, including a 2012 incident at Albemarle Estate in Charlottesville, Virginia

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 4-19-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-19-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 20, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Subject: Listener Nurse Comment: Actually, the blood supply is already heavily contaminated because of the COVID vaccines
  • Listener Comment: My brother in law has been a Christian for about 40 years. He took the vaccine and now said he has no faith whatsoever and is just surviving day to day now
  • Listener Comment: Defiled Illegals/Children at the Border
  • CBS Report has startling revelations for contents of hot dogs: Human DNA!!!
  • Cancer & Invive Silver
  • DMSO: A Powerful Healing Agent Used in Cancer Treatment but Censored in U.S.
  • Posted on FaceBook–I got home to Canada yesterday–I must tell you about the fresh hell I walked into after arriving in the Vancouver British Columbia Airport
  • County officials say they won’t force coronavirus vaccinations on children or turn schools into mass vaccination centers–Orange County, CA Students Won’t Be Forced to Get Coronavirus Vaccines
  • Listener Question: About How to Protect Yourself From the Covid Vaccinated
  • Thieves / Shield – Essential Oil Protective Blend–How to make a natural Sanitizer Spray
  • NWO Plan: Let the Covid Kill Shot Vaccines KILL Americans while illegal aliens REPLACE them
  • Vaccine DEATH WAVE now unstoppable… 122 million Americans now at risk from dangerous medical experiment that can’t be undone
  • Nurse Listener Feedback–As a ER nurse I am witnessing first hand vaccine related disasters over and over again  
  • Ontario, Canada is now officially a Covid-19 SCAMdemic police state
  • ENDLESS Kill Shots: Now Pfizer And Biden White House Says People Should Prepare For Yearly Vaccine ‘Booster’ Shots In Order To Be ‘Fully Protected’
  • Churches Being Bought Off to Tell You To Take the Kill Shot and Comply!!! One of the ways the 501c3 corporate American churches were bought off in the SCAMdemic: CaresAct Gives $5,000.00 tax deduction for each church employee

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 4-19-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-19-21-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 20, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Covid Kill Shot Updated Deaths, Injuries & Reports
  • NHS Nurse Quits & Speaks Out on the SCAMdemic
  • Globalist Documents Lay Out Plan to Completely Collapse Civilization & Kill 7 Billion
  • Professor Says COVID-19 Will be Like a ‘Fond Caress’ in Comparison to Next Pandemic
  • Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Legislation to Fire Dr. Fauci, Ban Vaccine Passports
  • More Kill Shot Testimonies and Feedback
  • Hospital Nurse Listener Feedback
  • Shocking Listener Comment on the Door to Door Vaccinations Going on in Florida
  • FL Vaccine Nazi’s Going Door to Door–Hiring Immediately: COVID-19 Response Team Staffer $18-20 per hour
  • Orange County FL firefighters go door-to-door to administer COVID-19 vaccines to homebound residents in underserved areas
  • Desantis Pushing More Kill Shots!!!
  • Listener Feedback Regarding Another Covid Shot Victim-His Grandma
  • Listener Feedback Regarding Another Covid Shot Victim-Her Brother
  • Christian Man explains what he felt after receiving the Covid Shot—Can’t Feel God Anymore
  • “Cease and Desist All Covid-19 Vaccine Mandates” Notice-From
  • Israel Faces Hague for Vaccine ‘Holocaust’

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 4-19-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-12-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 13, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Another Flat Earther Adherent Tells Scott Johnson To Stop Deceiving My Listeners About How Obviously the Earth is Flat—Plus My Response
  • The Flat Earth Theory Examined–Parts 1-4 By Dr. Scott Johnson
  • Flat Earthers strike out again by failing to grasp the phenomenon of gravity, elliptical orbits and acceleration
  • How Donald “Don the Con” Trump Fleeced His Own Supporters Out Of Hundreds Of Millions & is Laughing All The Way to the Bank!!!!
  • InfoWars Crew Catches Catholic “Charity” Smuggling Migrant Children
  • With Baby In-Tow-Mexican Catholic “Charity” Human Smuggler (with TWO large Santa Muerte ‘Angel of Death’ Cartel Tattoos) Confronted At Airport–Child Smugglers Caught At Texas Border

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 4-12-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-12-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 13, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Americans Last: NY Dems & Gov Cuomo Approve Giving Illegal Immigrants A One Time Payment Of Up To $15,600!!!! Your Tax Dollars at Work!!!
  • WHAT!? Biden Stimulus Checks For Citizens In Central America…
  • Biden’s $2-Trillion “American Jobs Plan” Will Kill Jobs, Raise Taxes, and Enforce Green New Deal Policies
  • Word of the Year: Ineptocracy
  • Tech Companies Put Billions Into Startups Aiming to Harvest the Blood of Children for Rejuvenation, Anti-Aging
  • Listener Comment: Covid Vaccinated TAINTED BLOOD SUPPLY
  • Film: Primum Non Nocere – First do no Harm – Blood Transfusion Warning! What are the long term implications of receiving other peoples’ DNA or receiving chromosomes from the opposite sex after a blood transfusion?
  • “Adrenochrome” The Elite’s Super Blood Drink–READ WITH CAUTION “Confidential” LEAKED United States Army Special Medical Corp Documentation–Kidnapping Young Children to Torture – Extract Their Blood and KILL Them–YOUNG CHILDREN’S BLOOD is a BIG BUSINESS– WHERE ARE ALL THE YOUNG MISSING CHILDREN GOING?
  • VIDEO: ADRENOCHROME The Elite’s Super Drug
  • Court Statements That The Elite Torture Children & Drink Their Adrenalized Blood IE: Adrenochrome – At Least 8 Million Children Disappear Every Year Worldwide!!
  • BOMBSHELL: Disposable Blue & Gray Face Masks Found to Contain Toxic, Asbestos-Like Substance that Destroys Lungs
  • Moving Black Strings On Masks & Swabs: Parasites? Morgellons? Worm-Like Micelles For Drug Delivery?
  • Target sells woke prayer book: “Dear God, please help me to hate White people.”
  • While Militarizing Area Around GraceLife Church at Church Barricaded by RCMP for Breaking Alberta COVID SCAMdemic Rules—Alberta Police Ignore Large Islamic Pagan Mosques Meeting Regularly

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 4-12-21

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-12-21-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 13, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Fast Fence: This Company is Helping the Government Persecute Christians In Canada
  • Nanny State Police (who sold their sold to Satan) giving out multiple $1550.00 tickets to those OUTSIDE not wearing the Covid Face Diaper/Hijab Coverings & threaten protesters with JAIL at Quebec City anti-lockdown protest
  • Conservative politicians are all talk–no action on GraceLife Church shutdown
  • EMERGENCY — EMERGENCY — EMERGENCY–50 heavily armed police just raided the hotel where our Rebel News reporters were staying in Montreal & Arrested them!!!
  • Pastor Forced Police Out of Parish–Faces Nearly $1 Million in Fines For COVID SCAMdemic”Violations”
  • Biden Joins The U.N. In Calling For Global Vaccine Passports–The Great Reset is here!
  • Number One Report On Drudge–More SCAMdemic Lies to Justify the Never Ending Lockdowns and Kill Shots–PFIZER Covid Vaxx CAN’T STOP S.AFRICA STRAIN–“Study” Shows The Covid Vaccinated Have a 800% Higher Infection Rate of the New Covid S.AFRICA Variant Than Its Prevalence in the Unvaccinated Population!!!!! Obviously this is happening because the kill shots are infested with this new Covid “variant” and spreading it just like we have been predicting!!!
  • 1997 ‘Mark of the Beast’ Satire–Predicts Cashless Society & Fake Churches
  • Child Molester-In-Chief Creepy Joe Biden Pledges to Destroy America’s “Racist” Highways While China Unveils Plan to Administer Global Vaccine Passports–China To Be in Charge of the Coming Smartphone QR Vaccine System

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 4-12-21

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-12-21-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 13, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • European human rights court: compulsory vaccinations are “necessary” and don’t violate human rights, no matter what’s in the vaccine
  • Human rights attorney, Leigh Dundas, holds the CA board of education to account for secretly pushing vaccines on innocent children
  • 6000% Increase in Reported Vaccine Deaths 1st Quarter 2021 Compared to 1st Quarter 2020 …..And these are only the reported cases++Please Note That On Average ONLY 1% of vaccine injuries are ever reported to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)
  • The Horrific Covid Kill Shot Death and Injures For Just this Past Week
  • Welcome To The New Normal!!!! Only Covid Kill Shot Vaccinated People Can Be Evacuated From St. Vincent Caribbean Island to Escape Volcano, Says Prime Minister But what’s to become of the unvaccinated individuals on the island? Are they simply supposed to wait to die? YES!!! That certainly appears to be the message the Vincentian government is sending!!! In Other Words All The Non-Vaccinated are Scum Worthy of a Horrific Death!!!!!
  • Listener Comment: I met a man at Walmart today who said he was a “Christian”…He was wearing a mask and I asked him if he was sick and he told me that he wears that to protect people like me, without masks. I asked him what he thought about vaccines and he told me that he took a second jab last week…
  • Comment From a New Ager That Does ‘Energy Work’ (Take with a Grain of Salt)—Her Observations On What happens Energetically After One Takes the Covid Vaccination
  • The Silver Cord & the Bible
  • Amazon Alexa Warns About the Covid Vaccine Creating Zombies
  • mRNA vaccines may cause your body to churn out PRIONS that “eat your brain” like Mad Cow Disease
  • Shocking! Miscarriages Increase by 366% in Just 6 Weeks Because of Covid Vaccines

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 4-12-21

Click Here To Play The Part 4 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-5-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 6, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Praying Current Event Prayer Points
  • Fasting and Prayer Session: Saturday 4/17/21 at 7pm
  • Easter/Ishtar: Paganism Repackaged
  • HOW do demons get in you? Common ways demons enter people
  • Demons MATERIALIZING in start of epic WAR against humanity
  • Beware of This>>Project Looking Glass reveals future timelines converging into mass AWAKENING and the defeat of evil
  • Gun Grabbing Left’s Religion is the Mark of the Beast Control Grid
  • Special Report: Biden’s Massive Illegal Immigrant Pipeline Exposed–Video evidence of the biggest crime committed by the executive branch in U.S. history

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 4-5-21

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 4-5-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | April 6, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Current Event Headlines
  • World Shocked By SPARS 2025-2028 Document – Prions – Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease – CJD – AKA Kuru – Cannibalism – Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy – Mad Cow Disease
  • Warning–Mad Cow Prion Disease Infecting Venison, Elk and Big Game in North America– Secret Government Weapons That Cause Havoc to the Human Body
  • Important–What to do about: Prions – Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease – CJD – vCJD – AKA Kuru – Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy – Mad Cow Disease
  • In 2010 the Rockefeller’s ‘Operation Lockstep’ Predicted the Covid-19 SCAMdemic 2020 ‘Lockdown’
  • Coming Soon — Vaccine Passports Will Determine Where You Can Go and What You Can Do–New York Will Officially Begin Requiring ‘Vaccine Passports’ proof that they have received the COVID-19 vaccine — in order to re-enter society!!!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 4-5-21

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-29-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 29, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • This is a very powerful prayer against Witchcraft…with fasting even more powerful
  • Warning Mature Content–Nickelodeon Kids Choice and the Teen Choice Award Winning Rapper Star-Has Simulated Gay Sex With Satan In New Wicked Music Video—Screaming Crying Elementary School Children Sing His Songs En Masse, Spot On
  • What Does the Bible Say About Rebellion and Stubbornness
  • Last week came CA School Children invoking the Aztec war gods of cannibalism and human sacrifice, now it’s the ‘Lil Nas X’ Nike ‘Satan’ sneakers with upside down crosses, pentagrams, 666 & HUMAN BLOOD in them—But hurry as there are only 666 pairs are for sale and they are bound to go quick at over 1000.00 per pair!!!– America Is Becoming more Demon Possessed by the Second!!!
  • R. 353 Comply Or Die! New Intelligence Bill Will Initiate Real Time Purge…Final Stage Has Arrived!
  • Media Blackout On Elite Pedophilia Cases
  • Dave Hodges Calls Jesuit Loyola and Oral Roberts CHRISTIAN universities!!! Sorry Dave you are Dead Wrong!!!
  • Scott Johnson’s Teachings Exposing Oral Roberts University and the Jesuits
  • Hyperinflation begins: Supplies of everything are running short as prices soar

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 3-29-21

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio