"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-29-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 29, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Prayer Alert–More Satellites by SpaceX and OneWeb Launched Despite Opposition and Catastrophic Warnings- Global Health Consequences for Everyone
  • Current Event & Kill Shot Statistic Headlines
  • ‘Hot Zone America’ Would Be The Final Nail In America’s Coffin As Globalists Initiate Final Lockdown, Arrests And The Destruction Of Over 125 Million ‘Deplorables’- Nightmare Scenario Would Mean Nothing Less Than ‘America’ And Freedom Extinguished 
  • CDC Pretending That NOBODY is Getting Injured or Killed from COVID-19 Vaccines
  • BOMBSHELL: Medical Doctor Loses 22 Patients After COVID Kill Shot Vaccine
  • Scott Jensen & Former Minnesota State Senator says: The WHO Confirms ‘We’ve All Been Played’ on COVID-19
  • The Real Covid SCAMdemic Agenda–Never Ending Vaccines, Lockdowns & The Age of Genetically Modified Humans Has Arrived

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 3-29-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-29-21-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 29, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Texas Doctor Exposes COVID-19 Vaccine As A Fraud
  • Historic court case reveals that NO safety studies were conducted on any vaccine over thirty-two years, as was required by law
  • Americans Tell Shocked CNN Reporter They Won’t Take COVID Vaccine: ‘I Don’t Trust The Government’ “Does anybody in this restaurant think it’s a good idea to take the COVID vaccine?” The reporter asked them–Not a single person responded
  • “Christian” Covid Kill Shot Advocate Rebukes and Tries to Set Scott Johnson Straight
  • After declaring Jesus Christ was the remedy for COVID-19, John Hagee is now taking the kill shot!!!
  • A new amazing Covid-19 adaption song for the Increasing Number of Covid Kill Shot Churches of the World!!! “Have The New Jab” – “Hallelujah” adapted by the Marsh Family
  • LA Schools: Health Pass Now Required For Children To Enter School
  • Show Your Covid Kill Shot Papers and Get a FREE Krispy Kreme Donut EVERYDAY!
  • COVID-19 is code for eliminating masculinity and advancing feminism … next “treatment” involves injecting men with female hormone
  • WARNING!!!!: Cancer Causing Ethylene Oxide on COVID-19 Test Swabs & Masks
  • The PCR Test Can Kill You and Can Be Used to Vaccinate You–International best-selling author, Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA, explains how and why the PCR test kills and how it can be used to deliver a vaccine to those who have declined vaccinations
  • CLAIM: COVID Nasal Test Kits Infected with “Nano-Worms” or Morgellons fibers to Infect People’s Brains after test?
  • Red Alert–Covid Test Warning–Morgellons Fibers Isolated!!!
  • CLAIM: PCR test swabs may contain “star-shaped microdevices” that are secretly vaccinating the “vaccine hesitant”

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 3-29-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-22-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 23, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • UNCOVERING the enemy’s tactics – The devil EXPOSED
  • Biblical Proactive Actions For Dealing With Evil Entities and Overcoming Sin
  • Here’s a literal demon possessed Satanist saying “progressive Christians are what the world needs right now” & thanking them!
  • The New Normal!!!: California’s Proposed “Ethnic Studies” Curriculum Urges Students to Chant to Aztec Deity of War, Human Sacrifice and Cannibalism – Calls For “Counter-Genocide” Against White Christians–Footage out of a California school shows students extremely pumped up to recite the chant–Proverbs 8:36: “But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death.”
  • America’s Embrace Of The Demonic Delusion Of Transgenderism Is Pure Evil
  • Biden Signs Executive Order to Make Transgender Surgery Free for Military on Taxpayer Dime
  • Biden Awards $86 MILLION Contract for Hotel Rooms to House 1,200 Illegal Aliens While Millions of Legal Americans Face Evictions and Cannot Afford Food

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 3-22-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-22-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 23, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Current Event Headlines
  • If the elite really do intend to use COVID-19 to fundamentally transform our society they are going to need to continue to find ways to make it sound a whole lot more scarier than it really is & ‘they’ are desperately trying to do so now
  • “Christian” Broadcasting Network-The 700 Club-Pat Robertson-Franklin and Billy Graham-Trump-Pastor Robert Jeffries-All Begging Their Followers to Take the DNA Defiling Covid-19 Kill Shot (Cultured Off Aborted Babies) ASAP!!!! They All Love Satan and They Desperately Want Their Followers Defiled, Maimed, Dead and in Hellfire As Quickly As Possible!!!!<<This is the “End Game” Bottom Line Truth!!!!!!
  • Showing His True Colors Apostate Laodicean Franklin Graham Says Jesus Would ‘Take The COVID Vaccine’ And Urges Pastors To Compel Their People To Take The DNA Defiling Kill Shot (That Uses Aborted Babies In Its Production) As Well!!! Hey Franklin (To you and all your Satanic ilk) hear the Word of God!: John 8:44: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”
  • Scott Johnson’s Teaching’s Exposing Franklin Graham
  • Mass “Christian” Delusion–Isa 9:16-20: For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed…
  • Pastors the Bible or Science? More Sellouts to the Covid Kill Shot: Rotary Club -Lions Club – Etc….

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 3-22-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-22-21-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 23, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Listener Comment: Now they want to vaccinate inside of churches and they are figuring out how to get more acceptance
  • In the Future this SCAMdemic Kill Shot Precedence Will Lead to “Christian” churches openly giving the ‘mark of the beast’ in house–Soon they will be worshipping Satan outwardly and calling it “Christian”
  • Satan’s Mouthpiece Trump Follows Fauci’s Advice, Asks Supporters To Take ‘Great’ Covid Vaccine “I would recommend it and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don’t want to get it, and a lot of those people voted for me”
  • Statement by Donald Trump on March 10th of this year regarding the Covid Kill Shot Vaccine That He Proudly Takes Total Credit for!!!!!
  • Hey Trump: COVID Vaccines Are Deadly Poison!
  • Soulless CDC Luciferian’s Tell Us that the Covid Kill Shot is the Satanic Carrot to Get us Back to “Normal Life”
  • BREAKING: Pentagon to Make COVID-19 Vaccines Mandatory for the Military in July
  • Question & Response To a Friend With Questions About the Covid Vaxx—Great to forward to a Skeptical Family Member or Friend
  • Pray for the Israeli People–Israeli Woman Tells the World the Horrific Truth About What is Going on in Israel With the Covid Kill Shot and Lockdowns! [2021-03-19]– Covid Death Count Incentivized–Currently The Hospitals in Israel get $6663.80 at today’s exchange rate (or 22,000 Shekels) for every Covid SCAMdemic death statistic!!!–The love of money is the root of all evil!!!
  • BOMBSHELL report–IBM–The same tech industry that powered Holocaust computational machines now backing the VACCINE compliance tracking and food allowance
  • Walmart (Which is already the largest provider of the COVID kill shot vaccines in the US) & Sam’s Club Are Joining The End Times Push For Digital Vaccination Credentials In Unified Global System<<Please Don’t Shop at these Satanic Stores
  • CA Senator Richard Pan says Americans who refuse experimental coronavirus gene therapy injections are “domestic terrorists”
  • Former Gates Vaccine Scientist Predicts Mass Genocide–We are “at risk of resulting in a global catastrophe without equal”

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alerts 3-22-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-8-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 9, 2021

Table of Contents: 

  • Satanic Temple in Texas Files Lawsuit Demanding ‘Religious Right’ to Sacrifice Babies Through Abortion
  • Babies are Aborted for Vaccines!!! Placed in refrigerators alive until they are ready to be murdered—This is done to harvest cell lines used in many vaccines, including almost all the Covid-19 Satanic Vaccines!!!
  • Human diploid cells in vaccines (Including virtually all the Covid-19 vaccines) are chopped up babies – Stanford University sets that straight
  • New Startup BiteLab Harvests Human Tissue To Make Meat Products Like Salami In Stunning Harbinger Of The Cannibalism
  • Cannibalism, Kuru, Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease(CJD), Prions, Papua New Guinea & Mad Cow Disease
  • EMERGENCY ALERTMass Murdering of Humans In Progress NOW–COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease 

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 3-8-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-8-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 9, 2021

Table of Contents: 

  • Ebola–Watch Papua New Guinea—Listener Comment Regarding Ebola & COVID IMPOSED MARTIAL LAW HAS LESSENED THE RESISTANCE TO THE TAKEOVER! HOWEVER, EBOLA COULD BE THE REAL KILL SHOT! What would you say if it could be demonstrated that the Center for Disease Control owns the patent on Ebola and all Ebola treatment?
  • Ebola Recommendations and Supplement Protocol—Copper, Vitamin C and Selenium
  • CDC Posts Updated Zombie Preparedness Information—Do They Know Something We Don’t? Why has the CDC just released a zombie apocalypse preparedness guide? SQ;’THE CENTER FOR DISEASE CREATION’ IS PREPPING THE POPULATION FOR FULL SCALE <BIO-WEAPONIZED ZOMBIE VIRUS RELEASE,SO THEY CAN SAY THEY WARNED US AHEAD OF TIME IN MY OPINION! 
  • Bill Gates MICROSOFT, 2016: “WE CAN PROGRAM COMPLEX BEHAVIORS USING DNA”–3-STRAND DNA CONFIRMED!!!!– Moderna boss: mRNA jabs are “rewriting the Genetic Code” we call it “information therapy” (Ted 2017)
  • Previous Post–Listener Comment: TRIPLE HELIX NEPHILIM DNA Possibly in the Covid-19 Vaccines!!!
  • Updated Bombshell: Covid-19 Vaccine Documented Deaths and Injuries Compilation-3-7-21
  • Medical Doctor Exposes Mass Eugenics Extermination Called ‘Covid-19 Vaccine’–Exposes Deadly Dangers of Pfizer/Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 Vaccines
  • Vaccine Mass Sterilization Depopulation Agenda Revealed on TV Show Amazon ‘Utopia’ Show
  • Listener Comment: Dolly Parton Pushing The Covid-19 Kill Shot Again—Dolly Insulting & Belittling–Says you are a Coward and Stupid if you Don’t Get it!!!!!
  • Scientist Urges Fellow Christians: Love Your Neighbor By Getting A COVID-19 Vaccine
  • President Trump tells His Followers to “Go get the Shot” – Same as His NAR Spiritual Advisor Evangelical Team tells the Church

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 3-8-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-8-21-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 9, 2021

Table of Contents: 

  • March 4 has Come and Gone which was the day that “Q” and their pals claimed Trump would return as President, resume the presidency, and arrest all the bad guys who have committed Treason against our country. This has been one giant deception!!
  • Trump claims total credit for vaccines almost exactly a year after saying Covid would disappear ‘like a miracle’
  • Vaccine depopulation weapons and the GOP’s pro-vaccine stance against humanity–The GOP is all-in with the vaccine industry, even knowing that mRNA vaccines are euthanasia shots designed to carry out genocide on a global scale–With Trump touting his “success” with vaccines during his CPAC speech yesterday, it’s abundantly clear the GOP is now pro-genocide, just like the Dems
  • Current Event Headlines
  • For Anyone Contemplating Taking Any Covid-19 Vaccination Please Go Through This Information & Checklist–So You Can Know You Have Performed Proper Due Diligence–FAMILY FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE FORM FOR COVID-19 INJECTIONS
  • More than 200 U.S. Marines Arrive in Philadelphia to Assist FEMA in Covid Kill Shot Mass Inoculations!!!
  • The Most DISTURBING California Covid SCAMdemic Propaganda Yet–LA Schools To Launch Bill Gates Microsoft COVID-19 Tracking App So Children Can Attend Classes
  • Will Israel become the first country to make the COVID vaccine mandatory? Human rights lawyer tells ALL ISRAEL NEWS nation is headed for “a bad situation” as the government unveils a litany of threats – and sanctions – for those who have not gotten their KILL shots
  • Knesset passes law to give Israeli cities personal info on unvaccinated residents
  • Medical Tyranny in Israel
  • Multitudes of JEWS just PRAYED for the WRONG messiah AKA “Thee Antichrist”! The Blasphemous Talmud That Most Jewish Religious Sects Follow to This Day

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 3-8-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-1-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 2, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Prayer: List of Current Event Prayer Points
  • Listener Coordinated Fast from the morning of Sunday March 7th until the morning of Monday March 8th—With a Live YouTube Prayer Session 7pm EST on Sunday March 7th
  • Listener Comment: Your prayer walk may have saved our children! Please read!
  • Ravi Zacharias Scandal Discussed
  • What the Bible Says About the Narrow Way and What Kind of Fruit a Christian is Supposed to Produce
  • Lady Gaga-Themed Oreos Contain Overt Child Molester Symbolism!!!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 3-1-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 3-1-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | March 2, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • ‘President’ Biden Urges Congress To Pass Demonic ‘Equality Act’ Which Erases God-Given Gender Distinctions And Paves The Way For Legalized Child Molestation!!!
  • Sodom and Gomorrah on Steroids!!!!! 1 in 6 Americans under 23 say they’re LGBTQ, as more people in the US than ever identify as non-heterosexual
  • The Days of Lot–Luke 17: 28-30
  • How Alien Disclosure Will Be Used to Enslave Humanity
  • Scott Johnson’s Teachings on The TV Show ‘Stargate SGI’
  • S. Govt. Says UFO Disclosure Coming Soon! Trump’s Involved
  • From the Frying Pan to the Fire – The Doubling Down on Donald Trump & False Light Rebellion–Will ‘They’ Bring Trump Back Soon?
  • Secret Service Agents Leak Just How Bad Biden’s Condition Is…

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 3-1-21

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