"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-8-21-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 8, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Mandatory SCAMdemic Quarantine For 2 Weeks if Traveling Into Canada! — Migrant laborers, Cops and More at Toronto’s airport
  • Bidens Nazi Germany: Federal Mask Cops To Start Targeting Travelers Today!!! TSA to fine mask violators up to $1,500!!!
  • Medical Tyranny: CDC Announces All Travelers Must Wear Two Masks– Threatens Criminal Charges Arrest for Violators!!!!!
  • US Surgeon General Doubles Down: Face Masks Increase Virus Risk
  • Face masks do not protect the wearer from transmission by others
  • Face masks restrict the elimination of virus, recirculating the virus into the nasal/sinus and upper respiratory passages
  • Constantly wearing a face mask causes you to breath in your own CO2 (carbon dioxide) at a far higher rate than if you were not wearing a mask.
  • Virus particles like Covid-19 are far too small to be filtered out by the standard face masks people are wearing
  • When wearing a synthetic mask the person is filtering their air through a synthetic material that outgases the petrochemically derived constituents that most are made of
  • Testimony From a Doctor in the UK on the Covid-19 Insanity
  • More Horrific Firsthand Covid-19 Kill Shot Testimonies!!!
  • Health freedom advocates file informed consent lawsuit to exempt all persons from mandatory vaccination
  • America’s Frontline Doctors Create a Petition to Stop Forced Experimental Vaccines

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-1-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 2, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Prayer–Current Event Prayer Points
  • The Biblical Test for a Prophet
  • What Happened With Trump??? False Prophets “Revising “god’s” Prophecies!” Over and Over Again–But the Bible Clearly States In: 1 Cor. 14:33: “For God is not the author of confusion”–Moving the Goal Posts & Speaking Lies is the New Norm Among these “Prophets/Profits”–Nothing like Being a Blind Human Stumbling Block to Your Followers!!!–Jesus Said: Matt. 15:14: “And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.”–2 Chron. 18

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 2-1-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-1-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 2, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Q and the False Prophets/Profits Are Now Saying: Trump is planning to come back and to be a Champion of America! & Scott Johnson’s Response
  • Why BIBLICALLY we are NOT in the Tribulation YET, Abomination of Desolation, Rebuilt Temple, Image of the Beast, 7 Year Tribulation Bible Verses
  • Warning Regarding Seventh Day Adventist SDA Walter Veith – Even though we are NOT even in the tribulation many are teaching: The Deadly Wound of the Antichrist has been (or will shortly be) Healed??!! & Is the image of the beast forming?
  • Listener Comment: Patriot Nurse Warning

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 2-1-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-1-21-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 2, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Producer of “Hunger Games” talks about Hollywood Child Molesters
  • Current Events Regarding Biden’s Sick, Perverted, Evil Plans For America!!!
  • Learn How Digital Silver Trading Is The Next GameStop – Buying Physical Silver Could Bankrupt Many of These Corrupt Companies Like JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs etc.
  • Goldman Sachs Issues Rare Sunday Warning; Markets Will Collapse if Squeeze Continues (Bankers too)

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 2-1-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 2-1-21-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | February 2, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Will the Covid-19 Kill Shot Turn Its Recipients Into “The Human Temple of Baal”
  • Warning Regarding: JD Farag – Amir Tsarfati – Jan Markell – Michelle Bachman – Trump – Jim Baker – Truth mixed with deception = Leaven — Make sure that nobody leads you astray
  • Shocking Presentation Linking 501c Churches and Ministries to the UN – WHO – One World Religion (including American Churches)
  • CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors Are DROPPING LIKE FLIES After COVID Injections! HE ENCOURAGES OTHERS TO SPEAK OUT!!!
  • Breaking Covid-19 Current Event Reports

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 2-1-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-25-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 26, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • This is a very powerful prayer against Witchcraft…with fasting even more powerful..
  • Current Events Headlines & Introducing Our Wonderful New “President” and boy has he already been busy destroying what is left of America!!!!
  • MANY MSM AGENTS (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS) CALLING FOR THE ARREST, DEPRROGRAMMING AND “RE-EDUCATION OF TRUMP SUPPORTERS!  Left-wing media calls for spy agencies to hunt down “white terror” in America, turning nation into Stasi-style police state Biden orders assessment of ‘domestic violent extremism’ threat–Confirms White House moving with ‘laser-light speed’ to tackle ‘unholy alliance’ that includes “religious extremists” But Antifa and BLM can rape steal kill and pillage all with the governments approval!!!!
  • The Round Ups are Already Beginning: FBI post-digital billboards to help find those involved in Capitol riots While Antifa and BLM can burn down, loot and murder with impunity and suffer zero repercussions!!!!!
  • Liberal Media Completely Silent As ANTIFA And Black Lives Matter Celebrate ‘Day One’ Of Biden-Harris Administration With Domestic Terror– Antifa in Seattle and Portland Smash Property, Oppose Biden! & Tell Police: ‘We Are Ungovernable’
  • Biden to ‘Immediately’ Sends Congress a Bill That Would Offer Citizenship to 11 Million Illegals
  • Biden Releases Illegal Alien Prisoners on America!!!
  • LET THERE BE BLOODSHED: Baby Butchers Biden And Fauci Team Up To Revoke Policy Protecting The Unborn To Create Massive International US Taxpayer-Funded Abortion Scheme
  • Biden was sworn in as Vice President under Obama on Washington, D.C., Jan. 20, 2009 with his hand placed on his Catholic Jesuit bible with two upside down crosses clearly seen!!!
  • Insane Lady GaGa Inauguration Hunger Games Comparison—They Are Telling You What They Are Planning!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 1-25-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-25-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 26, 2021

Table of Contents: 

  • 12,400 People in Israel Tested Positive for Coronavirus AFTER Being Injected with the Experimental Pfizer COVID Shot!!!
  • Listener/Hospital Nurse Comment: Shocking Testimony on the Covid Kill Shot
  • Another Covid Vaccine Horror Story–Mike’s Sister Took The Shot, And She Is Now Bed Ridden!
  • Red Alert–Covid Test Warning–Morgellons Fibers Isolated!!!
  • Listener Comment and Picture: Are the Nasal Swab Tests Causing These Horrific Black Blisters?
  • People Injured by the Covid Vaccine That Have Skin Peeling That Is Similar To Reptiles Shedding Their Skin Like Snakes
  • Listener Comment: Some of my coworkers are calling out sick because of vaccine reactionsThe call outs started with the second dose.
  • Baseball legend Hank Aaron dies two weeks after receiving coronavirus vaccine during publicity stunt
  • T.D. Fakes/Jakes Hosts Conversation with COVID-19 Vaccine Scientists/Luciferians Dr. Anthony Fauci Among Featured “Experts” To Get as many of his Flock (Especially Black People!!!) to Get the Kill Shot
  • TD Jakes Exposed!!!
  • Lest we forget: Obama Draws Praise From T.D. Jakes/Fakes & Many Other Hirelings
  • Back in 2008: Soulforce To Bring ‘Gay Agenda’ To Six Mega-Churches The Potter’s House (Which is T.D. Jakes Church) Was One of them
  • Report BIDEN GIVES UP ALREADY…JUST IN – President Biden now says “there is nothing we can do to change the trajectory of the pandemic in next several months
  • The Q Lies Just keep Pouring In–Many Still Falling for it Even After Trump is Gone!!! But Will This Eventually Bring us to Gesara / Nesara ?
  • Previous Teachings by Scott Johnson on Q , The False Prophets of Trump, Nesara / Gesara
  • The Q Lies Just Keep coming!!! Now Q is Saying: “Trump Will Be Sworn In The 19th President of Restored Republic!” Lin Wood Interview — Plus NESARA / GESARA

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 1-25-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-25-21-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 26, 2021

Table of Contents: 

  • Trump’s True Traitorous Legacy – Zionists and Q Exposed Once Again
  • Deceiver Simon Parkes Update
  • Alex Jones Attacks Q but wants to act like he was not pushing essentially the same Trump Train Psyop that Q was pushing for 4 years, and is hoping you will forget the last 4 years of him pointing to Trump as our greatest hope, while he let Trump off the hook over and over when he did overt evil (especially in the last two years of his presidency)!!!! You can’t have it both ways Jones!!!
  • Mike Adams Takes a Different Tact Than Alex Jones, Choosing to Defend All Those Putting Out the Q Psyop Lies for the last 4 years!!!–So instead of apologizing for deceiving his followers about Trump for the last 4 years, Mike Adams essentially defends all the “Trust the Plan”, 5D Chess, Trump lies put out by the CIA controlled Q promoters/pushers which have been nothing more than a deceiving mouthpieces of Satan, which Adams claims: “They all operated with good faith”
  • FALSE Trump Prophecies! Oops!! Mark Taylor – Paula White – Kenneth Copeland – – Sid Roth – Q & so many more
  • Listener Comment: Pastor Dana Coverstone False Prophecies

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-18-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 19, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • What the Bible Says About “Mourning”
  • Protection From The Lord & Psalm 27 
  • Spiritual Warfare and Prayer Walking Studies by Scott Johnson
  • Spiritual Warfare Prayer/Prayer Walking Guidelines
  • Prayer For Unsaved or Backslidden Christian
  • Updates Regarding www.contendingfortruth.com & Invive Silver
  • It is time for Trump to pass the devils baton to Biden
  • Dave Hodges Finally Admits that Trump is a Traitor!!!–Trump’s Final Legacy Will Be the Betrayal of his Base and His Failure to Defend America From the Coming Purge From the Left
  • The DC Rally On the 6th of January…Was the Last Honey Trap of Trump’s Presidency

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 1-18-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-18-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 19, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Q Psyop Exposed & Those Who Push the Narrative (Cutting Edge with John Hall & Dan Bidondi)
  • Listener Comment Regarding Q, Trump and Simon Parkes
  • Situation Update – “Operation Trust” Q psyop revealed—Will Biden be Taken Out Via Operation Martyr That is Blamed on Patriots?—Many Indicators Say Trump is Stepping Down
  • Prayer Alert–Caller Says: Biden To Be Assassinated AT INAUGURATION–Trump-Supporter to be Blamed–Gives Dems All they need to go after everyone opposed to evil!!!
  • From Attorney Sidney Powell – Trump is Stepping Down & Doing Nothing to Protect the US
  • OBEY: Cumulus Media orders all “conservative” talk show hosts to embrace Biden as “president
  • Right on Cue: Headlines Read: COVID Infested Illegal Alien Caravan Coming Form Central America–They Demand Biden…Violent Caravan Surges while Millions of Americans Unemployed…

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 1-18-21

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