"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-18-21-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 19, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • So What Are Frontline Nurses Saying About the Covid-19 Kill Shot?
  • Bombshell Testimony: Public Health Committee Hearing (Aluminum in Vaccines)
  • Doctors are now warning: If you use aluminum foil, stop it or face deadly consequences
  • Proven Effective Heavy & Light Metal and Radiation Detox Protocol

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 1-18-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-18-21-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 19, 2021

Table of Contents: 

  • Is China Coming for Our Resources? New Lockdowns of Millions Trigger “Chaos and Panic” at Grocery Stores In China As Prices Soar 50%
  • The Great Reset Button Has Been Pushed
  • Democrats Open The First Session of the United States 117th Congress With Prayer To The Hindu Pagan God Brahma
  • What We Learned In 2020–By Chuck Baldwin 
  • Human diploid cells in vaccines (Including virtually all the Covid-19 vaccines) are chopped up babies – Stanford University sets that straight
  • New Fetal Cell Line from Live Abortion Emerges for Vaccine Production
  • Moderna’s mRNA injections are an “operating system” designed to program humans and hack their biological functions–Moderna admits that healthy immune systems are a threat to their mRNA platform!!
  • Listener Info: Crypto Currency and GPS Tracking WHOA!!!!
  • Important Information About The Scam Vaccine Dr. David Martin and Dr. Judy Mikovitz Speak Out! The Shot is Designed to Get you Sick!!!!
  • Listener Comments: Mike Hoggard once again shows his true colors and says Covid-19 Vaccine (which just happens to be cultured off aborted babies) is fine to take and it cannot alter your DNA—Also says Mask Wearing is Fine—Downplays natural healing and much more
  • Listener Comment: Another day…another false teacher telling the Christians to get the COVID vaccine–This one is from Amir Tsarfati
  • A Pentecostal “Pastor” gets his Moderna COVID-19 Shot & Encourages you to do the Same!!!!!
  • Religious Exemption For Covid-19–The Christian Reason For Not Wearing a Facemask

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 1-18-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-18-21-Part 5

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 19, 2021

Table of Contents: 

  • Nurse Risks Job, Exposes ‘Planned Covid Crisis’…
  • Listener Comment on Covid Vaccine Deaths & More
  • Listener Comment: Amassed side effects of the Covid-19 Kill Shot
  • Listener Comment: The Satanic Maryland Local Health Departments COVID-19 Vaccination Implementation & Please again caution everyone: DON’T TAKE THE COVID NASALPHARANGEAL TEST, DON’T TAKE THE VACCINE–It’s spiritual mayhem and physical death
  • Listener Questions About the Covid-19 Nasal Swab Test
  • LISTENER Comment: The New Normal!!! Pure Evil Covid Insanity in Canada
  • Satan Says “Anti Vaxxers Must Be Dealt With” “Careless Talk Costs Lives” – Fresh Calls To Silence Pandemic Skepticism
  • Los Angeles Schools Chief: Kids Must Get Coronavirus Kill Shot Vaccine to Return!!
  • “Animals are Dirty & Dangerous” – Hungary to kill 101k Hens – House Pets May Be Next!!!!!
  • Updated Recommended Products Dr. Johnson Carries to build up the Immune System

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 1-18-21

Click Here To Play The Part 5 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-4-21-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 4, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Trump Signs Bill Initiating 180-Day Countdown Till Government UFO INFORMATION DISCLOSURE
  • REVEALED: UFO Disclosure Schedule Hidden In Covid Bill
  • Fallen Angels, UFOs, and official Govt documents–Declassified Documents Reveal Fallen Angels the Greada / Grenada Treaty

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 1-4-21

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-4-21-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 4, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • A Brief Testimony about Greg Rinchich AKA Colonel SC
  • ATF Goes Door to Door After Getting Customer List
  • Black Lives Matter Has Received $10.6 BILLION In Funding Since May!!
  • Black Lives Matter Run By 3 High Level Witches–BLM Caught Openly Practicing Black Magic Ritual & Claim Police Murder is a Necessary Human Sacrifice
  • Current Event Headlines
  • WHO says there is “no evidence” that COVID-19 vaccines will prevent spread of disease… so what good are they?
  • Prayer Alert: Possible NWO Covid/Great Reset Plan & Timeline

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 1-4-21

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-4-21-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 4, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • COVID-19 and Great Reset; All PLANNED Destruction to force us into Global Slave System–Would it surprise you to learn that the so-called “vaccine” for COVID-19 is actually the basics for an OPERATING SYSTEM to be installed in humans to effectuate Human-Machine Interface?   
  • NY SB416 Quarantine Camps & Forced Vaccinations
  • The Satanic NBA to require players to wear sensors as part of contact tracing
  • Health Ministry gives Israelis “free movement” waivers to convince them to take rushed coronavirus vaccine
  • Covid Nazi Tyranny In Canada For A Pastor Feeding the Poor!! This time it was the SS that came knocking at my door! Six more Tickets!
  • Spain Plans “Registry” of Those Who Refuse Covid Vaccination
  • Denmark Citizens Refuse Law Mandating Forced COVID-19 Vaccine
  • Trump & Satan are NOT happy about the current vaccination/kill shot speed–Trump blames states amid claims it could take 10 years to vaccinate US at current pace–Operation Warp Speed is not going fast enough
  • Why people may start dying a few month after the mRNA vaccination!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 1-4-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 1-4-21-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | January 4, 2021

Table of Contents:

  • Listener Testimonial on Invive Silver
  • Listener Comment: Invive MSP success story
  • Colloidal Silver Likely to be Banned As it is a Huge Threat to the Satanic Medical Pharma Vaccine Cartels
  • Listener Comment: Focus on the Family–Yet Another Large “Christian” Ministry Imploring Their Followers to Take the Kill shot!!!! “Hell hath enlarged itself” for all these Satanic “Christian” Ministries!!!!
  • Brief Bible Study on the Word “Stumblingblock”
  • Listener Comment: Outside Starbucks coffee sign with a Church sign selling the Goddess Pro-Abortion Starbucks coffee!!
  • Starbucks Perverted Goddess/Siren Coffee–Learn What Their Original Logo Looked Like
  • Bonus Material: Recommend Protocol For The Corona Virus
  • Calcium & Vitamin D-3 Is Vital For Your Immune System
  • Recommendations and Vital ALL ENCOMPASING information regarding the nCOVID-19 Virus
  • Nebulizer Recommendation
  • Are Fevers Bad?

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 1-4-21

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-28-20-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 29, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Prayer–List of Current Event Prayer Points
  • Bible Study: Double Minded
  • They Sold Their Souls: Van Halen
  • Massive ATT, 911 and Communications Outages After Suspicious Explosion In Nashville
  • Taylor Swift Predicted the Bombing in Nashville–VIDEO: Nashville Mayor Laughs And Smiles While Talking About Explosion
  • CDC Report States 3150 People (After Receiving the First of Two COVID-19 Vaccines) are “Unable To Perform Normal Daily Activities”
  • Sobbing Registered Nurse in Nashville Tennessee Warning About The COVID-19 Vaccine
  • Massive Vaccine Death Cover-up In Process: The TN Nurse TIFFANY LASHAE PONTES DOVER (Who Was Vaccinated At Her Hospital Live on Video With the Covid-19 Kill Shot) is Most Likely Deceased
  • EU kicks off Mass COVID-19 Kill Shot Vaccination Campaign
  • CEO of Biotech Firm Confirms mRNA Vaccine Dangerous Bioweapon

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 12-28-20

Click Here To Play The Part 1 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-28-20-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 29, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • 2021 Nightmare: New Mutations As a Result of the Covid-19 Vaccinated Undergoing Viral Shedding–The Bodies of the Vaccinated Acting as Incubators for the Frankenstrains!!
  • Listener Comment: OK… Just to let know… Nasopharyngeal Covid Test Warning!
  • Urgent listen–ER Physician warns the public that the bait & switch is coming
  • $218M In Vaccine Injuries; WHO Considers “Challenge Test” For COVID Vaccine
  • The COVID Kill Trap Exposed!!! The Vaccines are even worse than we thought!!!!
  • Vessel of Satan Trump Administration buys 100M Additional Pfizer Vaccine Doses & Rand Paul Fully On Board!!!
  • Trump’s Operation Warp Speed is designed to injure US military personnel and achieve depopulation
  • US Federal spending on COVID-19 vaccine candidates tops $9 billion!! Spread among 7 companies
  • Thank you President Trump!!–IT BEGINS: Ohio Authorizes Military To Begin Mass Injections Of Citizens With COVID-19 Vaccine By The National Guard
  • The New Wicked Normal!!–If you want to travel next year, you may need a vaccine passport
  • In His X-mas Day Message, Pontifex Maximus Called For All The World To Be Vaccinated–Even If Vaccines Are Made From Aborted Baby Parts
  • 7,000+ & Counting Evangelical Ministers Urge All Christians to take the Covid-19 Kill Shot!!!!

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 12-28-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-28-20-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 29, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Mouthpiece of Satan, HELL BOUND, Hireling, Baptist ‘Pastor’ Robert Jeffress Praises X-mas Vaccine as “a Gift from God!!!!” on “Lou Dobbs Tonight”
  • “Trying To Get The H*** Out” – Emergency Lockdown In London Triggers Mass Exodus
  • Listener Health Care Worker Comment: The Total Inaccuracy of Covid-19 Tests & No Testing For Influenza Now To Drive-Up the Fake Covid Case Total
  • Confirmation From Another Health Care Worker Regarding the Non Testing For Influenza Now
  • A Satanic Miracle!!!! According to Official CDC Statistics In Michigan (With an almost identical pattern in all other states) there has been a 96% Reduction in Influenza (Flu) This year!!! What there not telling you, is this is because they rarely test for Influenza anymore and classify everything as Covid-19!!!!
  • Listener Comment: Another nurse testifying of blood clots
  • Listener Comment: Another testimony of blood clots in hospital patients
  • FDA: COVID-19 VIRUS Has NEVER Been Isolated–They have never–not once–isolated the virus for which they have shut down the United States economy and through which they have denied tens of millions of Americans their most basic freedoms
  • Employers can bar unvaccinated employees from the workplace, EEOC says – CBS News
  • University of Miami COVID-19 Researchers: ‘To Protect Fertility, Some Men May Want to Consider Freezing Their Sperm Prior to Vaccination’
  • Watch: Austrian MP Tests Cola for Covid-19 – Yields Positive Result–‘The corona tests are worthless!’
  • Vaccine Whistleblower Found Dead After Saying She’d Never Commit Suicide….Brandy Vaughan exposed Big Pharma’s corruption on Infowars numerous time since 2015 
  • New Jersey: Gov. Murphy Says ‘Rate Of Noncooperation With Contact Tracers Now Up To Whopping 74%
  • Second Major California Sheriff Openly Refuses to Enforce Newsome’s Lockdown and Rules!
  • See how the local newspapers in NC are just part of the huge Covid-19 brainwashing/propaganda plan to demonize those against the Covid Agenda and its Kill Shot
  • CVS Serving Satan Well!!!–Help us with this very important mission to hire our COVID-19 vaccine support team
  • World’s Largest Vaccine Maker Sues Trial Volunteer Who Alleged Side Effects
  • A participant in a COVID-19 vaccine trial has been sued for $13.5 million for defamation.
  • Chief Medical Officer Says Canadians Who Refuse Vaccine Won’t Have ‘Freedom to Move Around’

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 12-28-20

Click Here To Play The Part 3 Audio