"But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." Matthew 24:37


Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-21-20-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 22, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • This is a very powerful prayer against Witchcraft…with fasting even more powerful
  • The Spirit of Antichrist–The more wicked this world become the more righteous we must become in the name of the Lord!
  • Current Events: Martial Law? Insurrection Act? War with China and/or Russia?
  • Southern Baptist head Al Mohler manipulates flock, suggests Christians have Biblical obligation to take the COVID-19 kill shot vaccine
  • HIDEOUS! Catholic Bishops Say “Moral responsibility” to Take COVID Vaccine (Even though they are made via aborted fetal cells) — APOSTATE CHURCH!
  • Listener Comment: The Shocking Clergy Project (not clergy response team) and Alien Connection to the Vaccine
  • Surprise-Surprise! Televangelists & megachurches that are tied to TRUMP are approved for millions in SCAMdemic aid
  • Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church got $4.4 million in federal PPP loans

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 12-21-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-21-20-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 22, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Debt and the The Curse
  • Dolly Parton’s Doing her Level Best For Satan Makes Major 1 Million Dollar Vanderbilt Donation to support COVID-19 Vaccine—As if the Billions Coming From Trumps Operation Warp Speed are not Enough!!!!!
  • Dolly Parton Exposed
  • President Trump Lies to the American People about the Pfizer COVID Experimental mRNA Vaccine
  • Moderna admits to a shocking *23.9%* rate of adverse events from there Covid-19 kill shot–These stats do NOT even include the longer-term effects of DNA modification, infertility, autoimmunity, tracking, and who knows what else from this frankendeath cocktail
  • Former Medic Whistleblower Reveals How Military Tests Experimental Vaccines on Soldiers
  • Government doing deadly testing on unsuspecting public in 1950s–A short video to share with anyone still naïve enough to trust the government
  • David Knight abandoned and fired by Backstabber Alex Jones of Infowars
  • Alex Jones Is Totally Demon Possessed–Disrupts Speech At March For Trump
  • Listener Nurse Comment: I am deeply saddened they have started vaccinating people for COVID today at my employer….Update–Very, very Bad news from work…. Everyone in environmental services, everyone, is going to be tested for COVID, with a nasopharyngeal swab, twice a week…
  • Pharmakeia: Sorcery, Witchcraft, Pharmaceutical, Pharmacy, Pharmacist & the Roots of Modern Day Drug Industry
  • YES, THEY CAN VACCINATE US THROUGH NASAL TEST SWABS AND TARGET THE BRAIN–The Theragripper Explained by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-21-20-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 22, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Coroner in Colorado Exposes INFLATED (Phony) COVID DEATH COUNT
  • CDC Admits to the FDA: NO such thing as Covid-19
  • Listener Comment From a Long Haul Trucker
  • Listener Comment on Nasal Covid Test Swabs Sometimes Killing People & LA Marzulli is promoting the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines!!!
  • Massive 1-million-square-foot COVID-19 kill-shot warehouse hiding in plain sight in Bullitt County KY!!!!
  • Listener Comment About the I-R-S Agents Forced to Become Covid-19 Contact Tracers
  • New Covid strain ripping through the South is forcing 11 million more Brits into Tier 3 lockdowns–Listener Comment: Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t this the area in the UK where they have begun vaccine rollout?  If it is, then the second wave is in the needle!!
  • Vaccine: Lies, Liability & Mandates–South Carolina employers can legally fire you if don’t get the vaccine–It will be corporate coercion like we’ve already seen in Idaho — with a Republican Gov and both houses of legislature Republican
  • Get Ready to See The Most Evictions In History As Ban Expires, Millions Will Be Forced Into Streets
  • The Wave of Evictions Coming Jan 1
  • United Nations Launches Site Called ‘Verified’ Where 110,000 ‘Information Volunteers’ Will Help To Control Narrative About COVID-19 Vaccine
  • Merck plant where COVID-19 vaccines will be manufactured a “biohazard nightmare,” production floor smeared with feces
  • Bombshell!!!! Dr. Francis Boyle: ‘Bioweapon’ mRNA Vaccines Violate Nuremburg Ruling Against Nazi Cruelty

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 12-21-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-14-20-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 14, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • NEW Levels Of Demon Warfare & How to Battle–Astral Projection Vs the BLOOD of Jesus Christ!
  • Trump’s Main “Spiritual Advisor” & End Times Heretic/Jezebel/She-Devil Paula White Is Keynote Speaker at Unification Cult Church ‘Rally Of Hope’ Fulfilling Bible Prophecy Of The One World Religion

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 12-14-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-14-20-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 14, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • LIMBAUGH: U.S. Headed To ‘Secession’, No ‘Peaceful Coexistence’ With Liberals
  • TEXIT: Texas Republicans, Including State Rep, Call For State To Secede Amid Federal Election Shenanigans
  • SECRET MILITARY DOCUMENTS: Trudeau invited Chinese troops to train at Canadian military bases 
  • Michigan Vote Fraud WITNESS assassination attempt–CIA assassination squads ACTIVE
  • Situation Update, Dec. 13th – Overview of Current Events–Gen. Perna announces “Vaccine D-Day… the beginning of the end”–China is surrounding the United States and plans a land invasion–Dem Governor lockdowns are domestic terrorism!
  • Bombshell Leak Exposes Systemic INFILTRATION of Western Firms By Chinese Communist Party–Database of almost 2 million registered party members reveals how Communist influence reaches defense contractors, banks, and Big Pharma
  • Boeing, Airbus, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Rolls-Royce, HSBC and many more companies under influence of ChiComs
  • Listener Comment About How President Trump is a Great Guy–While Trump is Furiously Pressuring Everyone He Can to Implement the Vaccine Kill Shot ASAP!!!! & Almost No One on “The Right” or 501c3 Christian Ministries Will Call this Devil Out!!!! Plus My Response
  • A Satanic ‘Medical miracle’: Trump praises ‘safe & effective’ DNA Defiling Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine/kill shot Made with Aborted Fetal Cells, as FDA grants emergency use authorization
  • The troops are coming to administer the kill shot and it’s not for your “health”
  • Gordon Robertson of the 700 Club Encouraging People to take the COVID-19 Vaccine Kill Shot & Resist Conspiracy Theories–They love Satan & they are serving him well!! Hear the 700 Club acting as a lying mouthpiece of Satan!!!
  • Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee October 22, 2020 Meeting Presentation FDA “Safety” Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccine–list of possible adverse event outcomes

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 12-14-20

Click Here To Play The Part 2 Audio

Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-14-20-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 14, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • NY Mayor Bill de Blasio In Church This Morning Told People To Receive COVID-19 Vaccine With Pastor Joking About ‘666’ And The ‘Mark Of The Beast’
  • Alien Disclosure and are they using the COVID Tests & Vaccines as an experiment?
  • The 2009 TV Series “V” Predicted Bill Gates’ Forced Inoculation Depopulation Plan–Scenes from the 2 season reboot of the TV series V show eerily similar parallels to the NEW medically induced tyranny that is ongoing with the COVID-19 Plandemic
  • Regarding the Alien Agenda “V” Mini-Series–R6 is a compound created by the Visitors used to track human beings–It’s an injectable compound that embeds itself into human DNA and sends out a tracking signal detectable by the Visitors. The Visitor’s developed and tested this chemical/kill shot before the Visitors revealed themselves!!!
  • Listener Comment: TRIPLE HELIX NEPHILIM DNA Possibly in the Covid-19 Vaccines!!!
  • Australia Scraps Billion Dollar Coronavirus Vaccine After Participants Test HIV Positive–The coronavirus vaccine is a global depopulation bioweapon–People injected with covid-19 vaccines are suddenly testing positive for HIV
  • Amazing Comments about the HIV Covid-19 Vaccines
  • Bioweapons Treaty Author: The COVID vaccine contains HIV Virus Particles

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 12-14-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 12-7-20-Part 1

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 7, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • They Sold Their Souls For Rock and Roll: The Beatles & The Rolling Stones
  • The Rolling Stones – Sympathy for the Devil – Altamont Dec 6th 1969 Concert–Meredith Hunter 18 years old killed at the Altamont concert…Hells Angels Acting as Body Guards—People There Acting Totally Demon Possessed Insane
  • Guess what song they have on rotation at the Trump rallies (Besides “YMCA” by the all gay band the Village People)? Well oh course it is: “SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL” by the Satanist Rock Band “The Rolling Stones”!!!“…that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world…”
  • Evangelicals, False Prophet Cindy Jacobs, Trump, Covid Vaccines & National News
  • What Can Women do for the Lord?-Parts 1 & 2

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 12-7-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-30-20-Part 2

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 1, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Is this about to be America—I Am Legend Predictive Programming? Listener Comment: She literally says “reprogram”, that’s what they’re doing with these vaccines, not to mention Johnson and Johnson just had to stop their trials because of an “unknown illness” that they wouldn’t disclose for privacy reasons?????!
  • VACCINE DEATH WAVE: UK government posts bid for AI system to process the expected flood of COVID-19 vaccine injuries and side effects described as a “direct threat to patient life”
  • Insanity: Doctors now warning that the coming COVID-1984 vaccine will ‘put you down’ because the side effects are so bad, but insist you have to take it twice anyway & that is just the beginning!!
  • UNSAFE COVID-19 Hydrogel WARNING Dr. Carrie Madej recent update
  • One Million Chinese Have Already Received COVID Vaccines Under ‘Emergency Use’ Designation
  • Hydrogel Explained–‘The Covid tests are magnetically tagging you and the vaccine is designed for mass depopulation and the synthetic transformation of the human body’
  • COVID-1984: Los Angeles Imposes 21-Day Lockdown On Residents, Pope Francis In Rome Calls For Creation Of A ‘New Political And Economic System’

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 11-30-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-30-20-Part 3

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 1, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Covid Tyranny in Canada–Attention! All Canadians You MUST Watch This
  • Insane Tyranny on Full Display!!! The little people need to do as there told!!!! “Barbecue Rebellion Day 3 & 4: Owner Adam Skelly ARRESTED at Adamson BBQ—Cops Shut down, changed the locks, boarded up and totally surround the building!!!!!”
  • Canadian Police & Public Health Department Have NO ANSWERS for why Legal Mask Exemptions are not ACCEPTED!!! But they are more than happy to arrest you if you are not wearing a mask or in full compliance with all their insane Covid edicts!!!!
  • A plea to fight the tyranny we are facing
  • Brazil President Says “No” – Won’t Take COVID Vaccine & Neither Should You!
  • Supposed Good Guy Republican FL Governor Desantis Eagerly Awaiting the Mass Vaccination of Floridians—Regeneron Drug Cocktail Antibodies Approved by FDA for Florida!
  • Regeneron Exposed
  • UN Hires 100,000 Info Volunteers” to Correct Wrongthink
  • Report: Cyber War Declared in U.S. and UK to Quash Vaccine Hesitancy as Nations Prepare for Mass Inoculations

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 11-30-20

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Emergency Freedom Alerts: 11-30-20-Part 4

By Dr. Scott Johnson | December 1, 2020

Table of Contents:

  • Expect A Massive Propaganda Blitz In The Coming Days As Globalists Push ‘Covid-19 Despotism’ And ‘The Great Reset’: Americans MUST Stand Up To The Globalists Draconian Agenda
  • Covid Insanity!!: Broncos Starter & All Backup Quarterbacks Won’t Be Playing In Sunday’s Game Due To COVID even though they all tested Negative!!!
  • San Francisco 49ers not allowed to play in stadium for 3 weeks under new COVID-19 draconian restrictions–Stanford’s football program will also be affected by the measures
  • Sources: New Orleans Saints fined $500K & lose draft pick for not wearing masks during Week 9 postgame locker room celebrations
  • Covid ‘Compliance Ambassadors’ Now In America – Top 10 Tyrannical Mandates By Liberal Governors Across America- Welcome to Orwell’s ‘1984’
  • Top Pathologist Claims Coronavirus is ‘The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public’ Says ‘masks are utterly useless’ 
  • C-o-v-i-d-19 PCR Tests Ruled Totally Unreliable By Portuguese Court–Quarantine Lifted-Potentially 97% False Positives!!!
  • Listener Comment: “totalitarian tip-toe”
  • United Nations Launches New Biometric Digital ID Combining
  • ‘Covid Checkpoints’ Unleashed Across NYC to Catch & Fine Violators of Quarantine Rules
  • QANTAS CEO Confirms That Proof That You Will Have To Be Vaccinated For COVID-19 For International Air Travel–Korea Air & Air New Zealand Are in Agreement
  • Governor of Hawaii becomes a tyrannical monarch, threatens $5,000 fine and jail time for people who do not wear masks
  • Brutal police beating of maskless French man hints at frightening future for locked-down Europe
  • Medical police state HORRORS in Australia: Young man choked out, slammed to the ground, heaved out of a restaurant for not wearing a mask-While Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican, is now saying that Americans “have no constitutional right to walk around without a mask.”& he has launched a new, expanded covid-19 “snitch line” so that citizens can call the police on each other for not wearing masks
  • New Legislation Could See Christians in Victoria Jailed for 10 Years for Attempting to Convert People To Christianity

PDF: Emergency Freedom Alert 11-30-20

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